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So Cheers is back to a flat $49.50 per day?


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[quote name='Chucklez']Forgive me if someone else already said this as I am only at the end of page 4, but I need to vent already. For all you whining vacationers complaining of the price increase, PLEASE GROW THE HECK UP! Carnival is a corporation and can increase prices whenever and however they see fit. Do you go online and rant when your local gas station increases the price of gas without first telling you? Do you boycott and pledge to no longer shop at Walmart when they raise the price of a gallon of milk? ITS THE SAME DARN THING! And for those who try to count out your drinks per day you have had in the past to justify the money spent, you will more than likely drink more if you purchased CHEERS. You may only have 1 scoop of mashed potatoes at home, but at an all you can eat buffer you tend to go for the second.

Yes, its hard to budget the extra money on such a short notice, but you are in no ways forced to purchase the program. If you only want to drink 3 beers a day, pay for 3 beers a day. If you dont drink at all, dont criticize those who choose to partake.

I for one have never purchased the program, but was seriously considering it this trip as it is just my wife and I. Now we may either bring our own onboard or just pay as you go.

Grow up people and quit acting like entitled children. If this post hurts your feelings, you are one of those children.[/QUOTE]

Shame on you. This is cruise critic. And the nerve of Carnival for running a business. You'd like to think this is not rocket science. If the old prices still benefited you, get it. If not pay as you go. I guess if Carnival wasn't the only company in America to adjust prices as they see fit it wouldn't be as bad. :).
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And I was really looking forward to it! Now, I'm not so sure, except if I bought two bottles from Bon Voyage (I don't want the same drink all week) I will spend $160 (one bottle Malibu, one bottle Stoli) and have to deal with mixers and trotting back to my cabin to make a drink. Plus I still will have a glass of wine, a martini and a frozen drink...so let's just say 4 of each...that would be another $120, so now I am at $280, so for another $70 I can start my days with a mimosa or a bloody mary (or two) drink beers at the pool while watching the hairy chest contest, go to the Alchemy Bar for a pre-dinner cocktail and have some wine with dinner...and not think about it. Decisions, decisions!!

And I agree...they should offer a 10 drink maximum package for $37.50! I would definitely choose that!
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[quote name='DGP1111'][COLOR=DarkRed]Going in reverse order[B]. . .[/B]

I [U]really[/U] enjoyed my time on [I]Carnival Breeze [/I](my first time on that ship). Met some great crew/staff as well as some great fellow passengers. The look of the ship was pleasing on the eyes, and despite it being the same basic layout as [I]Carnival Dream [/I](which I did three times), it seemed to 'flow' better in a few areas where adjustments has been made.

The food presented to me in the dining room was consistently delicious. The service in the dining room was consistently friendly and accurate. The laugh of my table's head waiter was so infectious, that I commented I wanted to have it as my phone ring tone.

I had a somewhat new room steward, and she always asking, [B]"[/B]What can I do for you, Mr. Don?[B]"[/B], and the answer was always the same [B]. . .[/B] Nothing, as she'd provided [U]every[/U] single thing I needed for my cabin. She would then grin very big. I hope she'll stick with it. Her personality is genuine. Loved loved loved my cove balcony.

I came out ahead in the casino, which was good for me, and was also rare for me.

I found the Playlist Production shows in the theatre to be a wee step above rather pathetic. Somewhere on this planet are some people who sat around a table and tossed around some ideas on how to make some radical changes to the evening entertainment onboard CCL. I certainly [B]do not [/B]know this to be factual, but I'm personally betting some alcohol, and maybe even drugs, were involved. Then they got to walk away and exclaim, [B]"[/B]Wow, Carnival just paid me to do that. Winner[B]!"[/B] :(

Itinerary had some non-stop 'challenges', but I went with the flow, and decided that if it doesn't burn calories or make you money, it's not worth worrying about. The crew/staff did their best to cope, and I felt SO sorry for those areas that had to staff positions almost every single day in areas that would be closed while in port.

Would I repeat the experience[B][I]??[/I][/B] Absolutely[B][I]!![/I][/B] (but I'd be selfish and ask that the itinerary and weather not suck as the same time. ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I would not do the program again, mainly due to me not having anything booked with Carnival for the future. This was my first CCL voyage of any real length since 2010. Carnival outgrew me and I outgrew Carnival.
Plus, I chose to participate this past week, because it was a vacation break I truly needed more than words can express.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Did my pattern change[B][I]?[/I][/B] Definitely Yes[B][I]![/I][/B]
For the first time since 2005 I didn't carry any personal wine onboard. My program choices were of lower quality than I'd have brought myself, but the convenience was still nice. Hypothetically (of course) after CCL discontinued having vanilla vodka onboard, I (again hypothetically) may have arranged to have some available in the past. Well, that didn't happen this trip.
When the piano bar, or casino, servers said, "Can I get you another since you seemed to like that one?" it was easy to just plop the ol' card out without thinking.

Did I mention I loved the cove balcony[B][I]??[/I][/B] Wait, never mind. :p

I told Carnival I'd never do another online review of their product, but it looks like I did. Dang[B][I]![/I][/B] Since this is a drinking thread, I'm going to ask the judge/jury to strike this as a non-review.


I got off the Breeze on October 11 after doing a B2B. Like Don, this was my first cruise since 2010.

Don, I find your review to be spot on, especially the part about the Playlist entertainment. It was painful to watch. I too had a cove balcony. It was o.k. My first balcony. I was rarely in the room so didn't use it much.

Since 2010 I have been doing land vacations, including all inclusive, self-catering and ala carte. I now find Carnival's alcohol policy, the push for pictures, excursions, specialty restaurants to be too much of a push for additional expenditures. All to the point that cruising is a much more expensive form of vacation. I will cruise again. Perhaps once a year. But I will probably never go back to the 3 or 4 cruises a year I used to enjoy. It is just too hard to budget a Carnival vacation.

Cheers adds $450 give or take to the price of an 8 day cruise. That is a lot. Plus pictures, plus expenses at port, plus a specialty dinner or two. Way more than most all inclusives. The ala carte type resorts allow you to bring liquor to your room so that expense is negated for $25 - $30.

Oh well. . it is what it is. :o
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Our cruise next month on the Dream will be our 19th Carnival cruise. We were going to try Cheers because of the reduced pricing on longer cruises. We compared pricing and our usual approach...order from Bon Voyage for the cabin and buy drinks out and about would actually have been cheaper but we wanted to give Cheers a try for the convenience. Now we won't be buying Cheers and will go back to our usual way of doing things. No big problem, BUT this is just one more thing that has turned us away from Carnival. Sure, Carnival is a business and has a right to change policies, but this one was only in effect for weeks and people were blindsided when they boarded. Love us or hate us, we are long time Carnival cruisers that have grown tired of accepting the changes we have encountered in the last several years. Food choices and quality are down. Drink and other onboard prices are up. I used to justify it....the booking prices are low and you have to expect cuts, but I am paying less for my upcoming Princess and Royal Caribbean cruises. I am sure we will cruise again on Carnival, but it won't be exclusively. I am just disappointed....again.
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[quote name='VacationCrazee']I got off the Breeze on October 11 after doing a B2B. Like Don, this was my first cruise since 2010.

Don, I find your review to be spot on, especially the part about the Playlist entertainment. It was painful to watch. I too had a cove balcony. It was o.k. My first balcony. I was rarely in the room so didn't use it much.

[COLOR="DarkRed"]I've still done quite a lot of cruising since 2010, just not with Carnival. I didn't get the sour taste on the industry [SIZE="1"](which I'm strongly connected to)[/SIZE], just a sour taste on a brand.

I'd been called for a nice balcony upgrade (at zero cost) and I said No, because I really wanted to experience the cove. Sitting on the balcony with the overhead life boat blocking much of the rain while sipping numerous Green Iguana [SIZE="1"](Yum!) [/SIZE]and Red's Remedy [SIZE="1"](Yum!)[/SIZE] to accompany my room service selection [B]. . .[/B] I literally said, [B]"[/B]Neener Neener Deck 9. You're getting soaked[B]!"[/B] :p
I also think I had the best cove on the entire ship, which surprising included an escape hatch. I'm thinking even ZyNoCoSarAnd hasn't yet captured that photo for documentation. ;)


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Having sailed many times on Celebrity, with their various options for drink packages - going on our first Carnival this February, with our kids - just wish we could pre-book and pre-pay the Cheers! drink package.

Previous to Celebrity including packages in their promo pricing, we would be able to take advantage of 10% off sales prior to sailing.

Nice to have nothing on our on-board accounts at the end of our trip!
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[quote name='Elusive_Cruiser']Having sailed many times on Celebrity, with their various options for drink packages - going on our first Carnival this February, with our kids - just wish we could pre-book and pre-pay the Cheers! drink package.

Previous to Celebrity including packages in their promo pricing, we would be able to take advantage of 10% off sales prior to sailing.

Nice to have nothing on our on-board accounts at the end of our trip![/QUOTE]

I'm with you on that. I took advantage of that sale for our soda packages. For a family of 4, it was a little chunk of change. It was nice to be able to have that paid ahead of time.

Although they only had the stickers on our cards once at check in (out of 3 cruises that we prepaid the package). It was a real PITA having to go to Guest Services or a bar to get them to look us up and see that we already paid for them and give us our tumblers. Wasn't really a fun way to spend our first minutes of getting on the ship, but oh well.
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[quote name='DGP1111']

[COLOR=DarkRed]For me, personally, it would [U]not[/U] be the same, as my gas station of choice has [B]never[/B] posted their future/upcoming pricing online[B] . . .[/B] [/COLOR]


Oh puleeze. Everything is subject to change. For those who may not realize, at least Carnival puts it in writing.
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[quote name='Orison']Exactly. Now they're playing games with us.

I will continue to smuggle. Never had a problem yet, and can bring 2 bottles on board for the cheaper price. And save $650 to boot. That's three cruises at these absurd rates of $199 per person.

To Carnival, it's cheaper to cruise than to drink at their monopoly prices.[/QUOTE]

I'm a few days from a cruise on the Glory. I was really looking forward to retiring my Rum Runners and having the Cheers program for our drinks. The couple we are traveling with was going to try the Cheers program as well. Now, rather than collecting $37.50/day from 4 guests we'll have our sour mash on the rocks and CCL won't get a penny from us for our adult beverages. <shrug>
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[quote name='gunner13']I'm a few days from a cruise on the Glory. I was really looking forward to retiring my Rum Runners and having the Cheers program for our drinks. The couple we are traveling with was going to try the Cheers program as well. Now, rather than collecting $37.50/day from 4 guests we'll have our sour mash on the rocks and CCL won't get a penny from us for our adult beverages. <shrug>[/quote]

Here, here!! I had decided with the lower prices we would just do Cheers...not any more. The rum runners will be active again!

Carnival has really gotten up my nose this time. On my next cruise..first a change of port, then a change of ship, then the smoking policy changed and now this.

My last 2 cruises have been on MSC and Costa and their drinks packages were fabulous...especially MSC.

I had started putting a lot of money into Cruise cash in anticipation of buying Cheers but was sensible enough not to buy the full amount...I must have known somehow that things would change...thank goodness.

I want to try Celebrity Cruises and I'm sure that will be my next choice.
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[quote name='roundthebend']
I want to try Celebrity Cruises and I'm sure that will be my next choice.[/quote][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Just make sure that you go through a US based agency and book your cruise when they are running the 1-2-3 Go promotion or the similar Pick Your Perks Promotion. There were threads on the Celebrity boards that cruisers from down under were having difficulty getting the promotions through the AU website. I don't know if this has been rectified or not.
The included classic alcohol drinks package is great. It also includes espresso based drinks, bottled water and fresh squeezed juices. For an extra 11.50 per day, you can upgrade to the Premium package and enjoy the drinks at the Martini and Molecular bars.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[quote name='SNJCruisers'][SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Just make sure that you go through a US based agency and book your cruise when they are running the 1-2-3 Go promotion or the similar Pick Your Perks Promotion. There were threads on the Celebrity boards that cruisers from down under were having difficulty getting the promotions through the AU website. I don't know if this has been rectified or not.
The included classic alcohol drinks package is great. It also includes espresso based drinks, bottled water and fresh squeezed juices. For an extra 11.50 per day, you can upgrade to the Premium package and enjoy the drinks at the Martini and Molecular bars.[/FONT][/SIZE][/quote]

Thanks for the heads up.

I am, without blowing my own horn, a very savvy traveler and explore all international options before booking.

Australians are very often penalised cost wise and so you have to be clever in your booking process.

I'm really looking forward to trying Celebrity.

I've loved my cruises on Carnival but I'm tired of the constant changes and other issues. This next one is the straw that broke the camel's back.

Time to move on and I love variety anyhow.
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[quote name='andy.capitan']Oh puleeze. Everything is subject to change. For those who may not realize, at least Carnival puts it in writing.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"]I agree.
That was my point as well.[/COLOR]

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[quote name='Chucklez']. Do you go online and rant when your local gas station increases the price of gas without first telling you? Do you boycott and pledge to no longer shop at Walmart when they raise the price of a gallon of milk? ITS THE SAME DARN THING!


No it's not. In both your examples, a retail changes due to a wholesale cost change. When a retail change is made just to get more profit dollars, that causes quite a stir once it's noticed, which is why it's usually tweaked to go under the radar. A 32% increased without a cost change is quite noticeable, and someone in the CCL pricing department needs an education.
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[quote name='Orison']No it's not. In both your examples, a retail changes due to a wholesale cost change. When a retail change is made just to get more profit dollars, that causes quite a stir once it's noticed, which is why it's usually tweaked to go under the radar. A 32% increased without a cost change is quite noticeable, and someone in the CCL pricing department needs an education.[/quote]

So there isn't an "education" needed when the price was temporarily reduced by 32%, only when it's increased back to it's original price by 32%?

I agree the price change was short-lived, badly communciated and a poor marketing decision.

However, the repeated comments about how terrible Carnival is for being greedy and profit-driven for this optional consumption program have me baffled. Whether it is $37.50 or $49.50 per day per guest, it is up to personal choice to determine if the program is a good value (like any other consumer purchase). Criticizing a company for trying to maximize its profits by what it charges for its products is, in my opinion, baseless.

Purchase the program if you, as the consumer, are satisfied with the price and value. If not, don't.
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[quote name='DGP1111'][COLOR="DarkRed"]Going in reverse order[B]. . .[/B]

I [U]really[/U] enjoyed my time on [I]Carnival Breeze [/I](my first time on that ship). Met some great crew/staff as well as some great fellow passengers. The look of the ship was pleasing on the eyes, and despite it being the same basic layout as [I]Carnival Dream [/I](which I did three times), it seemed to 'flow' better in a few areas where adjustments has been made.

The food presented to me in the dining room was consistently delicious. The service in the dining room was consistently friendly and accurate. The laugh of my table's head waiter was so infectious, that I commented I wanted to have it as my phone ring tone. :)

I had a somewhat new room steward, and she always asking, [B]"[/B]What can I do for you, Mr. Don?[B]"[/B], and the answer was always the same [B]. . .[/B] Nothing, as she'd provided [U]every[/U] single thing I needed for my cabin. She would then grin very big. I hope she'll stick with it. Her personality is genuine. Loved loved loved my cove balcony. :)

I came out ahead in the casino, which was good for me, and was also rare for me.:)

I found the Playlist Production shows in the theatre to be a wee step above rather pathetic. Somewhere on this planet are some people who sat around a table and tossed around some ideas on how to make some radical changes to the evening entertainment onboard CCL. I certainly [B]do not [/B]know this to be factual, but I'm personally betting some alcohol, and maybe even drugs, were involved. Then they got to walk away and exclaim, [B]"[/B]Wow, Carnival just paid me to do that. Winner[B]!"[/B] :(

Itinerary had some non-stop 'challenges', but I went with the flow, and decided that if it doesn't burn calories or make you money, it's not worth worrying about. The crew/staff did their best to cope, and I felt SO sorry for those areas that had to staff positions almost every single day in areas that would be closed while in port.

Would I repeat the experience[B][I]??[/I][/B] Absolutely[B][I]!![/I][/B] (but I'd be selfish and ask that the itinerary and weather not suck as the same time. ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"]I would not do the program again, mainly due to me not having anything booked with Carnival for the future. This was my first CCL voyage of any real length since 2010. Carnival outgrew me and I outgrew Carnival.
Plus, I chose to participate this past week, because it was a vacation break I truly needed more than words can express.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkRed"]Did my pattern change[B][I]?[/I][/B] Definitely Yes[B][I]![/I][/B]
For the first time since 2005 I didn't carry any personal wine onboard. My program choices were of lower quality than I'd have brought myself, but the convenience was still nice. Hypothetically (of course) after CCL discontinued having vanilla vodka onboard, I (again hypothetically) may have arranged to have some available in the past. Well, that didn't happen this trip.
When the piano bar, or casino, servers said, "Can I get you another since you seemed to like that one?" it was easy to just plop the ol' card out without thinking.

Did I mention I loved the cove balcony[B][I]??[/I][/B] Wait, never mind. :p

I told Carnival I'd never do another online review of their product, but it looks like I did. Dang[B][I]![/I][/B] Since this is a drinking thread, I'm going to ask the judge/jury to strike this as a non-review.

Thanks for the info, glad you had an enjoyable cruise. We very much enjoyed the Breeze and the aesthetics as well (a welcomed change, although I did do some thinking of missing of missing Joe Farcus..... go figure!). Thanks for the review...ur not review, update. Sorry for stealing the thread.
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[quote name='KevInPitt']So there isn't an "education" needed when the price was temporarily reduced by 32%, only when it's increased back to it's original price by 32%?

I agree the price change was short-lived, badly communciated and a poor marketing decision.

However, the repeated comments about how terrible Carnival is for being greedy and profit-driven for this optional consumption program have me baffled. Whether it is $37.50 or $49.50 per day per guest, it is up to personal choice to determine if the program is a good value (like any other consumer purchase). Criticizing a company for trying to maximize its profits by what it charges for its products is, in my opinion, baseless.

Purchase the program if you, as the consumer, are satisfied with the price and value. If not, don't.[/QUOTE]

Not sure why you through the word temporary in. It was never implied as a sale or a temporary price reduction.

But what is odd if just reviewing an email I got from CCL, telling me about sales for 7 day cruises for $214 to $229, and shorted cruises for even less.

So a cruise is $30 a day, and a liquor program is $49 a day. What's wrong with this picture?
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[quote name='Orison']So a cruise is $30 a day, and a liquor program is $49 a day. What's wrong with this picture?[/QUOTE]

The market's perception of a cruise fare on Carnival is not what it used to be and if they're unable to secure the revenue another way, we will just see more cost cutting measures that will ultimately lessen the product even more. Edited by Disconnections
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I was never going to buy at the reduced rate and will not buy it now; Buckets of beer is a better deal for me.

Yes Carnival could have given more notice but I am not understanding why some are so upset. I drink quite a bit on vacation but never enough to make Cheers worth it...especially when Port stops are factored in.
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