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Severe Food Poisoning on Getaway


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What you deem undercooked is probably what most would seem a perfect cook. Most chefs would agree that anything over medium rare ruins the meat. I actually eat my steak rare. That being said, at modernize since the are bigger pieces of meat, there will be different cooks through the slab, you just needed to tell them you wanted it more well done. It wouldn't have been hard for them to give that to you.



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Most people (especially those that use "cuz" and "there" in their rants) will fail to appreciate both parts of your comment.

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it was food poisoning

There are MANY different bugs that cause "food poisoning". Some cause symptoms in a short time, others take a longer time to cause symptoms. In your expert diagnosis, which one was it? I'm particularly how you've excluded the other "food poisoning" bugs that have longer incubation times?


Frequently people look at only the very last thing they ate as being the possible source. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. If you prefer to just ignorantly stick to the view that food poisoning always comes from the last thing you ate instead of learning something, that's your business and I really don't care.


I was merely trying to add some actual information to the discussion. Clearly some people found it useful.

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As a mom of 5 kids all very close in age, there was a time that we couldn't go a month without a stomach bug. Half of the time, there was no fever, vomiting lasted between 12 hours - 10 days (rotavirus, so nasty!), bile was almost always present (meant the stomach was empty), and there was almost always diarrhea, especially after the vomiting stopped. That's a pretty textbook stomach virus.

As I stated what ever it was virus or food poisoning it came from the ship. I think it was the food.

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When one does not want to hear differing opinions it is difficult to change their minds.

Food poisoning can be from many, many different strains of diseases. Incubation periods can be from one hour to five or six days. The child could have been contaminated before boarding the ship. The chance of contaminated food in a public restaurant only affecting one or as the OP says two people is near impossible. The doctor could tell with certainty what was going on. If my doctor told me what he/she believed was the issue, that is what I would go with. Self diagnosing is not usually the correct path, but everyone makes their own decisions.

Kid was certainly sick, whether it came from the ship, ashore or even at home before the trip is not known. Blaming the cruise line for an unknown issue is not fair to anyone.

And your protecting NCL why? Like I said which you clearly missed Virus or poisoning occurred after 5 days on the ship. Your opinion is off read all the imput before your start your accusations and assumptions

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Bugs or food poisoning can take from a few hours to days to show up. I am curious, where did he get the rice he ate? I have eaten at Modernos probably 6 times and never seen rice served? Maybe I just missed it somehow?

BTW, I don't think anyone is being a cheerleader here as you think. Many of us do come from medical families as well or have just been around enough to know, stomach problems come from so many places, it is impossible to pin point it down to one thing. We all know food poisoning can occur anywhere, but what some are trying to explain is; many stomach ailments mimic food poisoning. All of us have experienced this in our lives. Your poor son could have gotten whatever affected him in several places. What did the ship doctor say about this?

He said virus like norovirus or food poisoning which he could not tell because he would need a sample and it would take a week for results. So you all can pick either one as i stated. They did serve rice at Maderno. and he only ate on the ship for the whole week so all of that off the ship stuff throw it out the window.

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From the OPs description and my experience it sounds just like Salmonella poisoning which is very common.


They take raw chicken and slide it over a metal rod multiple times through the night and I'm assuming its cooked on a grill and not a rotisserie.


The proper procedure for cleaning would be to take the empty rod and clean it after serving all the chicken off of it. I'm guessing when it was empty they just slid more raw chicken on to the rod and then continued to cook.


Salmonella can be resistant to heat up to 160 degrees (70c) and some strains higher than that. We have often seen it in the food industry when raw food is cooked on a pan or surface and that surface has not been cleaned and then does not reach temps over 165 for more than a minute.


Other places you commonly see it are in dishes where pre-cooked food is reheated like refried beans or chicken on nachos.


If you have had salmonella you pretty much know what gave it to you. Unlike other food poisonings it comes on pretty quick and violent.


The good thing is once you've had it, its unlikely that your body will respond as violently if at all the next time you get it.


If they took blood they can test it...also a stool test will tell (if its taken while infected)


I'm 99% sure it was Salmonella poisoning.



Everything you said is spot on and logical some of these theory's people sling out there are crazy.

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There are MANY different bugs that cause "food poisoning". Some cause symptoms in a short time, others take a longer time to cause symptoms. In your expert diagnosis, which one was it? I'm particularly how you've excluded the other "food poisoning" bugs that have longer incubation times?


Frequently people look at only the very last thing they ate as being the possible source. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. If you prefer to just ignorantly stick to the view that food poisoning always comes from the last thing you ate instead of learning something, that's your business and I really don't care.


I was merely trying to add some actual information to the discussion. Clearly some people found it useful.

There is one way to find out the difference between food poisoning and a virus. You can then post what you find to let us know I am curious

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Everything you said is spot on and logical some of these theory's people sling out there are crazy.


Fact - you can't prove food poisoning without a stool sample test.


Fact - food poisoning and stomach virus' present exactly the same way.


I know so many kids who had to spend time in the hospital on IV fluids due to dehydration caused by stomach bugs - happens a lot. My cousin is an ER doctor, and even he wouldn't be able to tell the difference without testing.


There have been many instances when I've had one of my five kids come down with a stomach virus, and sometimes others got sick a week later, or not at all. I've only caught two or three - hand washing is si important, and effective.

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Fact - you can't prove food poisoning without a stool sample test.


Fact - food poisoning and stomach virus' present exactly the same way.


I know so many kids who had to spend time in the hospital on IV fluids due to dehydration caused by stomach bugs - happens a lot. My cousin is an ER doctor, and even he wouldn't be able to tell the difference without testing.


There have been many instances when I've had one of my five kids come down with a stomach virus, and sometimes others got sick a week later, or not at all. I've only caught two or three - hand washing is si important, and effective.

What is your point? you put facts here what are they referring to? Your saying you go to work with your cousin who sees kids with virus ?? What does this have to do with anything????

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You all got sick correct? Well only my son got sick. I have had both mentioned illnesses and the food poisoning is quick and violent vomit until dehydration and diarrhea for 3 or more days which he had. The Noro was different.


I'm assuming that was a reply to me. Heres the ways you can get Gastroenteritis. Noro is viral gastroenteritis.


• Contact with someone who has the virus

• Contaminated food or water

• Unwashed hands after going to the bathroom or changing a diaper



I’m not defending NCL here. I’ve seen first hand how the cruise line will deflect any suggestion away from themselves and whatever you do don’t mention Noro to them.


There’s plenty of ways for it to be spread. Even if it wasn;t the chicken it could still have been a crewmember.


You mentioned that someone else had been ill – it could have been them. Nobodys knows.

To me its one of those things that happens – given that you were on a cruise ship its how the staff respond that’s the most important thing at that point. When it happened to us the response was horrible. Here it sounds a little better. Still not a fun thing to have happen and I’m glad it was only one person affected. We had everyone in one cabin down but a couple of days of self quarantine stopped it spreading to the elderly members of the party who would have had a far harder time with it.

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Question - Did you ask your son if his chicken dish was pink or red in the middle? Because chicken that's pink/red in the middle means it wasn't cooked all the way through and can cause nasty stomach virus / flu in people in short period of time.


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What is your point? you put facts here what are they referring to? Your saying you go to work with your cousin who sees kids with virus ?? What does this have to do with anything????


In your previous posts you mentioned that people you know in the medical field agree with you about it being food poisoning. Of course they would have no idea.

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Yuck! On a cruise with my son once he puked for 3 days. In his case it was sea sickness, so anytime I hear of a kid sick and no one else, my head goes there.



He gets sea sick but he never is violently throwing up for hours and does not have severe diarrhea for 3 days one off the ship when we got back. Remember he was throwing up bile. And water out the other end this is clearly either food poisoning or a strange virus that produces no other symptoms that is very unlikely.



I do remember what you said. My son was also throwing up bile, but that's neither here nor there. I can understand your defensiveness considering the replies in this thread, and I'm sorry if you mistakenly thought I was throwing up another theory. I wasn't. I was saying that if it happened again to my son, I'd probably not even consider food poisoning based on our prior experiences, and I'd definitely miss the boat on that one.


Sounds like it was probably food poisoning, although we'll never know. I'm sure it happens to many people every cruise, just like it affects similar % of people anywhere in the general population. So very sorry it hit your son. It sucks having a sick kid.

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Fact - you can't prove food poisoning without a stool sample test.


Fact - food poisoning and stomach virus' present exactly the same way.


I know so many kids who had to spend time in the hospital on IV fluids due to dehydration caused by stomach bugs - happens a lot. My cousin is an ER doctor, and even he wouldn't be able to tell the difference without testing.


There have been many instances when I've had one of my five kids come down with a stomach virus, and sometimes others got sick a week later, or not at all. I've only caught two or three - hand washing is si important, and effective.


As has been mentioned, there is no sense in trying to get a point across when someone has their mind made up. Most of us know there are many ways to get stomach illnesses and the cause of this little boys illness could be many things, but mom is sure of what caused it. What she posted this for is beyond me; there really is nothing that can be done about it now. We all can remember or for those who have kids now, how one gets a stomach upset and the rest do not: why, that we don't know.


I guess the good news probably is: whatever he had it seems it was somewhat isolated and most of us realize these sicknesses can come from many places and happen all the time.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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There is one way to find out the difference between food poisoning and a virus.

If you believe I've suggested what your son experienced wasn't one of the various "food poisoning" bugs then you've misunderstood my posts or read someone else's post thinking it was mine.


My point has been that "food poisoning" can potentially be from any of the meals over the prior day or two and not just from most recent. I was suggesting you consider the history of his food consumption for a couple days rather than just the most recent meal before deciding you've identified the source.

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If you believe I've suggested what your son experienced wasn't one of the various "food poisoning" bugs then you've misunderstood my posts or read someone else's post thinking it was mine.


My point has been that "food poisoning" can potentially be from any of the meals over the prior day or two and not just from most recent. I was suggesting you consider the history of his food consumption for a couple days rather than just the most recent meal before deciding you've identified the source.

Or maybe he touched the door to open it in a public bathroom - right after someone else who hadn't washed their hands...

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As has been mentioned, there is no sense in trying to get a point across when someone has their mind made up. Most of us know there are many ways to get stomach illnesses and the cause of this little boys illness could be many things, but mom is sure of what caused it. What she posted this for is beyond me; there really is nothing that can be done about it now. We all can remember or for those who have kids now, how one gets a stomach upset and the rest do not: why, that we don't know.


I guess the good news probably is: whatever he had it seems it was somewhat isolated and most of us realize these sicknesses can come from many places and happen all the time.


If this happened at home, what would she blame it on? Would it be the food, her cooking, or what? Would she "know" it was food? No! She'd just accept it as something that happens in life.

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All this speculation...even an MD couldn't make a correct diagnosis on a message board...c'mon...give this lady and her kid a break....


When you get blood cultures, stool samples, etc. and have MD after your names, and actually see and treat the patient, quit running your mouths about something you really know nothing about...me included...:rolleyes:

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Or maybe he touched the door to open it in a public bathroom - right after someone else who hadn't washed their hands...


Yep. I've not tried (AFAIK) to make any diagnosis as to what it actually was. Instead I presented information showing how many different things it could have been given the stated information, even in the category of "food poisoning". People get stomach bugs and food poisoning, I don't know anyone who hasn't had either or both (myself included), and few people (that I've known) ever did the lab tests necessary to truly know the cause.

Edited by gpb11
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Honestly, I don't even see how it matters WHAT caused the sickness... The little boy was sick, very sick, and that stinks for everyone or anyone on a vacation. I'm sorry he got sick, but no need to blame anyone...it just happened.....


If you live your life trying to blame every bad thing on something then you will live a very sad life....you get sick, you deal with it, you move on......sick happens.

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All this speculation...even an MD couldn't make a correct diagnosis on a message board...c'mon...give this lady and her kid a break....




When you get blood cultures, stool samples, etc. and have MD after your names, and actually see and treat the patient, quit running your mouths about something you really know nothing about...me included...:rolleyes:



I think that is the point some of the posters are trying to make that the OP saying it was from Moderno is just not a fact. The only fact there is that her son was sick, but blame should not be placed when there is no way to know.



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When you get blood cultures, stool samples, etc. and have MD after your names, and actually see and treat the patient, quit running your mouths about something you really know nothing about...me included...:rolleyes:

I think the thing many responded to was the certitude of the cause despite the lack of any samples or cultures or other tests.

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Honestly, I don't even see how it matters WHAT caused the sickness... The little boy was sick, very sick, and that stinks for everyone or anyone on a vacation. I'm sorry he got sick, but no need to blame anyone...it just happened.....


If you live your life trying to blame every bad thing on something then you will live a very sad life....you get sick, you deal with it, you move on......sick happens.


If you remember, the OP came out swinging with blame;)

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