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MITSUGIRLY decides to CONQUEST new ports-complete pictorial review


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As soon as we made it out of the port...I found this...this is Roel...but you can call him Ro.




Well obviously this was not a yellow shirt, but I surely couldn't miss the sign. The only thing that would have made it more obvious was to put some fins on him and a mask.


We walked across the street and got in the "company truck". I couldn't help but take another picture of my name in lights...well not lights, but chalk. I'm famous! Well, not famous but just them trying to find me. A girl can dream right?




Off we went to their "office".


And off I go on a picture spree along the way of anything that happened to catch my eye.









I love the colorful buildings here as well (just like Aruba and Bermuda...only maybe a little bolder).




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The "highway", I guess it was, was very interesting. A lot of twist and turns and I felt like I kept seeing the same thing, only at a different angle. It was interesting.


I could still see the Conquest in the distance.




















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Hmm, I'd have to say that I would love to call this my office any day.




This place was really cute. All the little house/huts lined up on the water with bridges over to it and walkways.






We went to a little hut across from the "office" and I guess this is where they would conduct class.










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Sakari started exploring too...




She had her eye on the conch shells...I could definitely tell that. She kept bringing some too me saying "Isn't this so beautiful"...you know, like a kid in a candy store throwing you a hint...only this is her kind of candy store.










Ro immediately brought out the paperwork.





He ask us our "sizes"...don't men know to never ask a girl her size (or weight). My answer has been and always will be "jumbo" no matter what size I am (and even when I was smaller)...it's just my "word".


While he was in the office, now playing a guessing game and gathering various sizes of wet suits...we were busy filling out the paperwork.





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Once I was done, I kept hearing sounds in the water. I felt like someone was playing a prank on us and kept secretly throwing something in the water to make a big splash. Well, actually it didn't sound like a splash, but more like a bolder was just thrown in.







Sakari ask him if they had any pets...because animals is all that matters in life. His answer was "We have a few pet barracuda's." LOL


She would adventure off to find her own pets...and she accomplished that task.





I figured it was the perfect opportunity to get a few scuba girl pictures while I could.


My attempt of getting her with the Curious2Dive sign in the background.









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Ok, it's 1:30am and I've experience a long, full of patients, rainy and dreary day today. I'm tired. I need a shower. My sciatica is flaring up and I was told by my doctor today that I might have a possible torn rotator cuff. Time for me to head to bed. It's been a long day.


I'll continue tomorrow in the morning (afternoon) after getting my beauty sleep. :)

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Very awesome review, I finally was able to catch up, at work of all places (don't worry, its the lonely night shift lol) Love the ports, if only they offered that route from Galveston....

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I think what she is saying is that she uses her business CC, that the business purchases a huge amount of product accumulated a HUGE amount of points using those points to get the gift cards to pay for the cruise. Essentially because the company runs so much inventory she is able to get many, many 100$ Carnival gift cards to pay for her cruise as well as expenses on the cruise.




Honestly, this is pretty brilliant but would only work well fro someone who has a business where they use a business CC to pay for purchases and incur a decent amount of points.



I'm a business owner as well and never considered doing this but it's brilliant. I typically use my cash back rewards points and convert to cash as payment to the bill then pay the remainder but it's a great idea and I'd never thought of it before! Super excited to look into using cash back reward points for travel instead! [emoji2]



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Very awesome review, I finally was able to catch up, at work of all places (don't worry, its the lonely night shift lol) Love the ports, if only they offered that route from Galveston....



Right!!! I agree wholeheartedly. I wish there were more itineraries, ships and port options from Galveston. After you cruise the basic itineraries (Cozumel, Grand Cayman, etc.) you have to switch ports to do more stuff. I always wish they'd subtract sea days go to further islands. I know there's a great reason why they do what they do but a girl can wish. [emoji6]



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Ok, it's 1:30am and I've experience a long, full of patients, rainy and dreary day today. I'm tired. I need a shower. My sciatica is flaring up and I was told by my doctor today that I might have a possible torn rotator cuff. Time for me to head to bed. It's been a long day.


I'll continue tomorrow in the morning (afternoon) after getting my beauty sleep. :)


Oh no! Sounds like a bad day. I hope you feel better now! (And that they ruled out the whole torn rotator cuff-pain!!).

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Very awesome review, I finally was able to catch up, at work of all places (don't worry, its the lonely night shift lol) Love the ports, if only they offered that route from Galveston....


Glad I could give you something to do to keep you from being bored at work. :')

OMG....so nervous now....can't wait to hear what happened.






I'm a business owner as well and never considered doing this but it's brilliant. I typically use my cash back rewards points and convert to cash as payment to the bill then pay the remainder but it's a great idea and I'd never thought of it before! Super excited to look into using cash back reward points for travel instead! [emoji2]



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Yea, I had never considered either and had always used mine to take money off the bill. How I found it was we were planning on taking Sakari to Universal Studios (she has always wanted to go) for Christmas. I had no idea how to go about buying tickets and if I would pick a reputable company or not. I did a search...and the SW tickets came up for it (that's how I discovered the "gift card area" which is HARD to find). Then after buying our Universal tickets, that's when I seen the Carnival ones. I was super excited when I found that I had a new use for all of those points! (Since then I have discovered similar things for other places we plan on taking Sakari, like Sea World...we can get free tickets using our Amex points :D)


Right!!! I agree wholeheartedly. I wish there were more itineraries, ships and port options from Galveston. After you cruise the basic itineraries (Cozumel, Grand Cayman, etc.) you have to switch ports to do more stuff. I always wish they'd subtract sea days go to further islands. I know there's a great reason why they do what they do but a girl can wish. [emoji6]



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I wish they would get rid of more sea days too and add ports. I seriously considering the 6 port, 7 day San Juan cruise next year.




What lens are you using for your fisheye photos? I love them!



I believe it's the only fish they make for the TG4. It says FCON-T01 on it if that helps.



I always love your reviews. I just want to say, I think it's so nice that you respond to each and every comment that fellow CC members write. clear.png?emoji-smile-1742

I can't imagine the time it takes to do these, so thank you, thank you!



Aww thanks. I just feel that if people are enjoying the review and take the time to make a post expressing their thoughts and feelings, they deserve to be acknowledged as well and thanked.



14!!! Wow I was expecting a little older but when you said "kid" you meant KID. I hope he gets the intervention he needs. Otherwise he'll be in for a longggg history with the system. He only has one life to live, hopefully it will be positive. He is lucky you guys are good people. He obviously needs help and I am glad that your first thought isn't to throw the book at him. And now another little boy is involved! So sad!! Rehabilitation is best. It may save their lives. Wishing you all the best with this situation all the way from NJ. **hugs**


Right. But it is the second time this kid has robbed us...so I can almost guarantee that we aren't the only one at this point. It sounds like a habit. We gave him a chance and he's still messing up. Now dad is involved and I have no idea how the parents are, but at least they did the right thing and made him turn himself in and bring it back. As for the other kid...I'm sure there's no hope for him. He's learning from his family (they all have records and dad continues to accumulate more). He's only doing what he's see's and is taught. I hope they get help before they get thrown in the adult system when they are older. At this point, since it's a felony, the police are taking care of everything and deciding what they are doing. They won't tell us anything at all or have a decision in it.



Hey Kim. I just want to tell you how much I am enjoying your review. Sakari is getting so big. I can't believe she's 9 already. My Melissa just turned 10 and it's blowing my mind.

Sakari's photos are fantastic! Does she have the same camera as you do? I may have missed that part of your post. I've been using my phone (Samsung Galaxy S7 edge) as my camera and I got Melissa the S7 (not the edge). Since we are now addicted to snorkeling, I was seriously thinking of buying an underwater camera. And also our own snorkeling gear. Borrowing the snorkel is skeeving me out now. clear.png?emoji-eek-1725


Hi Joann. Yea, these girls are growing up quickly for sure! I was looking at some of Sakari's scuba diving pictures from this time and it was almost hard to tell adult from child. I had to look for the PINK flippers to know it was her. :o



Sakari's camera is the same as one of my older ones. It's the Olympus Tough 620 I believe.


I bought all of my own snorkeling equipment shortly after our (well my hubby's) first cruise because I just knew this is something I wanted to do and would use it a lot. So far, the only thing I have replaced is my mask for a scuba mask.


Thanks for the diversion, was curious how things were going concerning the break in.


I'm a big fan of those breakfast pastries, the cinnamon roll one is my favorite.


YES! I tried the cinnamon roll later and it was awesome!

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Oh no! Sounds like a bad day. I hope you feel better now! (And that they ruled out the whole torn rotator cuff-pain!!).


I have been dealing with the rotator cuff issues off and on for about 2 years. It has just gotten really bad since the end of last year and I finally had it looked at by my doctor. My ROM (range of motion) is very limited in my right shoulder. She did several "test" to determine if that was the problem and thinks it is. She is sending me to a sports doctor to try injections first before any surgery (fingers crossed the injection will work and I won't have to endure surgery. I've watched them do this surgery before while I was in my surgical rotation in school and it's not a pretty site). So, I won't know anything definite until visiting the sports doctor.



Thanks for asking and thinking of me. I appreciate it. :)

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Well, I just typed up the next segment and accidentally closed it all out...so here we go again. It's gonna be one of those days I guess.


Ro brought back the wet suits for us to try on and man was that an experience for me. I have never had a wet suit on before and I have come to the conclusion that I need a new bathing suit. My current bathing suit has a skirt on it and well let's just say...it doesn't "tuck" well and is very uncomfortable.


The hubby had to up-size his because of his "cruise belly", which meant that the bottom, around the legs, didn't fit well and eventually allowed water in.




Sakari is used to wearing them, since she wears a wet suit at every scuba class. However, she's never had a short one on and this would be the one time I wished she had a long wet suit.




(Funny how I'm at this part of my review and her scuba place just called to sign her up for classes this month...what a coincidence).


We finished filling out our forms and Ro went over them. He never ask for our medical forms, so I volunteered them. I thought that was strange, since we had a "yes" on them. Then I also decided to present our log books and Sakari's PADI Seal log book, her dive card and other certificate showing her last ocean water dive from St Thomas. He said "oh cool...that's great". I still thought it was strange that he didn't request any of this and maybe they are a little more relaxed in Curacao? I know that St Thomas was on that and requesting everything to be in order.




There were some really interesting birds flying over us and they reminded me of the Bermuda birds with the long tails. Sakari swore they were albatross birds and the males had the red "blob" on the front of them. After looking it up, I think they were Makuaku birds.




After everything was in order and the truck was filled with all of our equipment, they locked up our things in the shop and we headed out at 10:31am. Off to the Tug Boat we went.








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It was an interesting ride and felt like it was "off the beaten" path at times.






We arrived at 10:36, so it was a 5 minute ride to the Tug Boat.


Interesting tree...





We piled out and he told us to get suited up. Yikes! I have to walk with this thing? All the way over there? Well, I did it once before in St Thomas, I guess I'll attempt it again...but the distance was a little greater this time. Of course Sakari doesn't have to walk with hers and Ro carried it for her. Lucky girl! Oh to be little again.








The little area there was kind of neat. They had a few small building/huts there and it looked like you could get food and drinks if needed. There was a beach...if you want to call it that. It was nothing but rocks and shells, but there were people that had some lounge chairs on it and laying out.






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The hubby was making this walk look so simple.




I like that we now have 3 camera's and (although I hate having my picture taken) he's at least able to get a few of me showing that I was there. I'm not in pictures often because I'm always the one behind the camera. Notice I'm styling a new pair of shoes? I wear a size 8 1/2, but these were an 8. I really wish that I would have sized up at this point. I also was really wishing I had cut my toenails down some too. They were hurting a little bit. I always take my dive socks with me when snorkeling and at first I had them on. But they just made everything too tight. So, I got rid of those and just wore the uncomfortable shoes. Well...I should say boots.




Ro was running a little behind us, carrying everything, and we got to an area where there were steps to go down onto the beach. This tank and equipment was heavy, so I decided to sit down on the steps and rest, I mean wait for him to catch up... only to find out that I couldn't get back up. I was stuck. It was like something was holding me down. Oh yea, that would be the heavy tank. The hubby laughed as I struggled and I was cracking up, while looking around me to see who all was witnessing this. About that time, the hubby grabbed my arm to get me up and Ro was coming and thinking I fell on the steps. I assured him I was ok and only having a fluffy person difficult moment. Man I need to get in shape!


We headed into the water and I was relieved to relieve some of the weight on my back. It was super rocky and a little hard to maneuver in the water. It was also a little wavy and some how I had to try to get my fins on...over my boots. What an experience it was. Of course I couldn't tell if they were on and I also couldn't tell how tight they were because you can't feel anything due to the boots. I wasn't sure if I liked this. Ro went down and tried to fix them and told me I was welcome to take them off if I wanted. For some reason I elected not to...I knew that those rocks would not be too comfortable to be standing on.


I looked under water to get my first glimpse of anything under there.




Curious 2 Dive also takes their camera with them and Ro would take this picture of us prior to going under.




They take pictures of you during the dive, and this is all free of charge, and they email them to you. I thought that was a nice touch! St Thomas made you buy the pictures they took.


Now just to give you an idea of the 4 photographers on site today (me, hubs, Sakari, and Mo). This is how many pictures were taken total:


Mo-37 pictures

Hubs-63 pictures

Sakari-132 pictures

Me "the picture freak"-497 pictures


So, if that gives you any indication of just how many pictures you are about to see..(no I don't share them all, that would be impossible and as always, they aren't all National Geographic shots of course). I did make the hubby his own stamp to indicate which pictures he took an I had to pull a logo from the internet for Curious2Dive to indicate which they took. Of course they don't copyright stamp theirs, this is my doing so that they get credit on here for what they did.


Now...another thing. We (our family) did have some issues that day with the pictures. ALL of us! The hubby normally doesn't have a camera, he's excused. Sakari is "new" with the camera and has only got to practice around the house and at scuba class. She hasn't learned the settings yet and I usually have to put it on the right setting. Me however...no excuse for me to screw up. But I did. I managed to lose my mind a few times and completely forget some of the settings and I ended up with some wacky green photos at times.


Here's the thing...I'm so used to the 620 and 830 camera and my new TG 4 does the same thing BUT the settings are different and I totally forgot. On the other cameras, you have to scroll the settings (within the settings) to put it on the macro function. On my new camera, you just twist the setting rotation wheel. There are several underwater settings (regular, wide angle, fast motion AND A MACRO SETTING). However, there is also a regular macro setting for above water, which I had been using A LOT this cruise...and I totally forgot this is NOT the setting you use for macro under water...and my pictures would suffer from it. With the settings on the wheel, sometimes you can easily hit the wheel with your hand and it changes the settings and you end up with wacky pictures. I get so excited when I'm under water and looking at everything that I forget to check my settings often. I will document things along the way as I post the pictures.


Now for the most part, most pictures were just ran with my action on PS, which sharpens for web and maybe lightened a little. The deeper you go underwater, the less clear the pictures become darker (unless you are close up) and they become bluer.


So, off we went under and ready to explore.








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Yea, I had never considered either and had always used mine to take money off the bill. How I found it was we were planning on taking Sakari to Universal Studios (she has always wanted to go) for Christmas. I had no idea how to go about buying tickets and if I would pick a reputable company or not. I did a search...and the SW tickets came up for it (that's how I discovered the "gift card area" which is HARD to find). Then after buying our Universal tickets, that's when I seen the Carnival ones. I was super excited when I found that I had a new use for all of those points! (Since then I have discovered similar things for other places we plan on taking Sakari, like Sea World...we can get free tickets using our Amex points :D)








I wish they would get rid of more sea days too and add ports. I seriously considering the 6 port, 7 day San Juan cruise next year.




Which ship, cruise line and itinerary is the 6 port, 7 day to San Juan? Sounds fabulous! When and where (which port) does it embark?



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Ok, so let's get a few things cleared up before we start this adventure. I LOVE the ocean...we go to the beach every port we can. I love to snorkel and watching this beautiful underwater world, that is so different than we experience above water, it's amazing. There's so much to see under there and everyone should experience it.


However, I've been a snorkeler for many years. I'm new to scuba diving. I don't have experience, but I'm trying to learn...slowly. The only time we will ever get to do this is on vacation/cruising. I'm doing this because the love of my daughter for the underwater world and her love that she has created for scuba is unreal. I'm also doing it because it's a new experience that I want to share with her and it's amazing. But, once again, I'm new to this.


I do go to class with her and watch everything she learns in class and in the water. I've learned most of the equipment and signals and everything from her class. I've only did Discover Scuba once. This is my second time. We enjoyed our first time, but I had a bit of anxiety the first time learning to breathe underwater and the mixture of salt water and air in your mouth is what gave me the anxiety. It does take awhile to get used to it. But once I get used to it, I'm good. I just need to work my way up to it and then I don't think about it anymore and I enjoy the experience.


But this time, this time would be a little different for me. I think it was a combination of several things. This would also be different for the hubby. He was unable to go all the way last time because the current was so bad and he wore out AND his "no eardrum" problems and they had him pinching the nose to "clear his ears". He can't "clear his ears" because there's nothing to clear. If he tries to clear them, it allows water in and then he's in terrible pain for a long time and usually has an ear infection needing meds. So...this time around, I did a little research and also spoke to Sakari's dive instructor about the situation. We found some ear plugs (and was also going to get him one of those diving mask that has the covered ears on it that is supposed to "help" you clear you ears, but in his case it would keep the water out...but we ran out of time and figured he'd just try the plugs for this time and if it didn't work, we'd stop). Well, I'm happy to say they worked and he had an amazing experience and was able to do everything we did, so now he knows what he has to do.


Also, last time the dive shop gave us the solution to keep the mask from fogging. This place did not have anything (and even though I have made up my own solution to take with me snorkeling, I did not bring it to this dive location figuring that they would have it as most shops do). We were told to spit in the mask (which I know most do)...but guess what...I HAD NO SPIT! My mouth was so dry and I just couldn't produce any. It made for a very difficult and foggy dive for me!


It takes me awhile to get used to this breathing (as I said before) and for some reason, we didn't go over anything once we were in the water. There was no practicing the equipment (like clearing the mask or removing the regulator or throwing it over your shoulder and retrieving it) and I know how to do all of this without a problem and I feel comfortable with it. But I also know in an emergency situation, although knowing how to do it and actually not freaking out about it and doing it would probably go another way. It takes practice. BUT ALSO...doing that gives me time to actually get myself in the right frame of mind and to get used to everything, especially the breathing. We did not get that this time. We immediately headed out. That was an issue I believe...at least for me.


Sakari couldn't wait to get going of course.




Also, when we dove in St Thomas, we were told never touch the inflator hose to make our BCD go up or down (this is the "vest" you have on). They regulated everything for you. At this place, they let you do it all. I only know that in order to release the air when you hit the button, you have to raise your arm up for it to work, because of watching Sakari do it and learn about it at class. Otherwise, I would have never been able to figure it out.


I was having issues going down despite having it up above my head. Immediately my mask started fogging. I came up to the surface to try to spit again with not much luck. I started having to clear my mask underwater (which is no problem at all), but it would just continue to fog over and over. I kept floating up, I couldn't go down. Mask fogging. I floated up, mask fog. Rinse and repeat. Oh MY GOODNESS! I was getting frustrated, anxiety was starting and I ended up going to the surface. The instructor came up and ask what the problem was. I told him about the mask, I told him about not being able to get down, I told him to "set me" so that I could get down. He adjusted my weights and also told me that we would do this our-self. I told him that the last place would not let us touch it. I just wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do this. I had already freaked myself out. I felt like I wanted to panic but held it together. He let me gain my composure and then when I was ready I said so. He ask if I wanted to hold his hand for awhile when we were under and until I felt comfortable. I told him I would be alright and we tried again. It worked better this time and I was back to normal.





I knew once I got down there and started seeing the beauty of things, I would completely be fine and wouldn't even be thinking about it anymore (my breathing, the air, my feet hurting, the weights and so on).










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Another issue I didn't mention was when we arrived at the dive site, there was a huge badge or something right in front of us. It had a crane or erector on it and they were working in the water. Ro said it had never been there before and didn't know what was going on. He said we would just have to swim around it. To me, it was kinda scary in that area and he assured me that they had a guy that was specifically assigned on that barge to watch the scuba divers and instruct those on the barge where we were. Well there's always human error and that's all I could think about. Ro also assured me that they could see us because of our floating flag. Still...there were the sounds. Oh my gosh the loud sounds of them working under there. Super spooky to me.









Sakari just took to this like it was nothing of course. She was busy snapping pictures of everything and I have to say she got quite a few good ones. In the past, she has had a few issues clearing her ears. They seem to get better with each dive or class. Her last class, she was only having an issue with one ear. This time, she did it!!!! I was so proud of her. She knows that if she can't get it to clear, she comes up a little and tries again. After clearing them this time, she would stay near the bottom almost the entire time. She is fearless I tell ya.


Just wondering, do you think this is in 6' water??? (Just to let you know...I'm not floating at the top either).











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The hubby found these tires on the bottom interesting...




His attempt to get the fish down there...didn't work out so well.




Obviously Sakari thought the tires were neat too.




There were so many Christmas Tree worms (also known as feather dusters) and so many different colors. These are my favorites!






Hold up...time to clear my mask. Ok...carry on.





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It's funny how I noticed that in a lot of my pictures, Sakari is always facing or going in a different direction than the rest of us. She needs to work on being a little more aware of her surroundings and the people around her. Not saying that's what was happening in this picture, just that there were 2 instances that she wasn't paying attention and Ro had to use his "clicker" to get her attention to come back. She's like me and gets so excited, but the difference it, I don't run off and always know where I'm am and everyone else as well.


A pretty four-eyed butterfly fish on the coral here.




Blue tang or sturgeon fish.












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Now we have already had a talk about her putting her feet down (after returning home and that day) and how this can damage coral or the reef, even if it looks like it's only rocks. She did mention, after we returned home and I seen some of the pictures, that she was having a few issues with staying "off" the bottom and couldn't go up. We went over our breathing and how breathing in will inflate the lungs and carry us up and positioning ourselves upward from the front would also help when kicking. We will have this talk about touching the bottom again on the next trip prior to us going under again.











I spotted a trumpet fish. These fish are so cool to me.






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