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Splendor Repositioning 11/1/14 San Juan to Miami


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Yes! Another one! Figured I'd go ahead and jump on the Review bandwagon.


Except I haven't actually started writing the review (I write it in Word first and then copy and paste here and add photos).


I haven't even done my laundry yet. This work thing keeps getting in the way.


Anyway, just as an intro, I sailed the San Juan-Miami leg of the Conquest repo last year as a solo and met a great bunch of people. When I got back from that, I planned on booking the Pride repo and then Carnival cancelled it. But as soon as I saw this one, I alerted the Conquest Roll Call folks and several of us booked. The price was fantastic and air turned out to be very reasonable as well.


This time, I convinced a friend to join me. She's the person who introduced me to cruising back in April 2001 on Carnival Jubilee, so it's all her fault! :p


This was my 20th Carnival cruise, first on Splendor.


I packed early (Tuesday night), got my nails done on Wednesday, and cruise buddy arrived early Thursday evening. We had a early flight on SW Friday morning (6:20), so I arranged for an airport taxi to pick us up at 5 am. :eek:


Our flight stopped in Orlando (bye bye kiddies!) and continued on to San Juan. We arrived right around noon, got our bags, got in the taxi line and immediately were on our way to La Concha Renaissance. I booked it through Hotwire and emailed the hotel directly to request a room with 2 beds away from the activity, since I'd been told by a tablemate on Pride that they host a lively Halloween party.


Of course the room wasn't ready when we arrived, so we dropped our bags and headed out to the pool area, where it immediately started pouring. There's an outdoor bar/dining area and we were lucky enough to grab a small table out of the downpour and split an appetizer. I had my first two Magna beers.


About the time it stopped raining, our beeper went off and we were up to the 9th floor to check out the room. No balcony, but a fantastic view.


Just realized that I neglected to upload my San Juan photos to Flickr so I'll stop now and add photos tonight (assuming I don't spend all evening doing laundry!).

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I've decided to try a different approach. I'm just going to go with a stream-of-consciousness narrative rather than write it up and copy and paste. I realized that I had't downloaded the Travel Diary app that I had on my old phone (which I really like), so I just made a few notes hoping I wouldn't forget too much. These port-intensive cruises just become a blur after a couple of days!


So. San Juan. I love it there. Fell in love on the first visit on Miracle 2007 when we had a full-day stop there. Decided I needed more time so sailed Victory 2009 and flew down a day early and stayed two post-cruise nights. Flew down two nights early last year, but decided with the very early flight, we'd get quite a bit of time just flying down on Friday morning.


OK, photo is huge. Must remember what size to post. I personally don't like the photos in reviews to be so large that I have to scroll back and forth and back and forth. Makes me sea sick!




Somewhere over the southeast on Southwest




Some of the bar staff at the outside cafe at La Concha




I know how much people enjoy seeing toilets from around the world. This stylish commode was in the lobby ladies' room at La Concha. Very chic!




Went for a walk after it stopped raining. I bet the work experience from this retailer looks good on a resume!

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The view from our room. No balcony, but the window opened so you could listen to the surf for a while before the room got too hot and humid


I wanted local food. After the past two visits to San Juan, when I had mofongo for dinner, I decided that was not wise. Apparantly plantains don't like me nearly as much as I like them. I'd read about Oroczo's online and since it was just down the street, that's where we headed for dinner. It was an excellent choice.


Since we had reservations in the Steakhouse for the first night, I knew I'd miss the regular MDR menu and my favorite tilapia, so I decided to make up for that by ordering the tilapia fillet in garlic sauce (also available with Criolle sauce), with sides of french fries and rice w/pigeon peas. Friend had the Combo plate. She had a sangria (which was huge) and I had another Magna beer.




Delicious. And the waiter was handsome with a great smile.


Back at the hotel, they were setting up in the lobby for the Halloween party. We went out and sat by the pool, but we realized that having gotten up at 4:30, we were just not going to make it for much longer. It's a lovely hotel and we got a pretty reasonable price. I could see staying for a few days post cruise some time in the future.



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Hey.....grumpy old lady!!!! (insider) Just stopping by to say hello. I can't wait to read your review. Hope you had a great time.


I know you have another cruise coming up this month, but did you think about the May 2015 Pride cruise? You know you will need a post tax season getaway. My sister and I would love to sail with you again. It is the same 3 couples as last time, plus we talked 4 first timers into joining us.....Gonna be EPIC!

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Hi Ed! I will email sometime soon. No, really. I'm so scattered since I got back (and I still haven't done all my laundry). I figure if I can put it off a while longer, I can just repack as soon as it's clean! :p


Moshewil - I'm seriously thinking about cancelling the Bermuda cruise. It's just so expensive. But I'm considering replacing it with a RT cruise from San Juan. So, by the time I add air and hotel, it would cost about as much. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm thinking about a land vaca in early May, but air alone would be almost $500. By the time I add a hotel (even sharing with someone) and food, and probably a rental car for at least part of the week, it would be getting pretty expensive. Depends on the price of the Pride sailing. Which day are you going?

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This is why I like my inside cabins instead of OV. The light seeping in around the curtain woke me early. But the view was gorgeous.




And I discovered during the night that my friend, who I've sailed with 3 times before (last time October 2012), has become a snorer. :mad:


Anyway, we got up, showered, and headed down the street for breakfast at Danny's (just down from the Marriott on Ashford). We sat out on the patio and had a nice, big breakfast. Just prepping our stomachs for all the overeating we'd be doing for the week.




You can see Splendor's whale tail at Pier 4 in OSJ. There were Celebrity and RCI ships at the Pan-Am pier.


A couple who appeared to be walking home from a Halloween party (it was about 8:30 am) on the other side of the street, paused to have a VERY LOUD argument. At one point, the guy made a comment along the lines of "now I just want to slap you!" Where were the cops that we'd seen all over the streets the day before? At that point, he looked up and realized that there were several people (joggers, bikers, diners) staring at them, and they walked off. Minutes later, he was walking back - alone - the way they'd come.


Back to the hotel to pack up and rearrange our carry-on bags. We'd stopped at the CVS (next door to the Marriott) on our walk Friday and picked up our bottle of wine each.






Headed to the lobby at about 10:20 to get our taxi to the port. The ride was quick, but boy was it ever congested at the pier. There was a Celebrity ship docked next to us (Summit?) and they appear to be doing some construction work in the area where the taxis/tour vans usually load/unload. It was chaotic.




We finally pulled up and got in line. That's when we saw Shake-n-Bake and jumped into line with him. I know you can haul your bags about halfway down the pier to the Priority baggage porters, but I'd had no problem giving them to a port outside last year. I pointed out the "Priority" on the tags and gave him a tip. We had our docs and ID checked, then strolled down the walkway to be handed the health questionnaire. After that, it was into the building and upstairs.


More chaos! OK, it wasn't as bad as last year (that one was just FUBAR), but it was bad. We all had to get in one line for the stupid boarding photos (which I never get), then show our docs again, then were separated into two different lines. Silly me thought the one we went into was Priority. If it was, you couldn't tell!


When we finally get to the front of that line, we're just sent to the big desk (which only had about 1/3 the terminals manned). The guy then has to go to the VIP room to get our cards. I don't know if they were using the VIP room at all! By then, they had started boarding so no first-on-the-ship for us this time. And there goes Shake-n-Bake (not priority but in a knee brace). And there go our Canadian friends (not priority). Oh well. Apparently they didn't realize how Special I am!

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We're on the ship at around noon. Headed to the cabin (7301) to unload our carry-ons. We wanted to go out and explore, so we headed up to the Lido and to the Burrito bar. When we saw the size of that thing, we decided just to split it (we had steakhouse reservations for 6:30 and wanted to be sure we were hungry for that).


We then headed back out into OSJ. It was hot (not a surprise). We decided to visit San Cristobal. I had foolishly done so much walking on Friday that I had a nice, big blister on the entire ball of my right foot (wearing sandals that I wear all the time) and had even-more-foolishly not packed a lot of bandaids when I switched to my new toiletry bag. So I wasn't up for too much walking. And it was hot! Did I already say that?


After touring the fort, we headed back into town and I realized we were at the square where I'd bought my DD a pair of hand-made earrings last year. That meant we were around the corner from the Parrot Club. I thought it was time for something refreshing to drink!


Happy Hour! Although I would've loved to have had a bite to eat (their food is good!), we just sat at the bar. Friend had her first-ever mojito.




Headed back to the ship and realized we needed to go to CVS and pick up more wine. It was pretty chaotic in there, too, but they hadn't sold out of my favorite, so all was good. Silly me forgot to buy more bandaids.




Hmmm. No luggage at about 3 pm. Walked around the ship some more, back to the cabin, and friend's one duffle bag was there (with an orange VIFP sticker on it). She commented to the young female porter that we had four checked bags and wondered if the others would be arriving soon. About 15 minutes later, there was a knock and there she was with the others. No orange tags on them, though. That's two consecutive cruises now where my bags didn't arrive any earlier than normal.


Whatever. They arrived and we unpacked. Soon it was time to shower and dress for dinner in the steakhouse with Shake-n-Bake. I ate in the steakhouse on my first Glory cruise with my DD and it was great but I didn't feel it was something that was a "must do" (but then, I rarely sail on ships that have a steakhouse so it wasn't an option). I did treat myself the first night on Conquest last year because my birthday was the next day. I learned my lesson then - do NOT get the free bottle of white wine. Go with the red no matter what you're having to eat. The white was horrible.


Anyway, I had the ahi tuna appetizer, the surf and turf, and the cheese plate. Same as last year. I'm so boring! I just have such a difficult time trying other things when I know I've found something I really like.


After dinner, for some reason I decided I needed a Thirsty Frog, so stopped in the sports bar. Oops! Time for muster drill! So, I had to pretty much chug it. This after the three of us splitting two bottles of red in the steakhouse (and Shake-n-Bake did NOT consume nearly as much as his tablemates). We get to our muster station and there was furnace-like hot air blasting from somewhere. This wasn't just the warm San Juan evening air. This was awful. Now, I'm one of those women who is ALWAYS cold (except for when I'm really overheating). I thought I was going to pass out.


But it was over fairly quickly and we dispersed. Friend headed for the cabin while I went up to aft Lido to find the informal Roll Call bunch. I didn't do any socializing, just found Angela and Marilyn and got my itinerary and excursion tix for the week. Since we had a pretty early excursion in the morning in St Croix, I decided I needed some sleep.

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Hi Ed! I will email sometime soon. No, really. I'm so scattered since I got back (and I still haven't done all my laundry). I figure if I can put it off a while longer, I can just repack as soon as it's clean! :p


Moshewil - I'm seriously thinking about cancelling the Bermuda cruise. It's just so expensive. But I'm considering replacing it with a RT cruise from San Juan. So, by the time I add air and hotel, it would cost about as much. I'm just not sure what to do. I'm thinking about a land vaca in early May, but air alone would be almost $500. By the time I add a hotel (even sharing with someone) and food, and probably a rental car for at least part of the week, it would be getting pretty expensive. Depends on the price of the Pride sailing. Which day are you going?


We are going on May 3.

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Sunday, 11/2, St Croix


I love the repositioning cruises. The itineraries are usually more varied than the same old, same old. Last year, Conquest called at Dominica and Antigua, which they used to regularly but do not any longer.


This cruise, I got to visit three new ports. The first was St Croix.


Early on, I found Sweeney's Safari Tours. Angela set up all the group stuff and assigned everyone to the various buses. Cruise buddy and I were on bus 1, an open-air bus.


We finally had everyone loaded and headed off. Our first stop (yes, it was early) was the Cruzan Rum factory. When we arrived, we were informed that we would have to wait >30 minutes for the factory to actually open at 10 am. It was a Sunday after all, and they were open only for tour groups.


Cruise buddy's snoring had awakened me several times during the night and I don't do well when my sleep is repeatedly interrupted, so I wasn't feeling great. Eventually, we headed off with our tour guide. The tour was pretty minimal, it was hot, and despite the early hour, we were thirsty!




Once the tour concluded, we were each given two tickets and then got in the (very slow moving) line(s) for our drinks. Friend went over to the Pina Colada line while I stayed in the Rum Punch line. Once we both had two drinks, we headed outside and found a bench under a tree where we sat and enjoyed our beverages. By the time we headed back to the buses, I was feeling much better!


Next, we headed to Christiansted where we walked a little along the waterfront and then, looking for a rest room, encountered some of the folks I knew from the Conquest sailing, sitting in an open-air brewpub. Naturally, I had to stop and have a pint!








Then it was on to Cane Bay Beach. We were the only bus that stopped there. Decided we'd try their Rum Punch. It was good!


Back on the ship that evening, we were off to our first meal in the MDR. We had late seating in the Gold Pearl. When we arrived at out table, a rectangular 10-top near the aft portside corner, there were 4 women. One actually said to her friends "they're going to put other people at OUR table??" We sat at the opposite end. One of them got up and returned a few minutes later, commenting about how their friends were sitting around the corner at a different table. OK, we thought we'd be helpful and offer to trade so they could all sit together.


NEWSFLASH PEOPLE: if you're sailing with friends, have your bookings linked. When you board, check your S&S cards for your table number. If you aren't together, go visit the Maitre'd during the posted hours and work it out then NOT during dinner service.


Turns out their friends weren't a couple more females but two mixed couples. The waiter at their table wasn't happy. The assistant Maitre'd wasn't happy. Our attempt to be helpful wasn't appreciated by anyone other than the crowd we were trying to help. At least I hope they actually appreciated our vacating THEIR table.


Anyway, we were seated at the booth for four (table 510) that they vacated. The young lady said she'd have to clear it with the Maitre'd to be sure it was OK for the rest of the cruise. Service was slow, but the food was good.


After dinner, we stuck out heads in the piano bar and weren't impressed. It's just not my bag, baby. I'm not a fan of sing-alongs and the songs that everyone wants to hear are songs that I tend to dislike. Yes, I'm a contrarian.


I'm guessing we were in bed early again as we had another tour in the morning.

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I was also on this cruise and am enjoying reading your review plus Kimberly's and Shaun's.


As far as the table assignments went, I was supposed to be sitting with that group of ladies that you moved to accommodate. In fact there were about 16 of us in late dining and we had all joined our reservations. However, for some unknown reason, 4 of us were put on the starboard side, plus the group that you saw were put on the port side and the rest of the group were put down on the first floor. We have no idea what happened to our linked reservations. It was something we were very careful to check and recheck to make sure we were all sitting together. The only thing we can figure is they split married couples up separately from the solos and singles. They also seemed to group together people based on which travel agent or group they booked with.


We are group that has traveled together since 2006 and we've never had this big of a mess with our table assignments. My husband I and the other couple we were assigned with just stayed where we were over on the starboard side as it just seemed easier. However we certainly missed visiting and catching up every night with all of our friends that we only get to see once a year. I know our friends that you accommodated by changing tables truly appreciated you doing that for them. Thank you!


I should also add that until we walked into the dining room and the maitre d's sent us to opposite sides of the dining room, we didn't realize our tables weren't right next to each other. Some friends were at 520 and we were at 521 so we thought they would be next to each other. We didn't know that even were on one side and odd numbers on the other. If we had, we would have straightened it out much earlier and not been scrambling during that first night in the dining room.

Edited by GreytRacer
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greytracer - I'd forgotten until we got to the dining room that odd tables are on one side and even on the other (even, left, port - 4 letter words - that's the only way I can remember).


I can see how looking at the S&S cards, one would think consecutive table numbers would be next to each other. I've never tried to have more than two cabins together and it worked great that time.


More later, but we felt that we didn't get the usual good service from the wait staff. The head waiter seemed to always leave us to last. I think he was miffed about the switch. Wonder if going from a table of 4 to 2 affected his tips. I can assure you that ignoring the people who moved in an attempt to be helpful is not the way to get anyone to make up that difference (if it even caused a difference).


We were rather insulted with the initial "you mean they're putting other people at OUR table" comment, though. But if everyone thought you were all going to be together, it makes more sense. Still. Not very diplomatic.


I think the better solution would've been to talk to the Maitre'd after dinner and ask if there was a way to move around for the rest of the cruise.


It was fine, though. Yes, service was slow and we felt mildly neglected, but we weren't in any hurry to get anywhere after dinner, so no big deal. Just spoiled, I guess, from usually having better service. Also had poor service last year on Conquest. We only had 4 solos sitting at a 10-top and we were pretty much ignored while the team took care of the full tables.


I'm solo in a couple of weeks and am going with YTD for only the 2nd time. Didn't care for it the first time, but I'm on a Premier Casino cruise and not sure when activities will be happening. I just figure I "might" get better/quicker service as a solo. We'll see!

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When we finally get to the front of that line, we're just sent to the big desk (which only had about 1/3 the terminals manned). The guy then has to go to the VIP room to get our cards. I don't know if they were using the VIP room at all! By then, they had started boarding so no first-on-the-ship for us this time. And there goes Shake-n-Bake (not priority but in a knee brace). And there go our Canadian friends (not priority). Oh well. Apparently they didn't realize how Special I am!

I know how special you are! Imagine my surprise when they put me in a Special Assistance line with only 2 people in front of me then walking(limping) right past you on my way to the ship. I guess I was special! :D

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You are Special, too!


Just filled out the survey.


Forgot to mention our issues with the cabin.


Now, I'm always cold. I hate A/C blasting on me. I don't like being hot, but I hate being cold. When others are complaining about being too warm, I'm maybe comfortable.


So, when we got to the cabin, it was warm. That's happened before. I figured it was because we were docked and that things would cool off once we sailed.


That was not the case. Now, I do like it cooler at night. I love to pull that comforter up to my nose and snuggle down into the bed. I slept most of the cruise with just the sheet over me. :(


I think it was Sunday after we returned to the ship that I called the service desk and asked if someone could come and check it. Someone arrived quickly with a big thermometer/sensor thing. She said "the normal range is between 70 and 72" (or maybe 73, don't remember). She put the thing on one of the beds and it registered 70.8 degrees. "That's within the normal range. Nothing we can do!" and off she went.


I'll tell you, when you've been out and about most of the day, in the hot sun, packed into a mini-van with several other bodies, then hike down the pier, then climb up from Deck 0 to Deck 7 (yes, we always took the stairs), walking into that 70.8 degree cabin wasn't much of a relief.


Anyway, I just listed that as a complaint on the survey and said it was unresolved. Maybe I should write to Jerry Cahill and demand a free cruise! :p


OK, I really need to do some laundry! No, really!

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The rest of this is going to have to wait until this weekend. I do actually need to get some work done today. Had a problem with my computer yesterday and our IT guy spent over two hours working on it remotely, so I'm behind.


Oh, to be retired and be able to spend all day, every day, online wasting time!


Or cruising! :p

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The view from our room. No balcony, but the window opened so you could listen to the surf for a while before the room got too hot and humid


I wanted local food. After the past two visits to San Juan, when I had mofongo for dinner, I decided that was not wise. Apparantly plantains don't like me nearly as much as I like them. I'd read about Oroczo's online and since it was just down the street, that's where we headed for dinner. It was an excellent choice.



Would you mind telling me which room you stayed in. We are staying at the La Concha in April in an Ocean view room (not a suite in towers). Looks like you had the perfect view!

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Yes, I said I had work to do, didn't I? :p


It actually overlooked the restaurant. Let's see if I can find it. Room 919. It was just around the corner from the elevators. You turn left and there's a door you go through; down a little hallway and there are two rooms back there. I requested a quiet location and it was great.


I didn't post the pics of the bathroom, but it was pretty great, too. Has the "rain" shower head from the ceiling but also a handheld thing. Enclosed in a glass wall open at one end by the sink.


The bathrobes in the room were also great. About 5x softer than Carnival's.


I got the room for about $135 on Hotwire and paid an additional $25 for the location and two bed request, plus the taxes and resort fees. Still, it was under $200, which is a good price for the resort hotels in Condado.


There are three pools - the one just off the lobby with the cafe nearby; another closer to the beach, and a third overlooking the beach. All are small (I didn't get in them).


Two hot tubs up above the one off the lobby, too.


I walked through the casino but didn't stop and play. I probably should've. I didn't have much luck in my limited playing time on the ship.


I liked it more than the Marriott. I definitely would stay there again if I want that area.

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Reading all of the reviews on the Splendor repo cruises. Thanks NCTribe, GAPearl, and Jamman. Makes for some nice reading over the past couple of days as I've been home sick.


Never tried the Splendor. NCTribe, how do you rate it against the Pride or the Glory? We're booked on the Glory for next Summer but have thought several times of switching to the Pride or the Splendor. Much closer to home for us.

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Reading all of the reviews on the Splendor repo cruises. Thanks NCTribe, GAPearl, and Jamman. Makes for some nice reading over the past couple of days as I've been home sick.


Never tried the Splendor. NCTribe, how do you rate it against the Pride or the Glory? We're booked on the Glory for next Summer but have thought several times of switching to the Pride or the Splendor. Much closer to home for us.


If I ever get to the end, I'll summarize my thoughts about the ship, food, entertainment, etc.


For now, I'll say that the Spirit-class is still my favorite. Splendor was nice, but it wasn't as great as I was hoping.


But everyone has to realize that I'm actually a fan of the Fantasy class! I really don't "need" a supper club and I detest the big TVs. I think Carnival is making a mistake by putting one on Pride. :( I don't need bigger, newer, more bells and whistles.


Conquest-class is a little larger than I like, but I do appreciate Guy's Burgers and I absolutely LOVE Fish & Chips.

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