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Regent wins while customers lose?

Balloon Man

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Some felt that it was inflammatory - others did not - not a big deal IMO - just people voicing their opinions. My opinion is that it makes the assumption that Regent is wrong about something.


OTOH, opening up a discussion about whether or not Regent makes money when ports are changed is an interesting one (one that isn't discussed often).


Paula, discussions, debates, differences of opinion can certainly come across as the two sides of the issue debating strongly because that it what it is sometimes, however, I don't see this as "interrogator and jury" (lots of interrogators but no jury - it is up to the reader to decide which side makes the most sense to them).



My point was that Balloon Man was voicing his opinion and it didn't need to be labeled with the "i" word. I hate double standards:(

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My point was that Balloon Man was voicing his opinion and it didn't need to be labeled with the "i" word. I hate double standards:(


No double standards. If you reread the "subject" it wasn't an opinion, it was a question - one that in the opinion of some of us could have been phrased a bit gentler. No one is questioning his opinion but are attempting answering the questions. (which, in my opinion, would be easier if people stayed on topic)! So, having said that, what is your opinion of the issues that the TS brought up?

Edited by Travelcat2
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I read the subject header and it ended with a "?" Which I took to mean: is that the case or not?

And I beg to differ, but IMO it is certainly questioning his opinion and stigmatizing to label it inflammatory.

My opinion is not relevant as I don't feel the need to comment on every single thread.

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I read the subject header and it ended with a "?" Which I took to mean: is that the case or not?

And I beg to differ, but IMO it is certainly questioning his opinion and stigmatizing to label it inflammatory.

My opinion is not relevant as I don't feel the need to comment on every single thread.


Actually, everyone that posts on a thread usually has an opinion and all opinions are relevant - even if some disagree with that opinion. As you saw, I was not the only poster that felt that the subject was inflammatory and in one case, the TS seemed upset with a poster that tried to give a answer that was based on knowledge of the subject.


Generally when someone asks a question, they at least listen to the responses just as when someone posts on a thread, they usually have an opinion and do not post just to argue with another poster. Not trying to be harsh - just suggesting (again) that we discuss topics/posts rather than deciding whether what someone posted should have been posted or not.


In any case, not sure if the TS's question was ever answered. Another poster started a thread somewhat related to this topic and no one seems to know the answer to whether or not Regent makes money when port stops are skipped or when more or less fuel is used on a particular itinerary. We have learned that there is a lot to consider ...... fuel costs going up (or down), excursions that may still have to be paid for by Regent - even if the port is missed - food and beverage costs increases when all passengers stay onboard for a sea day, etc.

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Ah, I remember the good ole days when we could log onto Cruise Critic, surf over to the Regent board and have nice, civil discussions where we learned new things and helped each other, and provided a fun, informative and pleasant area for cruisers new and old to interact.


Boy, I sure miss those days... :(

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Ah, I remember the good ole days when we could log onto Cruise Critic, surf over to the Regent board and have nice, civil discussions where we learned new things and helped each other, and provided a fun, informative and pleasant area for cruisers new and old to interact.

Boy, I sure miss those days... :(


I have to agree with you on this..........I not even going to say---but every other post is the same person.

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Ah, I remember the good ole days when we could log onto Cruise Critic, surf over to the Regent board and have nice, civil discussions where we learned new things and helped each other, and provided a fun, informative and pleasant area for cruisers new and old to interact.


Boy, I sure miss those days... :(


Bill, have to agree that things were better on CC a couple of years ago. Less personal attacks, etc. OTOH, things now are great compared to when I first joined. Still, I must say that having you on CC is great:D You listen, share information and refrain from unnecessary personal bashing. Maybe you should quit your job and teach people how to post on CC:evilsmile: :halo:

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Bill, have to agree that things were better on CC a couple of years ago. Less personal attacks, etc. OTOH, things now are great compared to when I first joined. Still, I must say that having you on CC is great:D You listen, share information and refrain from unnecessary personal bashing. Maybe you should quit your job and teach people how to post on CC:evilsmile: :halo:

Jackie - thanks. I've learned a LOT on this site, and it's made my cruises just that much more enjoyable with some of the inside tips I've read here.


But truth be told, if I had just joined in the last year or so and was reading all of this petty sniping, I might not have stayed with the site. It seems like the there are fewer nuggets to be found in a larger pile of...well, let's call it dirt, shall we?


I just go back to what my mother taught me many years ago - if you can't say something nice, shut yer yap. Okay, I may have paraphrased a bit, but it's a sound idea. If I had a dollar for every time I've WANTED to post something negative but didn't, I could probably buy my own cruise ship... ;)


I'm all for correcting someone if they provide incorrect information, but this site would be a much more pleasant place if everyone would just bite their tongues more often. Just because you disagree with what someone said, or even how they said it doesn't mean you need to post a negative reply. Sometimes it's better to just shake you head, take a deep breath, and move on... (thanks, mom)


Rant over. I'm going back to work now.

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Jackie - thanks. I've learned a LOT on this site, and it's made my cruises just that much more enjoyable with some of the inside tips I've read here.


But truth be told, if I had just joined in the last year or so and was reading all of this petty sniping, I might not have stayed with the site. It seems like the there are fewer nuggets to be found in a larger pile of...well, let's call it dirt, shall we?


I just go back to what my mother taught me many years ago - if you can't say something nice, shut yer yap. Okay, I may have paraphrased a bit, but it's a sound idea. If I had a dollar for every time I've WANTED to post something negative but didn't, I could probably buy my own cruise ship... ;)


I'm all for correcting someone if they provide incorrect information, but this site would be a much more pleasant place if everyone would just bite their tongues more often. Just because you disagree with what someone said, or even how they said it doesn't mean you need to post a negative reply. Sometimes it's better to just shake you head, take a deep breath, and move on... (thanks, mom)


Rant over. I'm going back to work now.


It's still early. Wait for it.

I Find myself shaking my head far to offen on this board in disbelief. Some people wouldn't have a tounge left.:p

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A major problem on these threads has to do with the ultimate dismissive and demeaning downhill course when certain criticisms of Regent are posted. Too frequently there comes a menu of reasons the complaint isn’t valid or important. For example, things usually aren’t like that, or all luxury ships have the same problems, or regent is doing the best it can, or it would cost too much to change, etc.


These things get debated and escalate with increasing intensity of emotion. For example, ultimately the originator of criticism is dismissed or demeaned with a comment such as “we don’t let the little things bother us” as in you’re just a whiner or worse.


One of the strange things is that certain criticisms are okay, while others aren’t. The only pattern I can make it is that it depends on who is making the criticism.


I really do not understand the seeming compulsion to relentlessly refute or explain away complaints. If someone doesn’t like the service or food or whatever, I certainly feel no compulsion to tell them they are wrong.

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Bill, have to agree that things were better on CC a couple of years ago. Less personal attacks, etc. OTOH, things now are great compared to when I first joined. Still, I must say that having you on CC is great:D You listen, share information and refrain from unnecessary personal bashing. Maybe you should quit your job and teach people how to post on CC:evilsmile: :halo:


I think the legendary poem by Robert Burns comes to mind:


Oh, would some Power give us the gift

To see ourselves as others see us!

It would from many a blunder free us

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I just wandered over from the Cunard threads. I hope my comments are helpful. I just returned from a similar itinerary on the Queen Mary 2. We experienced the same issues with our sailing. They changed the Gaspe stop and substituted it with Sept-Iles. The math just wouldn't work with the speed restriction to make the transit as initially planned.


While the kind folks of Sept-Iles tried to be hospitable, they really weren't equipped to host a ship the size of the QM2. The highlight of the stop was the tour of the aluminum plant. Still, it was all very last minute, but couldn't be helped. I hope we didn't hit any whales. The bridge reported sighting two whales at dawn. It made for some very low speed smooth sailing in glorious weather.


As far as any compensation, none was given. Tours are not included in the fare on Cunard. The tour that I had booked was cancelled and a refund was deposited in my account before we even left. I think the situation left all of the cruise lines flat footed and scrambling to make the best of an unforeseen event.


If you have a chance to visit Saguenay, it's delightful. We were a big deal because of our ship and they pulled out all the stops. The captain said he had never seen anything like it. The quay was lined with the entire population waving flags as we departed. It was something to see.

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A major problem on these threads has to do with the ultimate dismissive and demeaning downhill course when certain criticisms of Regent are posted. Too frequently there comes a menu of reasons the complaint isn’t valid or important. For example, things usually aren’t like that, or all luxury ships have the same problems, or regent is doing the best it can, or it would cost too much to change, etc.


These things get debated and escalate with increasing intensity of emotion. For example, ultimately the originator of criticism is dismissed or demeaned with a comment such as “we don’t let the little things bother us” as in you’re just a whiner or worse.


One of the strange things is that certain criticisms are okay, while others aren’t. The only pattern I can make it is that it depends on who is making the criticism.


I really do not understand the seeming compulsion to relentlessly refute or explain away complaints. If someone doesn’t like the service or food or whatever, I certainly feel no compulsion to tell them they are wrong.


I always feel you are able to summarise exactly what is happening here. It seems as though it's the same thing that happens over and over . Thanks for putting it well into words. Jean.

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I just wandered over from the Cunard threads. I hope my comments are helpful. I just returned from a similar itinerary on the Queen Mary 2. We experienced the same issues with our sailing. They changed the Gaspe stop and substituted it with Sept-Iles. The math just wouldn't work with the speed restriction to make the transit as initially planned.


While the kind folks of Sept-Iles tried to be hospitable, they really weren't equipped to host a ship the size of the QM2. The highlight of the stop was the tour of the aluminum plant. Still, it was all very last minute, but couldn't be helped. I hope we didn't hit any whales. The bridge reported sighting two whales at dawn. It made for some very low speed smooth sailing in glorious weather.


As far as any compensation, none was given. Tours are not included in the fare on Cunard. The tour that I had booked was cancelled and a refund was deposited in my account before we even left. I think the situation left all of the cruise lines flat footed and scrambling to make the best of an unforeseen event.


If you have a chance to visit Saguenay, it's delightful. We were a big deal because of our ship and they pulled out all the stops. The captain said he had never seen anything like it. The quay was lined with the entire population waving flags as we departed. It was something to see.


Thanks for posting information about how Cunard handled the situation. I wonder how long the whales stay in that area since they tend to migrate. It sounds like all cruise lines that visit that area will have to adjust their itineraries. I sure the heck wouldn't want to be the person that has had to change itineraries recently ...... between Canada and the Caribbean, they have their work cut out for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sailing on Mariner from Montreal to Miami late October. Am already depressed by the "Questions about Mariner" thread that suggests the suites are in poor condition, food is cold, the world is coming to an end .... No doubt we will be able to make-up our own minds on those subjects after a few days on the vessel.


However what is annoying me BEFORE getting on-board is the fact that two ports have been cancelled and the ship will sail part of the cruise at half speed because it might hit a Right whale as they migrate North. I'm not blaming the whales and agree they need protecting, but why didn't Regent's planners make allowances for this when designing the cruise? Don't these whales make this journey every year at the same time? I have heard that officialdom stepped-in this year and Regent simply had to do as it was told, so maybe not entirely Regent's fault. The jury's out on that one.


That aside, Regent has offered no compensation to those who have booked the cruise; no "Sorry and you can swap to another of our cruises if you want". No "we'll give you a $1,000 credit on another cruise". Not even "$100 on-board credit this cruise".


Why should they do these things? (A) Because otherwise they are going to have a lot of disgruntled customers on the ship, and (B) the company will save a large amount of money with reduced fuel use, savings on port costs and the "free" shore excursions we will now miss and which they no doubt will not pay for.


Maybe they are saving it as a surprise for when we get on-board :confused:.


We cruise three times a year with companies including Seabourn, Silversea, Oceania and Crystal though this will only be our second cruise with Regent. That said it may now be our last, especially if the suites are in the poor state suggested in the other thread here on CC.


We were on the Mariner in April and the suite was up to date, clean and comfortable.

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I agree with you as you are my favorite poster on the Regent board, and try very hard to bite my tongue. Most of the time I succeed as I rarely post on the Regent board, but a couple of times I could not hold my tongue any longer so I posted something I probably should not have.


I am sorry and will try harder in the future. I just wish this board was not dominated by ............ (holding my tongue).


Bill is also one of my favorite posters. Thankfully, he doesn't make veiled snarky comments about other posters. He is (and should be) someone to look up to on the Regent board. IMO, there is no place for personal bashing or snarky comments on a board that should be helping newbies to the Regent board.


fudgbug, if you are looking for something to be wrong with the Mariner, you will likely find it. Having sailed on the Mariner last month and will be sailing on her again next month, we continue to see what is great about the ship rather than what is not. Our only real issue was with food in La Veranda and side dishes in Compass Rose. Even if the issue was not fixed (and I am confident that it will be), there is no reason why people cannot have an excellent experience on the Mariner.

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I agree with you as you are my favorite poster on the Regent board, and try very hard to bite my tongue. Most of the time I succeed as I rarely post on the Regent board, but a couple of times I could not hold my tongue any longer so I posted something I probably should not have.


I am sorry and will try harder in the future. I just wish this board was not dominated by ............ (holding my tongue).


Bill is also one of my favorite posters. Thankfully, he doesn't make veiled snarky comments about other posters. He is (and should be) someone to look up to on the Regent board. IMO, there is no place for personal bashing or snarky comments on a board that should be helping newbies to the Regent board.

Thanks for the kind words, y'all. Sometimes it's hard to stay civil when you have the relative anonymity of the internet to cover you. Up until last year I was very active on Facebook, which is a great way to stay in touch with old friends and distant family members - but it's also a way to say things to people you'd never say to them face-to-face. Much like Cruise Critic.


I made the decision to step away from Facebook because of the constant personal attacks and just the overall antisocial behavior (ironic that social media can be so antisocial) and I've been a lot happier. Sometimes on Cruise Critic I have an entire rant typed up...and then I take a deep breath, delete it, take a sip of coffee, and move on. Remember, you won't piss anyone off by typing up a long vicious post - not until you hit the 'Submit' button.


I really do think that this site is a fantastic resource and a great place to learn and increase the enjoyment of our admittedly expensive choice of vacations. I also think it would be an even better place if people would just take a minute to re-read their posts before hitting 'Submit' - I think more often than not those posts would never see the light of day. Of course, it takes two people to bicker - it's just as easy to stop reading inflammatory posts, too. ;p


Back off of the soapbox now. Hope everyone has a great week.

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