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No more adult only aft pools?

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Most of our cruises have been with Carnival. Up until recently, I was very happy with the product for the price. We mostly pick by departure port. I really don't want to fly to cruise. If I'm flying - I'm going somewhere to stay. We like cruising from NYC. Carnival used to have 2 ships ported there. Now they have one and it's part time. We've discovered that sailing out of Baltimore is doable and we love the Pride. We're not fond of the Mega Ship floating hotel, theme park & shopping malls. 2500 on the Pride is nice - and for now, it still has a pool in the aft Serenity area. Don't know how long that will last.


I'm not yet platinum (not that it really matters) but I am Carnival stock holder - that doesn't carry much weight with them either apparently. But the cruising experience we had back in 2002 when I did my first Carnival cruise, isn't getting any better, that's for sure.


Carnival has been dropping straws on this camel's back for some time now. I didn't complain about the switch from decent chocolate to crappy chocolate on the pillow. I didn't complain when the chocolates disappeared all together. I didn't complain much when they switched from live music to DJs, or when they dropped (and then reinstated) the shrimp cocktail from the menu, or when they moved the comedy shows into small venues that you have to stand in line for. I didn't complain at all when they removed the lobster from shorter than 6 day cruises, because we do 7 days or more. But I did note it!


I grumbled a LOT when they switched to the (downgraded IMO) American Table & removed the table cloths. No, the food doesn't taste any different, but it makes for a nosier room and stuff slides around. It's just not as nice a dining experience compared to before.


I'm still grumbling about the cards you have to fill out concerning the room maintenance. The price isn't any lower - I want twice a day tidy ups, beds made, towels changed, etc. And I KNOW there will come a time when you do not have the option for both. I've heard people complaining about being told they have to choose.


I was not happy about them not delivering the liquor the night before, although I've heard they switched back on this bad decision. And all the questions about the 24/7 ice cream - you know that's going because some parents don't want to parent on vacation.


Although we haven't experienced this yet, I am not at ALL happy about getting the S&S cards in the mailbox. That's just asking for trouble! And I'm not happy about the cut backs in staff - those people all have to make up for the missing workers and I've noticed it affecting a lot of areas of service.


Still I continued with Carnival, and we have a cruise on the Sunshine in Sept to Canada. We will probably book another cruise on the Pride when we're looking for a cheap getaway, but I won't count on the experience being what it used to be.


Things change. I get that, but I can adapt by changing as well. This last straw of doing away with adult only pools (Loved the one on the Splendor) may just be the proverbial Last Straw for us. It's not so much the loss of the adult pools, but Carnival sending a message that they don't really care what some portion of their customer base wants. It seems they are saying to adult cruisers with no kids or grown kids - like or or lump it.


I can only speak for myself, but we spend money on cruises. Because of the cheap base price we upgrade to premium balconies. We have 2 in a room, so we're not packing it to get the cheaper price. We drink, but don't get the Cheers package because it doesn't work so well for us. We order a bottle of wine with dinner. I like the umbrella drinks. DH drinks Thirsty Frog. We do the specialty restaurants - usually more than once. We get FTTF. We buy photos & a WiFi package. We often do shore excursions and get a cabana at Half Moon Cay. But hey - if Carnival doesn't want us, there are other lines that do!


Not really interested in NCL or Royal with their Mega Ships. I might look into Celebrity if they've got some smaller ships around. But the line we are more and more drawn to is Viking. We did a river cruise with them this past August and it was simply phenomenal!


Yes their cruises are pricey, and we mostly have to fly to cruise with them. But they frequently offer free or low cost airfare. We have West Indies cruise booked with them and the airfare is $45 pp round trip Newark to San Juan. And they meet you at the airport and take you to the ship, and take you from the ship to the airport at the end of the cruise. Their Ocean ships are all new or fairly new with a passenger limit of 930 people. They are ALL veranda. All passengers must be 16 or older.


If they are anything like the staff on the river cruise, they treat you like royalty. Your fare includes: 1 shore excursion in each port, beer & wine with lunch & dinner (champagne for mimosas at breakfast), all specialty restaurants, bottled water when you leave the ship, little snack, fruity drink & towels when you return, spring water in the room, WiFi all over the ship, specialty coffees 24/7, gelato bar, great food with a choice of dining options, aft infinity pool, lovely pool with a retractable roof mid ship, wonderful array of toiletries in the bathroom (replaced as used), in room coffee maker - and I'm sure I'm forgetting some things.


There are no points to "earn" as you cruise. ONE cruise - either river or ocean - gets you entry into their Explorer Society. We were able to buy 2 for 1 future cruise certificates on our river cruise - $100 gets you $200. You get $200pp off your next booking if you do it within the year - $100pp off after that. They have a referral program, where you and the person you refer each get $100 off the cruise price if they book. And we will get an invite to the Explorer Society reception on our ocean cruise.


When we did the river cruise, we did extra days pre-cruise on our own so they didn't meet us at the airport, but they met us as we got out of our cab, whisked our luggage off to the ship and escorted us down the pier. Check in was like at a hotel. There is no S&S card, just room key. Our cabin wasn't ready yet, but we had lunch on the ship, then went off to do another museum. Except for the special German-themed buffet dinner, there were no lines anywhere, and I've been told their Ocean ships are the same.


Sorry for rambling on, but I have a lot going through my mind with this latest Carnival issue, and with an upcoming Carnival cruise and an upcoming Viking Ocean cruise comparing the two is an irresistible force ;p A Viking cruise is not for everyone, that's for sure. Like Carnival, they are targeting a market, and unlike Carnival WE are in their target market.


There's no casino. There are no photographers in your face - there are none at all, but crew members are more than happy to take a photo with your camera. There are no assigned dining times, nor assigned tables. You do need to make reservations for the specialty restaurants, but there's no up charge. You are free to bring as much wine, beer, liquor, soda on board as you like. No hassles, no corkage fee if you prefer your own wine and bring it to dinner. All but the lowest price cabins have soft drinks in the fridge that are replenished daily. You can let them know your preference. The upper price levels have alcohol replenished daily also.


There are no hairy chest contests or Marriage Game or bingo. There are no announcements encouraging you to by gold by the inch or anything else :cool:. They do have a night club on the Ocean ships with live music. They have shows & movies, a really nice gym and spa (some spa services are included - sauna, steam room, therapy pool). But if you need all of the contests, bingo etc to have fun, well, you're not going to like Viking. We had a blast on our river cruise. Met some great people, saw wonderful sights and had fun.


For those looking for an alternative to mass market lines, check them out. We're not abandoning Carnival just yet - though they seem to be telling us to walk the plank - but you get what you pay for, in most cases. And I'd rather get more value - things I deem valuable - than Carnival wants to offer.


Ranting ramble over ... I hear the sighs of relief. ;p I'm sure there are many thinking, "Don't let the door hit you!" Don't worry - I won't :D


Was the $45.00 charge for your flight a misprint?

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The Serenity area on Splendor is located towards the front of the ship and there is no pool. There is a hot tub if I remember near it. Check the deck plans for location. I do remember it being a smaller area.



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Nope! Serenity on Splendor has no hot tubs either. I have been on Splendor 3 times and think it's Serenity area is lacking in amenities.

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This is a picture of the aft Liner Pool taken during one of our Carnival Splendor cruises. Seems to me that there are plenty of adults that partake of the adults only pool. If you make this area kid friendly, then the two hot tubs here will be over- run also, leaving zero adult only hot tubs, since Splendor's Serenity doesn't have any! :mad:



Someone needs to send this picture to Carnival and John Heald!

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Ok. I'm gonna honestly speak my mind about this. This decision by some nitwit in management has got to be one of the worst decisions ever! I feel it's ok to be "family friendly" but don't take one simple venue away from the adults that liked the adults only concept. These ships already had numerous "family friendly" areas with pools, hot tubs, slides, rude screaming unsupervised kids, a place to get a drink, a place to watch the "hairy chest contest", the belly flop contest, and maybe get a burger. The adults that want no part of that always had the one area way at the back of the ship where they could have some peace and quiet, a pool to take a cool dip in, hot tubs without 54 unsupervised kids overflowing one tub, enjoy a drink amongst adults, and maybe a slice of pizza.


Now the whole ship will be a free for all zone of hundreds of unsupervised kids and no where other than the Serenity area where the crew haphazardly enforces the 21 and up rule and save for 4 ships do not have pools.


I can only hope that Carnivals management is noticing the negative posts to their page on another site to this decision. Although I'm sure John Heald will describe this as a "brilliant" change, I would disagree wholeheartedly and describe this as a "dismal" unnecessary, stupid change that has PO'd thousands of Carnival customers!


Ok. I'm done!:mad:

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This is getting a little too heated. I am 100% for the aft adult only pool. Not asking Carnival to take something away but just wanting to keep something that we already had.


Now to lighten things up a bit. Since Carnival is going family friendly, maybe it's time for them to give the ships' funnels (whale tails) a new look:


This is how the deck plans would look:



An idea of what the the updated funnel could look like while on a ship:


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Just to set the record straight, it's 18 Carnival cruises and 29 in total over 6 different lines over those 31 years. Back in 1986, there was no Cruise Critic because the World Wide Web was not invented until 1989. So you were lucky to be able to do some online research before you went on your lone cruise, many others were not so lucky.


Cruising when narrowed down to a single fleet is not very similar. You can't compare a 4 day cruise on a Fantasy class ship that doesn't even have many balconies or all of the amenities to a 7 day cruise on the Breeze or Vista. Yes, they both provide the minimum essentials of a cruise, but the newer, larger ships provide more choices. And choices is what this thread is all about.

This will be the last interaction I have with you on this matter. All you do is reinforce your attitude of thinking you're better than anyone who's cruised less than you. Your need to correct me on the exact number of cruises you've been on shows just that. Attitudes like yours give long-time cruisers a bad image. If I had recently booked my 22nd cruise instead of my 2nd, I'd be telling you the same thing, your smug attitude towards those who haven't been at this as long as you have stinks. I'm here first and foremost to help who I can with what I know and learn what I don't know yet. If, in the future, I have a long history of cruising behind me, you can bet I won't forget that I was new once too.


As far as our ability to research cruising online nowadays, I'm not sure what you're getting at. The short history lesson about the invention of the internet isn't necessary, but if it makes you feel good about yourself, have at it. :rolleyes: Are you implying that cruising before the ability to research online somehow made you a more hardened cruiser? I just don't understand why it matters. Do you want a cookie?


You're still having difficulty understanding what I've been saying, so I'll try to clarify again. First, yes Carnival created the color coded S&S card system. They created the concept of first timers getting a blue S&S card. I thought we already established that. What I said was, Carnival didn't create the term "blue cards" when referring to first timers. They don't call first timers "blue cards." If they do, please direct me to it.


When I said cruising, especially on the same cruise line, is similar across the fleet, I wasn't referring to the differences in ships or their amenities. In fact, I even made that part of my point. There are many aspects of cruising in general that are easy to get a handle on fairly quickly, even after only one or two cruises. Even before any cruises at all, if you choose to do the research. Long-time, experienced cruisers aren't the only ones who can answer general questions about cruising. After only one cruise, I've been able to answer a lot of questions. Questions about things that didn't require dozens of cruises over many years to understand the answers to. A lot of that general knowledge of cruising, especially when cruising a single line, can be gained in a very short time. As the ole saying goes, it's not rocket science. It allows us to help others, it doesn't make us better than others. Beyond that general knowledge of cruising, one can then move on to learn about different ships and their amenities, different ports, etc. etc., gaining even more knowledge and experience. It's how you handle yourself once you acquire the knowledge & experience that matters.


My apologies to those in this thread for this particular exchange. But I will not be talked down to by anyone just because I've been on fewer cruises than them. Nor will I put up with anyone talking down to others for the same reason.

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So only kids with indulgent parents splash in a pool...what about the 18s and over who think, and rightly so, that a pool is intended for "fun in the water" not just standing their with a drink in one hand soaking up the rays or sitting on the side dangling hot toes in the water and heaven forbid fearing that they may actually get wet. I just can't believe how many people who are intent on proving that kids and their parents are the source of all evil. Easy answer...don't want to get wet don't sit by the pool. Don't blame kids for being kids.


Its amazing when you travel during school breaks, holidays and summers. Kids are everywhere...duh. Other times of year the ratio of adults to kids is probably 10 to one. It makes sense to me that if I want a no kid environment I schedule wisely...whether on Carnival or any other cruise line.


The bottom line is that everyone has a choice that accommodates their vacation "wants". This I'm a teacher and my vacations fall during high kid times and I want a break isn't an argument....people choose to be a teacher and that means living with the time constraints of that occupation. Its all about choice as much as some want to deny that fact.

You don't get to define what others consider "fun" in a pool. That's up to each individual. If their idea of enjoyment is sitting around the edge with a drink, dipping their toes in the water, it's not your place to say that's not what pools are for.

You tell people to "schedule wisely" to avoid cruising with a lot of kids on board. It's not always that simple. You understand it's not that simple because you then go on to say, as a teacher, you have to live with the time constraints of your occupation. Do you not think others have time constraints, only you as a teacher? I'm a parent of a teenager. I don't necessarily have time constraints from my job, but from being a parent. We go on a cruise as a family, so we have to go when our son is out of school. But get this, this just might blow your mind. Even as a parent, we like to get away from kids sometimes. :eek: There's plenty of areas on the ships that are family friendly. If kids lost one, they'd still have a lot of others. The same cannot be said for areas that are adult-only and provide a pool. So it has a bigger affect when that area is taken away.


So yeah I disagree that kids playing in a pool or hot tube is misbehaving. And I tell my kids no all the time, they have lots of boundaries and rules to follow. But I'm not telling my kids they have to be quite in the pool and do laps. Because the pool is the perfect place to play. I only have 3 rules for the pool, 1 no splashing people on purpose, 2 no running and no ruff housing. I think people who don't want to be around kids should pick a ship that has a serenity deck.
No one said simply playing in a pool equates to misbehaving. And no one's saying kids need to be quiet in the pool. We're talking about when kids get too wild in the pool and keep others from enjoying it. The serenity deck isn't the same. There's only 3 (I believe) that have their own pools, so you can't compare them to an adults-only pool.


Glad there is still an adult only pool on the Pride. We sail in June. However we sail the Conquest next April. *sigh*
Rumor has it, the Conquest will be getting a very nice serenity deck with its own pool. It goes into dry dock later this summer. So you might be in luck. If it ends up the way people are talking, we'll sail on it again even though we were just on it last year.
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You don't get to define what others consider "fun" in a pool. That's up to each individual. If their idea of enjoyment is sitting around the edge with a drink, dipping their toes in the water, it's not your place to say that's not what pools are for.

You tell people to "schedule wisely" to avoid cruising with a lot of kids on board. It's not always that simple. You understand it's not that simple because you then go on to say, as a teacher, you have to live with the time constraints of your occupation. Do you not think others have time constraints, only you as a teacher? I'm a parent of a teenager. I don't necessarily have time constraints from my job, but from being a parent. We go on a cruise as a family, so we have to go when our son is out of school. But get this, this just might blow your mind. Even as a parent, we like to get away from kids sometimes. :eek: There's plenty of areas on the ships that are family friendly. If kids lost one, they'd still have a lot of others. The same cannot be said for areas that are adult-only and provide a pool. So it has a bigger affect when that area is taken away.


No one said simply playing in a pool equates to misbehaving. And no one's saying kids need to be quiet in the pool. We're talking about when kids get too wild in the pool and keep others from enjoying it. The serenity deck isn't the same. There's only 3 (I believe) that have their own pools, so you can't compare them to an adults-only pool.


Rumor has it, the Conquest will be getting a very nice serenity deck with its own pool. It goes into dry dock later this summer. So you might be in luck. If it ends up the way people are talking, we'll sail on it again even though we were just on it last year.

Cool beans! Thanks for the heads up!


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I think it's funny how everyone says there are plenty of places for kids to go. Where? Inside a dark room with movies and video games? I don't want my kids spending their only vacation doing the same things they can do at home for free. My kids don't even like the clubs and have no desire to make new besties on vacation. They want to be out in the sun enjoying the pool because it's the only time each year they have access to one. We don't have a home pool or a community pool and they look forward to spending a lot of time in the water. I don't find it a hardship to sit there with my Kindle and watch out for them either. I didn't even know there were adult pools, never been on a ship with one, but having only 2 pools it just seems weird to restrict hundreds of passengers from 1 of them.

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I think it's funny how everyone says there are plenty of places for kids to go. Where? Inside a dark room with movies and video games? I don't want my kids spending their only vacation doing the same things they can do at home for free. My kids don't even like the clubs and have no desire to make new besties on vacation. They want to be out in the sun enjoying the pool because it's the only time each year they have access to one. We don't have a home pool or a community pool and they look forward to spending a lot of time in the water. I don't find it a hardship to sit there with my Kindle and watch out for them either. I didn't even know there were adult pools, never been on a ship with one, but having only 2 pools it just seems weird to restrict hundreds of passengers from 1 of them.


Lido deck is basically open to the kids. Depending on the ship, there are slides, ropes, etc, all kid friendly....they have a game room (which YOU dont want your kids in there) They have numerous Kids Clubs/Camps for a wide spectrum of ages. Now if you want to lay by the pool with your Kindle and let your kids swim, that is fine. There is no reason they have to have access to EVERYTHING and EVERY pool. The casino restricts "hundreds of passengers" from using it, should we make that "kid friendly" too? Maybe set up a few blackjack tables that gamble with jellybeans? :D

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Lido deck is basically open to the kids. Depending on the ship, there are slides, ropes, etc, all kid friendly....they have a game room (which YOU dont want your kids in there) They have numerous Kids Clubs/Camps for a wide spectrum of ages. Now if you want to lay by the pool with your Kindle and let your kids swim, that is fine. There is no reason they have to have access to EVERYTHING and EVERY pool. The casino restricts "hundreds of passengers" from using it, should we make that "kid friendly" too? Maybe set up a few blackjack tables that gamble with jellybeans? :D


It appears these ships that have adult pools don't have all the other stuff you are speaking about. Only the Dream and Vista Class have ropes courses and those are the ships we have been on with 2 pools that are open to everyone. The old ships don't have ropes courses or waterworks so that leaves 1 pool for hundreds of kids to use and it is not a kid's only pool so adults are using it too. Obviously you have a reading comprehension issue because I said my children don't like the clubs so the activities left to them are pools! Duh. A casino is entirely different when it is actually illegal for children to gamble. It is not illegal for children to swim. Why is it so difficult to understand that with a ship with 4,000 passengers and only 2 pools that maybe it would behoove them to have them both accessible to everyone. If you want to "get away" from kids go to Serenity or book a balcony cabin.

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It appears these ships that have adult pools don't have all the other stuff you are speaking about. Only the Dream and Vista Class have ropes courses and those are the ships we have been on with 2 pools that are open to everyone. The old ships don't have ropes courses or waterworks so that leaves 1 pool for hundreds of kids to use and it is not a kid's only pool so adults are using it too. Obviously you have a reading comprehension issue because I said my children don't like the clubs so the activities left to them are pools! Duh. A casino is entirely different when it is actually illegal for children to gamble. It is not illegal for children to swim. Why is it so difficult to understand that with a ship with 4,000 passengers and only 2 pools that maybe it would behoove them to have them both accessible to everyone. If you want to "get away" from kids go to Serenity or book a balcony cabin.



Actually on the Conquest Class ships with the exception of Glory because she just got Waterworks, there are 3 pools. 2 midship Lido (one is actually on 10 but it's right by the slide) which are open to everyone and the aft pool which up until now has been adult only. Plenty of places for the kids to get wet. They don't need the 3rd pool.

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It appears these ships that have adult pools don't have all the other stuff you are speaking about. Only the Dream and Vista Class have ropes courses and those are the ships we have been on with 2 pools that are open to everyone. The old ships don't have ropes courses or waterworks so that leaves 1 pool for hundreds of kids to use and it is not a kid's only pool so adults are using it too. Obviously you have a reading comprehension issue because I said my children don't like the clubs so the activities left to them are pools! Duh. A casino is entirely different when it is actually illegal for children to gamble. It is not illegal for children to swim. Why is it so difficult to understand that with a ship with 4,000 passengers and only 2 pools that maybe it would behoove them to have them both accessible to everyone. If you want to "get away" from kids go to Serenity or book a balcony cabin.


Conquest class actually only holds about 3,000 people.


Even the Fantasy class ships have water slides on them. Many more activities than the pool if you care to read your Funtimes.


What snide remarks you made. How about if you want a cruise line that's all about kids you take a Disney cruise (who has adult only pools BTW)?

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It appears these ships that have adult pools don't have all the other stuff you are speaking about. Only the Dream and Vista Class have ropes courses and those are the ships we have been on with 2 pools that are open to everyone. The old ships don't have ropes courses or waterworks so that leaves 1 pool for hundreds of kids to use and it is not a kid's only pool so adults are using it too. Obviously you have a reading comprehension issue because I said my children don't like the clubs so the activities left to them are pools! Duh. A casino is entirely different when it is actually illegal for children to gamble. It is not illegal for children to swim. Why is it so difficult to understand that with a ship with 4,000 passengers and only 2 pools that maybe it would behoove them to have them both accessible to everyone. If you want to "get away" from kids go to Serenity or book a balcony cabin.


I didnt claim ALL the ships had rope courses....go read what i wrote. I said ropes, slides...."kid friendly"....DUHHHHHHHHH!!! Maybe to get more options for you, you could try to put your snowflakes into one of the clubs....yes, yes, yes, i know they are special, but if its good enough for other kids, they probably have some good activities for yours. But you choose to limit them to just the pool. My casino analogy was just that, an analogy to your point of no passengers should be "restricted" from certain areas. It wasnt meant to be taken literally. I personally do hang out in the Serenity, and for me personally, a pool isnt a big deal. I do however agree with the cruisers who want to keep the adult only pool. If i was in the mood to go to a pool, i would naturally pick an adult only if it was available. Kids want to do what kids want to do. Splash, play, yell. Let them do that in the main pool and let the adults have the aft pool

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I didnt claim ALL the ships had rope courses....go read what i wrote. I said ropes, slides...."kid friendly"....DUHHHHHHHHH!!! Maybe to get more options for you, you could try to put your snowflakes into one of the clubs....yes, yes, yes, i know they are special, but if its good enough for other kids, they probably have some good activities for yours. But you choose to limit them to just the pool. My casino analogy was just that, an analogy to your point of no passengers should be "restricted" from certain areas. It wasnt meant to be taken literally. I personally do hang out in the Serenity, and for me personally, a pool isnt a big deal. I do however agree with the cruisers who want to keep the adult only pool. If i was in the mood to go to a pool, i would naturally pick an adult only if it was available. Kids want to do what kids want to do. Splash, play, yell. Let them do that in the main pool and let the adults have the aft pool


I don't limit them to the pools. They DO NOT LIKE THE CLUBS!!!! They went on our first cruise and have never returned. They don't need me to make them go anywhere. It is their vacation as well and we enjoy spending time together. I know, hard to believe since so many parents here feel like they have to get away from their own kids. Must be something they are doing wrong if they feel that way.


Don't worry though I guess we are ok with our 2 pools because we don't cruise on those crappy older ships anyway.

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It appears these ships that have adult pools don't have all the other stuff you are speaking about. Only the Dream and Vista Class have ropes courses and those are the ships we have been on with 2 pools that are open to everyone. The old ships don't have ropes courses or waterworks so that leaves 1 pool for hundreds of kids to use and it is not a kid's only pool so adults are using it too. Obviously you have a reading comprehension issue because I said my children don't like the clubs so the activities left to them are pools! Duh. A casino is entirely different when it is actually illegal for children to gamble. It is not illegal for children to swim. Why is it so difficult to understand that with a ship with 4,000 passengers and only 2 pools that maybe it would behoove them to have them both accessible to everyone. If you want to "get away" from kids go to Serenity or book a balcony cabin.



You might be the one with the comprehension problem, the ships that take 4,000 Pax have the waterworks and ropes courses. And just because your kids don't want to use the kids club (which often holds activities in the sunshine) does not mean they should get additional pool privileges or that some most of the other kids or that, if Carnival wants to up its game to cater to families, that they couldn't improve the kids club activities rather than take a venue away from adults.



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Don't worry though I guess we are ok with our 2 pools because we don't cruise on those crappy older ships anyway.



"Crappy older ships"....are they beneath you trvl? Showing your snobby entitled side sweetie? [emoji849]



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I don't limit them to the pools. They DO NOT LIKE THE CLUBS!!!! They went on our first cruise and have never returned. They don't need me to make them go anywhere. It is their vacation as well and we enjoy spending time together. I know, hard to believe since so many parents here feel like they have to get away from their own kids. Must be something they are doing wrong if they feel that way.


Don't worry though I guess we are ok with our 2 pools because we don't cruise on those crappy older ships anyway.


Wow, aren't you just special.....bless your heart. :rolleyes:

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You might be the one with the comprehension problem, the ships that take 4,000 Pax have the waterworks and ropes courses. And just because your kids don't want to use the kids club (which often holds activities in the sunshine) does not mean they should get additional pool privileges or that some most of the other kids or that, if Carnival wants to up its game to cater to families, that they couldn't improve the kids club activities rather than take a venue away from adults.



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Maybe adults should start going to the Kids Club and checking out the video games and other activities there since Carnival wants to make the ships "Family Friendly".

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I don't limit them to the pools. They DO NOT LIKE THE CLUBS!!!! They went on our first cruise and have never returned. They don't need me to make them go anywhere. It is their vacation as well and we enjoy spending time together. I know, hard to believe since so many parents here feel like they have to get away from their own kids. Must be something they are doing wrong if they feel that way.




Don't worry though I guess we are ok with our 2 pools because we don't cruise on those crappy older ships anyway.




Those "crappy" older ships are going to become more popular with the adults since they attract fewer kids and because the Pride and Miracle have aft pools in the Serenity area. You can keep your big ship "floating theme park"



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What snide remarks you made. How about if you want a cruise line that's all about kids you take a Disney cruise (who has adult only pools BTW)?

Because she not the one who has a problem with the new rule! If carnival was not family friendly I would choose another. You should boycott, please

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Those saying "Find another line if you don't like it" fail to realize:







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Amen, how ironic. We are the generation who made Carnival!

That's the thanks we get. I understand it's a business decision but I hope it's one they come to regret.

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I hope that's not true....I do enjoy the "away from kid pools"....I was on a Celebrity cruise 2 springs ago with only one pool and kids got rowdy...had to yell at a couple of them a few times...whipping balls around that were hitting people in the pool - can't for the life of me understand why I was the only "mother" that yelled at the kids to take it somewhere else. Was looking forward to this upcoming Carnival cruise with an adults only pool so hope that is still in force on our cruise.

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The kid problem is a parent problem I raised 6 kids they did not act that way towards adults because of the consequences . However now that there grown I do like the adult areas to relax . I don't have a problem with kids playing and throwing a ball back and forth with their folks are friends but we all need a break .



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Glad there is still an adult only pool on the Pride. We sail in June. However we sail the Conquest next April. *sigh*


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No reason to sigh.....the Conquest is going into dry dock in September and coming out with a glorious new Serenity area with pool according to JH. That will make it only the third ship in the fleet to have a Serenity pool besides the Pride and the Sunshine.
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