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Getting off Fantasy! THANK GOD!


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Worst ship ever. Carnival should be embarrassed!


I just got off this morning as well. We had a great time. All in all perfect weather, we had great service, etc.


The only compliant I could have would be the # of spring breakers and the problems that causes that Carnival didn't properly plan for. 99% of the spring breakers were well managed.


The number of Spring breakers really stresses the bar staff. I saw a group of 20 college girls all on the Cheers program...they bought frozen drinks non-stop. The bars we very over crowded. I was very happy to not have the Cheers program this round because it would be close to impossible to make it pay given the lines.


The only other problems spring breakers cause is # of deck chairs. They like to hang out all day causing a huge shortage of chairs.


I will be curious to hear your complaints.


Also....is it known the Sunshine in moving to Charleston. They passed out sheets in the room for discounts on the Sunshine out of Charleston starting 5/2016.

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I had two really fun cruises on Fantasy, but it has been several years since the last one. Both times we sailed from Charleston - one of the few places where driving to the port is possible for to do with only an overnight each way. I love the crazy neon in the atrium.

Edited by mek
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I just got off this morning as well. We had a great time. All in all perfect weather, we had great service, etc.


The only compliant I could have would be the # of spring breakers and the problems that causes that Carnival didn't properly plan for. 99% of the spring breakers were well managed.


The number of Spring breakers really stresses the bar staff. I saw a group of 20 college girls all on the Cheers program...they bought frozen drinks non-stop. The bars we very over crowded. I was very happy to not have the Cheers program this round because it would be close to impossible to make it pay given the lines.


The only other problems spring breakers cause is # of deck chairs. They like to hang out all day causing a huge shortage of chairs.


I will be curious to hear your complaints.


Also....is it known the Sunshine in moving to Charleston. They passed out sheets in the room for discounts on the Sunshine out of Charleston starting 5/2016.


Thank you. I can see how those things would be annoying. This is why I avoid Spring Break cruises.


As someone who is considering booking a cruise on Fantasy in May, I'm interested in what people have to say about her, as long as it is detailed enough to help me make my decision.

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Maybe they typed the original entry from their phone and are waiting until they actually get home to loop us in?


And yeah...some of you are trying to be less than kind. So she/he didn't have a good time. They don't actually owe us a detailed explanation as to why they didn't have fun. It is enough to say they think it stunk. I'd like a little more, too, but no harm if I don't get what I want. I'm a big girl.


The Fantasy class ships are OK(heading out on the Fascination again in April), but they aren't my favorites. Actually, if the price and dates hadn't been too good to pass up, I probably wouldn't set foot on them again when there are options like the Breeze/Magic/Dream/Vista available. (Got the 50 dollar room with 50 OBC to lure me back to Fascination) However, it IS a cruise and I'll have fun unless the thing Triumph's on us.


How much you wanna bet the OP had a crappy experience because of the spring breakers? You KNOW they were cray cray on a 5 dayer... :eek::p:rolleyes:

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As someone who is considering booking a cruise on Fantasy in May, I'm interested in what people have to say about her, as long as it is detailed enough to help me make my decision.


This was my second time on the Fantasy. I was expecting Spring Break to be worse than it was. We have 2 young kids and i had fears of drunken chaos but it didn't happen. The Spring Breakers were probably 75% female/sonority most with large groups. It seemed to make some areas very crowded especially in the bars and pools/sun decks.


The staff on the Fantasy is great. I get the impression the Staff like working on it more than some of the larger ships I've been on like the Dream and RCC FoS. I thought the food was slightly above average.


I dont think they use the limited space very well. Things like the piano bar, lounge/comedy club and library get very little use but they insist on putting a band in the middle of the hall outside the casino bar that creates a huge blockage especially with a lot of spring breakers. I could point out a bunch of little things that were less then ideal but overall, I enjoy the value of the Fantasy and its proximity (4 hour drive).


I hate getting on in Charleston. Self assist today was cake. It was less than 20 minutes from room to car. I'm curious how it will do with the Sunshine & extra passenger load. I wouldn't want to be on the first Sunshine cruise out of Charleston.


For me, the staff really made the trip great..


I will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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This was my second time on the Fantasy. I was expecting Spring Break to be worse than it was. We have 2 young kids and i had fears of drunken chaos but it didn't happen. The Spring Breakers were probably 75% female/sonority most with large groups. It seemed to make some areas very crowded especially in the bars and pools/sun decks.


The staff on the Fantasy is great. I get the impression the Staff like working on it more than some of the larger ships I've been on like the Dream and RCC FoS. I thought the food was slightly above average.


I dont think they use the limited space very well. Things like the piano bar, lounge/comedy club and library get very little use but they insist on putting a band in the middle of the hall outside the casino bar that creates a huge blockage especially with a lot of spring breakers. I could point out a bunch of little things that were less then ideal but overall, I enjoy the value of the Fantasy and its proximity (4 hour drive).


I hate getting on in Charleston. Self assist today was cake. It was less than 20 minutes from room to car. I'm curious how it will do with the Sunshine & extra passenger load. I wouldn't want to be on the first Sunshine cruise out of Charleston.


For me, the staff really made the trip great..


I will be happy to answer any questions you have.


Thanks. We are just looking for a relaxing, inexpensive get-away. We aren't very particular. We just enjoy good food and friendly service. We don't care about the latest, greatest things, just a clean, well-maintained ship. DH and I have both been to Nassau and Freeport, so we're seriously considering getting Cheers and staying on the ship the whole time. If the ship is run-down, has nasty food or bad service to be on, it wouldn't suit our needs.


I'm glad to hear you thought the food was above-average and the service great. How was the overall condition of the ship? Were the bars and pool deck over-crowded on your prior cruise?

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I love the old gal. Haven't sailed her since Risa departed as CD, though. It's been over a year and I miss her. I've always thought she was in remarkably good shape given her age. Sort of like me! :p




Food and service has always been some of the best I've had on Carnival (21 cruises and counting with about 38 nights on Fantasy).




But, know what? I really don't pay a lot of attention when people start a thread like this. Or when someone claims that their cruise was absolutely perfect and THE BEST EVER!!!




Everyone has different expectations. The people in the cabins next to you have a different experience. It's just one person's opinion of one sailing. A positive or negative review by one person out of thousands really isn't a very convincing sample, is it? Just read what the OP has to say and file it away. What is truth for one is a figment of someone's imagination to another.




There are always a few things that aren't wonderful, but when I get home, the overall feeling is that I've just had a pretty great vacation for a very reasonable price. It's funny how the little things that might have bugged me while on board just seems to recede into the background once I look at the cruise as a whole.



Well said and I couldn't agree more!

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Huh?! What passenger to space ratio?? The only ship in the current Carnival fleet with a WORSE passenger to space ratio (PSR) than the Fantasy class is the Sunshine (which has been discussed at length here). That's about to change when Vista is launched, which will then have the second worst PSR in the fleet.


Some people are under the false impression that, because the Fantasy class ships carry less passengers, that they are more spacious. They are actually more crowded than most cruise ships in service today.



Totally agree on the space issue. Just got off earlier this month and that shipped was jam packed! Some ship layouts make you feel like there aren't a lot of people onboard, but it's hard to miss on this ship.


My only wish would be for more balcony cabins, but that requires a different ship. The Fantasy as she is was just fine.

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I have come close to booking this ship a few times, but ended up on another. The Fantasy class ships still appeal to me somewhat, but they rarely offer itineraries that I am interested in, but they still are on my list of possibilities.


I also like to combine cruises with pre cruise vacations, and would love to visit Charleston.


So, OP, I hope you will come back and give us some reasons why your cruise was not enjoyable and you were so happy to get off it. Did spring break play a role? I hope you will ignore some of the unfriendly responses, and give us a little more of a detailed review. :)

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Did the OP come back and say anything else? Who knows if it was the space or the fellow passengers or the food or whatever else? All of which is subjective.


Worse compared to what? What did they expect and how realistic were those expectations? The Fantasy IZ Carnival's oldest ship.


I love the dramatic thread title with no follow-up.


The fantasy suites its purpose for many, so I'll hold off agreeing or totally condemning the fantasy class overall until I get details beyond one sentence.

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Worst ship ever. Carnival should be embarrassed!


Some things never change. I spent yesterday going through old pictures, and came across some from our Fantasy cruise back in 1990. Hard to believe that was 25 years ago. Couldn't wait to get off. I had thought it was that class ship, which had just become the largest in Carnivals fleet, but we ended up sailing on other ships in that class when they came out, and it was just fine.


It was just something about that ship. Luckily it was only a 4 day cruise, and cheap ($299 with roundtrip airfare). We got off and never looked back.

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Ok so its now been over 24 hours still no more from OP. Which makes one question the OP's creditablity. Sorry not trying to blast the OP however no matter when it is a hit and run post such as this. makes one question, what happened. And whatever it was does the OP now believe it was more them then anything else. And dose not what to say anything. So no one will till them so.

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I have come close to booking this ship a few times, but ended up on another. The Fantasy class ships still appeal to me somewhat, but they rarely offer itineraries that I am interested in, but they still are on my list of possibilities.


I also like to combine cruises with pre cruise vacations, and would love to visit Charleston.


So, OP, I hope you will come back and give us some reasons why your cruise was not enjoyable and you were so happy to get off it. Did spring break play a role? I hope you will ignore some of the unfriendly responses, and give us a little more of a detailed review. :)


My question and desires..exactly. I have only had 2 Carnival cruises and best one was Fantasy class..other one had issues with Easter and Spring Break and making a major change soon.....however I am over it and want anything cruise wise now...almost...LOL...seriously I am interested....and think I would love a land and sea from someplace I have wanted to visit forever. Please return OP...


Oh and my Fantasy class was the Paradise...the space ratio seemed ok though as previously stated smaller than many. there was a hang-up on the inside promenade where they put band with Casino but not so much to bother ..only slight patience needed and was interesting to gaze into casino walking by...LOL...a mystery land for me almost.


I absolutely loved the 10 top assigned early seating and the steadies and roving cast of characters and the roomy 1a on Empress deck and the funny eggs and old school somewhat subdued Farcus (sp) design and the crew...if anyone slipped..they got it the second time...I refer to a little too much flirt with the cabin attendant at first...but he got it and was wonderful rest of cruise keeping me in ice and fixing my bed with a comforter on bottom...I felt treated as a queen and a great service feel on an older but great ship and first fancy trippy trip in a long time...


I think they are maybe staff to people ratio better on Fantasy class or staff loves Socal where I took my cruise or something...


I hear good things about Paradise in Tampa too...


Well I always go on and on..sorry....but really am interested in this combo trip...Sarah

Edited by sjn911
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Also....is it known the Sunshine in moving to Charleston. They passed out sheets in the room for discounts on the Sunshine out of Charleston starting 5/2016.


Just curious if the discount was a pretty good deal... Would like to take advantage of that if it was worth it....

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Some things never change. I spent yesterday going through old pictures, and came across some from our Fantasy cruise back in 1990. Hard to believe that was 25 years ago. Couldn't wait to get off. I had thought it was that class ship, which had just become the largest in Carnivals fleet, but we ended up sailing on other ships in that class when they came out, and it was just fine.




It was just something about that ship. Luckily it was only a 4 day cruise, and cheap ($299 with roundtrip airfare). We got off and never looked back.



I agree some things never change. Where we disagree is what those things are.......

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I was on Paradise out of Tampa last year. It was a fine ship. Yes it doesn't have everything the Breeze has but I had a great time on her. It was a Carnival Live sailing which was fun also. I would love to hear what the problem was for reference. The only problem we had on Paradise was Debarkation. It was the longest and worse Debarkation of any cruise I have done. Oh well, but that didn't ruin the great time we had

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I was on Paradise out of Tampa last year. It was a fine ship. Yes it doesn't have everything the Breeze has but I had a great time on her. It was a Carnival Live sailing which was fun also. I would love to hear what the problem was for reference. The only problem we had on Paradise was Debarkation. It was the longest and worse Debarkation of any cruise I have done. Oh well, but that didn't ruin the great time we had


I would really enjoy one of those "live" cruises with an artist I like..that sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing...Sarah

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Maybe Spring Break had something to do with it? Not a wise time to cruise.


The first time we cruised on Fantasy was during March Madness - all the kids from NCU were onboard and they were in the playoffs - everyone had a great time. There was only one incident where I saw anything inappropriate and I've seen worse from "adults" on other cruises.

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The first time we cruised on Fantasy was during March Madness - all the kids from NCU were onboard and they were in the playoffs - everyone had a great time. There was only one incident where I saw anything inappropriate and I've seen worse from "adults" on other cruises.


I agree that adults can be just as bad, but usually there are less of them puking in the hallways during a spring break shorter cruise. :eek:

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Maybe Spring Break had something to do with it? Not a wise time to cruise.


Spring breaks in SC are not until the next couple of weeks. A week from tomorrow in the middle of the State, the week before Easter.

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