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We are all selfish people


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This thread needs pulling. It is a cruise forum, not a "do gooders" site.


I disagree. This post is a much needed reality check. It's fine to be frustrated over changes, but put it into context with real world problems. Many people cannot even feed their families, and will never have the opportunity to take a vacation. Does a cruise forum mean that the discussion needs to be all self centered? Something to think about.

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Paying for XYZ and expecting to get XYZ isn't petty or funny. Yes, I have much bigger issues to contend with in life than my discretionary vacation spending. But it doesn't make me selfish to expect to get what has been advertised to me.

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It's not really worth a second thought. However, Bob...if it bothers you you can click on the OP's post and hit the red triangle on the upper right hand corner and ask the mods to remove it.


It doesn't bother me, I just believe it is inappropriate for this site.


I come on here to read about cruises and cruise related topics, that's all, but if it is going to be a social comment site sobeit.

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Looks like there is enough sanctimoniousness to go around. "Good" vs "Evil"? This is a company raising its prices, it's not Star Wars or the Crusades. And unlike taxes from your government, it's very easy to avoid paying NCL's increased prices: Don't take their cruises.



And what about those that chose the line on the basis of what was offered, and have paid in full and made many other purchases based on the budget we expected?

It's easy to say Don't take their cruises, but that is the whole crux of the matter.

We were offered one thing and then the goalposts are moved.

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Looks like there is enough sanctimoniousness to go around. "Good" vs "Evil"? This is a company raising its prices, it's not Star Wars or the Crusades. And unlike taxes from your government, it's very easy to avoid paying NCL's increased prices: Don't take their cruises.


Thank you! That one really got to me.

I see the changes are unpopular. I also read the attacks of corporate greed., etc. yes, the changes suck, but they are not EVIL. And- last I knew, NCL was not operating as a 503© charity so that we can all cruise in the cheap.

Of COURSE they are in it for the money. They are a business. We can chose to keep doing business with them or not.

And all the speculation about NCL keeping the DSC for their corporate parties and the like is silly.

Del Pedro or del rio or whomever this new dude is is doing his job. If we don't like it, we don't use the product he is selling.

I think the way these changes were rolled out was obnoxious. Doesn't make it EVIL.



Sorry for the rant, but the EVIL thing just got to me.

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Thanks for putting a good spin on all this, both now and the OP. I agree with you; for those who say they work their butts off for a nice vacation: I say, then let it go, stop worrying about the little things and enjoy your vacation. None of us like extra charges, but the world isn't going to come to an end, most people will contine to cruise on the line of their choice regardless of these costs; As I think the saying goes: don't fight the small stuff!!!


Just curious when you do start to fight. In the course of a few weeks NCL has increased or added several monetary things. When does it start to matter?

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Thanks for putting a good spin on all this, both now and the OP. I agree with you; for those who say they work their butts off for a nice vacation: I say, then let it go, stop worrying about the little things and enjoy your vacation. None of us like extra charges, but the world isn't going to come to an end, most people will contine to cruise on the line of their choice regardless of these costs; As I think the saying goes: don't fight the small stuff!!!
well put. When you think about, there are millions of folks that would love to have these issues, but never in their lifetime could they ever afford to cruise, they can only dream about it.


If one does not like the practices and policies of one cruise line, there are many more to choose from, but I would bet that only a few will walk away from NCL.

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I think the way these changes were rolled out was obnoxious. Doesn't make it EVIL.


Yes, greedy, but not evil.


Also showing incredible disrespect to their customers. Also demonstrating what sure looks like (to somebody who's never operated a business, etc. :)) incredibly poor business acumen. I can't imagine how stoopit a CEO would have to be to can workers in the PR department just as you are going to need them working double-time to put a positive spin on the new conveniences.


I find this thread to be off-topic. Of course we're selfish. But the .001 percenters that FDR is working for are so much more selfish than the most venal poster here, that to point the finger at our "greed" for just wanting things to be as we were promised (again, SOME of us are after final payment!) just seems like a DISTRACTION.

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Just curious when you do start to fight. In the course of a few weeks NCL has increased or added several monetary things. When does it start to matter?


I can't speak for others. But for us it is not now. We spend several thousands of dollars for each cruise and then another $1-2k on extras on every cruise. The extra $100-200 for a week is still not enough to be an issue. We are getting $1-2K in promotions right now and are still happy. If we were on a cruise that cost $6-700 and the price went up $100 I guess that would be substantial?

Many of those making the most "noise" say it's not about the money, it's how it was done. If that's the case, ignore the money part of it and deal with the roll out. How would it be better handled? We have cruises booked over two years out. When would be the right time to implement for us? After the two years pass? Some say there should have been more warning, what would be enough? The only ones that can't cancel without penalty are those in the after final payment mode. Why have the ones so vocal about this not just cancelled their cruises that are outside of final payment? There's a lot of "thinking about it", "might do it", but very little of I've cancelled and moved to xyz cruise line. I know someone will not say, "how do you know we haven't cancelled", and I don't know. But if you have cancelled, you no longer have a "dog in this fight" and could just let it go.

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well put. When you think about, there are millions of folks that would love to have these issues, but never in their lifetime could they ever afford to cruise, they can only dream about it.


If one does not like the practices and policies of one cruise line, there are many more to choose from, but I would bet that only a few will walk away from NCL.


Yes, and I'm some of the people will only walk away temporarily. Cruising is a business and I'm sure the other mainstream lines will get wind of the extra charges NCL is putting into place...it's only a matter of time until this becomes the norm. Sad, but true. The job of any cruise line is to get us to spend money...beyond our cruise fare. And I don't like these recent increases that have happened so fast either.

Edited by bangzoom6877
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This is a ridiculous thread. This is a forum to discuss, debate, and share information about cruising with NCL. People are free to praise, judge, or even (dare to say) criticize the actions of NCL.

Lately there have been some very different ideas coming from NCL. Those ideas are free to be discussed good or bad.

To call anyone who dares criticize NCL as greedy is way overboard.

Are we the customers the ones that are selfish when they point out they are getting double dipped in gratuities?

Its laughable. Perhaps the OP needs to move to North Korea where there is only one thought that is allowed and everyone agrees.


Selfish? NO

Free? YES

Edited by david_sobe
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To call anyone who dares criticize NCL as greedy is way overboard.

Are we the customers the ones that are selfish when they point out they are getting double dipped in gratuities?

Its laughable. Perhaps the OP needs to move to North Korea where there is only one thought that is allowed and everyone agrees.


Selfish? NO

Free? YES

No one here called the NCL-critics "greedy". The only ones trying to restrict freedom in this discussion are those calling for the thread to be deleted, and those telling the OP to move to North Korea. Way overboard and laughable, indeed. :D
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I have been to N. Korea many times. HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT GREAT NATION!!! Kim Jong Un is an avid cruiser. Not to mention he dresses for formal nights appropriately. He also play a mean game of shuffle board.


He works hard too. He goes on cruises to escape the everyday grind of leading his fellow countrymen.

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Yes, greedy, but not evil.


Also showing incredible disrespect to their customers. Also demonstrating what sure looks like (to somebody who's never operated a business, etc. :)) incredibly poor business acumen. I can't imagine how stoopit a CEO would have to be to can workers in the PR department just as you are going to need them working double-time to put a positive spin on the new conveniences.


I find this thread to be off-topic. Of course we're selfish. But the .001 percenters that FDR is working for are so much more selfish than the most venal poster here, that to point the finger at our "greed" for just wanting things to be as we were promised (again, SOME of us are after final payment!) just seems like a DISTRACTION.



More importantly it was who was put in charge of the PR department at NCL?....Oh that would be, none other than, FDR Junior. Nepotism is alive and well in corporate America.





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Yes, and I'm some of the people will only walk away temporarily. Cruising is a business and I'm sure the other mainstream lines will get wind of the extra charges NCL is putting into place...it's only a matter of time until this becomes the norm. Sad, but true. The job of any cruise line is to get us to spend money...beyond our cruise fare. And I don't like these recent increases that have happened so fast either.

The one thing we don't know, even with some speculation that it was del rio, is when these items were put on the table. Some could have discussed for a long time. I would rather they make all the changes at one time, because if the piecemeal them, the complaining will go on forever, this way it is all done at one time, plus there are no more surprises and people can make their minds up if they want to continue to cruise with NCL.

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Thank you for validating my point. "I don't appreciate being told how lucky I am" "speak for yourself son"


I know you guys are above us all. None of work as hard as you or take vacations to escape the daily grind.


If you can't understand the spirit of my post. Well, too bad for you. It is not a scolding nor a personal attack. Rather, a realization of what really matters. Just my thoughts on a public forum. An observation.


I'm not above complaining, I've bitched and moaned as well.


I don't know you, you don't know me. We could be neighbors for all we know.


Just take it as mindless drivel. And move on then.



My baby brother is a decorated US Marine, just returned stateside after 4 tours fighting for all of us. Got wounded on his 2nd tour. Went back for 2 more.

He fought to make us all safe. So we can come and go as we please. Protecting our freedom, so while he went through hell and back, we could have such trivial issues in life. So yes, we are all selfish.


Agreed and Amen...this cruise line is a little more on my solo deals for a regular inside and smaller comparison...just the little more I would spend on specialties and I went temporarily hot on it all, especially room service because just found a pretty good runaway from here soon price. The fact I can even consider it is a major treat and priviledge and it is trivial period..I get you are not saying feel guilty..but just the truth in a nice way...thanks from bottom of my heart for your brothers service...just watched some service things recently on tv and so touched, I pray our country begins to get that dedication and what it means no matter what your politics for all who serve the public here and the country here and abroad. No other country has a more willing , able and desirous to serve force like we do...no matter what mistakes we make...we as a country and many who populated it do not see our true wealth..and are selfish...to a higher and higher degree, IMHO.


Shopping recently was chatting with a young man a few days ago who will not buy our small town paper as felt they were treated as baby killers by a new more liberal media group here and and this came up way after a long polite conversation he was not afraid to have with a to him "oldie" woman...55..this is more and more rare as I age, probably many women's fault too but just saying the ageless respect and enjoying the conversation was palpable and more and more rare.....and you could not tell he had served as dressed which made it a more sweet surprise....sigh.....here where a lot of people serve...to be treated like that...where the service per capita is much higher.


Well yeah..everything will balance out living here safely God willing and then with prices and our economy....kudos...thank you is not enough to say to your brother and you and your family...for your service and sacrifice. Sarah

Edited by sjn911
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I also appreciate all the struggles penny pinching and able to do it and need to take real vacation and have these trivial worries...and all the insight long term cruisers have at all ends of the spectrum...I just think it does not hurt anywhere to be thankful to be able to have these worries and upsets to work on fixing...someone else did a lot so we could worry and be upset...period.

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Now they are whining because we aren't whining:D


Yes, because their lives were completely destroy by raising room service charges on a cruise which was their main reason of taking breath and living. AND THE CRUISE CRITIC FORUMS NEED TO BURN TO ASH FOR THIS TRAVESTY!!! RAWRWOBBLEGOBBLE!1!!









(I swear that how some of the posts on the forum regarding the increases are looking right now..like wow, hate to see what happens when the cruise fares increase to pass RCL current lvls....)

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Just curious when you do start to fight. In the course of a few weeks NCL has increased or added several monetary things. When does it start to matter?


Yes, greedy, but not evil.


Also showing incredible disrespect to their customers. Also demonstrating what sure looks like (to somebody who's never operated a business, etc. :)) incredibly poor business acumen. I can't imagine how stoopit a CEO would have to be to can workers in the PR department just as you are going to need them working double-time to put a positive spin on the new conveniences.


I find this thread to be off-topic. Of course we're selfish. But the .001 percenters that FDR is working for are so much more selfish than the most venal poster here, that to point the finger at our "greed" for just wanting things to be as we were promised (again, SOME of us are after final payment!) just seems like a DISTRACTION.


OK, yes, for goodness sake, NCL is not the Evil Empire. The point I was trying to make with that quotation is that some things are worth fighting for, and speaking up against. I could have accepted just an increase in DSC perhaps, but when..they..just..keep..pileing..it.. on.. with what amounts to no respect for our intelligence, at a certain point you just have to make your displeasure known.


I am capable of holding two opposng thoughts in my head at the same time. Yes, I am grateful that I have the privilege to cruise, etc. etc. etc. And at the same time I hate, scratch hate, substitute very strongly dislike, (or someone will be sure to protest the use of that word:rolleyes:), what I have seen with NCL lately. And when you feel that strongly about something, I think you should say so.

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Yes, greedy, but not evil.


Also showing incredible disrespect to their customers. Also demonstrating what sure looks like (to somebody who's never operated a business, etc. :)) incredibly poor business acumen. I can't imagine how stoopit a CEO would have to be to can workers in the PR department just as you are going to need them working double-time to put a positive spin on the new conveniences.


I find this thread to be off-topic. Of course we're selfish. But the .001 percenters that FDR is working for are so much more selfish than the most venal poster here, that to point the finger at our "greed" for just wanting things to be as we were promised (again, SOME of us are after final payment!) just seems like a DISTRACTION.


Right on point!

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I work 7 days weeks for months on end without a day off . I feel i`m entitled to some pampering and luxury on my holiday . All of these changes " for my convenience " have felt a very bad taste in my mouth NCL has made so many changes in the last month i have no confidence in them at the moment . Do i want this hassle when i should be looking forward to my holiday NO i don`t . Yes i agree there are much bigger problems around but i think your missing the point here . There are a lot of unhappy people at the moment most of whom know how lucky we all are to be in this position . But have every right to be annoyed with NCL and i don`t appreciate being told how lucky i am .


That's about how I feel. My DH is on call 24 hours one week a month, he works 7 days one week a month. I work as much as I can to add in. Right now, we have a reservation for a cruise in October but due to the exchange rate between the US and Canada right now, I'm not so sure we'll be able to afford that anymore. Also hoping for a second once-a-year cruise in 2016, but that might fall by the way too.


Please consider that many of us who see hardship in this see REAL hardship, as in we might not be able to afford to go with the changes being made.

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