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Why Did The Ask That?


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I agree with the "Who's the Captain" question....Who cares. His job is to drive da boat not entertain me, thats the CD and staffs job....:rolleyes:


Some Captian can make a Cruise much more enjoyable. Catpian Stig Nelson of the Serenade of the Seas. The Best.

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Those who go "Gee that question sure is dumb...." assume your life and your cruise is identical to the person asking the question. For every stupid question there can be a really smart reason for asking it.


Laundry -- how about for a 14 day cruise?


When are formal nights -- what if you were planning a special occasion on board and wanted to coordinate it before you get there?


Internet -- other people already given good examples here


I know, I know...... the board was started in light fun, but a serious point is missed and that is people have different needs and they come here to get information, and none of you are better or smarter than them for not asking those "dumber than paint" questions.


Ok, off my soapbox.gif now


14 day cruise... pack more



formal nights.. keep the special occasion open, cause everyone will be at the table every night anyway


internet- still no real reason... any emergency like posted earlier can be solved with the ship..


anything else... see I can come up with reasons why it is goofy just like you can come up good reasons :) to each his own

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And I still beleive that. He also told me not to judge people by what they say. I am glad he told me both if these statements. Because if he didn't I would now beleive this board has some very rude people reading it.


I don't think it is funny to make fun at folks who come to a message boar, which is designed to answer questions and then make a joke out of the fact that these folks ask questions.


Yes, there some question that may not be revelant but do you know for sure why they ask them?


I say this if you don't want to be bothered by answering folks questions then don't read them.


Just my thoughts,



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One of my favorites is ... Is xxxxx worth it?


It's a question that no one else can answer for you. Some people find driving an extra 100 miles to an alternate airport to save $100 worth it. Other people find flying everywhere by private jet to be worth it.

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Those who go "Gee that question sure is dumb...." assume your life and your cruise is identical to the person asking the question. For every stupid question there can be a really smart reason for asking it.


Laundry -- how about for a 14 day cruise?


When are formal nights -- what if you were planning a special occasion on board and wanted to coordinate it before you get there?


Internet -- other people already given good examples here


I know, I know...... the board was started in light fun, but a serious point is missed and that is people have different needs and they come here to get information, and none of you are better or smarter than them for not asking those "dumber than paint" questions.


Ok, off my soapbox.gif now


I pack for 14 day vacations all the time without doing laundry. Again, laundry is not something I want to do at home, let alone on Vacation.


If you are planning a special occassion, then you would need to be talking to your ta, or rccl. In which case they could tell you when the formal nights are.


As far as the laptop, I bring mine as well, but only for photos. Can't blame people for wanting a way to be in touch with home.


I am not sure why people just don't ask RCCL the question. Many times there have been questions that no one has answered, and I just go to the rcl website, or call them for the answer, and have an answer in secnds. Then I post it here for the op. Seems that many times many of these questions could be answered quicker by rccl or your TA. Much easier choice.

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And I still beleive that. He also told me not to judge people by what they say. I am glad he told me both if these statements. Because if he didn't I would now beleive this board has some very rude people reading it.


I don't think it is funny to make fun at folks who come to a message boar, which is designed to answer questions and then make a joke out of the fact that these folks ask questions.


Yes, there some question that may not be revelant but do you know for sure why they ask them?


I say this if you don't want to be bothered by answering folks questions then don't read them.


Just my thoughts,





well that is where we differ Don... I think some of the questions people ask are hillarious... and if we can't laugh at each other then no sense in waking up...


The problem is there are WAY too many stuck up people that take offense to anything... :)

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I for one, want to be bored on a cruise. I go on a cruise to lay on a deck chair, or the beach with not a worry in the world. I don't want to adhere to any kind of schedule. In fact, I really don't even want to think about too many things. It's a vacation!!!! You all know what happened when I made to many plans on my trip to Wallyworld! LOL


Exactly!!! Vacation is for relaxation - or doing NOTHING!:D Maybe, you just need to be a bit older to realize this?

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I am not sure why people just don't ask RCCL the question. Many times there have been questions that no one has answered, and I just go to the rcl website, or call them for the answer, and have an answer in secnds. Then I post it here for the op. Seems that many times many of these questions could be answered quicker by rccl or your TA. Much easier choice.


I think a lot of it is the fun of interacting with those that share the addiction of cruising. Some of us talk to our friends/family/coworkers and their eyes start to glaze over. The answer to the question is secondary. Even if they tell me I'm crazy to do laundry on board (not really, I wouldn't do laundry either) at least I'm communicating with someone about cruising!

Hi, My name is Bill....I have an addiction

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I think a lot of it is the fun of interacting with those that share the addiction of cruising. Some of us talk to our friends/family/coworkers and their eyes start to glaze over. The answer to the question is secondary. Even if they tell me I'm crazy to do laundry on board (not really, I wouldn't do laundry either) at least I'm communicating with someone about cruising!

Hi, My name is Bill....I have an addiction



Right on the money!!!!


This is the BILL W for cruising :)

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And I still beleive that. He also told me not to judge people by what they say. I am glad he told me both if these statements. Because if he didn't I would now beleive this board has some very rude people reading it.


I don't think it is funny to make fun at folks who come to a message boar, which is designed to answer questions and then make a joke out of the fact that these folks ask questions.


Yes, there some question that may not be revelant but do you know for sure why they ask them?


I say this if you don't want to be bothered by answering folks questions then don't read them.


Just my thoughts,





As a patent holder on dumb questions, I can't agree there aren't any. However it is even dumber to NOT ask the question. If you don't ask, they won't answer. Some people on these boards have unique sense of humor, and a unique way to answer them. I don't like (and rarely see) responses like "You're an idiot"... most are tongue in cheek and humorous.

Sure some of us make fun of things, but if you've got a thin skin, this is not the place to be. I do have to add though, I think most of the fun is very good natured, and remember, at some point the question DOES get answered !!

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The reason the Captain is important, the crew's attitude can come from the top - down. We were on the Grand Princess when the whole crew/staff acted like "they had a job to do and the passengers kept getting in the way". I know this had to come from management's attitude.


We have met boring captains with a very "Drive the Ship" attitude. And the crew were nice and did their jobs. We have also noticed when the captain is very "passenger" friendly (a PEOPLE person), then the staff and crew have always been the absolute best!

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"Is this a good price?" Compared to what?


"What's the buffet like?" It's a lot of food in a row!


"Is there a buffet on this cruise?" Yes - in the Windjammer every day!


"Can you wear jeans in the dining room?" If you have to ask, then you are too self-concience to pull it off.


"What are your favorite 'cruise-expert' tips?" I had to include this one because it resulted in the longest post ever. I think it's up to 170,000 reads and 1400 + posts.

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Please, I hope no one took anything I have said the wrong way. I probably have the biggest addiction here. I am here everyday, and I love answering questions. Yes, even the "Stupid" ones. I even enjoy finding the answer if I don't have it. I am just stating my opinion, and what I tend to do on vacation, but what might work for one of us, does not work for everyone. Whatever anyone does on vacation is great. Just being on vacation is the best. I don't talk down to anyone for what they choose to do just because it is not the way I do it.


Happy cruising!

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I think a lot of it is the fun of interacting with those that share the addiction of cruising. Some of us talk to our friends/family/coworkers and their eyes start to glaze over. The answer to the question is secondary. Even if they tell me I'm crazy to do laundry on board (not really, I wouldn't do laundry either) at least I'm communicating with someone about cruising!


Hi, My name is Bill....I have an addiction


I know that glazed over look! (I was was getting it from my DH along with the :rolleyes: look.)


You are so right- this is the greatest place ever to "talk" to others with the same addiction.;)

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Please, I hope no one took anything I have said the wrong way. I probably have the biggest addiction here. I am here everyday, and I love answering questions. Yes, even the "Stupid" ones. I even enjoy finding the answer if I don't have it. I am just stating my opinion, and what I tend to do on vacation, but what might work for one of us, does not work for everyone. Whatever anyone does on vacation is great. Just being on vacation is the best. I don't talk down to anyone for what they choose to do just because it is not the way I do it.


Happy cruising!


I didn't really mean you in particular, only why people come here and not RCCL or their TA.... They just don't seem to have the addiction. Even the most dedicated TA wouldn't keep coming back to check on the situation with flip-flops in the dining room or other things

You've always been a great source here. Sometimes this board is just "Super-Google" a little slower, but more accurate more information and more fun.

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Another very interesting thread. While I agree, there are no dumb questions, I still have to wonder how some people can have a job, earn the money necessary to live and have enough left over to cruise, and then ask some of the questions that are asked.


For example, while taking a tour of a cruise ship, we were on deck four. Some one asked us if we knew where a cabin was. The cabin was on deck two, and this person at least knew that. Our tour guide, who worked for the cruise line told this person where the cabin was. Once this person left I comment on how this person could earn enough to cruise and yet could not tell deck four from deck two. Even the cruise line employee/tour guide laughed at that one.


On a train, in July, in Southern California, around noon, someone asked me if we were in a tunnel. Now mind you, there was not a cloud in the sky and it was pitch dark outside. I simply answered yes. The person who asked accepted the answer and walked away. I then turned to the person next to me and said, or else the sun went down very fast. He said, aliens threw a blanket over the train. I wish the question had been asked as a multiple choice, because I would have loved to know what the other possibilities were.


After that, I can believe that someone would ask what time the midnight buffet was. I also believe that some people don't actually ask the question they want, and instead ask a question that is similar, but sounds really dumb. Such as, will this elevator take me to my cabin (no) when the question the person wanted to ask is, does this elevator go to deck X (yes).


Some people are just so inexperienced that they have no point of reference. For example, I had a five year old, who had never flown before, keep asking me if we had taken off yet (it was at night and he was looking straight down - to the top of the wing). I finally got him to stop asking by telling him we would turn before taking off. Then when we started to turn, I heard, "We are turning." And before he had a chance to ask again, the jet came to full power and even this five year old realized something was about to happen.


At any rate, an interesting thread.

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I also believe that some people don't actually ask the question they want, and instead ask a question that is similar, but sounds really dumb. Such as, will this elevator take me to my cabin (no) when the question the person wanted to ask is, does this elevator go to deck X (yes).


I absolutely agree. It isn't that people aren't intelligent (or as previously stated, 52 cards short of a deck, its that they don't think about their question before they ask it. I really love the question, "Do you know what time it is?" When I am in a really funny mood and get this question, I'll often turn, look at my watch, and say, "Yes, I do.", then walk away. Now, it may not be funny to anyone else, and most of the time this would be in very bad taste, but with your good friends, this can be a real hoot.

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I absolutely agree. It isn't that people aren't intelligent (or as previously stated, 52 cards short of a deck, its that they don't think about their question before they ask it. I really love the question, "Do you know what time it is?" When I am in a really funny mood and get this question, I'll often turn, look at my watch, and say, "Yes, I do.", then walk away. Now, it may not be funny to anyone else, and most of the time this would be in very bad taste, but with your good friends, this can be a real hoot.


I agree. One of my favorite questions is, "Has ANYONE ever been in cabin xxxx?"


I want to say, "No, they like to keep it empty to keep the ship balanced. Here's your card.";)

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I know, I know...... the board was started in light fun, but a serious point is missed and that is people have different needs and they come here to get information, and none of you are better or smarter than them for not asking those "dumber than paint" questions.


I can easily cop to being one of "those" people who have asked their fair share of the stupid question. The most recent stupid question I asked was, "MUST you check your bags upon embarkation?". How stupid is that? I have been on 5 cruises before and I don't know the answer to that? What am I, 24 bottles short of a case of beer?

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I absolutely agree. It isn't that people aren't intelligent (or as previously stated, 52 cards short of a deck, its that they don't think about their question before they ask it. I really love the question, "Do you know what time it is?" When I am in a really funny mood and get this question, I'll often turn, look at my watch, and say, "Yes, I do.", then walk away. Now, it may not be funny to anyone else, and most of the time this would be in very bad taste, but with your good friends, this can be a real hoot.

Then of course is the "Can I have a beer?" If you're of age, yes you CAN... if you're buying, yes, you MAY have a beer!:D :D

But we all know the really DUMB question... "Is there saltwater in the toilets?" .... as Kirk said... "there's two reasons I don't know,,,#1, and #2" (yeah, and old joke for many of us;) )

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As the OP I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for keeping this thread in the right "tone". I for one have my share of the odd question market. I hope this thread doesn't discourage anyone from posting a question or encourages anyone to answer a question with a "thats a dumb question" answer.


I've enjoyed reading all the responses and as my sig says if we don't laugh we will all go insane, this includes laughing at ourselves once in a while.


By the way can anyone tell me what time New Years will be celebrated on board?


Happy New Years!

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