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Live from the 2015 QE World Voyage


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Embarking, IF I see Karen I will let her know that you are interested.


Friday, 6 Mar


Sorry but it is short today. Woke up feeling "blah" again so we decided to

stay onboard especially since we had been to Brisbane before. I felt like I

needed and wanted to get more rest today and hopefully will be better before

our Cunard excursion in Yorkey's Knob/Cairns in 3 days. The day is forecasted

to be 26C and overcast, but it sure looks like rain in the area.


I did manage to get out and have some lunch and then DH and I played backgammon

for awhile in the Garden Lounge. While we were at lunch and at the Garden Lounge,

we saw lots of new faces on board, walking around and getting to know the ship.

Then DH went to the gym, while I worked on the blog a bit and took a nap.


For the rest of the day I just let my body rest. We had dinner in the room.

Around 6:45 the Captain came on to announce that everyone was on board and we

would be leaving Brisbane soon. Two sea days and then Yorkey's Knob/Cairns.

Until the next time...

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Hello all! Thank you for your well wishes! I am not feeling that bad, but just

trying to nip it in the bud. As you all know, the Cunard "cold/cough" seems

to just hang around forever. As Oahucruiser reminds me (thanks!), I only

have less than 3 weeks left until I disembark, so need to do the most I can!


Saturday, 7 Mar


I am feeling a bit better today so will head to breakfast as usual.

Breakfast was back to the usual time of 6:00 for us. The Lido opens at 6:30

so we get our coffee and tea and wait patiently for it to open the food part.

The routine for breakfast has changed from previous segments with regards to

the flow of people. The earlier segmnts we would only see about 10-20 people

until 7:00, but since Sydney we now see about 30-40 by 7:00 meaning there seem

to be a lot more early birds. I continue to see so many new faces too.


While DH went for an early morning swim, I grabbed my book and headed for the

Cafe Carinthia for a while. The waiter who usually was there must have gotten

off the ship in Sydney because I did not see him. There was a new guy so I

needed to ask him to turn the music down a bit because it was even louder than

previously, and he did. I sat there for about an hour before I wanted a change

of venues. I took my things and went up the central staircase to the Midships

Bar area and read there for awhile. My eyes kept trying to nap while I read,

so I thought I must need some fresh air. I took my things again and moved to

one of the loungers on the Promenade where I read for another hour. The day

was quite warm at about 30C but because I was on the port side, the sun had

not reached it yet plus there was a small breeze. When I finally decided to

head back to the cabin I walked around to the starboard side to find it too

hot, full of sun, and no breeze so I am thankful I had the port side to read.


While back in the cabin at 11, I thought I would lie down for a quick nap before

meeting up with DH for lunch. Yeah right. After my eyes were shut for 5 minutes,

he called and asked if I was sleeping, to which I had to say I just laid down

but we could go at 11:30. It seems that worked for him because he was playing

table tennis with a few friends. So back to a quick nap. Nope he called at

11:30 to see if I was ready and because I was half asleep, we decided lunch

could wait. Eyes shut again. 12:00...the noon announcement woke me up so I

listened and tried again. Then a knock at the door and it was the water jug

we ordered for every day at 12. I had to laugh as my little nap was not meant

to be. So DH came to the cabin and off we finally went to lunch and the Lido

was packed! It is not too bad if you get there at 11:30 when they open. So

we went to the Lido Grill and got hot dogs! LOL.


With lunch out of the way, we sat out on our balcony for awhile just enjoying

a bit of fresh air. Then had to get inside as the sun arrived in all its glory.


So DH met up with another friend for table tennis and paddle tennis. I walked

around the ship for awhile just taking it all in before sitting down to read

some more. When we got back to the room, one of DH's new friends had seen We

brought our backgammon game with us and asked if he could borrow it to play

with other friends. We gave it to him with wishes for many wins! :)


It was dinner via room service tonight since it was a formal night and I still

did not feel up to all that. I watched a couple of movies before retiring for

the night.

Edited by alibabacruisers
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That's a bit sad. I would imagine those Kiwis who put poppies on would be rather annoyed to hear theirs had been removed.:( Hope my poppy stays where I put it, it wouldn't be the same if it was relocated for some odd reason.


Small compensation perhaps, but please be assured that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Regards, -Salacia




"The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." -


Douglas MacArthur

Edited by Salacia
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Nice sentiment.Thanks


I just had coffee with some friends who got off in Sydney who confirmed that they saw the poppies were removed and put in a container before the "100" was taken down to the dock. I hope the poppies put in the container weren't resold....they were a lovely poppy, not your usual poppy usually sold around ANZAC day.


Part of me says 'good on you for being economic', the other says, 'that isn't really in the spirit of things and in fact a bit mean-spirited if true......


For Cunards sake I hope not.

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Nice sentiment.Thanks


You're welcome.

Back in the day, my older brother was drafted in the US Army as a teenager -just in time for the TET offensive. After receiving the Purple Heart, he had R&R in Australia.

I will be forever grateful for the kindness and care he received in Australia. So it's my turn to say: Thanks Australia!




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I just had coffee with some friends who got off in Sydney who confirmed that they saw the poppies were removed and put in a container before the "100" was taken down to the dock. I hope the poppies put in the container weren't resold....they were a lovely poppy, not your usual poppy usually sold around ANZAC day.


Part of me says 'good on you for being economic', the other says, 'that isn't really in the spirit of things and in fact a bit mean-spirited if true......


For Cunards sake I hope not.


Roscoe, it doesn't really matter...we remember, and nothing they can do will take that away. (But I do understand what you are saying, and I'm very sorry.)

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Sunday 8th March – Inside the Barrier Reef


We had our first formal night of this sector last night, and our dining room appeared to be busier than normal, and everyone seemed suitably attired. Last night the entertainment was provided by the Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers with their version of Hotel Royale. As we have seen this many times we wandered elsewhere and had another early night.


Another beautiful day as we head northward from Brisbane towards Yorkey’s Knob, our tender port for Cairns. It is scorching outside and the air conditioning is most welcome. We entered the Barrier reef national park around 0730 this morning and proceeded to the west of Whitsunday Island following the Whitsunday Passage. At around 10:15am we passed the QM2 around 6 miles away, looking resplendent at anchor off Airlie Beach with tenders shuttling its passengers to and from the town.


We are currently around 6 miles from Cape Bowling Green some 35 miles south of Townsville, Queensland heading in a NW direction at 15 knots. Earlier we attended a presentation about Captain James Cook by David Pollard, and another interesting insight by the Barrier Reef Pilot Wel Gamble who is on board for our full transit in this delicate neighbourhood.


Tonight’s entertainment is provided by ‘Australia’s Female Vocal Performer of the Year’ one Karen Beckett.


There seems to have been some confusion over the poppy wall, and as far as I am aware, one side of the 100 poppy wall was populated with poppies in Auckland and the other side was populated in Sydney. Any poppies which were loose or placed in the wrong place were apparently removed and replaced in the correct position. The wall has now been removed from it temporary placement in the Queen’s room, and I assume the wreaths have now been placed in a cooler atmosphere, otherwise with current temperatures they will be rather limp in several weeks time ?



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Sunday 8th March – I



thanks for the update of your position John, enjoy Australia its a wonderful country., also thanks for your thoughts of the "100" Interesting you were told one side of them were filled, they were both pretty full when i saw them leave here in Auckland, I only had pics of the front unfortunately, and not the back which was almost as full.


They also were plastic, so interesting they could have wilted!


It was a great idea, its neither here nor there because it was a really good way to raise awareness and funds so Im happy to have donated.


Eagerly awaiting your next blog update....keep em coming.


regards Roscoe

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You're welcome.

Back in the day, my older brother was drafted in the US Army as a teenager -just in time for the TET offensive. After receiving the Purple Heart, he had R&R in Australia.

I will be forever grateful for the kindness and care he received in Australia. So it's my turn to say: Thanks Australia!





I am glad he was looked after so well.:D

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Sunday, 8 Mar


I woke up feeling much better this morning, but the cough lives on and I will

be vigilant in keeping that under control.


Breakfast in the Lido went by with nothing exciting happening. I did forget

to mention that since Sydney, the choices of food increased, mainly adding

rice, fish and soup with a variety of ingredients to be added.


Once breakfast was done, DH went to the pool while I sat under the sail and

tried to read, but did not last long as the heat was already under way. I

headed to the Promenade to read and to be in the area to view QM2 around 10am.


QM2 is currently anchored near Airlie Beach in the Whitsunday Islands. Also,

throughout the day there was to be a commentary about what we were seeing. At

first we could not hear what the guy was saying but around 9:30 or so he came

back on and the problem that he apparently was having with volume had been



My DH convinced me to try my hand at the shuffleboard competition. We were

partnered with other people and me and my shuffleboard partner were first up.

We lost in the first round but it was fun. DH and his shuffleboard partner were

much later in the competition, so I tried just watching the other teams. The

heat was around 29C and it drove me inside to cooler temps. It turned out that

they also bombed in the first round too, but he and a friend played backgammon

for a while.


When I got back to the room, there was a questionnaire for Rabaul that needed

to be completed by every passenger and returned to the Purser's Desk as soon

as possible but before 10 March. So I completed mine and to wait for DH to

fill his out before they were turned in later. I remember over the last year

or so that I had read that PNG had changed the visa requirements for Australians.

I had tried to find out if we actually had to get a visa ourselves, or if the

ship was going to issue them and then charge us, or as I also read there might

be just a questionnaire to be filled out. That was pretty confusing back then

because on PNG site it said we had to have a visa; an email from PNG tourism

said the ship would issue them; the ship said they did not know at that time;

and on CC is where I read about the questionnaire. About a month ahead of the

cruise Cunard finally emailed me that we did not need a visa. I am just glad

that it is the way it is. I called the Purser's Desk to check about the visa

and was told no visa was needed and would not be charged.


Back 9 months or so ago, I had requested a quote from a tour operator regarding

a tour in Rabaul. They responded and I compared them with Cunard's options.

Both were the same exact itinerary and same price at that time. We did not book

and still have not booked anything because I am a bit skeptical with the volcanic

ash situation there. While watching the port presentation on Rabaul on the TV,

Gavin, the port presenter, kept stating that the ash is everywhere and in the

air. He said that it will get on your clothes and shoes, as well as it could

affect silver and gold jewellery. Another thing he emphasized was that if you

have asthma or other medical conditions, you need to remember that when deciding

whether to go ashore here. I read Kathi's trip report from

last year and thought I would do the Cunard excursion she did, but we will have

to see how it goes. Just to have the info, I did go to the Tours Office to

see if there was still availability and there was on both tours, but only for

the afternoon times.


I thought it was about time to play Bingo again so that is what I did. I did

not win of course, but that is okay as it was fun. DH was with me and he

helped me with the last game because I had bought the jumbo pack which gives

you one extra card for the last game. It was his card that only needed one

number....awww, so close! :)


When it was time for dinner, we decided on the DR tonight as the menu was a

bit better than the Lido. It was also an informal night too, which was a bonus.

After a nice relaxing dinner, we went to take a walk around the promenade

to enjoy the nice breeze and night.


Yorkey's Knob for Cairns tomorrow and tomorrow's DP has told us that we will

be docked and tenders will take us to Yorkey's Knob and a shuttle can be taken

to Cairns. We will be doing the Mossman Gorge and Port Douglas Cunard excursion

as we were in Cairns last year. So off to bed now. Until next time....

Edited by alibabacruisers
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Have been on board for 6 days now and apologies for not having posted. Been a tad busy since boarding. Am now settling down to ship board life.


I know that Janix and Barbara have been posting so won't repeat. Roscoe apart from the plastic poppies a few real flower wreaths came on board.


I put my poppy on as my niece is a Major in the Australian Army and her husband is a helicopter engineer and they have both served in Afghanistan.


Am meeting some really lovely people on board. Am sitting in a cafe in Cairns at the moment.

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Am sitting in a cafe in Cairns at the moment.



It's all right for some, some of us are expiring in the rainforest ! [emoji8]





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Roscoe apart from the plastic poppies a few real flower wreaths came on board.



Its alright for some of you swanning about in cafes and sweltering in Rainforests but some of us are back here hard at work trying to save for our next cruise!


thanks Pat, I thought that was a bit odd, mind you , they will try and put anything over you ....those sneaky Cunard people :D


Looking forward to you adding and blogging in the mix Pat.


regards Roscoe

Edited by roscoe39
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Have been on board for 6 days now and apologies for not having posted. Been a tad busy since boarding. Am now settling down to ship board life.


I know that Janix and Barbara have been posting so won't repeat. Roscoe apart from the plastic poppies a few real flower wreaths came on board.


I put my poppy on as my niece is a Major in the Australian Army and her husband is a helicopter engineer and they have both served in Afghanistan.


Am meeting some really lovely people on board. Am sitting in a cafe in Cairns at the moment.


Glad you have updated us, we appreciate the live feeds.:D

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Its alright for some of you swanning about in cafes and sweltering in Rainforests but some of us are back here hard at work trying to save for our next cruise!


Hi Roscoe,




I do wish people would avoid using that particular 4 letter work, it could be upsetting ? :D


Just back onboard and it was sweltering today, however the stop at the Yorkey's Knob Boating Club very successfully replaced the fluid losses !


It is a little bumpy for the tenders now, we returned to the ship on a catamaran, and it was a bit bumpy on that !


Last tender is due to leave about now, and we should be sailing up to Papua New Guinea soon.


The daily programme has suggested that internet services may be poor again, so keep your fingers crossed.



Edited by Janix
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Hi Roscoe,




I do wish people would avoid using that particular 4 letter work, it could be upsetting ? :D


Just back onboard and it was sweltering today, however the stop at the Yorkey's Knob Boating Club very successfully replaced the fluid losses !


It is a little bumpy for the tenders now, we returned to the ship on a catamaran, and it was a bit bumpy on that !


Last tender is due to leave about now, and we should be sailing up to Papua New Guinea soon.


The daily programme has suggested that internet services may be poor again, so keep your fingers crossed.




watching the cam now...looks like the winds coming up! Im sure Inga will navigate you through the best of it.


i could think of a few other 4 letter words too but wont use them in polite company.



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