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MITSUGIRLY lets the BREEZE flow through her hair-Spring Break Review/Pictorial


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I guess this is as close to getting a picture of the Atlantic and the Caribbean oceans because our driver didn't stop on the way back either. Sigh!


For those wondering what Timothy Hill Lookout at St. Kitts island is, it overlooks where the Caribbean Sea on the right and the Atlantic Ocean on the left meet together.












We got back to the little town of Frigate Bay and we passed the other open air bus for the other group that was still waiting at Reggae to be picked up. Oh my goodness! They said they were almost there when we left...my arse! They still had to go up and down Mt Timmy to get there! When we got back the other group said they had waited over a hour for their bus to get there! They were a little hot about it and the owner could only say "with so many ships in port, the buses were stuck in traffic". This is a tour company, who transports cruise passengers every time their are ships in port, you SHOULD KNOW how traffic gets on those days and account for it by leaving early. This is your job! I mean for some reason our driver didn't have this issue.







The golf course










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These guys have guts. I can't even imagine cycling around some of these hills.






Now I bet that's a place with a view!






More of the "Go Green" Solar Farm










We could finally see the ship in the distance





Once you get closer to town, the houses get smaller






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When I returned to my chair, I had a new friend that hung out with me.


We sat there most of the day with me taking frequent dips in the water because it was scorching hot out. We got to know the people around us, which were also on our roll call, and had a great time laughing and telling stories. It always amazes me when we go places just how many other nurses are cruising with us. I guess cruising is a nurses addiction. It was even more ironic that there was a nurse a few chairs down from us that was not only from Columbus, but worked at the local hospital down the road from the hospital I worked at for many years. A lot of my classmates work there as well. It's such a small world.




I think the reason so many of us travel is that we have tough jobs and need to relax. I also find nurses are a friendly bunch. If we weren't, we'd be doing something else!


As far as going back to school, they keep talking about making DNP entry into practice. Not sure it will ever happen. I went on and got my MSN/NP when I was older. Almost didn't do it because of my age, but DD told me I would be old whether I did it or not! Best decision EVER!


I love your reviews! Thanks for the time and effort.

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We made it back to the port in one piece and I was thankful for that.














It was now 4:30pm and it took us 26 minutes to get back...with ALL THAT TRAFFIC and all you know.


We looked around the stores for awhile and I managed to get my tee shirt and a magnet signifying that we have indeed been to St Kitts now.






Sakari managed to talk me into getting another whale/dolphin/something along that species stuffed animal. It was a pretty nice size and I figured being in port and all, it would be expensive. However, they only charged us $3.50 and I had a happy child for the rest of the day.


The port was packed with cruisers returning from their daily adventures.









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Hi I am new to CC and I came across your Breeze review which I love reading. I have a question for you. you mentioned that you redeemed Carnival gift cards when you got to the port, did that go to your sign and sail account, If so were you able to withdraw any of that in cash for use in the casino, ports, etc. The reason I ask is because me and my Wife went on our first cruise last November and opted for a Cash sign and sail accnt, and we were able to pull cash from it as needed almost like an ATM. We are going on another cruise with Carnival this October and we were thinking of depositing all of our cruise money into our sign and sail account so when we get on the ship its already there waiting for us, and we can withdraw some for spending money. When I read that you all took gift cards I was wondering if it would work the same as it did when we put cash on our account last year.

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We got back on the ship and headed up one floor to our room. Once again, I'm going to mention how much I love being so close to below and it's so easy to get on and off the ship and not have to worry about the crowded elevators.


We showered, put our things away and went to go find food. We hadn't ate since that morning and we were starved. But, once again, nothing was open. I just can't believe this! Lunch had ended at the buffet at 3:30pm and would not be opening up again until 6pm. BlueIguana Cantina had closed at 2:30pm and wouldn't be opening up again. The pasta bar at Cucina closed at 2:30pm too. This was just ridiculous! Seriously. The only option we had again was Guy's Burger. We had already had that plenty of times and I was really not in the mood for another hamburger.


We waited on the kids club to open and drop Sakari off so that she could have her dinner. At 6pm we started looking for food again and the buffet had all the blinds closed. We sat down in front of it. At 6:30pm, still all the blinds closed. At this point I was a little pissed and tired and hungry...well starving actually and when we get to the point that we are starving, we get irritable.


I stopped several employees and ask what time does the buffet open...can you believe they both told me "I'm not sure".....SERIOUSLY? You work here and you are unsure? You are cleaning up dishes, this is obviously YOUR work area and you don't know. On the second person I ask, a little boy, I'm guessing around 10 years old, overheard me and he said "It's open in the back". I thanked him and went over to tell the hubby. Of course we knew that the deli is open from 11am - 11pm and it was located in the back. I just knew that was what he was referring to, but we went anyhow.


However, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the buffet was actually open back there. I have no idea why it wasn't open in the front either...especially since this is considered "dinner" time.


We finally got some food in our bellies and went to go hang out on the deck and relax for awhile and reflect on the day.


We thought St Kitts was beautiful. We had a decent time, not the best, but decent. I mean any day at the beach is a good day for us, even with little bumps along the way. It could have been worse. I did learn my lesson and I think from now on I will be sticking to doing things on my own, even if it means paying a little more (although it wasn't in this case, it would have been cheaper). The advantages to doing it on your own is that you have a private driver (or at least a smaller group), you can leave the port right away...which means you get more time at the beach. You arrive sooner than a huge group and probably have a better choice of a place to sit. Then of course you don't have to worry about waiting for a crowd, head count and so on, for the return trip home. Yep, I think I will not worry too much about the cost from now on and just do it myself (well unless there's REALLY a big difference, then I would have to think twice about it).


I probably will never return back to Reggae. It was ok and to me, just a typical beach bar area, nothing special, no wow factors and nothing that would really bring me back here. I would definitely pick another place next time.


We headed to pixels to see if we could find our pictures from the day and did manage to find them after searching f.o.r.e.v.e.r!




I'm really not sure what the deal is with the color of these pictures taken by the ship photographers. They all have a funny color to our skin. In person, these pictures give off a weird dull look to our skin and look as if they took pictures using a green colored lens. I think they photog's need a lesson in white balance or something.


We dropped off our pictures and I wanted to take a few pictures of us at St Kitts in the dark. They did not turn out well this time. Maybe because I was in a hurry to get to the casino and try my luck for the night and I didn't take the time to focus.
















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Tonight I would do pretty good on the Fisherman Bob's slot machine and on a 777's game. Around 9:44pm we headed to the kids club to pick Sakari up. It was Pirate night there and she had her face painted.


They had also given her a Pirate face mask and a few toys and she got to make her own telescope. We headed back to the room.





Our towel animal for the night.





She was real excited about her "slime hands"...I hate these things because they leave an oily residue on the walls and ceilings if you sling them up there and they will also pick up every known hair in the room. Disgusting.





She looked over on her bed and found a gift.





She was super excited and I explained to her that her birthday would be 2 weeks after we got home from the cruise, but I was allowing her to open one of her gifts while on the cruise. I reminded her that she would need to remember on her birthday that she had already received one on the cruise. She agreed and dug right in.



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As soon as she seen the "special" bags her presents came in, she immediately knew what it was.









I don't think I've seen a happier kid...






It's always great to surprise them with something they didn't ask for or were expecting.







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Sad to hear "Wilbur" was no longer alive - guess he went to pig heaven! :eek: He was quite a formable beast - little scary too as he used to run free.


The first time we were in St. Kitts did the same as you - brief tour/beach. The next time we decided to do the Sail-a-way to Nevis (snorkel, lunch, beach) one of the best ship excursions ever! We were on Princess at the time but I would assume they are all pretty much the same. Another FYI - cousins on the same trip went to the Marriott and there was/is a "public" beach adjacent to the property.


Your reviews are very entertaining - thanks so much! :)

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I think the reason so many of us travel is that we have tough jobs and need to relax. I also find nurses are a friendly bunch. If we weren't, we'd be doing something else!


As far as going back to school, they keep talking about making DNP entry into practice. Not sure it will ever happen. I went on and got my MSN/NP when I was older. Almost didn't do it because of my age, but DD told me I would be old whether I did it or not! Best decision EVER!


I love your reviews! Thanks for the time and effort.


We are a Fire/EMS family along with DB & DSL who are the same. We love to cruise. To us it is a true vacation, especially without phones and pagers.

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So here's her birthday present...









Sakari was starving and that meant we would have to go search for food...we also knew that we wouldn't find anything unless it was pizza. So, pizza it was.


Sakari is such a home-body. Like seriously, she would pick staying at home over just about anything. When we go out to eat, she begs to stay home and just have us bring her something home. We go for a walk at night, she'd rather stay home. I want to go shopping and she would rather stay home. Sigh.


So, she wanted us to go get her pizza and bring it back. We told her we could not just leave her there and she'd have to come with us. We were not at home and her brother and his finance was not home to watch her. She wasn't happy that she had to change out of her new mermaid outfit, but finally agreed and said "but I want to come back to the room and eat".


Up to the Pizza Pirate we went and I couldn't believe there wasn't a line. Only 3 people in front of us. I really hate eating in the room and not having a table to eat at...just as much as I hate stopping somewhere and eating in a car. I would just rather eat at a table! We sat down at a table and she had the biggest fit saying I promised we'd go back to the room.


We ate our pizza, she sat there. When it was time to go back, she took her pizza with her and then ate in the room, just as she said she would. Sigh. We headed to bed by midnight...to hear the clanging sounds of the galley above. Is it really possible to drop this many pots and pans every single night? I think they need more training or stop putting grease on their hands. I don't know what the problem is. :(

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I am loving your review! The video of Sakari swimming in the pool was awesome - great music choice! Thanks for taking the time to educate us. Any time education can also be entertainment, it's a win :D


Thanks and I thought it was the most appropriate music for her. :D Yea, my education is always entertaining. :)


I think the reason so many of us travel is that we have tough jobs and need to relax. I also find nurses are a friendly bunch. If we weren't, we'd be doing something else!


As far as going back to school, they keep talking about making DNP entry into practice. Not sure it will ever happen. I went on and got my MSN/NP when I was older. Almost didn't do it because of my age, but DD told me I would be old whether I did it or not! Best decision EVER!


I love your reviews! Thanks for the time and effort.



I have a friend from the ER I worked with that just got her DNP. The only way I think I would want it is to be called "Doctor Kim" :D


When you say you got it when you were "older"...how old? I keep telling myself I entered into this profession way too old and I don't want to spend my entire "adulthood" going to school and it's just "too late" for me. I mean after all the years of schooling, it will be time to retire. But your DD does have a point.

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I "believe" this was the owner, Liz, of Pereira Tours.








That is Liz of Pereira tours. We had a very similar experience to your group. We also had a big group, and it was very disorganized & long (over 45 minutes) to get going. We had air conditioned vans & one broke down, so we sat on the side of the road for another 45 minutes. We went to Romney Manor, & but that sounds like the only difference, & it cost of $40. The people from our roll call that just got a transfer got charged $20 in February. I hope that your roll call reviews the tours to help others. There are way too many positive reviews, when this seems to be the norm.

Edited by mona_canada
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Hi I am new to CC and I came across your Breeze review which I love reading. I have a question for you. you mentioned that you redeemed Carnival gift cards when you got to the port, did that go to your sign and sail account, If so were you able to withdraw any of that in cash for use in the casino, ports, etc. The reason I ask is because me and my Wife went on our first cruise last November and opted for a Cash sign and sail accnt, and we were able to pull cash from it as needed almost like an ATM. We are going on another cruise with Carnival this October and we were thinking of depositing all of our cruise money into our sign and sail account so when we get on the ship its already there waiting for us, and we can withdraw some for spending money. When I read that you all took gift cards I was wondering if it would work the same as it did when we put cash on our account last year.


Hi and welcome to CC. Glad you are enjoying the review. Yes, the gift cards go onto your sign and sail card just the same as if it was cash. So it works the same. :)


Sad to hear "Wilbur" was no longer alive - guess he went to pig heaven! :eek: He was quite a formable beast - little scary too as he used to run free.


The first time we were in St. Kitts did the same as you - brief tour/beach. The next time we decided to do the Sail-a-way to Nevis (snorkel, lunch, beach) one of the best ship excursions ever! We were on Princess at the time but I would assume they are all pretty much the same. Another FYI - cousins on the same trip went to the Marriott and there was/is a "public" beach adjacent to the property.


Your reviews are very entertaining - thanks so much! :)


Aww, did you get to meet Wilbur? I hear he was friendly. So sorry we didn't get to meet him though.


Good to know about the sails to Nevis. I'll have to look into that next time. I did hear about the public beach next to the Marriott, but unsure about any facilities there. Our other option was going to be going to Carambola or Shipwreck beach. I really wanted to see the "black sand" but the people that did go there that day said it wasn't black and nothing to see.

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We are a Fire/EMS family along with DB & DSL who are the same. We love to cruise. To us it is a true vacation, especially without phones and pagers.


Yea it use to be like that for us (no phones or internet) but lately we have had to have them along. With the hubbys business and me being in school having to do homework, we have had to get the internet package the last 2 times. It's also nice to stay in touch with the family back home as well. But other than that, we try to get away from the rest of the world and reality. :)

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That is Liz of Pereira tours. We had a very similar experience to your group. We also had a big group, and it was very disorganized & long (over 45 minutes) to get going. We had air conditioned vans & one broke down, so we sat on the side of the road for another 45 minutes. We went to Romney Manor, & but that sounds like the only difference, & it cost of $40. The people from our roll call that just got a transfer got charged $20 in February. I hope that your roll call reviews the tours to help others. There are way too many positive reviews, when this seems to be the norm.



Oh wow, it does sound like you had the same experience. I didn't even bother to look at any reviews for the company prior to booking, since it was with a big roll call group. But looking at the reviews now, they do all look decent. I haven't found one person on our roll call that has posted on there yet. I will definitely get to mine on there, but gotta get this review done. I always try to review everything on TA as well, but I'm now 2 cruises behind. :eek: :p

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Thanks and I thought it was the most appropriate music for her. :D Yea, my education is always entertaining. :)





I have a friend from the ER I worked with that just got her DNP. The only way I think I would want it is to be called "Doctor Kim" :D


When you say you got it when you were "older"...how old? I keep telling myself I entered into this profession way too old and I don't want to spend my entire "adulthood" going to school and it's just "too late" for me. I mean after all the years of schooling, it will be time to retire. But your DD does have a point.


My DH and I met when I as an undergrad, we had one child and one on the way when I got my RN. I turned 50 the week I graduated with my MSN, with just one child having one semester left in college. It was financially stressful to have three of us in school simultaneously. When the DNP came out, I assumed automatically that I would do it because going to school was what I did. Nope! Sat down and waited for that impulse to go away. No increase in salary, don't want to teach or do research! And this time I would be too old.

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Love the new mermaid tail Sakari!


I hate that yo are having so many issues with the late night food - I just checked our funtimes from both of our cruises last year, and late night options were available on both. :/


Also, in my experience, only the back part of the buffet is open for dinner on Carnival. We've never actually eaten dinner on Lido, but walked through a few times. We're big fans of the dining room. :D

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I guess it's that time...time to start my BREEZE review. (Man, didn't I just finish a review???). It looks like I have some impatient people waiting, so I'll at least get it started for now.


I have ALWAYS wanted to sail on the Breeze and have been dreaming of it for years. I finally got my chance and I'm so happy I did!


This cruise consisted of just me, the hubby and my youngest daughter, Sakari (age 7). The rest of the family stayed back at home pouting and complaining...especially since I just returned from a cruise less than a month prior to this one. I have to say, I was jealous of myself too.


I booked this cruise at the end of last year after I had made up my mind that we WERE doing another Spring Break cruise. Last year we were on the Pride for Spring Break and it was an AMAZING cruise! So why not repeat it and why not repeat it with Carnival again?


Here's my little insert about my family and my cruising (copied and pasted for my convenience) for those far and few in between that might not know me or read any of my reviews...are you people living in a shell? (Just kidding of course. You will find I have a quirky sense of humor...and then again you may find I have no sense of humor).



A little about me and the family. We "try" to cruise often (3x a year...with an "extra" 50th birthday cruise thrown into the mixture this year, I might pull off 4) and my little family consist of me, the hubby and our now 7 year old daughter, Sakari. (Pronounced just as it's spelled SA-KAR-I)


I have 4 "kids" (LOL) ages 29, 27, 21 and 7. All the adult children have children of their own. Most of the time my oldest daughter (27 year old) and her family cruises with us, which makes for an interesting cruise, but not this time. She had surgery scheduled for the week that I was gone and wouldn't be able to make it. My youngest son (21 year old) tries to go at least once a year and my oldest son (29 year old) went for the first time with us last year (after taking a 16 year break from cruising lol).


We are a fun loving and goofy family that loves to have a good time. We make the best of everything even if it's a bad situation. Anyone who follows my reviews knows the "crap" I've dealt with on cruises from breaking my hand in St Maarten, breaking my toe on the Getaway, missing our flight due to my "dear daughter" :rolleyes: Kendra...who is the most non-punctual person you will ever meet, to anything else that is thrown at us (with our most recent cruise last month coming back with noro). We make light of the situation and we roll with it!


We crack a lot of jokes (and I have a quirky sense of humor...my kids do as well) and love adventure and trying new things. My youngest (Sakari) is an animal lover and if there's anything involving animals, we have to do it. We have done swims with the stingrays, dolphins, manatees, sharks and held so many things in the sea (yes, even those we didn't know better and paid the price for it). She LOVES to draw. She's actually really good at it too. Sakari would rather sit around drawing (mostly animals) than playing with toys. Sakari has been cruising since she was 3 years old (this will make her 13th cruise...you're welcome daughter for us making you Platinum before you're 18) and she just thinks it's a way of life. She is a DAREDEVIL!!! She will do anything we do and doesn't think twice about it. She zip lined in the jungle, by herself at the age of 3, cavetubing, held tarantulas, jumped off 2 story decks into the ocean, went on the biggest waterslides on the ships (and yes, even the ones that you stand in and the floor drops out from under you)...the list goes on. There's nothing she won't do. She's like having an extra adult with us...other than the fact that her age and height sometimes restricts her from certain things...otherwise she would do it. We LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach. So if I can find a beach or snorkeling...that's where we'll be. If you ask me some "touristy tour seeing the history" type of thing, forgetaboutit...because that's not me.




As you can tell from my signature line, we mainly cruise with NCL and my goal has been to do the entire fleet....I'm almost there with the Gem left to go of the older ships and the Escape for the newer ships. (Other than the POA, which I have a tendency to forget it's in the fleet all the way over there in Hawaii).


I have adventured out and tried Carnival twice now and absolutely loved the ships we have been on with them so far. The BREEZE will be my 3rd Carnival ship. We did a Royal Caribbean back in the 90's and also NCL Seaward back in the 80's.


Gotta always throw in the disclaimer....




I do my reviews as honest as I can and I know everyone has a different expectation during a cruise and will have a different experience, even when on the same cruise.



I tell my story through my eyes and my take on things. Everyone may not agree or have the same opinion, and that's ok, but I'm honest with the way "I" see things.


I'm a planner. I do EXTENSIVE research prior to any cruise. I read reviews, I look on the web, I take notes, copy maps, save websites, make spread sheets and everything has to be perfectly planned. That's just me. The family just "rolls with it". I crack up because I feel like a mother duckling and they follow...in a line and (seriously) if I turn one way, they do too, if I quickly turn back, they do too. Sometimes I start weaving back and forth in a "S" shape just to throw them off...then they'll catch on to what I'm doing and laugh. It's all a game and I have fun with it. (See what I mean? That's my quirkiness coming out). Don't worry, the hubby is the same and he pays me back. He's my personal GPS and he likes to throw me off too as a payback. ;)






Another thing I get asked a lot is "what type of camera do you use?" Well, I'll get that question answered right now before we begin. I have 2 cameras. They are both Olympus Tough point and shoot cameras. The models I have (which there are TONS of them out there and always being updated) are 620 & 830. I feel they take excellent pictures. I use to carry my DSLR with me, but I felt that it hindered my fun a little, not to mention I would get highly upset if I couldn't take pictures of the fish when snorkeling. There's just too much equipment to carry with me. It's heavy. It's bulky. I found a camera that does a good enough job for me and that's all I use now. I find that I can enjoy my cruise more. Are the pictures always perfect? Nope...I do a lot of walking and snapping...sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and get blurry. It is what it is. :p


I also have people ask me about the settings. For the most part, the cameras are about the same with settings, however, with the 830 being an updated version, it of course has a few more settings on it. I LOVE the "tilt shift" setting. It really makes the colors pop, while blurring around the edges. Such a cool setting. I rotate using various settings at any given time. There are some for night time, which drinking and "snapping" don't go well with that setting if you are trying to hold a steady hand (due to a longer exposure). There's several awesome settings that will make the colors pop and also soft. I have found lately that one of my favorite settings and used most is the "Sports" setting. I walk and snap a lot and on the sports setting, they turn out less blurry.






With that being said, these reviews are meant to be helpful to others, show you around the ship, places we go and give you some ideas. I feel that a picture is worth 1,000 words, which is why you'll find my reviews very picture heavy. I'm a site person and I know it really helps me to put a picture to something someone is trying to explain. By no means do I ever try to influence you one way or the other to do the things we like to do, but merely give suggestions. I try to help out others on this board the way they have helped me so many times in the past and I am so grateful for that.


So now that we have all that out of the way....







I really enjoy reading all your reviews! Saying that, how do you keep up with your sail card? Lanyard, with or with clear holder, or something else? I'm leaving for my first cruise next month and not sure how to handle this Bc I assume I'll be in my bathing suit most of the time with no pockets. Lol.



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Oh wow, it does sound like you had the same experience. I didn't even bother to look at any reviews for the company prior to booking, since it was with a big roll call group. But looking at the reviews now, they do all look decent. I haven't found one person on our roll call that has posted on there yet. I will definitely get to mine on there, but gotta get this review done. I always try to review everything on TA as well, but I'm now 2 cruises behind. :eek: :p


I was on the same cruise as the other poster. I did not do the group tour with Liz and I am so thankful I didn't. They had an awful time and Liz was very rude to many of them.


We just took a cab to the Mundo's which was the next beach club down. We paid $6 per person since we had a group of 18. I had actually contacted liz about getting just a beach transfer and she was charging way more.

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Love the new mermaid tail Sakari!


I hate that yo are having so many issues with the late night food - I just checked our funtimes from both of our cruises last year, and late night options were available on both. :/


Also, in my experience, only the back part of the buffet is open for dinner on Carnival. We've never actually eaten dinner on Lido, but walked through a few times. We're big fans of the dining room. :D


What were the late night options from last year on your funtimes? Just wondering. Like what were the times and what options did you have? I'm just wondering when it changed because I don't (off the top of my head) remember having these issues on the Pride or Dream (but then again, I could be getting some of my cruising mixed up and I'd have to check my funtimes as well).



I really enjoy reading all your reviews! Saying that, how do you keep up with your sail card? Lanyard, with or with clear holder, or something else? I'm leaving for my first cruise next month and not sure how to handle this Bc I assume I'll be in my bathing suit most of the time with no pockets. Lol.



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Thanks for the comments and glad you enjoy them.


I actually carry around a small crossbody purse with me because I carry other things and a lanyard wouldn't work for me. When we are at the pool, I just throw them in my beach bag with all my other things.

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