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Up the Gangplank - live from the Caribbean Princess (5th-22nd Sept)


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Really enjoying your review, however, I too don't think I'm cut out for a north Atlantic cruise. I would love to go to Iceland and the other ports but I have read a few reviews here and there where people said the seas were rough. I have done a TA in April on the Royal (and will do another). That was not bad at all. Maybe coming from Fort Lauderdale makes a difference.

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16/9 - Cruise Day 012 - Transatlantic Journey Day 2 of 5


Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm starting to think that little ol' moi and transatlantic cruises in September during terrible sea conditions are not a good match............:eek:

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I don't want to say you're wrong but don't judge all transatlantics by this one cruise. We did the same itinerary last year (with Bob) and it was delightful. Sailing around the north of the British Isles is always a little dicey but other than that, no problems. We've taken at least five transatlantics and they have been mostly smooth sailing. (I won't discuss the Bay of Biscay in 2010 but in the grand scheme of things, it was forgettable). If you're worried, take a transatlantic that starts in the Mediterranean then sails a southern route to Florida. Since transatlantics have the best per diem cost out there, it's certainly worth another go, don't you think? Your commentary has been such a delight, I'd love to cruise with you sometime.:)

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Don't let this crossing make you choose not to do it again. You never know what weather conditions will be like the next time.


We took a Princess cruise from LA to Hawaii and back and got a mini suite, thinking we would really spend a lot of our time out on our deck, reading, watching the seas, and just enjoying. (We too can live in a plain balcony but splurged on this trip because it was a special trip for us.) We only used the balcony one day of the 14 day trip. The captain said it was the worst crossing he had ever encountered in all his years of doing that trip!


So, you can never tell. . . if this was one you really enjoyed and are thinking about again, go for it!

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Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm starting to think that little ol' moi and transatlantic cruises in September during terrible sea conditions are not a good match............:eek:




I sympathize completely, I also suffer from seasickness and I was having quite a struggle on a transatlantic several years ago. :( If I may offer a suggestion...take your tablets and in addition, use seasickness bands. We went on a cruise last year and the for first two days we were on the edge of a hurricane with rolling seas, heavy rain, the decks closed, etc., and I could not believe how great I felt.


BTW - I am thoroughly enjoying your posts. :)


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I don't want to say you're wrong but don't judge all transatlantics by this one cruise. We did the same itinerary last year (with Bob) and it was delightful. Sailing around the north of the British Isles is always a little dicey but other than that, no problems. We've taken at least five transatlantics and they have been mostly smooth sailing. (I won't discuss the Bay of Biscay in 2010 but in the grand scheme of things, it was forgettable). If you're worried, take a transatlantic that starts in the Mediterranean then sails a southern route to Florida. Since transatlantics have the best per diem cost out there, it's certainly worth another go, don't you think? Your commentary has been such a delight, I'd love to cruise with you sometime.:)


What a lovely thing to say, thank you so much x

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18/9 - Cruise Day 014 - Transatlantic Journey Day 4 of 5


Apart from writing the blog/live from, I didn't stir until 2pm and although I still didn't feel 100%, I felt much better than I had at around 7am when I'd first woken......... a latte & a choccy muffin delivered by hand by my wonderful hubby made me feel even better :D

I felt that good we even managed to get some packing done.

We sorted out all the clothes we'd need up to and including disembarkation and then we threw what we didn't need here or in Florida back into the cases (separated from our clean clothes, of course).

We had to wash a few things (and we had to wash them twice cos the first time around, the rinse didn't rinse!!!, grrrrr/pffftt) so while that was going on, we got ourselves ready - tonight was Mary Ann's star turn at "The Voice of the Ocean".


Laundry (eventually) sorted and ourselves laundered & dried off too, we got to the Princess Theatre around 7. Every competitor had been allowed to invite up to 6 guests - we found the section of seats that had been reserved for "guests of Mary Ann" and made ourselves at home.

(These seats were right at the front - prime real estate in theatre seating terms and the number of people who completely ignored the reserved signs and sat in them was unbelievable - they were all asked - politely - to leave by Paul and other members of the entertainment crew but, really, it shouldn't have been necessary.)


The show was marvellous, marvellous, marvellous.

Based on the TV programme, 3 'coaches' (with turn aroundy chairs and everyfink :D) picked their fave singers by their 'voice'. If more than 1 coach had pressed the buzzer, it was then up to the singer to select which coach they'd like to be mentored by. (The mentoring consisted of the coach selecting which of their 2 or 3 singers should go forward to the public vote and then it was up to us to pick the winner.)


The star of the show for me was one of the coaches, Peter the ship's Hotel Manager - unlike the other 2 coaches, he had no showbiz background so rather than gush about their singing abilities, he resorted to blackmail to get the contestants to select him as their mentor.

He was totally hilarious, from threatening problems with immigration and customs, to luggage issues and the morals of their room stewards.....he tried everything and he did it brilliantly (and mostly, unsuccessfully). If he ever decided to leave the hospitality industry, he could well make it as a comic.

Mary Ann sadly didn't make the final but, to me, everyone was a winner - to stand up in front of 800 strangers and sing your heart out is a very brave thing to do.

Afterwards, the contestants and all their supporters went to the Explorers lounge for a private champers celebration - it was wonderful.


We went back to the theatre to see the International Crew Talent Show - the ship's crew left their normal jobs behind for a while and entertained us with everything from belly dancing, magic acts and ukulele playing to comedy sketches and scenes from famous plays/films............Billy Hygate's Fiddler on the Roof routine was superb.


All in all, it was a brilliant night in the Princess Theatre.




19/9 - Cruise Day 015 - Transatlantic Journey Day 5 of 5


Our final day of the transatlantic was a bit of a mixed bag of good and not so good.


We met up with Lee & Jim (2 other guests of Mary Ann) for the early morning quiz and then for the first time in what seemed like years (God, don't I exaggerate ha ha) we had a walk on deck. It was lovely to get out in the fresh air without being bent double or freezing cold, or both.


After lunch in the HC (nasi goreng & shrimp) we went for a little snooze and then got ready for the final formal night of the cruise.

We had wanted to eat at a table for 2 but the waiting time was around 40 minutes so we agreed to our standard share of 6 or less. Everyone was (mostly) really nice but we all could have done with the guy sat next to me who insisted on describing some horrible medical problems he has......one of the other ladies actually told him to shut up (I wanted to applaud but thought that was going too far lol). To add insult to injury dinner and the service we received were abysmal.


The list of complaints is really too long to go into but hilarity soon took over. This sounds daft now but Terry's glass being topped up with still water when it already contained sparkling water (twice) made my day and gave me a really happy memory. Every cloud eh?


We spent the rest of the evening in the Explorers Lounge - it was 70s night and it was brilliant. The DJ playing all my fave disco hits, the music quiz (we did better than we thought), boogying with the entertainment team to the decades' most well known dance routines (the hustle, YMCA etc) made sure that a wonderful time was had by everyone.


Before we turned in for the night, we had more fun losing another $10 at our favourite 1c slot machine (they don't call us the 'last of the big spenders' for nothing). It was a perfect ending to what started out as a not so perfect night (well, winning the top prize of $500 would have been even more perfect but we were still happy)




19/9 - Cruise Day 016 - We arrive in Boston (part one)


I missed waking up to see the waves whizzing passed the window this morning but it was really exciting to open the curtains and see the huge letters of CRUISEPORT BOSTON right in front of our balcony.


We've done it, we've sailed the Atlantic ocean from east to west.




I'm hoping as we step off the gangplank on to US soil that there's going to be a special ceremony with medals awarded for our amazing cruising feat (well, a girl can dream can't she :D)


We're just waiting to go through immigration (Club Fusion, 9pm) and then we'll be able to get out and about in Boston.


More about today tomorrow (or maybe the next day..............)






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Hi Tom,


Lovely to hear from you - I'll do a roll up of all my thoughts at the end of the cruise. So far, I'd definitely recommend it.....:D


Best wishes.....Sue :)


(btw, I seem to remember you doing quite a bit of work on that cruise too :D)


I can't seem to go on a cruise & do nothing. I'm on a Celebrity October 2 14 day Canada Cruise & although Celebrity plans there "Connections Party" with there own name tags I'm also making CC name tags for some of the people. Plus I agreed to be in charge of a gift exchange. I've got 34 people for a slot-pull. Enjoy your cruise.



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Thank you so much for taking us along on your wonderful, and not so wonderful, journey. Love the way you write and enjoyed everything!


Thanks so much. There's still a few days to go....I've written them up but haven't posted because my anti virus software kept giving me "warnings" about our hotel's wi-fi.....'whoa! don't go there' to every site I visited was the most common. It's probably nothing but to be on the safe side, I may leave the rest of the (not so very) live froms until we get home next week.

I'm typing this (very slowly) on my phone as I wait for Terry to finish off looking at all the exhibits in Kennedy Space Centre (not my thing, I'm outside catching a few rays)


Thanks once again


Sue :D

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I can't seem to go on a cruise & do nothing. I'm on a Celebrity October 2 14 day Canada Cruise & although Celebrity plans there "Connections Party" with there own name tags I'm also making CC name tags for some of the people. Plus I agreed to be in charge of a gift exchange. I've got 34 people for a slot-pull. Enjoy your cruise.




There was talk of a slot pull on our cruise but it got no further than that. I thought there was going to be a combined poker run/pub crawl but that just fizzled out too :(


I'll be doing a final thoughts posting soon so keep an eye out for that


Great to hear from you Tom


Best regards


Sue :)

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Thanks so much. There's still a few days to go....I've written them up but haven't posted because my anti virus software kept giving me "warnings" about our hotel's wi-fi.....'whoa! don't go there' to every site I visited was the most common. It's probably nothing but to be on the safe side, I may leave the rest of the (not so very) live froms until we get home next week.


I'm typing this (very slowly) on my phone as I wait for Terry to finish off looking at all the exhibits in Kennedy Space Centre (not my thing, I'm outside catching a few rays)




Thanks once again




Sue :D




Thanks Sue! I don't blame you for adhering to the warning. Better safe than sorry. Enjoy the rest of you trip and I look forward to the rest when you get home.



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20/9 - Cruise Day 016 - Boston, USA (part two)


(post holiday post 1 of 3)



As you can tell from my last post.....I was a very happy bunny as we arrived in Boston.


Daft as it seems - it was really exciting to wake up knowing that we've sailed across the Atlantic. My mum travelled the route many times when she was a Cunard stewardess in the 50s & 60s and I'm sooooo proud to have (sort of) followed in her footsteps.


It was just as exciting knowing we were back in Boston - isn't it just a lovely city? - we visited for 4 days just over 9 years ago and had a great time - we always said we'd be back...........We wanted to get the most out of our one day visit so before we left the UK, we decided what we'd like to see again and worked out the fastest walking routes so we could fit everything in. I printed out maps and directions and, miraculously, we didn't forget to take them with us this time (remember, lack of maps meant we missed Susie's Saloon wayyyyyyyyyyy back when in Amsterdam?!). .


After we'd done the immigration thingy whatsit (which took about an half hour - I'm very impressed with how Princess sort out the logistics of such a big operation) we hot footed it off the ship and started on our "Cruisells Best of Boston" walking tour.

Along with another couple, who were following directions to the same place via their phone, we got a bit lost getting to the first venue - not all the streets were sign posted and quite a lot of them didn't even show up on the maps - but the stalwart Crills never give up and, 35 mins later, we arrived at the Boston Tea Party Museum.


If you haven't been to the museum, you should definitely go. It was one of the best touristy things we've seen so far and it was well worth paying for .............even if we did pay twice!

Yes, you've probably guessed it - we may have remembered the maps but we completely forgot to take the online tickets we'd bought before we came away (a whole $49 worth :(). Big duhhhhhhh

I wouldn't mind, they were right there in the folder with the maps, printed on bright yellow paper so how we (aka Terry!!!! :D) missed them, I'll never know.

Big, big duhhhhhhh.


From start to finish the museum was pure fun (and of course, educational). There's loads of audience participation and the team make sure to include everyone......even if it's only to assign the names of known rebels to each 'audience member'. Terry & I were the Bradlee brothers (me - Nathaniel, Terry - David). We all learnt how to cheer, boo and raise our arms in a specific 18th century way and, once we'd been given a load of background info, we were then off to make mischief.

(Btw, apparently David had just been released from prison..........I tell ya, I always knew there was something shifty about my hubby :D).


I won't spoil it by saying exactly what happens** because as well as the tour on the ship, there are a couple of very good gimmicky surprises - but gimmicky or not, it all helped tell the tale and tell it very well too.

We had such a good time.


After that we walked (following directions from our not so good maps) to the Old South Meeting House (nice but not worth the $6 entry fee), then went to take a few pics of the State House & have a walk around the Beacon Hill area.....such lovely old houses and very pretty narrow streets with higgedly piggedly lampposts stuck in very uneven pavements (sidewalks). Admittedly, some parts look a bit worn now but strangely, it didn't make the area any less attractive.

We had planned to walk to the Old North Church and then to Boston Harbour for lunch but aching feet and the 80s+ temp (that constitutes a major heatwave where we're from!) put a stop to that. Instead, we decided to take just one walk to see if a favourite eatery of ours was still in business so we set off for the Back Bay area.

We got a bit lost (nothing new there then!) but, credit where it's due............thanks to me :D, we eventually found the place we were looking for - the Globe bar/restaurant on Boylston (which is a bit further up the road from 500 Boylston - the building used in the opening credits of Boston Legal) and, just like old times (by that I mean the 3 visits we'd made during our last trip!), we had a couple of beers and a very, very, tasty, tasty lunch.


Sated, we began our walk back to the ship but I decided (a whole 4 minutes after we'd started) that I just couldn't take another step so we hailed a cab & returned to the CB in relative luxury. As we got back so much earlier than we thought we would, we did what any pair of self respecting, tired, worn out tourists would do...........we had a couple of hours kip.


We were up again at 5pm getting ready to go to L and C's for another sailaway/wine party (along with the other lovely couple from the first sailaway). Again, it was fab. L and C's port side room had a fantastic view and we got some super duper shots of the most beautiful Boston sunset.

We all continued having fun at dinner......I must add here (and you probably won't be surprised) that the food wasn't much fun but the company certainly was (don't have southern chicken, 3 of us did and left it!).

Despite that , the table service was wonderful and the waiters were a real good laugh. We had a great time.

G and N left just before 10 to go to the late show in the Princess theatre and the rest of us went to Crooners for a nightcap.

L and C stayed for about an hour but Terry & I sat up for a while longer having a good chat with another British couple. Don (the barman) called it a night around 12:15 and we were duly sent home (in the real world, he'd have kept our car keys & ordered us a cab) to have our penultimate night's sleep on the CB.





**Small spoiler alert...............



Woooo hoooooo, I was a rebel...........I threw the tea overboard.

(Down with taxes is what I say. Power to the Sons of Liberty! :p).




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21/9 - Cruise Day 017 - At Sea, our final day


(post holiday post 2 of 3)



After a bit of a lie-in (we got up around 10ish), we finished our packing - I was glad we'd sorted most of it out the other day - we only had a few things to put away. We left out just what we needed to wear for the evening along with the clothes we'd be wearing for disembarkation tomorrow.


We went up to the Caribe Cafe for our last lunch on board and Oh Boy! had they pulled out all the stops. It was Mexican Fiesta Day (or something similar sounding) and it was fab-u-licious. Next to the UBD, it was the best meal we had throughout the whole of the cruise. Chilli, enchiladas, spicy roast chicken (cooked to perfection), rice, tortillas, bean salad......it just went on and on and on with scrummy yummy gorgeousness and we went on and on eating :D

Word must have gotten around - the queue was quite long by the time we got there but by the time we'd finished our meal, the line had more than doubled. To say it was a hugely popular lunch menu would be an understatement.


After eats we went to sort out our FCCs but the office was shut - not wanting to wait around for 45 minutes until it re-opened, we decided to fill out an FCC form and pop it in the drop box (fingers crossed there's no problems with it?!) and then we went for a last walk around the ship.


Despite not doing much, we were a bit tired so we had a quick snooze before getting ready for our last evening aboard the CB. During our afternoon walk, we'd checked out the dinner menu and didn't really fancy the sound of it (what a shocker, ha ha) so we thought we'd go to the buffet but, when it came time for dinner, we were still quite full from lunch so we ruled that out too. Instead, we decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and go to Vines for some tapas & sushi - it would also give us chance to say thank you & goodbye to Jack & Cherry (2 of the most hard working bar staff on the CB).


Following our light dinner in Vines (yummy), we travelled around the ship saying our goodbyes to everyone who'd made this such a wonderful birthday celebration and ended up in Explorers for our final evening's entertainment.

Mary Ann, L and C joined us for the last ever trivia quiz of the cruise (we were predictably rubbish) and then, after saying goodbye to Mary Ann and doing a lot of goodbye hugging with L and C, we started to make our way to Crooners.....it took us a while to get there - we got stopped by every one of the Explorers' bar staff, they all wanted a goodbye hug too - it was actually quite emotional.....I got a lump in my throat & very teary eyes (good job it was near the end of the night cos it totally ruined my makeup :D).


After a final drink & farewell in Crooners we trotted off to our room and got ready for our last sleep on board the Caribbean Princess.

(Wonders will never cease, we actually remembered to set the wake up alarm for 4:30am - we were due to sail past the Statue of Liberty around 5:45...........we just couldn't miss that.)





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22/9 - Cruise Day 018 - New York, disembarkation


(post holiday post 3 of 3)


We were up before the larks and after whizzing down to the IC for a couple of hot drinks, we were ready to wave to Lady Liberty at around 5:30.

We made our way to one of the top decks - it was cold and very windy but we forgot all that as we sailed under the (Hudson?) bridge - we could see the statue in the distance and it was amazing to watch it getting closer and closer. It really is an iconic sight.

More and more people had started to arrive by now but we managed to get a great speck on deck 16 (port side, near the bow) and stayed there until the ship sailed passed the statue and had started to turn 180 degrees to reverse into Brooklyn Cruise Terminal.


We still hadn't drank the half bottle of champers we'd got with our UBD so before we went back to our room, we nipped down to the HC for some orange juice - that meant we could have a bucks fizz on our balcony as we watched a fab sunrise over Manhattan :p.


At 8am we had to leave the cabin and I truly welled up - I didn't want to go. I really didn't want to go.

Terry sweet talked me out of trying to become a stowaway and, with me still teary-eyed, we walked into the corridor & closed our door one last time (cue dramatic music...... just like you hear in those weepies from the 1930s)........


As we didn't want brekky, once we were out of the room, there wasn't actually that much to do except wait until our colour/number (navy 2) was called to leave the ship. We stayed on the Promenade Deck for quite some time watching the goings on on the water (Staten Island Ferry etc) and @8:50 we made our way to the casino (our disembarkation meeting point) to sit and wait, and wait, and wait.

Things were running a bit slow so we were delayed getting off the ship (& made even more delayed by me saying/waving goodbye at every stage......bye deck 7, bye casino, bye fave slot machine in the casino, bye CB (repeatedly), bye ganglplank!) but when we eventually got into the terminal, we found our luggage easily enough, got through customs pdq and, in no time at all, were searching out the coach that would be taking us to Newark for our flight to Orlando.

I must say, all the Brooklyn terminal staff were very friendly - nearly every one of them said "Welcome to Brooklyn", it was lovely. Round of applause for them please.


The journey to the airport was quite uneventful for us - sadly, one couple found that a piece of their luggage had been accidentally taken by someone else who'd gotten off at the previous terminal stop. Once we'd been dropped off, the driver was taking them back to Terminal A to try and sort it out. I hope they found it.

(I must have had a premonition or something because at the very first stop, I'd asked Terry to get off the coach to make sure no one took our cases or if they were taken off - so the driver could get at other luggage - they were put back on!).


We were sooooooo grateful for the porter/sidewalk check-in clerk (is that what they're called?) who spotted us struggling as we left the coach - he just took over.

He loaded our cases onto a trolley, got us to the check in desk, checked us in, gave us our luggage tags and boarding passes, told us where to go to get to security and then cheerily waved goodbye to go in search of another clueless couple to help. What a very nice man :D


Well, that's it, with a new destination to get to, via a plane and not a ship, our cruise had definitely come to an end.


Orlando here we come ;):D.




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Hi everyone, sorry it's taken this long to finish off the live from.

Once we got home on Thursday we just wanted to sleep. Friday it was hairdressers, sleeping, shopping, laundry, sleeping, finding out our car needs some work (which we can't get done til Monday and means that we couldn't drive down to get Pongo :(), sleeping, laundry, catching up with family & friends, etc., etc., etc.


I've just uploaded the 3 remaining posts (I've changed the colour to teal so you know which ones they are).


I will be writing an overall review....... our likes, dislikes (guess what's top of the list :D) and what was brilliant etc. but I want to get the Florida part of our trip onto my blog first.


We were so busy at the theme parks, I didn't have time to write more than a few words once we got back to the hotel and I knew (iffy wi-fi not withstanding) that I couldn't post them as they were.

I'm going to spend the next couple of days expanding on what I've already written (before I forget what went on) and as soon as I've done that, I'll get back to the CB review (and hopefully I will also have sorted out pics to upload onto the blog so you can see what I've been blabbing about)


If, at some point in the future, you'd like to follow our Floridian exploits, please click on the link to the blog.


Thank you all for coming along with us on this fantastic journey. I'm so grateful for all the lovely comments.

I hope to write another 'live from' in the not too distant future.


Until then...............


Best regards to you all


Sue xxxx





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Enjoying reading along. Do you know if CB has gotten the new mattresses? We are going in January/Feb for a long cruise and really hoping for the new mattresses. Thanks for your help.




I'm sorry, I can't really help.


I know our mattress wasn't new (it was pretty uncomfortable - I asked for a topper) but someone in Crooners (so it could have been the drink talking :D) told us that there's a continuous replacement system going on - with passengers on our cruise already sleeping on the new mattresses..... if that's true, you might get lucky.


Please don't get your hopes up though, I've also read on CC that the new beds/bedding won't be on board until March 2017.


Regardless of which mattress you get, I hope you sleep well on the CB & have a wonderful, fantastic cruise.


Sue :)

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Sue, you're a living doll. Love your style.




I thoroughly enjoyed reading your review. Thank you so much for taking us along.



Thank you both :)


There have been a couple more dramas which have further delayed my Orlando blog & my CB review but I will get there, honest ;) (imagine someone with a totally determined look on their face.....that's me!) so please, keep checking to see if there's anything new




Sue x

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