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Magical Mystery Tour - Live from the Norwegian Spirit April 12th


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Thanks Keith for answering my questions - I'm looking so forward to the sail out of Venice. We only depart at 11pm so it will be dark, but I guess (hope) that just gives another dimension seeing Venice all lit up.


We sailed on the spirit a few years ago with an 11pm departure out of Venice


I was expecting more of an event but 11pm there were only a few passengers on Raffles bar area[covered outside area at aft of ship]


bar was closed and it was cold and starting to rain


fortunately when we went back to our cabin our balcony was facing the St Marks way so we got to see that lit up-however that was the only scenic bit in the dark


However a day time sail out is much better

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We sailed on the spirit a few years ago with an 11pm departure out of Venice


I was expecting more of an event but 11pm there were only a few passengers on Raffles bar area[covered outside area at aft of ship]


bar was closed and it was cold and starting to rain


fortunately when we went back to our cabin our balcony was facing the St Marks way so we got to see that lit up-however that was the only scenic bit in the dark


However a day time sail out is much better

Well that's put a bit of a downer on that. I know someone else who has sailed out of Venice at that time and said it was quiet but it was a clear night and the city was beautiful all lit up. I dont need or expect the bar to be open at that hour, and wasnt expecting an event, but it sounds like you had a bad night with it raining and all.

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Well, we've arrived in Haifa and I'm using the fact that I've got the internet back on my phone plus that the rest of my family are still sleeping, to give a quick update.


There way quite a bit of angst at the meet and greet, as a tour guide that many people are using to get to Jerusalem today (and in every other way seems to have been quite good) sent an email to everyone on his tours saying that NCL would keep everyone not on a NCL tour onboard until midday.


This was obviously nonsense, but it did seem to have concerned some people. Anyway, sure enough the announcement came at 6.30 this morning that everyone is free to leave. Apparently there are extra checks as we leave (we also did immigration yesterday), but people seem to be moving off quickly enough.


We have decided not to go for the trips to Jerusalem. It's a very long day for our son, and we will try to get back again some other time.


Instead we are going to Acre, which is a 30 minute train journey away. The alarm has just gone off, so I'm going to sign off for now and report back later.

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We're on the train to Acre now, so more time to update.


Yesterday was a lazy one, except for my walk round the ship in the morning. I've been doing regular 10 mile plus walks every weekend in preparation for my sponsored walk, and didn't want to miss it especially when I'm overeating and drinking. As we are busy today, I decided to do it onboard yesterday, which worked out at 29 laps of the promenade deck.


After that, we spent most of the afternoon on Raffles Terrace, whilst our son enjoyed the pool. The weather has been great so far, although it's forecast to get cooler next week.


My son and I went to the theatre for the early show. It was some Circus acts. Not really my thing (most of the stuff in the theatre isn't really), but everyone seemed to enjoy it.


Then, like most of the people onboard, it was an early night in preparation for this morning.


It's been a very quiet start to the cruise, but we now have 6 post days in the remaining 7 days of the cruise, so I should have more to report in the coming days.

Edited by KeithJenner
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Just some early comments from Haifa. There is quite a bit of security getting off the ship. Bags are scanned and they look at your passports about 3 or 4 times. Nothing major, but certainly more than you usually get.


The train station is a very short walk from the port. Nice and easy to get to various places from here. Apparently to get the train to Jerusalem you need to change at Tel Aviv, and it takes about two and a half hours, but there are a number of options that can easily be done by train.


We're not yet sure what we will be doing when we get to Acre. It looks very interesting. Beforehand the last train back to Haifa was showing as being at 2pm, but when I checked this morning it was 3.30pm. I believe that the limited times are due to Passover, but it's certainly worth checking before leaving.


Obviously we won't miss the train anyway. There are some other options to get back to Haifa if we over run.

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Just some early comments from Haifa. There is quite a bit of security getting off the ship. Bags are scanned and they look at your passports about 3 or 4 times. Nothing major, but certainly more than you usually get.


The train station is a very short walk from the port. Nice and easy to get to various places from here. Apparently to get the train to Jerusalem you need to change at Tel Aviv, and it takes about two and a half hours, but there are a number of options that can easily be done by train.


We're not yet sure what we will be doing when we get to Acre. It looks very interesting. Beforehand the last train back to Haifa was showing as being at 2pm, but when I checked this morning it was 3.30pm. I believe that the limited times are due to Passover, but it's certainly worth checking before leaving.


Obviously we won't miss the train anyway. There are some other options to get back to Haifa if we over run.


I am sure you are aware but its the last day Passover tomorrow and services (whatever you have been told) will very restricted in Israel. Its a big festival. I suppose given the time of year you would have found Jerusalem a strange place!! You may have guessed but I love but know the country well!!!!


Security has been stepped up due to the terrible event in Jerusalem a few days ago so sad.

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I don't think the security is anything to do with events recently in Jerusalem. From what I've seen that was a random act from a local. The security at the port is about what I would have expected and to do with who they are letting in the country.


My info about the train times is from the Israeli railways web site. It proved to be correct, as I would have expected. It's been showing as running until 2pm for some months now, but in the last week or two the service was extended to 3.30. The trains were certainly running until then.

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Acre was interesting. For anyone who doesn't know (I have been surprised at how few people have heard of it), Acre is an old town and a Unesco World Heritage Site. It has a Crusaders Citadel, which is very interesting, and other sites include a tunnel built by the Knights Templar. The town itself is well worth wandering round, although our son wasn't all that impressed (that may be more to do with him being half asleep due to too many late nights). We spent a good few hours just exploring.


We haven't seen much of Haifa yet, but plan to do so tomorrow. There seems to be plenty here.


If I have one issue about this port, it would be that it misses some of the benefits of an overnight port from my point of view. I have overnighted in Venice, Copenhagen and St Petersburg before, and the first two were great for just being able to stroll off the ship whenever you want (especially Copenhagen due to its location).


Here, getting on and off the ship takes some time, which does take away from that. It's not as much of an issue as St Petersburg (where you need a guide if you don't have a visa), but I would have probably gone for a walk after dinner had it been easier to get off.


Dinner tonight was Le Bistro, by the way. Very good, although I'm very full now.

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Thanks for the reports Keith. How old is your son? Whatever, he is a lucky lad to have this opportunity. You are right and I for one readily admit to not having any knowledge of Acre. To be honest, when you first mentioned it, I thought perhaps it was a typo!

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Thanks for the reports Keith. How old is your son? Whatever, he is a lucky lad to have this opportunity.



He's 11.


Yes, it's really nice that we can give him the opportunity to see these places. However, we have to work to make sure that he gets the best out of it. I live in fear of him having memories of being dragged round places all through his childhood. That can put people off things for life.


We're lucky as we get the chance to travel with him a lot so we can make decisions on individual ports and not fill every day up. For example, one of the deciding factors for not going to Jerusalem is that it's a 10 hour tour and that can be hard work for kids. We do it when we need to (we did a full day in St Petersburg last year), but prefer to do shorter days if possible.

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Thanks for the great online reporting!

Would be happy to get some photos of the main dining room menu.

Have a great cruise!



All of the menus, including MDRs are posted near Galaxy of the Stars. I'm planning on taking pictures of them all at some point and will upload them when I get home.

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Hi Keith

Glad to hear your trip is going well


If you are able to post any pictures of the dailies when you get home that would be appreciated. One from a sea day and one from a port day would give an idea of the sorts of things on offer if that's possible.


Thank you


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He's 11.


Yes, it's really nice that we can give him the opportunity to see these places. However, we have to work to make sure that he gets the best out of it. I live in fear of him having memories of being dragged round places all through his childhood. That can put people off things for life.


We're lucky as we get the chance to travel with him a lot so we can make decisions on individual ports and not fill every day up. For example, one of the deciding factors for not going to Jerusalem is that it's a 10 hour tour and that can be hard work for kids. We do it when we need to (we did a full day in St Petersburg last year), but prefer to do shorter days if possible.


Your lad is not just receiving education on different lifestyles and cultures. You are also making sure that he is learning that if you want the finer things in life, then you have to work for them.


The first time that I wanted to join a school trip, my parents said now way as they could not afford it. They did say that I could go but that I would have to work for it. Many paper rounds and the like later and I had enough money. I had no idea what they were planning, but they matched my savings £ for £ to cover my spending money. A great lesson learned.

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Hi Keith

Glad to hear your trip is going well


If you are able to post any pictures of the dailies when you get home that would be appreciated. One from a sea day and one from a port day would give an idea of the sorts of things on offer if that's possible.


Thank you



Hi Sarah


We are on the same itinerary as you but a month earlier. Anything that Keith cannot manage, I will try to cover for you.



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Hi Keith


Glad to hear your trip is going well




If you are able to post any pictures of the dailies when you get home that would be appreciated. One from a sea day and one from a port day would give an idea of the sorts of things on offer if that's possible.




Thank you






I always keep the dailies and scan them when I return. I wasn't going to bother posting them online from this trip as the itinerary is so different, but will be happy to do so if you want.


It may be a little while before I get them scanned as I'm only back for a couple of days and then I'm heading off for my walk. I'll try to do it asap though.


Jetlagged's ones will obviously be of more use to you.

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As we sail into Rhodes, I've got a chance to update on a few bits.


For the second day on Israel, we stayed fairly local. Haifa is built on a hill, so I saw the opportunity to get some walking done up it. I set off early and did 10 miles around the city. Before we all went back out in the afternoon.


We had planned to take the train to the top of the hill in the afternoon, but it wasn't running as it was Easter.


I have to say that I didn't particularly warm to what we saw of Israel. I'm really pleased we went and Acre was really interesting, but I was quite surprised at how run down much of it was.


This is all obviously personal opinion (we really liked Casablanca, which many people hate), but from what I saw I don't feel the need to rush back, although I would like to get to Jerusalem some time.


In Haifa there is a nice beach area where the facilities looked good, and the road leading to the bottom of the Baha'i Gardens, the Gardens themselves and the promenade at the top was very well kept. However outside that area there is lots of litter, dogs mess and quite a few dead animals laying around.


Our son really wasn't impressed, and he would rather have stayed onboard on the second day.


I probably sounds quite negative there, which is unfair. It certainly isn't a bad place and the people were generally very friendly. If we had done the tours then we may have had a different opinion. Certainly the people we spoke to who had done tours were pleased (although people did seem to think it was more run down than they expected).


One last thing. I don't really know the exact details, but there seem to have been some problems with the NCL tours. I don't know whether it was because of when we were here or whether they overbooked tours, but I've heard stories of tours being changed and, for example, people who were booked to go to Jerusalem on Sunday having the day changed to Monday instead (which obviously created conflicts with other tours).


We were late leaving Haifa on Monday and there were lots of people still boarding quite a while after sail away time. I assume that was a combination of tours running late and the slowness of getting through security in port.

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Yesterday was Limassol, in Cyprus.


As I think I've mentioned, the two ports I was least looking forward to were this and Heraklion.


We had found a water park near the port and had planned to go there for the day. However, when we were in Venice we checked the website and found it didn't open until May.


Instead, we just decided to get off and walk for a couple of hours. We were too cheap to pay the $15 each for the shuttle to town, so just walked around the local area instead. Nothing great, but the weather was nice.


It probably sounds like we're not enjoying the ports all that much, but the three we have had so far include the two that we didn't have any particular plans for, and I'm glad we did Israel.


I'm really looking forward to all three upcoming ports, starting with Rhodes today.


The only downside is that the weather is forecast to get a look cooler after tomorrow.

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Yesterday was also our 20th wedding anniversary, so we celebrated with dinner in Cagneys and a few drinks.


Very enjoyable as usual. I have to say that the food so far has been very good. On Monday we went to the MDR and I was extremely impressed with everything ( I tried some of everyone's).


The ship was a bit more lively yesterday in the evening, after having quietened down a lot in Israel as people had early starts and busy days. I'm expecting tonight to be busy as we have our last sea day tomorrow so everyone can have a lie in.

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Just got back on the ship after Rhodes.


We agreed that it is our favourite of the Greek ports that we've visited. The old town is lovely and we also visited the Grand Master palace.


We spent some time just wandering the passageways, did some shopping. A really fantastic day.


I can see us coming back here for a longer stay sometime. There is plenty more to see outside of Rhodes town, so it would be good for a few days.


Once we sail away, we will be reliant on the ships wifi until we get to Split on Saturday, so I probably won't post much before then. Hopefully after that I'll try to get some pictures and things uploaded

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Hi Sarah


We are on the same itinerary as you but a month earlier. Anything that Keith cannot manage, I will try to cover for you.



Thanks Colin, that would be great. Would love to hear your feedback on the ports as well


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