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So Disappointed


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As a Platinum cruiser I've seen plenty of changes since our first cruise on the Mardi Gras.


That cruise we had an inside cabin that was so wonderful the beds were bolted to the walls and could not be made into one, the bathroom WAS the shower - you had to remove the TP prior to showering plus anything else you did not want wet. The lights were florescent and flickered a sickly color, very "nice" for getting dressed.

The ship had to stay longer in Nassau as one of the engines needed a new HUGE part, they finally got it installed around 4am and we departed. This wonderful cruise cost only $350 for 3 nights!

The main dining room had people literally stuffed into seats. We were in one of the old-style half moon booths with 4 couples shoved into what should have been 3 couples. The waiter would come over every night to take our orders and regardless of what you wanted, beef, tuna, pasta, etc. - it was "So Sorry, we out of that, How about Chicken?" and that's what you got. Then he would take a spoon, rub the back of on his clothes, show you the back and say "wanna see A$$h@le?" ---- to EVERY person EVERY night. The final night we all took our spoons, show HIM the back and said "Wanna see BIG A$$h@le?" in unison. He went away un-happy and we thought we were not going to get chicken that night.

The only entertainment was a Men's beauty pageant, old farts dressed up as "ladies", a passenger talent contest (now that was funny, sad but funny), beer drinking contest (hey Free Beer!) and several others of the same vein.

Drinks were cheap (compared to today) and strong, but that may have been to mask the odor of the ship.... Smoking was allowed even in the dining room. Food was not available after main dining times except from room service WHICH was cold cheese sandwiches, BLT (sometimes without tomato, lettuce and bacon, with a piece of cheese added), some stale chips and cookies that were made during the 1800's. The only "free" stuff was tap water (Ugh), coffee (would make your hair stand straight up!) and some sort of watered down Kool-aid (maybe).


We will never forget that cruise and about 2 years later actually went on another Carnival cruise. The children loved it and we were hooked.


The cruises in late 1990's and early 2000's were cheaper, cleaner, nicer and the food was available 24/7 that you could eat AND you got more than chicken at dinner. Real bands playing, all kinds of stuff for our kids to do, really a great value for the money.


Towards 2010 the value was still great but small things did seem to go by the wayside... I always loved the steel bands at sail-away (sadly I get the reason for their demise, still miss them though), food was hit and miss... one ship it was great, the next was barely OK.


Our children are now grown and our main reasons for Carnival has left home.


We now drive 10+ hours to cruise on another line that does provide an excellent cruise, really good food, a drink package that truly is AI, no limit and includes coffee's, water, teas, fresh juice, etc. I can get a Bailey's with my latte, grab a glass of bubbly with OJ and it DOES NOT count against some number! The price is really not that much and comparing inside/ocean view it seems that sometimes they are under Carnival. We choose a higher cabin type and perks come with that, ones that Carnival will never offer.


So for us, Carnival is a great quick getaway (the Fantasy) 15 minutes from home but not our go to cruise line anymore. If I had small children up to 15ish I would still be cruising Carnival but now I doubt I will ever make Diamond! Thinking back to the first Carnival cruise it's amazing I ever took another cruise on any line but with all the negatives we still had a great time!


Wow!! Our first cruise back in the 80's was also on the Mardi Gras. It was a 4 day cruise and we loved it!! Didn't have the problems you did. As a matter of fact we were talking at dinner with our table mates . We were talking about our cabins etc and when we mentioned something about our bathtub they all went "YOU HAVE A BATHTUB?!!!!. Anyways… we loved the cruise so much that we decided to take our kids on a 7 day cruise. This time we went on NCL Norway which at the time was the largest ship afloat. I was bored. The food was not as good. I actually thought a 7 day cruise was too long :eek: (The Mardi Gras was a 4 day). It took a few more years before we wanted to cruise again but this time picked Carnival again and this time 7 days was not too much!!

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My, my, my the analogies are really waxing poetic today. Chevy to Yugo, come on. Have they had cutbacks...yes. All cruise lines have. Have they had a rough couple of years.....yes, more than others. Are there "prices" to be paid for all of the...yes. All that being said, I still think they are the value leader and offer pretty much the same product they always have.


If a lobster tail is a bit smaller, I am ok with it, after all I can get another (not true on some of their competition. Is entertainment down a notch.....yes. It will come back when they resettle in at their spot again.


LOL! I really don't have any malice toward Carnival, but they aren't the same cruise line that they were in years past. Carnival is definitely a value. How can it not be with prices what they are now? Hell, it's cheaper to cruise than it is to stay home. What's not to love about that? But the fact remains, that they aren't what they were. And I fear that they may have reduced prices so low, for so long, that they won't be able to get them back up, even if they had to do so if survival as a going concern was on the line. I just hope that they haven't gotten themselves into an unrecoverable downward spiral.

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Look people complain, older people really complain and a lot, maybe its all they got? Everything changes, its like a marriage, your mate is not the same as he/she was 24 yrs/times/cruises ago, they cant keep up as well, they have to watch what they eat or drink, have medical issues, balding, a little extra weight around the middle, whatever, it all changes. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good.


Carnival is for sure a "you get what you pay for" in 2014 kind of company, they are in it to make a buck and if you are paying for something and then doing nothing but complaining about what you did not get this time then how about an attitude adjustment and tell us about all the great things you did get? Bring a positive spin and look for the good or try another cruise line. We have enjoyed CCL but there are other lines out there that are worth spending extra cash to get what you think you want. :rolleyes:

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For those that are willing to pay higher prices to avoid cutbacks, why not just cruise with Princess? Carnival wants to attract the novice cruiser.


We have been very happy sailing on Carnival. But, if we weren't cruising with our young daughter, we might look elsewhere.


As Jim noted a few post back all cruise lines have had cutbacks, including Princess especially in the entertainment dept.



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For those that are willing to pay higher prices to avoid cutbacks, why not just cruise with Princess? Carnival wants to attract the novice cruiser.


We have been very happy sailing on Carnival. But, if we weren't cruising with our young daughter, we might look elsewhere.


I think I will.:D

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Wow!! Our first cruise back in the 80's was also on the Mardi Gras. It was a 4 day cruise and we loved it!! Didn't have the problems you did. As a matter of fact we were talking at dinner with our table mates . We were talking about our cabins etc and when we mentioned something about our bathtub they all went "YOU HAVE A BATHTUB?!!!!.



Our cruise was in 1992 and the Mardi Gras was sold shortly (if not right after) that cruise. We have heard that she slipped quite a bit in the last year or so of her Carnival life. It was a last minute cruise and the inside seemed a good idea! Again it was so bad that it became comical and we really did have a great time with our dining mates. We made lemonade out of lemons. I can imagine the shock of a bathtub, I think most cabins were like ours, a shower/bathroom all in one.


I think all lines are experiencing "cutbacks" but when you have been with a particular line for years it is more noticeable. Again for us Carnival will be second choice for us unless we are taking little kids....

Edited by bobsfamily
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No. What's happened is that Carnival has devalued their brand. $109 for a 4 or 5 day cruise? Really? Are they the Earl Scheib of cruising now? "We'll haul any cruiser for $49.99, including wheels and door jambs. Drop it off by 9am and pick it up on your way home from work." They've moved the goal posts on the long time cruiser. Sure, the new cruiser has no idea. That's what Carnival is counting on. But what they've really done is taken a Chevy and re-skinned it as a Yugo and hoping that the new buyer won't know the difference.


So feel free to move along. Many of us don't mind the position they have put their brand in.

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The past guest party still has free drinks, but the Captain's Cocktail Party stopped offering free drinks a few years ago. It was replaced by a party with free drinks on the last night of the cruise, but that party was eliminated shortly after it began. I've noticed the drink selection was much-reduced at the past guest party on the Sunshine in January.


FYI, there is no Past Guest party anymore (for around 2 years now). There is a Gold/Plat/Diamond party that a member must be at least Gold level to attend (25 nights or more).

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FYI, there is no Past Guest party anymore (for around 2 years now). There is a Gold/Plat/Diamond party that a member must be at least Gold level to attend (25 nights or more).


You're correct - I just still call it the past guest party, as I'm so used to that name. The parties are all still packed, so I can see why they had to limit it to Gold and up.

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All the cruise lines make changes. I read the other day on, either the NCL or Royal Boards I honestly don't remember which one, that particular cruise line was getting rid of lobsters in the main dining room. With the way people complain on the Carnival Boards I'm pretty sure the Internet would break if Carnival stopped serving Lobster.

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I spend more onboard and on my cabin type now than I did when I started cruising. I am the opposite of those who have gotten more "frugal" with their onboard spending. It is not a rule that the longer you cruise the less of your money the cruise line gets each time. So although they don't seem to care, when Carnival chases cruisers like me away, they do lose money. I know, I know, there will be 100 newbie cruisers ready to fill my place, good riddance, yada yada.:rolleyes: But the kind of cruisers their business model is aiming for aren't exactly big spenders.


No, it's not necessarily the rule but it is the norm.



To all who don't seem to get it and suggest that I and others who have expressed similar feelings want champagne on a beer budget or I paid a KIA price and expect a Benz: That is not it at all. I paid the KIA price and just want the same car that KIA advertised and led me to expect a few months ago. If it costs more to make the KIA now, fine, understandable. Charge more. But don't crappify it even more and pretend that it's the same product.


First of all, no Kia made today is the same as a Kia made 10 years ago so why do you expect Carnival to be the same as 10 years ago? Everything changes in the world, cruise lines are no different. And as to whether Carnival has "crappified" itself, that is purely your opinion and there are many that don't share that opinion.



I will gladly upgrade my experience when possible and desirable: the Steakhouse, Suites, FTTF, etc. I've even purchased my own foam bed topper for my upcoming cruise to counterbalance that cutback. But there are many things Carnival is taking away that I can't DIY.


So as others have suggested, find a cruise line that doesn't require you to DIY everything. But constantly stating over and over such ridiculous statements such as Carnival is "crapifying" their product truly diminishes any input you make. It's like crying "Wolf" over an over again.......the drone just kind of get lost in the crowd noise.



I'm not here to grind an axe against Carnival.:rolleyes: I'm expressing my disappointment that a company I have liked is letting their product I have loved go so downhill.:(


Okay, you've expressed it. I think we've all gotten the message. Thank you for your input.

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We seem to spend more on each cruise. Nicer cabins, casino , spa, drinks, specialty restaurants, even the overpriced jewelry. Lol

One question - how much "drinking, gambling, pictures, and on-board shopping" do you do ?

ShakeyB, While "It is not a rule that the longer you cruise the less of your money the cruise line gets each time.",

there is a strong tendency for most to reduce on board spending . Perhaps only the cabin category goes up with experience.






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No, it's not necessarily the rule but it is the norm.





First of all, no Kia made today is the same as a Kia made 10 years ago so why do you expect Carnival to be the same as 10 years ago? Everything changes in the world, cruise lines are no different. And as to whether Carnival has "crappified" itself, that is purely your opinion and there are many that don't share that opinion.




So as others have suggested, find a cruise line that doesn't require you to DIY everything. But constantly stating over and over such ridiculous statements such as Carnival is "crapifying" their product truly diminishes any input you make. It's like crying "Wolf" over an over again.......the drone just kind of get lost in the crowd noise.





Okay, you've expressed it. I think we've all gotten the message. Thank you for your input.


I'll quote myself with the chunk of text from this same post of mine which you conveniently left out:


"And it's not a "back in my day" thing either. I'm comparing Carnival of 2009 to Carnival of 2010. And Carnival 2011 to Carnival 2012, and so on. The product gets degraded constantly. I don't want the good ole' days of 20 or even 10 years ago. I just want to be able to count on some consistency in the product I buy from the same company in the same packaging as a few months ago."


The fact that you are obviously misrepresenting what I have clearly stated truly diminishes any input you make.;) I can handle a disagreement, but let's keep it honest, OK?:rolleyes::cool:

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All the cruise lines make changes. I read the other day on, either the NCL or Royal Boards I honestly don't remember which one, that particular cruise line was getting rid of lobsters in the main dining room. With the way people complain on the Carnival Boards I'm pretty sure the Internet would break if Carnival stopped serving Lobster.


That would be NCL. Originally, they planned on taking the lobster tails out of the MDR and put them in the buffet. that lasted about 1-4 months depending on the ship. Now they have replaced that with a lobster pasta that, from what I've heard, is utterly tasteless and completely useless. While I love lobster and only eat it on cruise ships, it's not worth complaining about. There are hundreds of other good things to eat on board.

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I'll quote myself with the chunk of text from this same post of mine which you conveniently left out:


"And it's not a "back in my day" thing either. I'm comparing Carnival of 2009 to Carnival of 2010. And Carnival 2011 to Carnival 2012, and so on. The product gets degraded constantly. I don't want the good ole' days of 20 or even 10 years ago. I just want to be able to count on some consistency in the product I buy from the same company in the same packaging as a few months ago."


The fact that you are obviously misrepresenting what I have clearly stated truly diminishes any input you make.;) I can handle a disagreement, but let's keep it honest, OK?:rolleyes::cool:


I didn't conveniently leave out anything. I quoted the parts I wanted to comment on. I understand you said "it's not a back in my day thing" yet everything you have stated compares to how it was.....back in the day (whether that be 1 year, 4 years, 10 years, or 20 years ago). So on that point, I disagree with you. It very much seems to be a "back in the day" thing for you. You want consistency in an ever changing market and that is just not going to happen. I'd love consistency in gas prices but i know that's not going to happen either. The only complaining I do is with my wallet where my complaints count, not on a public board to people who can do nothing about my complaint.


BTW, Carnival does not make sweeping changes "every few months" as you elude to so how about keeping it honest, OK? And as for what you consider "diminished" others see as improvements and the opinions of those folks are just as valid as yours.

Edited by Out to sea!
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LOL! I really don't have any malice toward Carnival, but they aren't the same cruise line that they were in years past. Carnival is definitely a value. How can it not be with prices what they are now? Hell, it's cheaper to cruise than it is to stay home. What's not to love about that? But the fact remains, that they aren't what they were. And I fear that they may have reduced prices so low, for so long, that they won't be able to get them back up, even if they had to do so if survival as a going concern was on the line. I just hope that they haven't gotten themselves into an unrecoverable downward spiral.


I guess my question is, "why should they be the same as they were when nothing else is?"


They change, they adapt, they continue changing. After a few disasters (Splendor, Triumph, Dream), they are still holding their market share. Many companies would have folded, many would have fallen to the brink of insolvency. Carnival didn't. They changed their strategy.


They became hip, started rolling out "2.0" - Guy's burgers, Blue Iguana, EA Sports, Brunch, Playlist productions, Hasbro game show, new kids programming.


And Carnival isn't just for new cruisers. I've sailed Carnival, Disney, Royal and now Celebrity. I love Carnival. It's a Fun Ship and a Fun Vacation! I get what I want (decent cabin, decent food, lots of choices, lots of variety of stuff to do) at a good price. It's what is making me come back to Carnival - why pay more when what I want is relaxation and fun?

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I guess my question is, "why should they be the same as they were when nothing else is?"


They change, they adapt, they continue changing. After a few disasters (Splendor, Triumph, Dream), they are still holding their market share. Many companies would have folded, many would have fallen to the brink of insolvency. Carnival didn't. They changed their strategy.


They became hip, started rolling out "2.0" - Guy's burgers, Blue Iguana, EA Sports, Brunch, Playlist productions, Hasbro game show, new kids programming.


And Carnival isn't just for new cruisers. I've sailed Carnival, Disney, Royal and now Celebrity. I love Carnival. It's a Fun Ship and a Fun Vacation! I get what I want (decent cabin, decent food, lots of choices, lots of variety of stuff to do) at a good price. It's what is making me come back to Carnival - why pay more when what I want is relaxation and fun?


Well said.

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I didn't conveniently leave out anything. I quoted the parts I wanted to comment on. I understand you said "it's not a back in my day thing" yet everything you have stated compares to how it was.....back in the day (whether that be 1 year, 4 years, 10 years, or 20 years ago). So on that point, I disagree with you. It very much seems to be a "back in the day" thing for you. You want consistency in an ever changing market and that is just not going to happen. I'd love consistency in gas prices but i know that's not going to happen either. The only complaining I do is with my wallet where my complaints count, not on a public board to people who can do nothing about my complaint.


BTW, Carnival does not make sweeping changes "every few months" as you elude to so how about keeping it honest, OK? And as for what you consider "diminished" others see as improvements and the opinions of those folks are just as valid as yours.


Oy vey, you're exhausting me. You just might cure my week-long insomnia with this and for that, I sincerely thank you.;)


You only included what you wanted to of my post but left out the very part that negates your false accusation (expecting it to be like 10 years ago). I call that convenient. But hey, let's agree to disagree on that.;)


I know of 4-year-olds who would think of one year ago as being "back in the day", but for an adult to state that seems a little ridiculous I have noticed several cutbacks from one cruise to the next when said cruises were only 6 months apart. Is 6 months "back in the day"?


Your gas analogy doesn't work - consistency in price is not what we're talking about.


What sweeping changes did I say were instituted every few months? I've talked about continuing degradation of the product and multiple cutbacks which add up. Nice grasping, and twisting you did there, though. No dishonesty here, how 'bout you?;)


And pleeeeeaaaaase show me where I have ever said someone else's opinion wasn't as valid as mine.:rolleyes: I can show you plenty of examples of my stating just the opposite of what you're accusing me of there. Please try to keep your accusations in the realm of reality. ;) Otherwise it might start to seem like you're crapping all over the chessboard and strutting around.:p

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In the past few years Carnival began reinventing themselves to stay current with their target market. You can't stop change.


Whether 5 years ago or 30 years ago is irrelevant.


I'm excited about the changes coming to Carnival. The old Carnival was stale. Time to shake it up and get some turnover going on. Get some new customers who live in the present and leave some who live in the past behind.


The customer is not always right and frankly, sometimes needs to be fired.

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In the past few years Carnival began reinventing themselves to stay current with their target market. You can't stop change.


Whether 5 years ago or 30 years ago is irrelevant.


I'm excited about the changes coming to Carnival. The old Carnival was stale. Time to shake it up and get some turnover going on. Get some new customers who live in the present and leave some who live in the past behind.


The customer is not always right and frankly, sometimes needs to be fired.

What you wrote is generally viewed as a sacrilege but you may be correct.

I wouldn't agree for higher level cruise brands ,but in the case of an entry level product such as

Carnival, you make a reasonable point. That doesn't mean they don't want repeat customers,

just that their marketing emphasis should attracting the vast majority who have never cruised.

Doing this while keeping many (most) of their current customers is a smart strategy.

As you pointed out, let some of their former clients fire themselves. Many of them are

not worth trying to appease.

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Perhaps this puts me in the whining stale hater customer who needs to be fired category but I have also noticed the decline in the Carnival product since I started sailing with them in 1998. The service has always remained consistent but experiencing the cutbacks in food quality and entertainments has been disappointing.


The most common rationalization for the quality of the product is that Carnival costs less than other lines and therefore customers should not expect what is offered on other lines. The cruise that I have booked with NCL for western Caribbean in February was more expensive on Carnival for an older ship with less entertainment and dining options.


Carnival will still at the top of my list for short cruises where all I am looking for is some deck time, plenty of adult beverages, and a rock bottom price. This was exactly what I wanted this past March so a quick 4 day out of LA for $240 was perfect. Until Carnival addresses the declines in food and entertainment, they will not even be on the short list for anything longer.

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Two words come to mind which symbolize the decline in the Carnival product...


Meat Loaf


The only dish I have ever refused to eat on a cruise ship. Add to that the crummy computer graphics used for shows rather than actual sets and the third rate singers/dancers who can neither sing nor dance and you have a quick summary of the decline into the abyss.

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