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Detailed review of Celebrity Equinox with photos, Rome-Barcelona, June 25 – July 2


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The taxi brought us all the way to the ship and within minutes we had dropped off our luggage and checked-in – no queues at 1.30. We did not check-in online in advance as someone (not blaming anyone here…DS) thought you could only check-in within 2 days of travel, not before 2 days of travel. Ah well, nevermind. To be honest it didn’t make the process any slower, we just had to show our credit card. I asked if we could upgrade to a suite…chancing my arm entirely (come on I’m Irish!) but we got nowhere, ship was full…apparently. We bypassed the boarding photo and were soon downing our glass of prosecco quick smart (not our fault…you have drink it quickly as they don’t seem you like you taking it into the lift with you, so as I said, not our fault…ok we could have sipped it slowly as we crowded around the lifts).


The Equinox, although not taken in Civi I admit



The cabins were already available when we boarded but we wanted to get some lunch before settling in so we headed to the Oceanview café. Generally, I am not a fan of buffets, I’m make an exception for breakfast…perhaps, but for lunch and dinner I really prefer to be served, maybe I am just lazy. The MDR is not open on departure day (as far as I know), and I am not concierge, aqua, suite class etc. so I cannot avail of all those lovely and perhaps more civilised restaurants (well they might be civilised, how would I know, I’m not allowed in there…someday though, definitely someday). So it was Oceanview for us and it was actually very fine. We sat outside enjoying our first experience of the Equinox overlooking the industrial port. I had a very nice salad and a glass of wine...departure day, have to have a glass of wine with lunch. Three different waiters asked if we wanted to update to the premium drinks package, the hard sell was clearly on, we politely declined. DS and I had the classic package and DM had the non-alcoholic package. After the first day, we were not asked to upgrade, so clearly it’s a first day push. In the interests of research we tried some desserts, some good, some less so, some looked better than they tasted…note to self. Note you to, they are mini desserts, we are not total gluttons!


Quick grab that table!



First lunch onboard



After lunch we went to our cabin, 8255 on deck 8. The cabin is mid-ship, where the balconies overhang, wish I could be more technical here, but you know what I mean- the muffin top of the ship. It was basically the same cabin as last year (well different ship obviously, but same location), and it has an extra-large balcony. If 3 adults are going to share a cabin, then having a large balcony is a good idea - you always have somewhere to escape too/lots of room for throwing someone overboard. There were no lifeboats or decks under our balcony so we literally had the sea below us. The cabin was great, pretty much identical to the one we had last year. Two single beds and a sofa which transforms into a bed. The attendant turned it into a bed on the first day and it remained that way for the cruise.

Our luggage was already there when we arrived. I hate unpacking so my brilliant DS offered to do my unpacking for me - sweet! I was out of there before she could change my mind, and before she figured out how many clothes I managed to pack into my deceptively small case. Before I left our room attendant called by to say hello, she was very nice, last year we never even saw our room attendant. She called back a few minutes later with loads of additional hangers for us (unasked). But I guess she thought that 3 girls would need a lot of hangers and boy was she right. While DM and DS unpacked, I headed down to the MDR to check out our table assignment - it was a pretty nice table for 4 people, about 2 tables from the window. I asked one of the wait staff if it was possible to change it to a window table. He was ultra helpful and brought me all the way to the reservations desk to check, but unfortunately it was not possible to change as the second seating was completely full already. No problem at all, no harm in trying. Before going back to the cabin, I picked up a coffee in Café Bacio (and managed to avoid the desserts, willpower at play) and explored the ship before heading back to the cabin – DS was still unpacking, told you I had a lot of clothes.


Please forgive bad cabin pics



Next up was the muster drill – we were assigned the MDR, it was pretty short and to the point, well organised. Also a good opportunity to get a sense of fellow travellers, so far lots of Australians. Now decisions decisions, where to go for sailway - Sunset Bar called. I got a citrus mojito, I’m not a big cocktail drinker, and generally I only consume 4 liquids - water, coffee, tea and wine. Works well to keep things simple, shouldn’t have got the mojito. There were no seats left, so we sat on the lawn and watched as we slowly sailed away from Civitavecchia - the cruise had properly began! This is going to sound really silly, but my favourite part of being at sea is literally being at sea and having a sea view all the time – sunbathing - ah there’s the sea, having breakfast, ah look the sea again, waking up, sea still there, or running on the treadmill into the sea. I didn’t realise how relaxing and contemplative being in such close proximity to the sea would be. Who needs mindfulness when you have the sea. Minutes can quickly turn into hours while watching the ocean pass by.


After the sailway we headed down to the pool for some swimming and reading. The pool area was pretty empty at this stage (~7pm). DM and I compared Kindle books and it was surprising how many books in common we have while never consulting each other. I guess we must be related after all. We headed back to the cabin to get ready for the late seating in the MDR - via some outfit posts on the balcony.


First night outfit posts



I hate to admit it, but our first night in MDR was a disappointment. Our waiter was really lovely, but everything seemed a little hectic. The sommelier did not come near us and eventually our waiter served us himself after what looked like a little scuffle between himself and the sommelier. Maybe they need more sommeliers onboard. The menu was not particularly inviting either - previously I was pleasantly surprised at how good the food in the MDR on Reflection was, so maybe my expectations were too high - but the choose seemed limited tonight (it did get much better after tonight). Sorry I didn’t take a photo of the menu tonight that night, rookie mistake will remember in future…. I hope. I had beetroot and feta to start, and then DS and I shared the rib of beef and a ravioli dish. All very average. Feta too salty and meat basically a slab of dry meat, not very appealing, and the sauce in the ravioli was too watery. Boo. On a positive note, DM really liked her beef. I had the banana and blueberry crepe with ice-cream for dessert which was very nice although the blueberries must have jumped ship, and the ice-cream was nothing in comparison to the Roman gelato, but that’s to be expected. DM had a very strange trifle with devil’s food cake and cherries, and DS had the chocolate fudge cake – best choice over all. In sum we were all disappointed with our first meal, not just the food, but the overall experience just was not relaxing. Maybe other people had a better first night but that was our experience. However, we decided that it would surely get better the next day which was a formal night (or elegant chic or whatever it is now called), and maybe this was just first day problems with restocking. We are optimistic people.


At least I remembered the dessert menu...most important



After dinner we explored the ship. On our first night last year there was a great party in the grand foyer with music and dancing filled with happy people from all over the world – it was a brilliant experience. This year nothing was going on in the grand foyer, no music, nothing! Unless we missed it somehow?? The only place we found music was in Quasar, felt sorry for the DJ as no-one was volunteering for karaoke, including myself, I got out of there fast. So the night ended on a flat note after the initial excitement of boarding. Tomorrow will be better! Remember we are optimistic people!

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Day 3 – Livorno, Italy


And we were right to be optimistic! Woke about 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep, I was excited for the day to begin. By the time I headed to the gym at 6.30 we had already docked in Livorno. Overall I have been pretty impressed by Celebrity gyms so far, they are large, clean, and very well equipped. They do not have barbells, but apart from that they have almost all the equipment I usually use. On the plus side it meant no barbell squats for a week, score! A note to European gym-goers, the free weights are in pounds not kilos so make sure you do your conversions in advance. I didn’t and it was too early to do maths, so I just guessed…erred on the light side, well I am on holiday! The gym was already quite busy at that time. I assume people wanted to get their workouts done before heading off on their day trips to Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena, San Gimignano, or some other wonderful Tuscan/Chianti sites. But I feel sorry for Livorno, it’s a gateway to so many other places that I bet very few people ever explore the town itself. So in order to give Livorno an ego boost, we decided to explore Livorno rather than heading off with ~99% of the other passengers.


Morning activities onboard



We had already decided in advance of the cruise that we would take it easy today, enjoy the quiet ship, wander into Livorno for lunch, but pretty much just chill out and enjoy our first full day on the ship. Actually, the real reason we didn’t venture far was that we have been to Florence, Siena etc. many many times before. Indeed I love this area of Italy so much that I got married in Tuscany a few years ago (think vineyards, castles, and trendy mayors). Tuscany is a very special place to me and will continue to be a part of my life long into the future. Indeed it will feature pretty soon as I am spending a week in Tuscany with my husband next month, so I can have my fill of Tuscan life then. So Livorno it was. In hindsight though perhaps we should have gone further afield as then I would have more to tell you about on day 3 – our favourites spots and so on, ah well, maybe another time. However, if anyone has any questions about getting married in Tuscany ask away.


A Tuscan wedding



So where was I…, oh yes, the gym. I worked out for about an hour while looking at the sea and the watching Norwegian Spirit (I think) come in to dock. It certainly made doing interval training on the treadmill a far more enjoyable experience. When I got back to the cabin DM and DS were already up and ready for breakfast – so after another shower (does anyone else feel you shower ten times more on holiday than normal, or maybe it’s just because I am documenting it, I probably don’t need to tell you about showering), we headed to Oceanview for breakfast. Again, we sat outside on the terrace at the back. Sun out, proper coffee, fruit, yoghurt, oat muffin, perfect! Something I didn’t notice at breakfast time on Reflection were the waiters wandering around among the tables with trays of pastries, an Equinox speciality perhaps??


Not only an oceanview from Oceanview



While everyone else was hurrying off to meet their tour guides or catch a bus, we spent a leisurely few hours by the pool. There were a few other people still on board, but we almost had the pool area to ourselves - is that an empty whirlpool I see – I can correct that.


We headed into Livorno at about 11.30 - there was a free shuttle bus into the centre as it is quite a distance, don’t attempt to walk it. Also, Livorno is the third largest port in Italy so you aren’t really encouraged to wander about. Livorno is known as little Venice (it has lots of canals) and was the birthplace of Amedeo Modigliani, Pietro Mascagni and Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. Ok so I recognise the first one…after that um no... It is also home to the largest indoor market in Europe…which doesn’t open on Sundays (it would have to be a Sunday today!). After forgetfully leaving all out Livorno ‘research’ on the ship, we attempted to do our own walking tour using a leaflet we got on the shuttle bus. I say attempting as many of the street names were missing (from the map not the streets). But hey that didn’t matter as Livorno is pretty compact so we just enjoyed wandering around. We took lots of photos as it was very picturesque. Livorno is also the place with no people, at least on Sundays. Most of the shops and restaurants were closed and the place was so quiet, where was everyone…maybe at the beach?? I was slightly concerned that we wouldn’t find anywhere to eat, but then we heard voices, and we followed those voices, and low and behold we found a restaurant called Osteria della Venezia with an outdoor terrace overlooking one of the small canals. I feel like saying ‘score’ but I’m conscious of overusing the phrase, so I will refrain.


Pretty Livorno



We did try to be active in Livorno



There were a few people sitting outside but inside was completely packed- full of Italian families enjoying their Sunday lunch. It was about 26 degrees so we decided to sit outside in the shade. The menu was only in Italian. Despite being married in Italy by a suave Italian town mayor complete with white suit and gold chains, I don’t speak Italian (who knows what I agreed to during the ceremony), but I can understand Italian menus. Remember food, I like food, I can always understand food. I translated the menu for DM and DS and it appeared to be a fish restaurant, so fish it would have to be, and oh my what fish it was. I had pasta with lobster complete with claws and tentacles. It was my first time having lobster and it was amazing. DS for prawn ravioli and DM had Ragu (sans fish). All were beautiful and so reasonable priced - my lobster dish was €10, yes €10 for an entire lobster! I had lobster in a Chinese restaurant in Dublin last weekend and it was €36. I’m moving to Italy.





After lunch, we strolled back to the Municipal Square to get the shuttle bus back to the port. Huge queue, bus full, so we went for gelato instead, a good solution I think. Eventually we got the bus – as usual Celebrity had iced towels and cold water on the dock, a very nice touch.

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Lovely! We were Castello di Oliveto in Castelfiorentino for the ceremony and in Tenuta di Sticciano in Fiano for the reception. We regularly go to Castellina in Chiniti which is not too far from Gaiole I think, its really lovely.

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Lovely! We were Castello di Oliveto in Castelfiorentino for the ceremony and in Tenuta di Sticciano in Fiano for the reception. We regularly go to Castellina in Chiniti which is not too far from Gaiole I think, its really lovely.


It's all quite a special area.


Thanks again for your review - enjoying it!

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Once back on-board I headed straight to the solarium to do some writing and swimming. If you have trouble finding me, then a safe bet is to try the solarium. I tend to spend a lot of time there (when not sleeping or eating...indeed sometimes while sleeping and eating). It’s quiet, no kids, and most importantly I can’t burn there! For obvious reasons I don’t sunbath, so the solarium is perfect, all of the benefits with none of the risks. Almost every time I went there on this cruise I managed to acquire one of the cabanas.


This is where you can find me



I spent the rest of the afternoon writing, reading and taking in the port view. While I was there DS went to the Gastro Bar to watch the Ireland-France match - France won, boo, Ireland out of the European Cup, but more importantly, what would dad do now??? A gin and tonic in the whirlpool was a good way to commiserate…drown sorrows…any excuse! I headed back to the cabin to get ready for the evening. DM wanted to go to a magic show in the theatre at 7. The only shows I generally like are the Cirque du Soleil type ones or dancing, but we can’t let her go on her own…or can we…bad daughters, we’ll go. Tonight was ‘elegant chic’ and as we headed to the theatre we saw some passengers in evening dresses and tuxedos and others at the opposite end of the spectrum. We aimed for somewhere in between, not ball gown territory, but ‘dressy’. I wore a blue and silver silk dress which I got made in Vietnam about 18 years ago and DS was excited to wear her new cream jumpsuit. Obviously, obligatory outfit post on the balcony before the show – DS and DM were still pretty patient at this stage, it didn’t last as the week progressed.


Outfit post II



Dropped into Quasar on way to theatre...doesn't DS fit in very well



We were late for the show, no, not because of the outfit posts but because we tried to get a drink in the casino on the way, but they were somewhat lacking in staff i.e. there were none. Ah well, this would have to be an alcohol free magic show. I’m just not into magic shows, but DM liked it, so that’s the important thing. Afterwards we went to the Grand Foyer for the ‘Officers Soiree’. They was music in the foyer (at last!) and some people were dancing, well one 3 year boy was doing his best. The officers appeared, they walked down the stairs, they waved and then they left.

So the big question was whether the MDR would be better tonight - and hallelujah I am happy to report that it was. The menu, food and service was all much improved. Maybe it was first night nerves last night. I believe I had stuffed mushroom, beef tournedos, and apple crumble. The tournedos were really good. Highly recommended. Apply crumble, while sufficiently crumbly, was cold. I’m Irish and Irish people never complain, but our assistant waiter must have seen my disappointed face, so it was whipped away quick smart and a piping hot one was soon in front of me. Sweet, literally. Decaf coffee finished off the meal.


Dinner in MDR



Tonight's menu



The Celebrity dancers were just starting a show in the Grand Foyer when we left the MDR, so we stayed to watch it. It was very lively, I loved the music. The dancers stayed on the dance floor afterwards and encouraged everyone to dance, which seems to work. I would have liked to dance, but DM and DS were not keen. But that’s ok but because I finally I saw what I wanted to see - shiny happy people from all over the world united in dance on a ship. I headed to bed, full and happy, and rocked to sleep (tonight was rocky, not much, but in my short cruise career the rockiest I have experienced so far…and even then it wasn’t bad).


Tonight's sunset


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Sorry to jump in here with this question, but where are you in Donegal?


I'm loving this review too. The pictures are great, can't wait for more. :D


Ballyshannon here, south of the county.


Loving the review also, its bringing back a lot of happy memories. Great pics and very entertaining ! :D

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Day 4- Villefranche-sur-Mer, South of France


I woke to the sound of the tannoy announcing that the boats were ready to tender. We had arrived in Villefranche-sur-Mer. It was about 7.00am, which meant I sleep right through the night without waking...must have been all that rocking. I hopped (ok stumbled) out of bed as I wanted to get to the gym early as today we had plans. No dilly dallying for me this morning. Same drill as yesterday, gym, shower, breakfast in Oceanview (sitting inside this time) - fruit, yoghurt, granola, and just to mix things up, French toast with banana. I also ordered a freshly squeezed orange juice for the first time, it actually tasted freshly squeezed. Last year we went to the MDR for breakfast a few times but we never made it there this year.


As mentioned Villefranche is a tender port. The tender tickets were available from 7, but we just headed down without a ticket at 9.30 and got on a tender ticketless. The South of France is one of our regular holidays haunts, normally we stay inland around Provence in towns such as St. Remy de Provence (my favourite), Bonnieux, and Avignon, but we have also spent some time on the coast, in Marseille and Cassis, but also Menton which is quite close to Villefranche. But there are still lots of places along the Cote d’Azur that we have yet to explore, and today we focused on Cap Ferrat.


Cap Ferrat is on a promontory close to Villefranche, you can take a scenic 45 min walk along the coast, but we decided to take the bus (no. 81 which goes from the main square in the town – note you need to walk uphill from the port to get to the bus stop). There is a very good tourist office up there as well. The bus normally costs €1.50, but today it was free. No idea why, but there was going to be a national strike the next day, so maybe it was related to that? Not sure, I didn’t ask, my French is not exactly up to scratch. I will soon be living in Paris for 7 months as part of my sabbatical so I really start practicing tout de suite…just not now. The bus took 15 minutes or so and the views along the way were spectacular. We passed through Beaulieu-sur-Mer which looked very nice indeed. Note to self…potential new holiday destination.


Our plan was to visit Villa Ephrussia de Rothchild as DM loves gardens. If you like gardens you have to go to this place. I’ve been to a lot of gardens in my time and these really were stunning, the location was like a film set - with the sea on three sides and 9 gardens in total including Provençal, Japanese, Spanish, Traditional, Florentine, and Lapidary (no me neither, turns out to be stone). The villa itself is beautiful, pretty in pink in Belle Epoque style and filled with Flemish tapestries, Sevres and Vincennes porcelain, and 18th-century paintings. Beatrice de Rothchild was married off to a much older man around the turn of the century, and the house was built to her precise and fanciful specifications. The relationship didn’t last but the house did.


The entrance fee is €13.50 which includes an audio guide, but you need identification, which was a slight problem as none of us had brought any identification with us - nooooooooooo. In hindsight probably not a good idea to leave the ship identify free. However there was a Villa Ephrussia de Rothchild app and free wifi so I downloaded the app and became our tour guide. Well I became DM’s guide, not sure DS was too interested…did I mention there was free wifi. We spent a good few hours wandering through the gardens and house, admiring the wonderful views and taking loads of photos. We finished off with coffee and mini cakes in the tearoom (expensive but very worth it). In the formal gardens leading to the house there are water fountains which spout in time to music (potentially Mozart) every 20 minutes, not quite the Bellagio but you get the idea.


Villa entrance



The House



The Gardens



More gardens



If you are going to have tea, here's the place to do it



We didn’t really have a plan for afterwards, maybe go to Eze, or back to Villefranche for lunch. In the end we decided to walk to St. Jean Cap Ferrat which was only 10-15 mins walk away. This area is so well manicured and the town itself is packed with expensive looking yachts. But like Livorno the day before, it was really quiet. Perhaps they saw us coming. It was close to 2pm and all the restaurants were closing up so instead of a formal sit down we decided to get a freshly made pizza from the local pizzeria. While DS waited for the pizza, DM and I tried to locate the marche for some cold drinks, but wouldn’t you know, it was closed. We headed down to the waterfront and shared the pizza while overlooking the harbour. Bet the yacht owners don’t eat pizza like this.


Our lunch by the sea



We then got the bus back to Villefranche. I had planned on spending some time in Villefranche as it looks like a lovely town with lots of little streets lined with shops and a market near the port. It also has a citadel and a church decorated by Jean Cocteau which you can visit. But at this stage everyone was tired, and while it was much cooler here compared to Rome (~25 degrees), we were hot from all the walking. So we just walked down to the harbour and got the tender back to the Equinox. And what did I do next…you guessed it, the solarium was calling.

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And just because its the most photogenic location ever, here are some more photos...


Ship in the distance



DM in garden heaven



DS blending in



Dancing at Ephrussia



All this dancing is tiring



Dancing fountains


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Once back on board I managed to nab a free cabana in the solarium. I wrote a bit, swam a bit, and wrote a bit more. Then at about 5pm I decided to go to the gym for a run. While I was doing some interval training on the treadmill in the gym in the mornings, I hadn’t run properly since Rome (and even that wasn’t a proper run). Also we were going for a big dinner that night, and running gives me an appetite, so a run was much needed. We had already decided to go to either Murano or Tuscan Grille that night. So when we got back on board at Villefranche, we asked about both restaurants. There were no discounts offered on Murano that night as it was almost full (so it would be $50 a head), but we were offered us 20% discount on Tuscan Grille, so we went for that instead ($36 a head), and made a booking for 7pm.


The gym was pretty busy, in fairness it was busy any time I went. While there I discovered something new hidden away in the gym/spa changing rooms – a sauna – which anyone could use. I thought all those spa facilities were only available in the Persian Gardens. Not so. Usually I go straight from the cabin to the gym and back again, so I had never noticed the sauna before. This run was a good idea after all….I told myself as I was dying on the treadmill and promising myself a prosecco in the hot tub afterwards.

After the run I got the said prosecco from the Pool bar (and quickly eradicated the benefits of the run) and then went back to the cabin to change for dinner. Another small discovery at the Pool Bar, I thought you could only ever order 1 drink at a time with the drinks package, but I was also able to get a much needed bottle of water with my prosecco, maybe you cannot order two alcoholic beverages at a time?? I don’t know, I didn’t try.


After the obligatory outfit posts on the balcony we went down to the Ensemble Lounge for an aperitif. DS wanted us to try all the bars at least once, not sure if we manged to in the end, but in the interests of research we did try! The Ensemble Lounge is probably our favourite so far, it’s dark and atmospheric and a great people watching spot – diners have to walk through it to get to Tuscan Grille, Blu etc. The Ensemble also seems to have a better selection of wines than some of the other bars - the Riesling (which is included on the classic package) is particularly nice.


We were really looking forward to dinner in the Tuscan Grille. While the MDR was good last night, the speciality restaurants are just a higher quality overall in my opinion. And we were not disappointed, the food and service was superb. DS and I decided to go all out and have 5 courses, while DM had a much more respectable 3. I had Carpaccio di Manzo, Insalata di Formaggio di Capra, Ravioli ai Funghi Selvatici, Branzino Toscano Grigliato, and Crème Brulee, followed by coffee and Limoncello. Phew… And the bread, can’t forget the focaccia, amazing. Told you I needed that pre-dinner run for a reason. Also, quite unlike the MDR, our wines glasses were never empty, the wine just kept flowing…which in hindsight not a good idea. That’s one advantage of eating in MDR, you never drink too much as it’s just too much effort to order another glass of wine! As we were having dessert the sun was setting, it was such a beautiful evening. If you ever go to Tuscan Grille make sure you are there for sunset, the location is perfect.


The menu I:



The menu II:



The highlights:



The sunset:



And the evening wasn’t over yet. As we finished dinner much earlier than usual, we had time to enjoy the evening’s on-board entertainment. The Celebrity dancers had a show called ‘Life’ on in the theatre at 9pm so Limoncello in hand we headed into that. It was obviously a popular show as the theatre was almost full when we arrived. We thoroughly enjoyed the dancing and acrobatics, the best show yet (well in fairness it only have to compete with the magic show so far, not a difficult choice).


The acrobatic:



After the show DS wanted to go to the Hot Glass show which was on till 11pm that night. I had read very positive reviews about the Hot Glass show on CC, so I was happy to tag along. I was sceptical and I was wrong. It was really enjoyable, the staff were very good at keeping the audience engaged and entertained, even when one of the pieces smashed in the furnace near the end – apparently the third night in a row it had happened. Bad glass perhaps. There was a raffle at the end of the show, we didn’t win, ah well, maybe next time. I would definitely come back. Bed please now, it’s been an eventful day.


The hot glass show


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Thank you for your review and beautiful photos. We are on Equinox in 2 weeks time so it has been wonderful to get in the holiday mood!

We also have the classic alcohol package and just wondered if you were given a list if what specifically was included?

Thank you

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Thanks for all the kind messages. It makes it a far more enjoyable task!


Smileon- here is a list of the drinks available in the Classic package. You can pick this up at guest relations, just ask them for a copy.




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