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Cruising pregnant/ new born


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My wife and I want to plan a cruise either before her 24th week (per ncl terms) of sometime after the kid is born.


What suggestions do those in the know suggest a cruise while pregnant or post pregnancy? Youngest suitable age?





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It is pretty irresponsible to cruise with an infant. Forget about the other people on the ship that have to put up with your infant crying in the middle of the night, (you obviously already did if you are even considering it), but infants can and do have emergencies that require medical attention. Wait until the kid is a toddler, or at least sleeping thru the night.

Edited by Sissaaaaaa
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It is pretty irresponsible to cruise with an infant. Forget about the other people on the ship that have to put up with your infant crying in the middle of the night, (you obviously already did if you are even considering it), but infants can and do have emergencies that require medical attention. Wait until the kid is a toddler, or at least sleeping thru the night.


Agree with all this.


Although we took our son at 11 months old, he was sleeping through the night, and it was DCL, so it was basically normal for that ship at the time. I can't imagine taking him on another line at that age that isn't geared towards young children. People would hate me. Haha!

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Agree with all this.


Although we took our son at 11 months old, he was sleeping through the night, and it was DCL, so it was basically normal for that ship at the time. I can't imagine taking him on another line at that age that isn't geared towards young children. People would hate me. Haha!


Disney is the exception, for sure. Heck I'd even trust their doctors more than a regular ER doc !!

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My wife and I want to plan a cruise either before her 24th week (per ncl terms) of sometime after the kid is born.


What suggestions do those in the know suggest a cruise while pregnant or post pregnancy? Youngest suitable age?




Cruising with a small child is like cruising with an anchor tied to your leg. If they're too young for splash academy, you're going to have to take them with you everywhere you go. I know couples who have done this and they usually regret it.


I can't speak to cruising while pregnant since I've never been, but it doesn't sound pleasant.

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We did a cruise with our 9 month old and it was very hard. It was right at the age where she had just started crawling and wouldn't sit still. She wanted to get into everything. It was very hard to utilize common areas. I would say it would've been way easier before she started crawling, as she was much more content doing whatever we were doing.


Dining was also a problem. It's hard to get a toddler to sit still for a full sit down meal. On the one or two nights we did the dining room, we would have to order, me or my wife would wander off with our daughter, the one who didn't wander off would eat their app, then switch, and finally all 3 sit down when the main course arrived.


Did we enjoy the cruise overall? Yes

Would it have been more fun by ourselves? Yes


That said, we're doing a cruise next month with our now 3 year old and 18 month old. We are going with their Grandma and Grandpa though, which should make life a bit easier.

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I have cruised with my kids when they were 10 months, 18 months and then older. I also cruised at 6 weeks pregnant and 16 weeks pregnant. I prefer going while pregnant. But not at 6 weeks- that sucked. Morning sickness hit and it was horrid. The smell and sight of any food on the ship destroyed me. Not to mention the rocking of the ship. So 2nd trimester is perfect. I ate all I wanted without feeling any guilt 😂

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Cruising with a small child is like cruising with an anchor tied to your leg. If they're too young for splash academy, you're going to have to take them with you everywhere you go. I know couples who have done this and they usually regret it.


I can't speak to cruising while pregnant since I've never been, but it doesn't sound pleasant.


I don't understand the desire to cruise with one's children, with the plan being to unload them at the kids club all day and night. I would think that there are people who might actually (gasp) *enjoy* spending time WITH their kids on vacation, rather than seeing them as a burden to free themselves of at any opportunity. But that's just me.

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I don't understand the desire to cruise with one's children, with the plan being to unload them at the kids club all day and night. I would think that there are people who might actually (gasp) *enjoy* spending time WITH their kids on vacation, rather than seeing them as a burden to free themselves of at any opportunity. But that's just me.


Let me let you in on a secret: kids aren't thrilled doing all the things adults like to do. They generally don't like to sit back and listen quietly to piano music, have a drink at a bar, or play craps. Adults tend not to enjoy splashing water in ankle deep pools, color in pictures using crayons, or run around in circles for hours. Sure, there's going to be some overlap activities depending on the child's age. Water slides, bingo, etc. are all crossover activities. But this is a vacation for everyone. You don't have to be joined at the hip. Most other vacation destinations require constant monitoring by the parents. Cruises are a great exception that allows kids to do kid stuff and adults to do adult stuff. There was a Simpsons episode that nailed this point beautifully.

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I don't understand the desire to cruise with one's children, with the plan being to unload them at the kids club all day and night. I would think that there are people who might actually (gasp) *enjoy* spending time WITH their kids on vacation, rather than seeing them as a burden to free themselves of at any opportunity. But that's just me.


I think most parents let their kids go to the clubs for a few hours, so the kids can have fun, and the parents can have fun. As a SAHM to 5, having these clubs on vacations meant I got to relax a little, which I like to do on vacation. Now they're all teens, it's much easier, but those early days were exhausting!

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My wife and I want to plan a cruise either before her 24th week (per ncl terms) of sometime after the kid is born.


What suggestions do those in the know suggest a cruise while pregnant or post pregnancy? Youngest suitable age?





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You cannot sail with a newborn.

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I have cruised 24 weeks pregnant as well as 16 weeks pregnant. I get seasick so a nauseous pregnancy + waves made for an interesting combo. It usually takes me 2 days to get my Sea Legs and then I was fine (plus Sea Bands, Essential Oils, and Ear Seeds from my Acupuncturist). I loved cruising pregnant. Did not get to partake in any adult beverages so our overall cruise bill was significantly lower than our normal bill. Check excursions because there were several I was not able to participate in. I did not mind. The cruise was to relax and lounge.


We also sailed when our middle child was 17-months and I was pregnant with #3. That was exhausting. Luckily, we were in a suite and my mother-in-law was in another suite. My husband and MIL would take the girls so I could relax. She was potty trained by 17 months, but they questioned me about her wearing a diaper (which she was not wearing).


We are taking another cruise this November with our littles (9, 3, and 17-months). I highly suggest Babywearing! It is much easier to maneuver around the ship without being held hostage to a stroller (plus parking the stroller). We took our Maclaren Umbrella and several wraps/Tulas. We only used the stroller when we went off the ship. The cruise line provided a high chair for dinner. Our daughter did exceptionally well during dinner, but one night she was not feeling up to sitting so I took her back to the room and they delivered our dinner to the room for us. She did attend one show and my husband left when she got rowdy, otherwise she had a great time. On one of the last days, we went into an empty card room and just let the girls run and play around.


If I had a choice, I would suggest going for your BabyMoon on the cruise. While it is wonderful to go with your baby, the entire "relax" aspect of a cruise is there. Your baby's needs and schedule will dictate what you do and what you see. If you go without baby, you can relax, sleep, spa, sleep in, room service on the balcony, etc.


Congratulations and wish you the best of luck.

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I should also mention that we have been traveling with our children since they were newborns. I think it is wonderful to introduce travel and wanderlust at an early age.


We currently are traveling the country in a 45ft RV with our three children to show them this beautiful nation.


Please do not let other people make you second guess traveling with your baby. Be flexible. Be forgiving. Give yourself grace. You WILL encounter negative nellies and people who do not like children... that is on them, not on you.

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I should also mention that we have been traveling with our children since they were newborns. I think it is wonderful to introduce travel and wanderlust at an early age.


We currently are traveling the country in a 45ft RV with our three children to show them this beautiful nation.


Please do not let other people make you second guess traveling with your baby. Be flexible. Be forgiving. Give yourself grace. You WILL encounter negative nellies and people who do not like children... that is on them, not on you.


Completely agree!

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I should also mention that we have been traveling with our children since they were newborns. I think it is wonderful to introduce travel and wanderlust at an early age.




We currently are traveling the country in a 45ft RV with our three children to show them this beautiful nation.




Please do not let other people make you second guess traveling with your baby. Be flexible. Be forgiving. Give yourself grace. You WILL encounter negative nellies and people who do not like children... that is on them, not on you.



But cruise ships do not allow newborns to sail


What you do in an RV has nothing to do with cruise ship rules regarding newborns


Fwiw I too travelled with a newborn but not a cruise ship. We did road trips until age 3 and all my kids have wanderlust too.



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You must have missed my previous response. All I was saying is that we have traveled with our children since they were newborns... Not traveled specifically on a cruise ship.


We cancelled a 14 day cruise when we found out we were pregnant with #3 because he would only be 5 months old when sailing and most lines require babies to be 6 months old.


Personally, the early you introduce travel into your child's norm, the better they adapt. This is a broad statement... Not cruise ship specific.

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You must have missed my previous response. All I was saying is that we have traveled with our children since they were newborns... Not traveled specifically on a cruise ship.


We cancelled a 14 day cruise when we found out we were pregnant with #3 because he would only be 5 months old when sailing and most lines require babies to be 6 months old.


Personally, the early you introduce travel into your child's norm, the better they adapt. This is a broad statement... Not cruise ship specific.


Wow you and he were both pregnant? Amazing!

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I think that is a very kind gesture. I had someone do that on a plane once because they didn't know how their child would do. It was little candies and ear plugs with a cute little note. The child in question slept through the whole flight, but it was still a very kind thing to do.


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Kaptivate, my nephew did that on a trip with his daughters to Chile. Wonder if it was him :).

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Let me let you in on a secret: kids aren't thrilled doing all the things adults like to do. They generally don't like to sit back and listen quietly to piano music, have a drink at a bar, or play craps. Adults tend not to enjoy splashing water in ankle deep pools, color in pictures using crayons, or run around in circles for hours. Sure, there's going to be some overlap activities depending on the child's age. Water slides, bingo, etc. are all crossover activities. But this is a vacation for everyone. You don't have to be joined at the hip. Most other vacation destinations require constant monitoring by the parents. Cruises are a great exception that allows kids to do kid stuff and adults to do adult stuff. There was a Simpsons episode that nailed this point beautifully.


Agree completely! I have 3 boys and they are all adults now but I can't tell you how badly I needed to have them be anywhere but with me at times. I love our boys but there is nothing wrong with wanting a break. They probably needed it just as much as we did!

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I should also mention that we have been traveling with our children since they were newborns. I think it is wonderful to introduce travel and wanderlust at an early age.


We currently are traveling the country in a 45ft RV with our three children to show them this beautiful nation.


Please do not let other people make you second guess traveling with your baby. Be flexible. Be forgiving. Give yourself grace. You WILL encounter negative nellies and people who do not like children... that is on them, not on you.


I love this. I am from the U.S. but grew up living overseas. I can't remember a time when we weren't traveling somewhere and I was the youngest of 5 kids! It has given me a huge appreciation for travel. That being said, I am not sure I could have done what my parents did, traveling Southeast Asia with all of us in tow, but I am grateful for the experience. Thanks for writing what you did. Great advice!

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I love that he said "we" ...a good Dad is connected with their baby through Mom..."we" is well stated. ;)



Reminds me of the old joke...


Do you know why women have babies and not men?


Because if men had babies the species would not make it past one generation.

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I would say both if you can! BUT I would not go to the Caribbean while pregnant (which I currently am) due to Zika concerns.


I sailed with my son at 10 months and at 27 months. Our goal with the second baby is to cruise as soon as possible -- closer to 6 months than to a year if possible.


The key when sailing with a baby is to either choose a ship with a nursery (only NCL ship with one is Escape) and/or to take other people with you who are willing to babysit. Not suggesting you dump your baby with someone else for the whole trip, but having a few hour break a couple of times during the week does make a big difference. We went the invite the grandparents to sail with you route, and it worked wonderfully. Looking forward to choosing baby #2's first cruise soon!

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I would say both if you can! BUT I would not go to the Caribbean while pregnant (which I currently am) due to Zika concerns.


I sailed with my son at 10 months and at 27 months. Our goal with the second baby is to cruise as soon as possible -- closer to 6 months than to a year if possible.


The key when sailing with a baby is to either choose a ship with a nursery (only NCL ship with one is Escape) and/or to take other people with you who are willing to babysit. Not suggesting you dump your baby with someone else for the whole trip, but having a few hour break a couple of times during the week does make a big difference. We went the invite the grandparents to sail with you route, and it worked wonderfully. Looking forward to choosing baby #2's first cruise soon!


My oldest just had a baby two months ago, and if they decide to cruise next year and invite me along to help with him, I'd be super happy to! :D

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