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Building an AIR wardrobe

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So, in trying to figure out what I needed to pack for my first cruise, I found an old thread called what about this earth, fire, air, ice? It explained the color coding for different people somewhat in the same way people used to be classified by a season. It seemed a bit simpler and more complicated at the same time. I finally figured out I think I'm an AIR. Which means muted pastels for me. That's going to take some getting used to! https://fireiceearthandair.wordpress.com/2009/11/13/lets-get-started-the-toilet-test/ I hope I copied the link correctly for those wondering what I'm talking about! Now to start trying to rebuild my rather limited wardrobe. Its going to be a challenge since I hate shopping. First goal is just to have cruise clothes!

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So simple, black white and beige with some multi colored scarves.

Every piece should be able to be mixed with all the others.

Always travel with a 22" carry on with about 12-14 pieces and two pairs of shoes for 5-6 weeks. Never need "formal.".....

Edited by orchestrapal
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Why do you need cruise clothes? I wear what I have, but I leave the rattier t-shirts and my gardening clothes at home. :)


Perhaps the OP want to wear a gown on a formal night. You don't wear a gown at home do you?


Just like the Earth and Fire threads, the OP is an Air, she want to share her idea with other. I think it is a fantastic.


Happy shopping



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So simple, black white and beige with some multi colored scarves.

Every piece should be able to be mixed with all the others.

Always travel with a 22" carry on with about 12-14 pieces and two pairs of shoes for 5-6 weeks. Never need "formal.".....


Good for you. Not everyone can travel with 22" carry on. Black and white are boring. I guess you have no plan on traveling with Cunard.



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So, in trying to figure out what I needed to pack for my first cruise, I found an old thread called what about this earth, fire, air, ice? It explained the color coding for different people somewhat in the same way people used to be classified by a season. It seemed a bit simpler and more complicated at the same time. I finally figured out I think I'm an AIR. Which means muted pastels for me. That's going to take some getting used to! https://fireiceearthandair.wordpress.com/2009/11/13/lets-get-started-the-toilet-test/ I hope I copied the link correctly for those wondering what I'm talking about! Now to start trying to rebuild my rather limited wardrobe. Its going to be a challenge since I hate shopping. First goal is just to have cruise clothes!


I am not an Air. I do not post on the Earth and Fire threads, but I do lurking. I am looking forward to see what you are buying. Good luck and happy shopping.



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Why do you need cruise clothes? I wear what I have, but I leave the rattier t-shirts and my gardening clothes at home. :)


Four years ago I donated all my "proper" black business suits, threw some jeans and tshirts in the big truck and took off with DH. He's an over the road tractor trailer driver. My very minimal wardrobe is fine for traveling the US, but I'd like some cute clothes for a vacation. At the very least I have to make the always dreaded hunt for a swim suit 😁. Since I discovered the AIR way of dressing, I'm not going to just buy black as I normally would have. Experimenting with colors that are new to me that may be more flattering will be a precruise adventure!

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I am not an Air. I do not post on the Earth and Fire threads, but I do lurking. I am looking forward to see what you are buying. Good luck and happy shopping.






I didn't realize that you lurked on "our" threads without posting. Girlfriend, post!


I hope you return here because I have something to say to you, personally. I have "lurked" on threads where you have posted (so who am I to talk, right?) mostly because I love seeing the pictures of your dresses. You are such an inspiration to me to dress elegantly and have fun with my wardrobe! And, that's what I wanted to say to you! A big THANK YOU for bringing such creativity and fashion flair and to inspire me to get out of my fashion rut and go for some fashion fun on my next cruise!

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Hello, GrannyFlamingo.


Do you prefer to be called "Granny" or "Flamingo" or ??? or the full, formal "Ms GrannyFlamingo?"




as you have discovered there are people on the Fashion Board who don't really have a clue what is meant by Fire, Earth, Air, Ice… and could frankly not be bothered to become informed before opinions are expressed. It's a fairly small group of ladies who were inspired by CJW (back in the day…. way, way back in the day when CJW was a bachelor and spent quite a bit of time on these boards, discussing fashion and color theory). Now, CJW is a husband, father with two children… (last I heard)… and, frankly, way too busy to give away free advice. I don't know how much he monitors the website that you found…




I am concerned about you and your self-analysis that you are an AIR. Before you get involved with dressing AIR-ish, I would caution you to make absolutely certain that you are. It might be highly beneficial to see if you can engage CJW in determining that you are, in fact, what you think that you might be.




when I had my "colors" done (again, back in the day) when the "Seasons" were first getting started with color theory… the old Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer…


Just to state although you probably already know. Winter=Ice; Autumn=our lovely EARTH ladies; Spring=Fire; Summer=Air as a correlation to that system…


I was told that I was a Summer=Air=dressing in cool, muted tones. I did dress that way for a while and then quickly tired of it; I literally couldn't see any difference between the way that I was dressing as this "so-called" Summer and dressing in clothes that didn't reflect the color theory.


Can you imagine my complete and total surprise to find out from CJW that I was supposed to be dressing in WARM, BRIGHT colors… precisely and exactly OPPOSITE of what I had been told those years ago. So, all that money spent on dying my hair a beautiful shade of ash blonde that made my skin look pinker than pink… which made me go to a cosmetic counter and buy green correcting foundation toner fluid… to


well. Enough of that. I'm just saying that even professionals have had a problem getting the color analysis accomplished properly.


So. It's just my opinion that you would be doing yourself a favor to make absolutely certain before you turn your wardrobe into a perfect AIR.


But, if you're really, really certain… then we're all available to help you! And please don't lurk on the other threads; talk to us! We're really just interested in helping each other look and feel our very best.

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Hi member123! Everybody just calls me granny. I think I'm an air? I'm basing it mostly on the fact my eyes are definitely blue with grey and white flecks. My hair was platinum when I was very young, and my skin has a bit of olive cast to it. (My mom was Native American). I suppose I could look into getting a color thingy from the expert, but honestly trying to do the color clothing thing seems like a huge hassle for me. Since I have very little clothing space, I won't be buying a lot. Hmmm hope this works out. Hopefully I can post some pics and ya'all can help. Clothes have mostly just been something for work or to not be nekkid. So I'm looking forward yo trying to have fun with them for a change.

Edited by GrannyFlamingo
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So, Granny… I think that you might be an extremely easy person to identify, then, from the description of your eyes. That is a perfect, cool description… as in cool vs warm, not cool and groovy (and, yes, I just "dated" myself).


So the only question that would remain is whether you're BRIGHT or MUTED. And that would be your skin "nature" that would determine that… I think. Since you've already given away your black/white outfits, I gather that you've pretty much narrowed down to your AIRy-ness. If you did post pictures, the basic ones would be: black top, white top, gray top. Those would definitely allow for fact-based, informed opinion.


So help with cruise clothes! First question… what type of cruise are you going on? There would be a difference among clothing for cruises to Alaska vs Caribbean vs Europe. Second question… where did you want to start? Are you wanting clothes that would be appropriate for formal night or port excursions or smart casual dressing? Don't say: ALL of the ABOVE. I'm talking about where you want to START.


With your lifestyle, I would think that you are very interested in obtaining a capsule wardrobe… a definite ability to mix/match with a limited number of clothing items. Am I correct? What kind of accessories do you love?


How much time do you have to get this pulled together?

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Granny, what colors make you happiest, what ones do people say, wow you look great?


I wore a business suit for 30 years; black, navy, chocolate & my two favorites, teal & eggplant purple. I had red hair & green eyes & that pale freckle Irish skin. I still have the green eyes, but the hair is full silver (no, not grey). I feel best in teal, turquoise, hot pink & cobalt blue. I'm most probably a fire with ice tendencies. I post on the Earth board cause I really like the girls (I was more of an Earth as a redhead). Have fun with this, I've learned a lot. Melody

Edited by awhfy
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Thanks member! I've been digging back thru other threads. I guess I'll try to take some pics later, just to be sure I'm an air? I gave away all my business clothes, which were mostly black with a few gray suits. If I never wear a suit again, I'll be happy! I did save my favorite little black dress. And I do have a white blouse and sundress. I don't think I have any gray, but a streel gray color usually looks good on me. All I really have are random clothing items, lol. Not exactly a fashionista. Were going to the Bahamas in October, so I have plenty of time. Looking through what I have I realized I was going to have to break down and buy clothing. I have a silver/gray dress I bought last year that I never got a chance yo wear. But its packed in MILs closet and I'm not sure I'll be able to pick it up before we leave. I have several pairs of khaki shorts, so just need new tops. I don't want to replace everything, just add some items to perk it all up. Minimum, one swim suit, 5 tops, maybe one dress. For now anyway. Did i mention I hate shopping?

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Oh, Granny…. I don't know. Some of the other ladies need to get over here to start to express their opinion; there are a few that are much better at details than I am. BUT, I think that the top you have on is a pretty perfect AIR color; very muted pastel cool blue. But, I don't think that this color blends your skin very well. It's not so much that you look "red" as you just don't appear very well "blended."


You don't need bright sunlight; in fact, that could be detrimental because it will cast significant shadows and make you squint. Just daylight would be perfect. I think it would be better to have a more neutral background, if possible. The trailer white might actually throw you off… a bit. Of course, that might be what is happening with the cool blue top; maybe the black background is throwing the effect of the top a bit off. I mean… that's a whole lot of black around you!


Nice to meet you! Face with a name. So fun.

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Four years ago I donated all my "proper" black business suits, threw some jeans and tshirts in the big truck and took off with DH. He's an over the road tractor trailer driver. My very minimal wardrobe is fine for traveling the US, but I'd like some cute clothes for a vacation. At the very least I have to make the always dreaded hunt for a swim suit 😁. Since I discovered the AIR way of dressing, I'm not going to just buy black as I normally would have. Experimenting with colors that are new to me that may be more flattering will be a precruise adventure!


Good for you! I get so tired of seeing women dress in black as if that's the only way to go. Especially as you age, it's important to have some color to brighten the face. I applaud your new fashion adventure. Happy shopping & enjoy your cruise!

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Everyone calls you Granny? What great skin you have!


My mother was a platinum white, cotton-top child with gorgeous blue eyes. I've always thought her to be AIR. My brother got her hair, eyes, and long curly eyelashes. Darn the luck. I took after my dad's side.


She looks great in soft purples, burgundy, and the mauve colors of the late 70s-early 80s era. It's what she wore to my wedding. As she aged, her hair grayed and then silvered beautifully. So gorgeous that people stopped her and asked who her hairdresser was because her "highlights" looked so great. Yes, I have me some major AIR envy.


The EARTH ladies are much better at actually helping you Granny than I would ever hope to be. I've been working at this a very long time and still feel inadequate. But it is a fun group of ladies. I just wanted to jump in and say how glad I am that you joined the color conversation. --Debbie

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Haha somehow I must have been in the sun five minutes. Today my forehead is red looking too. I'm never surprised when I'm all red/flushed looking since the menopause monster showed up and kept cranking up the thermostat, but apparently as I'm getting older the sun is even quicker at turning me red.

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Hey Granny!


I sure would like to see another picture, but my impression from the one you posted is that you are indeed an AIR.


It appears that you have that "thick skin"...as I call it...that generally points toward the muted tones...either Earth or Air. I do think you are coming off as cooler though...more roses than peaches.


I disagree with Mom's opinion of your shirt color (Member123 is Pam...or to me alone MOM)...anyway...that shirt is striking me a being a clear, icy blue...not a powdery blue. It seems too bright for you. I'd love to see you in the steel gray you mentioned...I bet that DOES sparkle on you.


As an AIR, cool colors that are muted are your best colors. Technically, you should be able to find most colors in a cool and muted version...that's the key. Most navy colors in the world are cool and muted...but there is a navy blue out there that would work for each color palette...finding it is the key. So that said...you just need to try to keep to the cool and muted colors.


If you have khaki shorts, these should go very well with AIR shirts...especially if they are that kind of khaki that has that grayish or white cast as opposed to the more tan color.


For AIR, your white is softer than arctic white. Have you ever seen the kind of paper that almost hurts your eyes to read because it is so WHITE...and then there is that soft white that is easier on the eyes? THAT'S your white. Softer on the eyes.


Your common neutrals will be that paler, grayer version of khaki, navy, and gray (especially charcoal gray for a deeper neutral).


If words like "pastel" are used to describe a color...that's generally AIR!


You can wear yellow, but it is more of a lemon yellow...not a buttery, sunshine yellow. Think lemon sorbet...


The colors of Laurie's San Francisco pictures on that cloudy overcast day...those are your colors! Stormy seas and stormy skies.


The turquoise, soft purples, and wine/burgundy colors are all typical AIR colors...the difficulty is determining that the color you are looking at is AIR...there are EARTH versions of all these colors and sometimes, it can be very difficult to figure out if you are looking at a cool wine color or a warm wine color.


It's enough to make you crazy and one reason why we all started talking to each other to try to help each other out!


You've talked a bit about your hopes for a incorporating some AIR things into a cruising wardrobe. Have you ever checked out the Vivienne Files?




Her blog is very easy to look at...she does a lot of capsule wardrobes and talks about how to mix and match things. She talks about making purposeful buying decisions. I don't really follow what she does exactly...but I can find inspiration for building a wardrobe in her posts.


I really liked this one series she did...this one uses navy and beige:




There's a long history there, if you have time to browse around.

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Hi there!


Another picture would be a great thing, Granny. Get right outside in the natural light, instead of the car.


Certain aspects of your hair and eyes do seem like air colors. You said your hair was platinum blonde at one time? I find this interesting. My husband had curly blonde hair as a child, with blue gray eyes. As he got older his hair color changed. As he got older yet, it started to gray, and is now all gray. He's an air.


He puts on navy blue, and we all do that ooh and ahh thing. There is something in your picture that does remind me of my husband's hair and eyes but I would really like to see more pictures.


As you know from the earth thread, we have a great time with the color process, and what works for us. I really enjoy it immensely.

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