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Douro River LIVE Viking


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In Lisbon, on a pre cruise extension for a Douro River Viking Cruise.. We board the boat on Thursday. I am excited! I am going to try to put in info for people who are doing Viking and those who just need info about what to do along the way.


I arrived on a two day pre-cruise extension because I wanted to get over jet lag and to hang out in a beautiful, historic city. I was the only Viking passenger waiting at the airport. So no bus.. I was picked up in a Mercedes, met with water and some wet wipes. Most importantly, I was met by the Viking program director for our Lisbon part of the cruise. Ileana was extremely helpful and very professional.


We went to Hotel Tivoli, which while it is locally considered 5 stars, it might not be what you think is the American version of 5 stars. That being said, it is a beautiful hotel in a good part of Lisbon. For lunch, I had a drink and salad in their beautiful lobby bar and was very happy with it. If you read trip advisor, you will find it gets mixed reviews, but generally good to great ones. My room is on the 3rd floor, so it is on the lowest floor of rooms in the hotel. The window is higher than generally expected (in America) but it is a peaceful view of treetops. They have a lovely rooftop bar. It overlooks the city and harbor.


Once we got to the hotel, the program director spent about an hour with me with maps, orienting me and giving me the schedule that will be happening for the next four days. After I was able to get into my room (early) we walked a few blocks for coffee and a croissant, continuing our conversation. I was really impressed by her knowledge of Viking, the history or Portugal, the economic situation in the world and Portugal. Because of my careers and interests, how governments, laws and economics work, is interesting and useful to me. She could easily answer any question accurately with historical context.


She gave me her contact info in case I should need it, then turned me loose.


Since it is Sunday, there was an Antiques, craft and odds n ends fair of sellers up and down the street in front of the hotel. There was an eclectic assortment of items there.


I had dinner at Riba Douro. It is a fantastic restaurant with inside dining in a casual European style. SEAFOOD. or outside in the park. I ate inside. I had Mariscos a Marinheira, salad and wine. The mariscos (shellfish) were so good! I wished I could drink the broth! (maybe vodka or rum with it?) JK! It was a lovely dinner.


So, day one? Viking came through beautifully! The hotel is clean, nice and I like it. The major oddity? Because the bathroom has been remodeled, it is quite crowded. Some people do not like how close the toilet is to the sink. It does not bother me.


I am traveling aquarium class, maybe I will get a free upgrade, I would love to try veranda or french balcony!


Gotta go see the city from the outdoor rooftop bar... more later!

Edited by Go2See
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Dear Go2See

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and pleasant review. Very relaxed and pointed descriptions of what we can expect, as we too do this itinerary with Viking…..in about 10 months:) Will look forward to your insights, and wish you a joyful and memorable adventure! Stay well, have fun!

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Hello, Go.


Thanks for your very well-written review. I am so impressed that the Viking representative spent so much time with you (I guess because there was nobody else there).


We are staying for 3 days pre-cruise in Prague in November and I am thinking of what will happen at our hotel and the included city tour. We really appreciate your keeping us informed. ;)

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So... where to start?

On my second pre day, I had a great tour of two neighborhoods of Lisbon. Saundra walked me around Barrio Alto and Chiado. She is so knowledgeable. As we walked, we discussed other things I wanted to do here in Lisbon. Since Lisbon is so historically important for new world exploration, gold, God and kings, I had some places I wanted to see.... The royal castles in Sentra, the Shrine of Fatima, the beach and so much more.


So we walked all over these two neighborhoods... it was a 2 or 2.5 hour tour. Since I was the only one who was pre tour, I had a private tour, provided by Viking. After the tour ended, the program manager, Ileana, met with me to see what else I wanted to do and if I needed help. This woman is a marvel! She is knowledgeable, helpful and tries her best to help Viking passengers have a great time. As has been discussed on this forum before, the city people, such as Ileana and Saundra are freelance but sort of coordinated by a local agency, where they are constantly a dedicated part of Viking. They have their passengers best interest at heart. But I digress...


I decided to take the local train to see the World heritage site.. Sintra, it is full of palaces, beautiful walks, interesting architecture and history. I used public transport, the train and then a local bus system called Scott Urb. You really need a whole day to see even a part of it. I had a half day, so I had to really choose what to do. I saw in detail, the Palace National and the Pena Palace, I was out of time so I barely go to see the Moors castle. I walked so much and it is all cobblestones and hills.. but had a great time experiencing the life of that time. I headed back to Lisbon on the 8pm train, which meant I hit the main train station at dinner time.. as I got out of the train there was a Fado singer in the local square, which was an unexpected pleasure. I took a taxi to the beer monastery for dinner ( dinner is late in Portugal , generally at 8 pm) and was back to the hotel by midnight! Since that was early, I headed up to the Sky bar to have a evening dessert wine overlooking the city.


Today was my third pre day and the normal arrival day for the regular passengers. I went to the Shrine of Fatima, which meant that I bypassed organized tours ( not enough time at the shrine) and used the amazingly wonderful local bus and subway to get there. I spent most of the whole day there. And it was worth it!


At 7 pm tonight we all gathered for an orientation and a glass of port. Ileana did a great job of trying to set expectations for what would be happening. I think being a tour program manager would be difficult given the mix of people and their interests and backgrounds. I think in general, the people working here have been exceptional in trying to make sure people¨s needs are being met.


So.... my advice?

1. give yourself extra time in the start point and finish point. Exploring the cities is so fun.

2. be kind to the people who are doing their best to help you have a great time in a city that they love sharing with you.

3. Try to use local transportation.. after all, you wanted an adventure... Right?

4. Remember, you are not at home. Everything from your shower to the way you smell from the mineral content in the water will be different... enjoy it!

4. When you come to Lisbon... low heeled shoes are best. The cobblestones are beautiful and sooooo uneven.

5. Have fun planning your trip, I wish I had planned a week here, there is so much to see and to do.

6. In my travels, I would say that Lisbon has more things made in Portugal that I would actually use daily at home, so I am NOT buying tourist souvenirs, I am buying things that I can incorporate into my real life when I get back home.


I will write more as I have time. feel free to ask me questions!

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Nice writeup!


We have visited Lisbon a few times and concur that there is a lot to do. We were also impressed by how (relatively) cheap it was compared to other large European cities. Great public transport, easy to navigate on our own, and delicious reasonably-priced food. What wasn't to love?


We too took the local public transportation to Sintra and enjoyed it immensely. Though we didn't have time, I've read about a bus that loops along the coast, visiting Cascais and Sintra, and supposedly taking a very scenic route to do so - is that the bus you took? We didn't have time for that so we took the direct train both ways...


Glad you're getting out and about, and enjoying yourself so much. Looking forward to hearing more as you continue your travels.

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There IS ONE BBBBBBIGGGGG problem! Lisbon is so interesting and has so much for every taste, and I only had 4 days here! (insert a sadface). Today was the normal Viking program.

1/2 day city tour, optional tour of tile museum, evening Fado dinner.

The tile tour, I did not do. The Fado dinner was canceled due to not enough people signed up for it. However, the hotel has one tonight (which I am attending). The half day tour was really good.


We were allocated to 3 buses so each guide had about 35 people at the beginning. At the last part which was a walking tour in a narrow, very old part of town, the groups were split down to about 15 to 17, so people could keep together. I had a great time, the first part was a bus tour through some of the main areas of town plus a few stops at monuments and then at a famous and beautiful church, Monosterio de Jeronomo. It was pretty crowded because it is so important----- burial place of many famous kings and explorers. And it was built to celebrate that Portugal could get past the earlier perceived limits in the ocean, without dropping off the edge of the world, etc.

Then there was about a 15 to 20 minute walking tour at the end.

It was all very well done. Actually, I am in awe of the tour guides, all who had such a good command of English and spoke it so well and comfortably that they could easily joke with guest. They also had to consider the audience... some older and less able to walk far, or fast or in the heat. Others younger who wanted to see alot.


When the tour was over, there was the option of being dropped in the city center or back to the hotel.


I went back the hotel to freshen up and to drop things off. Then caught a taxi to the main Cathedral called the Se. It was the most interesting time. The main part was free, but for 4 E a person could go into the Closters which is an archaeological site and up into the treasury. I was so glad I visited them both. The treasures were phenomenal! Religious artifacts and reliquary from some pretty famous people. Also the robes and celebrant utensils made from gold and silver that are centuries old and yet still used today.


Then I shopped. and shopped and shopped then ate gelato!


Now I must go get ready to go to dinner!


How much to tip the private tour? I will include it with the total tip after the three days of tours. Probably about 20E total.

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Hi Go2See -- I'm enjoying reading your description of your trip - we just got home from the same itinerary on July 11 and we loved every minute. Sounds like you're having a great time, too.


I was going to do a trip report but ours would be so similar (so far anyway!) to yours I don't think I'll need to. I'll just do a review instead.


I hope you continue to enjoy your journey and look forward to reading more about it :)

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I can't lie. Last night I went the rooftop bar to say goodbye to Lisboa. The city is fabulous. If you think the hotel is located poorly, please consider that taxis are cheap. The city is hilly and there are areas that would tire a person who is walking. Also the cobblestones add to the challenge.

So, if you are going to try to focus on the historic old town, you may want to stay in Chiado, Barrio Alta or baixa, or in the Rossio area.


If you are going to do the major tourist areas, Vikings use of the Hotel Tivoli is great. It is central, has good restaurants within two or three blocks and a subway a block away. Taxis are in front of the hotel. Subways are super clean and safe (in general ). I used the inter city bus system to go to Fatima


Typically I take a taxi to the highest place I plan to visit, then walk downhill. And I duck into every catholic church because the art and artistry is amazing.


Most eating places have menus translated into English. Or pictures, done afraid to duck into a tiny little place. If you stay at Hotel Tivoli, walk down two blocks to eat at Riba Douro.


So, at 7 am suitcase was waiting by my door and I was eating breakfast. It's way too early for me. Sadface


We boarded the busses about 830 to drive to Oporto. there was a break for coffee and restrooms, then we went to Coimbatore to see the old University and it was so cool. You cannot miss the library.

Then to a lunch in a good small restaurant with male Fado singing. Really good and yummy.


1.5 hours later we arrived at the ship. The check in process was rapid and easy.


I am in aquarium class, where the stateroom is more than adequate. Clean cosy and nice.

there is an elevator but I NEED to do stairs, since I am eating so much more than usual. ( not sure if that is a sadface or a happy face).


And dinner is great.

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We are on this river cruise in September and had loved reading about your time in Lisbon. We appreciate that you are taking the time to cover things in such detail. Can hardly wait to be there ourselves. Glad it is turning out to be such fun.

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We will be on the same Viking cruise next April. Your commentary is so much appreciated ...,., making me so excited about our upcoming cruise!!

Which boat are you sailing? ( sorry if you have mentioned it in your comments- I missed it) We will be on the Torgil.

Again, appreciate you taking time to share your trip and I look forward to reading more! Your writing is fun and informative😀🐤😇

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I am frustrated because I wrote a long report and it went poof! I hate technology except when I love it.


So yesterday day we were in Oporto. It's claim to fame? Well, in recent days.... Where Harry Potter was conceived. There is an old bookstore llelos, where the author used to have coffee and look out at a old tower... And if we all did that maybe we would have written About Harry! The bookstore is beautiful with a exceedingly lovely staircase... And tracks in the floor to move the old wooden bin so books could be moved. It's adorable, beautiful and worth your time!


Oporto is a beautiful city. The tour is doable by most people , I say this because we have several handicapped people on board and they asked me if I would post about accessibility. (Opal, this is for you!)

The tour finished at a port company, there were some steps and walking, but the pace was Relatively relaxed.

Be sure to ask detailed questions about each location if you are not sure about physical ability. Viking seems to work hard to help accommodate ALL their passengers.

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The ship cruises on Friday afternoon, however should you wish to stay in Oporto, the Viking provides a shuttle from Oporto to the next port. There is also a tour to Guimaraes, on our cruise, there weren't enough people to make it go.


The views are sooooo so beautiful. Old stone homes, mixed with new homes, lovely juxtaposition of the continuity of life. Hand built stone fences cobblestones and a feeling of peace with life.


In the evening, there is a tour to a monastery turned hotel. Dinner is served there. It is a lovely old building. And the setting is Divine. The dinner was good, not exceptional although the dessert was actually not so good. However, the fado was was lovely.

For the physically challenged, the there are several sets of stairs that for most would be doable unless you are in a wheelchair. It was a lovely evening, so ask careful questions about barriers if you have handicaps.

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Get up EARLY! They go through the locks about 730 am. I was awakened by the gushing water and ran to the top deck to see it and we were just done passing through. rats!


Oh well, on to breakfast and a lovely chat with a great young couple who had been married just a year. That's the cool part... You meet so many interesting people, not only other guests but the staff as well.


At 2 on Saturday, there is a tour to Mateus Palace.... Remember the inexpensive rose wine with a White Castle on the label? Most of us thought we ha d arrived when we could drink it? Well, that palace has been turned into a museum and it is beautiful. There is also a great garden. The tour has stairs with good handrails, about 17 steps not tall steps and very wide and deep. There is a bit of a walk from where the bus parks to the house itself. Maybe the length of one football field. And it is in a hotter region. After the place you to Sandeman estate, which has completely updated for handicapped accessibility. The drive up the mountainside is quite the trip.


A quick trip back to the ship, along the curvy roads of the area ( I keep offering to drive... But they won't let me.... Frustrated face! Actually it takes a very skilled driver. And the busses are brand new.


Tonight, after dinner there was a folk music show which was nice.


A word about food.... The food on board has been very good with many excellent choices. The waitstaff is wonderful and had accommodated my passion for mango, by allowing me to order "off-menu" to get mango sorbet. Yum!!!! And thank you!


In the bar, the two men and lady who are staff do a great job, they are knowledgeable, nice and make great drinks!


Viking, really tries to serve their customers here in the Douro. I have seen them kindly help passengers with health issues, food issues, mobility issues. It's a lot of work and they all do it with a smile in English!

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