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Viking Ocean Mediterranean Odyssey Review


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Subject: Viking Ocean, Mediterranean Odyssey ... Journal day 1

November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, we're about an hour out of Brussels at 39,000 ft. air speed 574 mph.

United flight 999 has been nice. Our seats, opposite isles 22H/G were fine. The meals (if you can call them that) were fair to poor. The lemon chicken was a patty, the croissant for breakfast was ice cold and hard.

But... Back to the beginning.

The trip to and thru Newark airport was uneventful and considering the threat levels we are under security moved quickly for those of us in pre-check.

The United Presidents club was very busy, but we were able to find seating and snacks (wine) without delay.

We heard that Brussels is beginning to open schools and subways yet the presence of police and the heavily armed military continues. It appears now Brussels was where the planning (for the attacks in France) and the individuals responsible were from.

This has been some terrible couple of weeks...

The multiple terrorist attacks in Paris killing 130 with another 200 still in hospitals, the evidence of bomb residue on the Russian plane that ISIS claims to have brought down, other militant terrorist events in Mali and yesterday Turkey shot down a Russian bomber they claim crossed into their sovereign airspace.

Some week for us to have booked a cruise...

Hey, look at the good news, the Euro is at par with the dollar!

Bargains galore!

Other news... The Dow in at about 17,800, Donald Trump is the leading the pack (of 16) in the republican debates, Ted Cruz has moved into 2nd place, and this November is headed to make the record books for the warmest on record.

We have a 2 hour layover in Brussels, the onto Venice, with arrival scheduled at 9:40AM.

Then transport to the Viking Star.


We are at Brussels airport in the Brussels Airways lounge...absolutely wonderful to hang out here.

We are 6 hours ahead of EST.

Brussels airlines has a wonderful "Loft" lounge for Gold Alliance members to enjoy. Located on the 3rd level of Terminal A, it was a gem...but hard to find. With a 2 hr. layover, it proved a lovely experience. Clean, well equipped, wonderful selection of food and beverages, we happily took advantage of the “Gold” Star Alliance perk.

Flight arrived at Venice airport on time, no jet way, had to carry hand luggage from plane to terminal. (Difficult for some) Getting to the ship from the airport was easy, Viking people everywhere you turned, impossible to get lost. Dropped off checked luggage with porters, then about a 5 minute walk to the bus. Weather is perfect, overcast, about 50. Boarded bus with about 30 others then off to the Star... about a 20 minute ride.


Registration and check in was excellent. Process quick, took about 5 minutes, pass thru security, then elevator to deck 2 on the Star.

Looking around... We appear to be the “older guests” on this trip. I am 75, my wife will be 70 next week.

Champaign greeting, our cabin was ready so we dropped off our hand carry, put some away then went to the World Cafe for a lovely and delicious lunch.

Then a nap!

Tight on time, still getting to know what's where on the ship and where best to eat dinner, we decide to go to World Cafe on Deck 7 as we have the Opera event tonight - at 7:30.

A quick meal...Absolutely DELICIOUS!! Turkey, Filet minion, pasta and everything appropriate for Thanksgiving Dinner (buffet) was the for all to enjoy.

Bus to water shuttle then a 40 minute walk (in the dark) over 5 bridges and finally to the venue (Zeno Palace). Mr. Zeno (16th century palace still in the family) occupy the palace. He was there to greet us before the performance with stories about the family. If you’re doing this, do bring a flashlight and watch for steps on the bridges... two persons fell with surface transitions from ramp to steps.

A local opera company of talented singers, a pianist and violinist treated us to a 2 hour selection of classical music and famous Italian Melodies. (Wines and beverages were served)

As much as we were tired, the optional "Evening and Sights of Classical Venice" was well worth the price and time.

The walk back seemed to take less time, then the water shuttle, bus and security at the terminal and we were "home".

Still struggling to figure out how to work the fancy coffee maker in the cabin, Diane took our mugs to deck 7 and made tea and coffee for our late night drinks.

Viking needs to re-think the coffee maker and it’s shelf placement (in those cabins that include the machine). It’s near impossible to use and reach and the “regular” coffee is far from the delicious brew served by room service and on the breakfast tables.

Clock set for 7AM. Tour of Venice (in daylight) scheduled for the 27th...

More about that later! Need a rest!

Venice day 2 – Nov 27th

Another absolutely beautiful day! Sun is shining, temperature about 50. Breakfast in the world cafe - Diane had set the alarm incorrectly so we were running a bit late (or so we thought).

Omelets to order, I had my usual, salmon with a bagel. Diane arrived a few minutes later and had her one over easy, on corned beef hash, just as she likes. Coffee served by waiter is great, however, from the machines, it’s like mud.

We rushed back to the cabin for jackets, camera etc. found our room attendants Tutu and Faz just finishing up then back to deck 2 to disembark for the 4 hr. included tour of Venice only then to find that our tour number time had been revised. We had an hour - so we walked the ship to see where the different shops and dining rooms on deck 2 were and look at the menus.

Ship Communication – needs work. Announcements about tour times and gangway locations need repeating and it would be VERY helpful if posted daily at or on each of the electronic displays next to the elevators.

9:50 we were off the ship, thru the terminal and to the shuttle bus. Shuttle bus.. MUCH too crowded, the next stop, the water shuttle and an hour water tour of the Venice Lagoon (using Vox sound transmitters.) Pleasant ride, good pictures and historical info. Pointed out were the many islands (of the 400 bridges and 118 islands) along this route and places of interest we would see during our walking tour later. Places like St. Marks Basilica and Square, The Doge's Palace etc.

The streets were very crowded with tourists, two ships in port and the beautiful day, plus the high tide and the sidewalks (with raised platforms for high water) only added to the congestion. Trying to listen to our guide as other languages were being broadcast by guides with amplifiers made it like being at the tower of babble.

Picture taking was again ideal with the clear day.

Two stories learned thus far... the body of St. Mark was smuggled from his burial place in Alexandria Egypt, and reinterred in the Basilica here to declare him the patron St. of Venice .

Also the Vivaldi (composer) had been a priest at the church of Vivaldi's of La Pieta.

We walked back to the water shuttle on our own shopped for souvenirs, then at 12:30 departed, returned to the ship, freshened up, then had a delightful lunch in World Cafe - Probably would have loved to try the lunch specialties in the Pool Cafe, however, the smell of freshly varnished surfaces made it impossible to sit in that area. Perhaps we’ll try tomorrow.


Next, the muster station drill... NOT HAPPY WITH THE NEW LIFE JACKET POLICY...We are still waiting for the promised 2 life jackets in the cabin. (Never did deliver them) Met guests Elaine and VJ.

Then a nap and 6:15 dinner in "The Restaurant" where we shard a table with John, Mary, Hayne & Jan... our waiter was Angelo with whom we sailed on Viking Prestige ... his service ... outstanding as expected.

Wine flowed freely, all had the Boston Lettuce salad, Diane made a dinner entree from 2 crab cake appetizers, I had the NY Strip Steak, one person had whole Lobster, another the Lasagna and Hayne had the Beef Wellington. Deserts ranged from gelato, to NY cheesecake. Everything was outstanding!

Back to the cabin ... Tomorrow, Split Croatia...


Link to Photos of Cabin 5028 and Venice


Photos of Split Croatia



Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 02:39:49 -0500

Hello friends & family...

Having a wonderful time, weather has been ideal, looks to be in the 60's today for our Naples tour.

Just that we have been too busy to write and I have been fighting off a cold...

Subject: Naples - Herculaneum - From Dec 2

Herculaneum ... Described as "the other Pompeii" or as our guide Carmine described it, Hollywood ... it was the summer resort where many "upper class” came to enjoy the seafront town.

Located at the base of Mt. Vesuvius it was destroyed by the eruption of 79AD, not by fire but by mud. The town remained buried for 1,600 years and is today, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Carmine pointed out the many homes, beautiful mosaics, colorful fresco's, many structures still intact with beds, roofs, doors (petrified wood) some sliding pocket doors still operational, pictures capture many of the beautifully preserved artifacts. Hygiene practices were outstanding. Importance of available clean water, sewers, toilets and baths was obvious here even in this ancient city.

The site is funded in part by the HP Foundation.

Many steps, uneven stone streets, high curbs make for difficult walking, no handrails along steps. No places to sit or rest during the tour, lavatories are free. Many tourists still made the journey with canes in hand!

Worth the price and effort.

Back to the comfortable coach for the ride back to the ship.

Lunch in the World Cafe.. With wine!


Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 17:27:26 -0500

Subject: Rome

Learned last night about the horrific shooting in San Bernardino - 14 dead, 17 wounded... will this never end??

Will try to catch up over the next few days, however, today was another spectacular day.

Breakfast in the world cafe, omelets to order, Diane had her usual eggs with corned beef hash.

Early bus for our tour of Rome and the Vatican.

Bus 11, with guide Roberta, just steps from the ship, we were on our way promptly at 8:15 for the 80Km hour and 15 minute ride to Vatican City.

Temperature reached mid 70's today, sunny.

Security everywhere, just didn't seem any more that one would expect at tourist sites like those we are at.

Spent some time discussing the styles of architecture, ruins being discovered as new building foundations are excavated. We passed the Colosseum, many Renaissance fountains and unique blend of ancient and modern.

We used the hour of free time to wander onto the Vatican City piazza to marvel of its size and incredible beauty.

Took loads of pictures to share... then back on the bus, for the ride back to the Viking Star. I snoozed a little.

Back at 2:30 we had a light late lunch at the pool grill.

Nap time...


6:30 our reservations at Manfredi's (specialty Italian)

Wow, definitely the BEST meal we have ever had on any ship! This was our 70th cruise!

Started with Mushroom soup, then we each had the Veal Scaloppini (Diane Marsala, I the Lemon Sauce) Veal is from from Colorado.

We also shared a shrimp scampi with pasta as a side dish.

Desert, Pistachio cake, ricotta Cheese cake, coffee.

Absolutely the best, great food & service! Every bit a gourmet meal!


Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 17:33:25 -0500

Subject: Corfu

Enjoy Korfu Greece



Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 18:23:40 -0500

Subject: Rome Pix


Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 01:48:26 -0500

Subject: Day 9 - Florence/Pisa

Hello all,

It's 7:30 AM as I write this, still dark, sunrise due in about 10 minutes. Plan to take the included tour (4 hrs) of Tuscany to Pisa.

Ship due to arrive at 9, our tour begins at 9:30.

Hoping that today continues as lovely as each of the previous 8, with comfortable temperatures, bright sunshine, good tour guides and interesting new information.

I'm finally feeling about 90% better, been taking meds plus Amoxicillin ... seems to be working. Many other guests coughing and sneezing... appears the ship is taking steps to control handling of utensils and handling of items such as salt, pepper etc.

Dec 4th 2015

First day that the sun was not shining bright. Cool, about 50. Rain held off for the tour - just a light sprinkle as we were returning from the 3.5 hr tour.

Following breakfast, we departed from the port by bus (nice coach) on #20. Our guide was Yvonne, who gave us an excellent overview of the areas during a brief 20 minute ride to the town of Pisa. Once there, "Tony" as she asked be called, spent the next hour with us as we visited the tourist sites.

The leaning tower is visible from many points on the road as we make the drive to the town.

Pisa Cathedral, Baptistery and Leaning Tower!


Think we were able to capture some nice photos of the many interesting and ancient places. Security here is tight. All visitors are permitted into the tower but only after a metal detector wanding and backpack inspection. There are more military and police personnel here than at any of the other locations we have been.

Good tour, about 45 minutes of walking, flat surfaces, no hills or steep grades.

Back to the ship, delicious shrimp with pasta lunch, glass of wine... then to nap.


GREAT dinner more later - must rush off...


Subject: Monaco

Hello friends & family...

Dec 5th

Raining , 50 degrees this morning .... soon after breakfast we were ready for our included walking tour of Monaco.

We followed our guide Paula as she took us thru the terminal, parking garage and then thru several escalator and elevator sections to arrive in daylight in front of the Oceanographic Museum. See photos of Jacques Cousteau submarine on display.

From there we meandered thru absolutely gorgeous Palace Gardens with magnificent views of the harbor, distant French hills and several interesting monuments. The gardens were still green, many of the flowers still in bloom, the scene is captured in a few of the photos should you care to see the link.

Arriving in time to see the changing of the guard at the Palace Entrance just as the already weather related abbreviated event started, the rain went from light drizzle to heavy downfall.


Interesting - the "citizens" of Monaco do not pay taxes. There are about 6,000 of them. In order to become a citizen, one must be third generation, both parents of each generation must have been citizens. Hey... even cars must meet minimum requirements to enter!

Visited the St. Nicholas Cathedral where Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace were married and are now interred.

Our guide gave us the latest local gossip on the Grimaldi family.

Security again, hardly noticeable

The walk back to the ship seemed to take less time.

Drenched, we changed clothes, hung everything in the bathroom to dry (hopefully) ... then to lunch!

Picture link: Monaco



Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 08:42:27 -0500

Subject: Toulon France

Toulon France included a 3 hr tour... 1hr boat ride followed by a walking tour.

Most of the Royal French Naval ships normally in the harbor were out... either in the mid east (on duty) or at a demonstration. The condensate on the boat windows and the chatter of guests made the brief far from informative.


The walking tour was better.

The Old town suffered severe damage during the war, especially since Toulon was the French Naval port

with much of the "old city" streets under reconstruction and some of the buildings leaning dangerously.

It's Sunday, thus nearly all of the stores are closed.

Passed by the street market place as we walked back to the ship, hundreds of vendor stalls selling all kinds of food, from fresh fish to fresh fruits... it's about 1PM so they are packing up what's left.

Guide was sure to take us past the stadium - holds 15,000 and soon to be enlarged.

Back to the ship to dry out and get a warm tea!

Dinner tonight with Hayne and Jan at Manfredi's.

Another delicious meal, service by Angelo, Rudi and Arthur ... made for a perfect ending to a lovely cruise experience with Viking.


Tomorrow, 4:30 AM wake up for the flights home to NJ.

Viking again took us to the airport and watched over us as we checked in to be sure we were on our way without any difficulties.

My wife and I (both Platinum Premier 1K with United) took advantage of the associated privileges making for expedited check-in, lounge access and pre boarding.

Paid extra for the Lufthansa seats with more leg room. Well worth the 100.00 each!

Both flights uneventful, food fair to poor, service excellent. Upon arrival in Newark, we participate in the US Gov. GOES program, again, bypassing the crowds upon arrival at customs and immigration.


Some observations:

Viking Ocean reminds us more of Viking River Cruising .. in that the daily tours make for in depth and interesting learning experiences about each of the itinerates. We missed the daily on-board activities such as Trivia... Viking Ocean did have it only the one sea day ... and it was very well attended!

The ship is absolutely gorgeous and the attention to detail just incredible! Guest laundry rooms on each deck, (no charge, & soap included).

TV – large screen, good channels, Great “Ted” series and lectures (Movies also included)

Love the Wi-Fi not the fastest, but quite dependable... and too, it’s included!

Large showers enclosures, heated bathroom floor, great night lighting, balcony has both drapes and sheers, temperature in cabin wonderfully controlled, plenty of cabinets, self closing drawers and closet space (and lighting), comfortable beds! Entertainment always tasteful, shows nicely performed, talented musicians and singers.

Only minor observations:

1. Prefer life jackets to be in cabin (not at muster stations)

2. Make more “fuss” over Explorer members (Loyalty club) ... (Perhaps a concierge room like RCCL) Bring back the Explorer Pins!!

3. Answer phones to Explorer desk (often never answered)

4. Overhead lighting in lavatory much too harsh, nice if could be dimmed.

5. Provide flash lights for evening walks.

6. Surprised to learn of a 22% tax on duty free purchases made onboard ship.

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Thought it best to add the full title to the posting.

Add too, that Viking Ocean truly is a First Class cruise line, leaving nothing to chance. Every creature comfort is provided each the best in class. Enjoy!

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Good catch!

Yes we did overnight in Barcelona, however, it works out to only one day there as the transfer to the airport was at 6:15AM.

Having been to Barcelona several times, we opted to take the "included" tour.

We can report only now, that if you want to see this incredible city at its best, spend the extra dollars and be sure to get to the Gaudi Sagrada Familia the Park Quell and take your time to absorb all of the history here. These important venues were not included in the tour.

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Dear coasters,


Welcome Home! We enjoyed reading your journal entries and are happy you had a pleasurable experience aboard Viking Star.


Your suggestions to improve are appreciated and have been documented for review. As Viking Star’s inaugural season comes to a close, we remain interested in guest feedback and thank you for your contribution.


If you wish to discuss your experience further, you are welcome to contact us directly at TellUs@vikingcruises.com.


We hope to welcome you aboard again soon!


Warm regards,

Viking Cruises


Subject: Viking Ocean, Mediterranean Odyssey ... Journal day 1

November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, we're about an hour out of Brussels at 39,000 ft. air speed 574 mph.

United flight 999 has been nice. Our seats, opposite isles 22H/G were fine. The meals (if you can call them that) were fair to poor. The lemon chicken was a patty, the croissant for breakfast was ice cold and hard.

But... Back to the beginning.


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Thanks, Coasters! We are planning to spend at least 2 extra days in Barcelona postcruise, so if you could tell me what is included on Viking's tour, that would help me with my planning. Then we won't repeat sights on our post cruise days.


Thanks again!



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Wonderful travel log. Thanks! One comment - the Star is flagged in the EU. But you expected it NOT to be subject to the 22% VAT?



Let me expand and perhaps correct this. Yes normally duty free means no taxes of any sort local or duty when you enter the US but travelling Intra-EU complicates things. Per the Wikipedia article I just read, if you're in that state you at not be exempt from the VAT. But will still be able to bring it back to the US duty free.

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Thanks, Coasters! We are planning to spend at least 2 extra days in Barcelona postcruise, so if you could tell me what is included on Viking's tour, that would help me with my planning. Then we won't repeat sights on our post cruise days.


Thanks again!




The (included) tour we selected was the 3 hr. "Panoramic Tour Of Barcelona". We opted for it as it was our 4th visit to Barcelona. One hour in the bus, one hour on your own and another hour touring with guide, mostly of the Eulalia Cathedral (Patron St. Of Barcelona). It was terribly over crowded as it was a holiday and there were Xmas stalls with hundreds of families and children enjoying festivities of the day. But...There's much MUCH more to see than this tour offers.

This tour is described: "marvel the city's beauty from afar" and is just that. If you really want to enjoy and marvel at what Barcelona has to offer, do be sure to find a tour that includes a visit to Gaudi's Sagrada Familia and Park Quell.

Perhaps Viking will read this and include the sites we suggested.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Loved this review! Thank you. We'll be doing the same trip but Barcelona to Venice in October of 2016. Can't believe you've done 70 cruises!


If you've never been to Barcelona (and have time) try to do a few days there before boarding the ship! You will love it... be sure to see as much of Gaudi as you can...

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  • 1 year later...
Enjoyed your review. I have a question about currency conversion, specifically Greece (Corfu) and Croatia. Will Viking exchange euros for these countries' currency on board? Or must I arrange for exchanging here n the States pre-cruise. Thanks!


Viking did not do currency exchange at all on our cruise in September. It was not this itinerary so I'm planning on handling that on my own before I take this cruise in April,

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Viking does not do currency exchanges. They will make change in euros for euro bills.


My understanding is that Viking offers no banking services at all, not even making change, so I'm kind of surprised that you say that they will change euros.


Greece is in the euro zone.


And I'm with TravelLynn, credit cards (not debit cards) and ATMs. Credit cards have fraud protections that debit cards do not. ATM cards these days are debit cards, therefore, we have a special account that we use when we travel that has its own card that is not connected to any other of our accounts; we have only enough money in the account to get us through the trip (usually a couple of thousand) and the card is set so that it can only be used for cash withdrawals and cannot be used for retail purchases.


Finally, make sure that your ATM card and credit card have a 4 digit pin, otherwise they will not work in Europe. A friend was talking about it at dinner the other night. His card had a six digit pin and he could not use it.

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My understanding is that Viking offers no banking services at all, not even making change, so I'm kind of surprised that you say that they will change euros.


Greece is in the euro zone.



I have cruised with Viking 4 times. EVERY single cruise they made change.

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On Viking River at the reception desk. On Viking Ocean at the Explorer Desk off the atrium.

Gave me all kinds of coins. 50 cents, 1 and 2 euros. A function of what they have.

Whenver I ask for change they say, "It depends on what we have. Let's see..." and they fetch a box with cash in it.

It's in their interest to have coins as they suggest 1 euro for the bus driver and 2 euros for the guide in tips. Never mind the all important toilet cash. Usually the toilet attendants make any needed coin change, like for a 1 or 2 euro. I use the toilets a lot. :)

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The only ports on this itinerary that do not accept Euros are in Croatia.


Not entirely true.


We have visited Dubrovnik twice and Split once. Although the Kuna is the "official" currency of Croatia, we found many places would not only take euros, a few preferred them. In Dubrovnik, one jewelry store even offered a lower price for U.S. $.


Conversely, we did make a purchase at one establishment where only kunas were accepted, no credit cards or other currency.


So, it does pay to ask at an establishment before planning to make a purchase if they accept credit cards, and if relevant, what type of currency they accept.



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