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Kids in hot tubs?!?!


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Sadly - we have also experienced this on NCL cruises......my kids (3 & 6) had nightmares after our last cruise of this nasty lady loudly barking at them as they were walking down the hall with us (quietly) after a show (before 9pm) - asking them "what the h*ll are you still doing awake" and then muttering to her husband about how the ship was infested with these nasty rugrats.


I honestly thought she was the exception to the rule and just brushed it off - but it sounds like there are others with this same aversion to children.


NCL - is a family cruise line. There are many others that are not. If you have an aversion to children - there are many other options.


and vice versa......if your kids are so sensitive that hearing the word rugrat on a cruise causes them to have nightmares ......and i think they were yanking your chain there.....then you have other options as well. ;)

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its certainly not an aversion to children. Bottom line is kids need to be well behaved and supervised if they cant behave. They also do not belong in hot tubs. NCL provides plenty of areas for children....kids pool, slides, climbing walls, golf.....parents, all we ask is that your kids behave. Misbehavior is not cute.

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its certainly not an aversion to children. Bottom line is kids need to be well behaved and supervised if they cant behave. They also do not belong in hot tubs. NCL provides plenty of areas for children....kids pool, slides, climbing walls, golf.....parents, all we ask is that your kids behave. Misbehavior is not cute.


There are adult hot tubs, and hot tubs for everyone. Why do you think that kids aren't allowed in hot tubs? I agree they shouldn't be in those designated "adult."

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There are adult hot tubs, and hot tubs for everyone. Why do you think that kids aren't allowed in hot tubs? I agree they shouldn't be in those designated "adult."


I agree, I am surprised how many people think NCL hot tubs are adults only. They are not, unless in a designated adults-only area (like Spice H2O) or labeled "adults only" (only one out of four in the main pool area on Getaway).

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And people talk about the kids being the rude misbehaving brats, eh?




Not going to lie, I'm a bit worried about our upcoming cruise. We were super excited but now I worry. My daughter will be 8 at the time and is well behaved. She loves hot tubs and just sits there quietly in them. She likes the hot water.


We are staying Haven as well so that brings a whole other level of anxiety around 'entitled' others.


Here is the good news the Haven allows kids in the Hot tubs, in the pool, in the restaurant.....so don't worry. Let You DD enjoy herself.


IMO in the regular pool area the energy is so much higher kids get more hyper than in the Haven. Hyper kids make for more splashing and swimming in the hot tubs and pools. More people also make for more crowds.


If anyone says anything remind them of that fact its their problem not yours and Spice H2o is adult only.

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And I didn't say you said that. The complaint was children in adults only areas. Further that some people would "tell others where to go" if those "others" asked their kids to leave the adults only area. A huge portion of the issues on cruise ships come from people thinking that rules apply to everyone else but them (reserving chairs beyond the one hour limit, smoking in non-smoking areas such as balconies, allow their kids to be in the adults only area, etc).

I fully agree with you, that's probably my #1 complaint about cruising. It's that somehow the moment they step onboard some people become very entitled and selfish. I hate the "this is MY vacation and I PAID good money for this, so I'll be damned if anyone tells me what I can or can't do" attitude.


Of course, there are people like this in the "real world" too, but somehow the microcosm of the cruise ship seems to bring out the worst in some people.

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Guess what??? I paid the same amount for my kids to cruise, as you paid for yourself. It's their vacation too. They can use the Hot Tubs if they want to (my kids range from ages 11-20). Not ADULTS ONLY of course. What the heck??? Enjoy your cruise people. You booked a cruise with THOUSANDS of other passengers. Not your own exclusive bungalow.

Edited by bre
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Guess what??? I paid the same amount for my kids to cruise, as you paid for yourself. It's their vacation too. They can use the Hot Tubs if they want to (my kids range from ages 11-20). Not ADULTS ONLY of course. What the heck??? Enjoy your cruise people. You booked a cruise with THOUSANDS of other passengers. Not your own exclusive bungalow.


I don't think that is at all the complaint. We all know that we are on large ships with thousands of others. Maybe there is miscommunication somewhere. Most people in this thread don't seem to have any issue with kids in hot tubs. The issue seems to be with kids in hot tubs that are marked Adults Only. You appear to agree that your kids shouldn't be in the Adults Only hot tub, so I think you are in agreement with many on this thread.


The issue is with the few people who are saying that if you told their kid to get out of the adults only hot tub, they would tell you "where to go".

Edited by blackwing
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I don't think that is at all the complaint. We all know that we are on large ships with thousands of others. Maybe there is miscommunication somewhere. Most people in this thread don't seem to have any issue with kids in hot tubs. The issue seems to be with kids in hot tubs that are marked Adults Only. You appear to agree that your kids shouldn't be in the Adults Only hot tub, so I think you are in agreement with many on this thread.


The issue is with the few people who are saying that if you told their kid to get out of the adults only hot tub, they would tell you "where to go".


The OP has stated, more than once, that kids are not allowed in hot tubs, and should not be in hot tubs. No mention of an adult only hot tub.

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The OP has stated, more than once, that kids are not allowed in hot tubs, and should not be in hot tubs. No mention of an adult only hot tub.

Ahh, my apologies. Somewhere within this thread the argument separated between "kids shouldn't be in hot tubs at all" vs. "kids shouldn't be in adults only hot tubs" vs. "screw you, we can do whatever I please".

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Ahh, my apologies. Somewhere within this thread the argument separated between "kids shouldn't be in hot tubs at all" vs. "kids shouldn't be in adults only hot tubs" vs. "screw you, we can do whatever I please".


Yes. There definitely has been that separation. For the record, I don't think anyone here as argued that children should be allowed to use/go into/breathe on adult only areas let alone adult only hot tubs.


People have been responding to the idea that children are not allowed in any hot tub whatsoever (at least that is what I've been responding to).

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Yes. There definitely has been that separation. For the record, I don't think anyone here as argued that children should be allowed to use/go into/breathe on adult only areas let alone adult only hot tubs.


People have been responding to the idea that children are not allowed in any hot tub whatsoever (at least that is what I've been responding to).


Correct. My comment was directed at the notion that kids should not be allowed in any hot tubs or that all hot tubs are adults only. I haven't sailed NCL yet. It does bother me a bit that what appears to be the largest pool area is adults only. Not that there shouldn't be one, but it appears to me that at least on Getaway, there is a disproportionate amount of pool space not available to all guests. I like mega ships, but my experience so far is RCCL, where there are 3 or 4 pools for everyone and 1 pool for adults. I hope I'm wrong, though.


My other issue is with the notion of "best behavior." That's such a subjective notion, and I'm afraid to many people that equates to sit there and shut up.

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Part of the confusion comes from the OP (emphasis mine):


To my dismay, and that of several others, kids are allowed in hot tubs on the Getaway. Horrible decision, NCL. What happened to the notion it was unsafe for children? NCL has labeled hot tubs "Adult only" and then there's family friendly. I'm sorry, but the parents bring babies barely out of diapers and the other, younger children dive, splash and act like its a pool. Come on NCL- if there's been a demand for family hot tubs, put them in the Splash Zone since neither kids nor parents are reading the signs.


It's not entirely clear from the original post whether the issue is with kids in labeled "adults-only" hot tubs, or kids being allowed in hot tubs at all.


In any event, and because this thread clearly needs another voice, I too will let my 6 year old twins in the hot tub. The pools and waterslides typically aren't heated that much, and if it gets windy on deck, kids can get chilled quickly. My kids like to play in the pool and then warm up in the hot tub (which, incidentally, on cruise ships are nowhere near hot. They should really call them "warm tubs".) Like Tasm3n's kid, they typically just hang out in the hot tub like adorable little adults (minus the drinks).


I honestly think that the majority of the angst on this thread is due to the basic notion that kids exist on cruise ships at all. If they bother you so much, choose a vacation option that doesn't brand itself as family-friendly.

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When we go to a hotel with a hot tub my children know they play in the pool, swim in the pool, splash in the pool. They also know if there is room, they may sit quietly next to me in the hot tub and share in my coversation. They are humans with the same feelings as you and me. Maybe they don't like the freezing cold water, maybe they are tired.

If a hot tub is marked "adult only" we comply. If it isn't marked that way, why on earth should I feel they are less important than you or me. Why would you feel you are more important than them?


If you are going with the argument that hot tubs are for adults and there is plenty for the kids, then I certainly hope you don't ever take up a child's place in line for a water slide, ropes course or putt putt. Those are just as much child oriented as a hot tub is for adults. Yet adults still enjoy it.


I would agree whole heartedly if the thread was started about rowdy, splashing, misbehaving people in the hot tubs. That does get me right irritated. However, in my experience, that's just as often young adults as it is children. Either one of my children would be as good a hot tub companion as nearly anyone on that ship. Guaranteed.


That's how you raise good adults, teach them. You can't send them to a kid zone for 18 years and then toss them in the "hot tub" and expect respectful grown up behavior based on a specific age.

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I knew I'd get some helicopter parents making ridiculous statements. I tried to get a Vibe pass as I usually do, but they were sold out by 12:45. At least twice, we (adults in hot tub) spoke to children and parents reminding them we were in the adults only tub. One five year old, unaccompanied, did not speak English so it took a minute or two to translate. NCL gets a B+ on enforcing the hot tub separation.....Look, I love seeing kids having fun, diving, dancing ....just not in a hot tub. Have that fun in the kids area.


I don't mind kids, i have three. I do mind kids that don't know how to behave. Interesting, those kids parents are usually difficult, if not impossible, to find.

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I think the original OP was questioning the safety of children in hot tubs, not behavior.


The Red Cross does not recommend that children under the age of 5 be in a hot tub, because "children cannot cope physically with the heat, which may cause hyperthermia and other harmful effects." Small children have a different body temperature regulation system than adults and they will overheat much more quickly.


It is also recommended that children between 6 and 12 only stay in a hot tub for 10 minutes and they should never submerge their heads.

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I think the original OP was questioning the safety of children in hot tubs, not behavior.


The Red Cross does not recommend that children under the age of 5 be in a hot tub, because "children cannot cope physically with the heat, which may cause hyperthermia and other harmful effects." Small children have a different body temperature regulation system than adults and they will overheat much more quickly.


It is also recommended that children between 6 and 12 only stay in a hot tub for 10 minutes and they should never submerge their heads.


I saw a child about three snorkeling in an "adult only" hot tub with his grandmother once. Public hot tubs are nasty.

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I think the original OP was questioning the safety of children in hot tubs, not behavior.


The Red Cross does not recommend that children under the age of 5 be in a hot tub, because "children cannot cope physically with the heat, which may cause hyperthermia and other harmful effects." Small children have a different body temperature regulation system than adults and they will overheat much more quickly.


It is also recommended that children between 6 and 12 only stay in a hot tub for 10 minutes and they should never submerge their heads.


Safety should be a parents first responsibility. As a concerned parent, what the red cross has to say is secondary.

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I saw a child about three snorkeling in an "adult only" hot tub with his grandmother once. Public hot tubs are nasty.
Some parents just don't have any sense they were born with. If the parents/grandparents do things like this and something happens to the child, it is on the parents, but you know parents/grandparents always know better than the experts.


Not only public hot tubs, but public pools are nasty as well, IMHO.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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oh my stars - I am SO confused.


On the Getaway are there some hot tubs children can go in?


i think on every ship there are some hot tubs for all guests and some for adult use only.


Right, most hot tubs are for anyone, but there are some labeled "adults only" or located in adults only areas of the ship.

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I don't mind kids, i have three. I do mind kids that don't know how to behave. Interesting, those kids parents are usually difficult, if not impossible, to find.



This quoted parent and Elliot from above are reasonable. I stand by my original assertion. On my last NCL cruise, three adults were in the hot tub and a family of five came in as well. One child was in pull ups or barely out of diapers....ewwwww! The daughter danced in the center and the son pretended to dive, splashing everyone.

Hot tubs are for relaxing, pools are for activity. It was not that long ago that there were warning signs that it was unsafe for children below 18 to go in hot tubs.

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