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Just a vent - get sick every time we cruise


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We always, always, always sleep with the balcony door open and we keep it open often throughout the day. We also ask the steward to leave it open a bit after the room is reset. Fresh air will keep you from getting a sore throat from the A/C and will also lessen the effects of germs in the recycled air. We also stay outside on the deck as much as possible and use the antibacterial offered at the entrance to all dining areas.

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We always, always, always sleep with the balcony door open and we keep it open often throughout the day. We also ask the steward to leave it open a bit after the room is reset. Fresh air will keep you from getting a sore throat from the A/C and will also lessen the effects of germs in the recycled air. We also stay outside on the deck as much as possible and use the antibacterial offered at the entrance to all dining areas.


You can always set the room thermostat to a reasonable level - and avoid the effect of too much A/C. Leaving balcony door open screws up the A/C for many cabins others nearby - as noted in your instructions.

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Hate to burst your bubbles, but I AVOID the hand sanitizer (soap & water is best). It's logic...you force your body to not recognize germs and the outcome will be your immune system will become weaker in defending off germs. Outcome...you will get sick faster and easier and more often. I also avoid railings, door handles, people looking or sounding ill. And I have NEVER gotten sick. It's the time of year you travel. There is a "sick "season, Oct-Mid March. Also, I avoid leaving my house 2 weeks before a cruise. I don't visit the Dr office at this time either (sick ppl handling everything). If I need to do an errand, I wash my hand with soap and water as soon as I get home.

My DH was in the navy for 15 yrs, on a small confined (under deck, no windows) ship for weeks on end... and he never got sick either.

Edited by Semi Retired
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my husband always got the dry cough that would get worse the longer we were on board, he would take lots of cough medicine and suck cough drops steady he would even sleep sitting up. The he got an idea, while in port he bought some clear tape. when we got into our room he stood on a chair and taped the air conditioner. his cough went away, when we got off the ship he removed the tape. We tried this right away again on the last two cruises and he has not had that dry cough since.

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Hate to burst your bubbles, but I AVOID the hand sanitizer (soap & water is best). It's logic...you force your body to not recognize germs and the outcome will be your immune system will become weaker in defending off germs. Outcome...you will get sick faster and easier and more often. I also avoid railings, door handles, people looking or sounding ill. And I have NEVER gotten sick. It's the time of year you travel. There is a "sick "season, Oct-Mid March. Also, I avoid leaving my house 2 weeks before a cruise. I don't visit the Dr office at this time either (sick ppl handling everything). If I need to do an errand, I wash my hand with soap and water as soon as I get home.

My DH was in the navy for 15 yrs, on a small confined (under deck, no windows) ship for weeks on end... and he never got sick either.

I am with you! Soap and water is far superior to the hand sanitizer. I also avoid touching railings, etc. and have not gotten sick either. The hand sanitizer is far over-rated.

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I eat right, work out a few times a week, take vitamins and supplements and am very healthy.


However, whenever we cruise, I get a sore throat which progresses into a cough a few days later. Takes a long time to get rid of when I get home.


Wash hands frequently onboard.


I've read this cruise cough is pretty common.


Any hints to help me avoid this would be greatly appreciated.


You might try giving up the vitamins and supplements. If you eat right, you don't need them. (Unless of course you already have some underlying illness, in which case it's probably that that makes you susceptible to a cough.)

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A couple of things that seem to help me.


I had a pneumonia shot and that cut down on a lot of colds all around.


Plus I always use the stairs, not the enclosed elevators (I'm thankful I'm able) and never touch the rail. I caught noro on my first cruise and had been in an elevator with a man bringing food to his "seasick" wife.


I also bring a travel packet of lysol wipes and wipe down the whole cabin immediately.


I use tissues and my elbow to open doors, always use hand sanitizer when I pass by and wash my hands every chance I get.


I think a lot of it is luck and I wish you lots of it!

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Our last 14 night cruise - I started getting sick on around day 7 - just a little throat tickle - that progressed into the mystery illness from hell. DH did not get sick.


As I can tend to catch bronchitis easily - I too travel with antibiotics which my Dr. - who also likes to cruise - is more than happy to prescribe. As I got sicker and sicker I took myself and the antibiotics to the ship's Dr.


She said to take the antibiotics and she put me on a steroid - which did nothing but cause me to have horrific pain in my lungs when I'd get a coughing spell. I asked about should I quarantine in the cabin and she said no.


It took 6 weeks post cruise to get rid of the cough. I'm due to head to Alaska in 11 days - and have 3 flights to get to Vancouver - and I'm nervous about getting sick again. I'm 58, reasonable health but I know that my immune system is poor.

DH and I are both taking vitamin C at the moment in an effort stave off anything.


I have my antibiotic packed and ready to go - and no - you can not shame me out of it. I will do what I have to do to try to stay healthy while I enjoy my vacation with my Dr.s approval. :p


Maybe you should see a pulmonologist as your symptoms could be non-specific asthma. I used to have problems with bronchitis and then I was diagnosed with non-specific asthma (sometimes it is caused by a GERD attack) but usually leads to bronchitis. However, after the asthma diagnosis, I was taught to use Symbicort inhaler twice a day and an albuterol inhaler (or sometimes I use a nebulizer with albuterol) 4 times a day as soon as symptoms appear. By using these medications I can usually stop myself from developing bronchitis.

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Wow - this is just what I'm talking about - now those of us that take antibiotics with us - are automatically over-users! :eek: You have NOTHING to back up that statement.


So that makes us responsible for "super bugs". YOU have no idea when I or anyone else takes an antibiotic or for what the reason is if we do. So once again you have NOTHING to back that up.


You assume my Dr is an over prescriber - once again you got NOTHING to back that up. His job is to do his best to keep ME healthy - your concern about my treatment is laughable.


Like I said - if you are fortunate enough that this isn't a concern for you - than I'm happy for you, some of us weren't blessed that way. I don't need your approval to follow the advice of my physician. :D


Those of you who cannot relate to those whose health isn't the best - watch out - you could fall off your high horse someday. :)

My thoughts on this subject are based upon your own self-description of your use, and -- yes -- you yourself have provided me with plenty of evidence that you don't understand how antibiotics work. Clearly you're fully convinced of what you're saying and are feeling defensive about it. Your business, but some reading about how antibiotics work wouldn't hurt.
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I had a pneumonia shot and that cut down on a lot of colds all around.

I've had pneumonia twice in two years, and it's kicked my butt both times. I had the pneumonia shot late last winter, and I hope that it'll help me avoid colds as well -- that'll be a nice perk.


Something that disappointed me: Because I'm not yet 50, I had to pay out of pocket for the shot. My insurance wouldn't cover it.

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My thoughts on this subject are based upon your own self-description of your use, and -- yes -- you yourself have provided me with plenty of evidence that you don't understand how antibiotics work. Clearly you're fully convinced of what you're saying and are feeling defensive about it. Your business, but some reading about how antibiotics work wouldn't hurt.


Brahaha - so many assumptions. I know EXACTLY how antibiotics work - I've two Dr.s in my family - so I'm not uneducated on the subject and am hardly defensive - you however seem a little extreme in your disapproval. You seem to be unable to accept that some of us can carry antibiotics with our Dr's approval. Sounds like you have prescription envy. :D

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Sounds like you have prescription envy. :D


And it sounds like you've got some some concerns and insecurity -- the lady doth protest too much, methinks. You're spending an awful lot of time convincing strangers that you are right; it makes me think you aren't quite sure you believe it.

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Brahaha - so many assumptions. I know EXACTLY how antibiotics work - I've two Dr.s in my family - so I'm not uneducated on the subject and am hardly defensive


Please explain to the rest of us, then. Exactly how do they work?

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Please explain to the rest of us, then. Exactly how do they work?


Oh goody - a quiz. ;) Boy some of you just can't let it go. :D Here is a hint - if YOU don't know there any number of places where you can find out - but in a nut shell - and I know some of you will argue this - antibiotics destroy / slow down growth of bacteria.


Some antibiotics kill the bacteria and some stop the growth. Broad spectrum antibiotics can be used against many different types of illness and others are targeted to specific illness.


So this will now just loop back around about how no one should carry antibiotics when they travel, blah blah blah - we heard it the first time and we still disagree.


Many of us have chronic conditions (that means repeatedly occurring - a bonus quiz point) that can only be treated with antibiotics - and the sooner the better. Rather than miss out on traveling our Dr.s let us travel with medication - which many of you disagree with.


Our health and our choice, I find it funny that so many are so adamant when you aren't the one with a health issue. I wish we were all so healthy that this wasn't an issue. :)








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via ship, plane, bus, etc., and have been mildly ill just once. I had noro 2 years ago on a ship that was full of it.


For me, it think what I do before and during travel helps. I exercise regularly, eat healthfully, maintain an optimal weight, meditate, drink lots of water, etc. I don't think, "this is vacation, I can be slothful or eat/drink far too much!"


I am careful about washing my hands and avoid things that many possible unwashed hands touch such as stair rails, etc. I use the hand sanitizer on the ship, but use and allow absolutely nothing antibiotic in my home or office, opting for simple, organic, biodegradable products safer for the planet, my own biome and the planet. All of those antibiotic products are bad news to my immune system!


I am very healthly and work to maintain my good fortune in that regard.

Edited by Bookish Angel
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Oh goody - a quiz. ;) Boy some of you just can't let it go. :D Here is a hint - if YOU don't know there any number of places where you can find out -


So this will now justspecific illness loop back around about how no one should carry antibiotics when they travel, blah blah blah - we heard it the first time and we still disagree.


Many of us have chronic conditions (that means repeatedly occurring - a bonus quiz point)



Well, considering that was my first post on this thread I'm not sure why you felt the need to be rude to me, but then again, you are so defensive I'm not really surprised. I see you have a very, very, VERY basic understanding of how antibiotics work. My understanding and education on this topic are far more in depth than yours, but thanks for clarifying that you do, in fact, have a rudimentary understanding of the field. Enjoy your cruise.

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Well, considering that was my first post on this thread I'm not sure why you felt the need to be rude to me, but then again, you are so defensive I'm not really surprised. I see you have a very, very, VERY basic understanding of how antibiotics work. My understanding and education on this topic are far more in depth than yours, but thanks for clarifying that you do, in fact, have a rudimentary understanding of the field. Enjoy your cruise.


You should remember that she has two doctors in her family - and is presumably entitled to deference, as well as the right to be discourteous.

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Well, considering that was my first post on this thread I'm not sure why you felt the need to be rude to me, but then again, you are so defensive I'm not really surprised. I see you have a very, very, VERY basic understanding of how antibiotics work. My understanding and education on this topic are far more in depth than yours, but thanks for clarifying that you do, in fact, have a rudimentary understanding of the field. Enjoy your cruise.


Perhaps you read this thread from the beginning and maybe you didn't but your question was rude and after pages of myself and others being belittled I figure I had had enough. Why would you think that I have to explain my understanding to you?


So you thought my answer was too elementary - I could have gone much deeper but what is the purpose? I know what antibiotics do - and I know that I have a chronic condition - end of story. My option is to not travel and I'm not ready to give it up just yet, although the day will sadly come.


So let the flaming continue ..... :cool:






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Posted earlier in this thread. I would probably be considered one of the anti antibiotic people without lab work to make a definitive diagnosis. Antibiotics are not for self diagnosis or to be used indiscriminately.


Jane2357 by now we all know some of your medical needs, and your opinions. However, I think you are making this post far too personal. I am not questioning your medical needs. However, OP asked for general help - and freely admitted they were venting.


All the majority of posters did was to recommend hand washing, not touching railings, etc. General precautions that we should all follow. Look at some of the pharmacies in some of the ports where antibiotics are available for purchase. That's the kind of indiscriminate and self diagnosis people were finding fault with. Also some medical professionals do allow the overuse of antibiotics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very sensitive to "moldy" environments. I can tell when I enter a building if it is moldy and will historically have a sinus infection shortly thereafter. That said, on the last cruise did I end up with a sinus infection midway through the cruise. I attribute it to sitting on damp, moldy seat cushions on the promenade deck or I failed to wash my hands properly after handling poker chips in the casino.

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Two thoughts:


- How antibiotics work isn't an opinion. Though proper administration may vary from person to person, the drug's implementation does not vary from person to person. Sometimes people with certain conditions are placed on long-term antibiotics; however, that isn't something a person would start on his or her own, and it is always a decision made in terms of pros and cons.


- I believe it was George Carlin who said, Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll avoid the discussion on antibiotics and just say that hubby and I do the following and seem to avoid illness.


We avoid air conditioning as much as possible and always book a room with a balcony. We have the door open as often as we can to let in fresh air. On deck we spend a lot of time out of doors and wash our hands frequently.


On this trip to the British Isles I'm hoping for good weather so that we can again use our balcony to the fullest.


Here's hoping for good health and fair weather on this trip. :)

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Throwing another spanner (wrench) into the works.....


I had surgery some years ago, and my surgeon told me emphatically to cut out all processed sugar well before the surgery. Simple sugars are thought to suppress the immune system. (I followed ALL of his advice, and the experience was a good one!)


Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty good at home (cereal/fruit breakfast .... simple veg plus protein for lunch and dinner - on my good days!).... but on a cruise ....it's ice cream and cookies - or bread pudding - every afternoon, dessert at dinner, etc......


... not to mention the higher fat foods.... and the alcohol. SOME of us are our own worst enemies.....


Barb ("feathers")

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