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Pirate’s SUNSHINE filled Not-Bermuda bound cruise review September 22-28, 2019


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It was great meeting you and Chris!  And running into you here and there through out the week.  It did turn out to be a good cruise - not the best - but good.  I was soooo disappointed about Bermuda but we made the best of it!


We dined at Cucina one night as well and had the calamari.  I love calamari and theirs was decent.  Eat the scary ones next time - they are good I promise!😀😀


I didn’t care for PC that much.  I had read about the rocks and didn’t bring water shoes so didn’t even attempt the water.  We just found some loungers in the shade and read our books and went back to the ship after lunch as well.  Give me HMC any day!


Look forward to the rest of your review!






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2 hours ago, NCTribeFan said:

So sorry you didn't know about Princess Cay's beach.  But you were scheduled to go there before Bermuda, right?  That's what our itinerary is.  I could've told you all about it, and there's lots of info on the Private Islands board.  Water shoes are a must.  Since I'm not a swimmer, I don't even get in the water there, unlike HMC, where I'll wade in and float around on and off all day.  To me, there's really no comparison.  PC is OK for a day but I do really wish it wasn't on our itinerary.  I'd so much prefer that extra day in Bermuda!


All those drinks look delicious, but I'm really and beer and wine gal.


I also love breakfast at Blue Iguana!


Can't wait to spend some time on the Serenity Deck.  When I sailed Sunshine, it rained on our sea days except for one, and that day I couldn't find a seat. 😥


No, we were not supposed to stop in Princess Cay at all on our original itinerary, and since we only found out about the revised ports on Friday night I really didn't have much time to research.  I wish I had, I just figured it would be like HMC. Lesson learned!

I like my wine back home, I cannot stand beer, so on vacation I try drinks that I couldn't make at home. Well, OK, I COULD make them I am sure if I put the effort into learning, but I don't. Haha.


41 minutes ago, LUVMYGSDOG said:

It was great meeting you and Chris!  And running into you here and there through out the week.  It did turn out to be a good cruise - not the best - but good.  I was soooo disappointed about Bermuda but we made the best of it!


We dined at Cucina one night as well and had the calamari.  I love calamari and theirs was decent.  Eat the scary ones next time - they are good I promise!😀😀


I didn’t care for PC that much.  I had read about the rocks and didn’t bring water shoes so didn’t even attempt the water.  We just found some loungers in the shade and read our books and went back to the ship after lunch as well.  Give me HMC any day!


Look forward to the rest of your review!







It was great to meet you too! Next time I will try to eat the scary calamari hahahaha.


6 minutes ago, fyree39 said:

All caught up! I'm absolutely loving your review. Thank you for the detailed reporting and the wonderful photos!


Thank you for reading along! More to come tonight.

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Ok tell me….why was Carnival considering today a port day for us? Sunshine left Nassau at 7 am, that hardly seems like a “port day” for me. Oh well.


I got up at 10…finally, I slept in! I headed out to Lido and spent some time people watching. It was cloudy this morning, so not too hot…perfect people watching weather! About 10:45 Chris and I headed down to Java Blue for some go-go juice, and I decided to try something different…I ordered an iced Café Latte. It was good, but the Mochachino is much better. We then headed up to Lido for some “brunch”…pizza! We split a pizza, pepperoni on Chris’s half, and “fungus” (aka mushrooms) on mine. 


With full bellies we headed down to Ocean Plaza to check out what was happening. My notes say we watched Hog’s Wild and thought it was funny, but I couldn’t tell you what the game was. Hahaha. After watching that we headed up to SportsSquare to play mini golf. I was a bit put off by how sticky the putter handles were…I wish I had brought my Clorox wipes with me. I guess little kids’ sticky ice cream hands probably caused them to be that way….ewwwwwww. Mini golf was fun, I even got a hole in one! Yahoo! I decided to celebrate that with a drink, and we headed to Alchemy. I got something different (do y’all see how many different things I tried this cruise?!) and tried a Perfect Storm. It was OK, again not a drink I will order in the future.






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Chris had went and settled in at the Red Frog Pub so I headed in there, where we chatted with a nice young lady who was on her honeymoon. She convinced us to try ANOTHER new thing later on in the evening: beer pong. Neither Chris nor I had ever played, and she told us we had to try it. We agreed that we would see her and her new husband in the Pub later on to give it a shot. While we were chatting, I decided to order another drink and I tried the Red’s Painkiller. Y’all…this could be my new go-to drink! It was fantastic!


At 5:30 Chris and I were hungry for dinner, so we went and changed. This was our second elegant night, and as we got ready I checked us in using the Hub App. I love this app feature, have I mentioned that??!! I mean, by the time we made it from our room down to deck 3 aft our table had been assigned. I got the crabcake and the stuffed mushrooms as my starters, and both were excellent. I got the mushroom pasta as my main course, and I asked the waiter if I could possibly just get a side of the jumbo shrimps to add to my pasta, not the whole jumbo shrimp entrée. He made it happen! Score! So I had mushroom shrimp pasta, hahah, and it was Ok…not as good as in the past. Oh well. I ordered the chocolate melting cake for dessert, and I can tell I am getting older…it was way too sweet for my taste buds. I remember a time not too many years ago when I thought this was the best dessert ever, but now I eat it and feel cavities developing. LOL.


We went right from dinner to the Playlist Production show Latin Nights. We got there at 6:40 and got great seats on the lower level of the lounge. The show was OK. We went from there to see Zack in the piano bar, and we hung out there for a bit. He’s really funny and such a good singer and piano player! We stayed there until about 9:15, then headed to the deli for a sandwich. We figured with beer pong coming up shortly maybe we should have some bread in our bellies to soak it all up, hahahaha. I got the BLT, but it wasn’t quite as good as usual….I think the deli worker overtoasted it. The crust was SO HARD, but the rest of it was pretty good.


The beer pong sign-ups were at 10:00 in the Red Frog Pub, and it was limited space…we filled up pretty quickly. I was glad we got there early! The cost was $6 per person, which basically covered the cost of your beer, and we started at 10:30. Chris and I had a blast playing, and I am so glad that the newlyweds convinced us to try it! We were eliminated in the very first round, but who cares? We had beer!


The tournament ended about11:15 or so, and we headed back to the room to call it a day. It was hard to believe, but our cruise was almost over…tomorrow is our last day onboard!





Beer Pong!



Red’s Painkiller 









Mushroom pasta



Side of shrimp to add to my pasta



Now we have mushroom & shrimp pasta!





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Is it our last day onboard already? How is it that time flies so quickly when you are on vacation?


I was up by 9 this morning, and it seemed that our room was exceptionally loud today. I guess everyone was feeling the guilt over all those delicious dinners and desserts all week long, so they all decided to hit the gym to try and try to work some calories off. Bahahaha, not me, I headed right to Sea Day Brunch and ordered a CANTINA BURGER at 9:30 a.m. Yep, that’s right, a delicious patty of beef with guacamole for breakfast….that’s how you do it on vacation folks! Unfortunately, Wezah’s section was full this morning…I guess everyone had learned the secret that she is the best waitress onboard by this point, and we were sat in another section with a waitstaff that was very slow and disorganized. We never got drink refills, and we were offered ketchup for my fries and Chris’s hashbrowns, but that was never brought. Oh well, we survived, and I must say that the burger was absolutely delish…I just ordered it without the pickled onion and the sweet pickles, as I think both those are nasty. 


After brunch we hit the Red Frog Pub to play some shuffleboard, then decided to check out the situation on Serenity. The pool was packed, there was no way we were getting in there, so we decided to go see about the hot tub. SCORE! Just one other person in there, so we got in, and guess what? It was a blessing that we were not in the pool, as we had the best view for the biggest surprise of the cruise: military planes flew by! I got some wonderful videos, I am not sure how to post them here, but if you look on a certain social media site for Carnival Cruise Girl they are posted there. It was awesome to see them, although the first time they flew by they scared the heck out of everyone….they were loud and so unexpected! We got a total of 8 flybys I believe, and everyone was cheering for the military.


After the last flyby I wanted a drink from the Serenity Bar, so I got a Skinny Fizz, which is always light and refreshing, and we went in search of some lunch. I got a tomato and mozzarella sandwich from the deli, but it was just not as good as usual…I think the deli workers on this ship just are not quite up to par, as I remember from my last Sunshine cruise I was disappointed in my usually delicious sandwiches. I got some chicken tenders from the buffet, which were great…I love Carnival’s chicken tenders and honey mustard! Chris opted for his pasta again, and after we finished eating we decided to go back to the cabin to do some packing before the Diamond & Platinum Reunion.


spirit locker? Let me in!







Skinny Fizz






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We had so many Diamond and Platinum cruisers on this sailing that it turns out they hosted TWO parties! We were invited to the one at 4:15 in the Limelight Lounge, deck 4 aft. They had the usual guessing games (number of candies, word game, guess the ship, and guess the CD) so I went around and played them all except the Guess the Word one…that was just too crazy for my simple brain to comprehend. I musta killed a lot of brain cells with drinking this cruise as I took one look at it and passed. They did change the Guess the Ship game, now instead of having pics of the ships without their names on them they have AREAS of different ships posted. Some looked familiar, a lot looked foreign to me so I just threw out random guesses. When they announced the winner of Guess the CD, guess who won? That’s right, ME!!! I will say it was sort of an unfair game….I won 4 weeks ago with 8 correct answers, and they didn’t change any of the CD pictures or the order, so yeah…I probably should not have played again. BUT, I didn’t have a perfect score, I still only knew 8 out of 10. They then did the guess the candy winner, and the guess the word winner, and finally they announced guess the ship…the name had gotten smudged, and they go, “It’s cabin 9121….who is cabin 9121?” I’m standing up there thinking “huh, that sounds familiar….oh heck, that’s my cabin! Chris won a game!” But it wasn’t Chris, he didn’t play it….it was ME AGAIN! Say what, I won TWO awards? Sweet! 


After the photos were taken of us winners, I sat down and enjoyed a drink (OK, fine, TWO drinks…one for each award) and a few yummy appetizers. I love the little shrimp things, and the pork sliders. When we stood up to leave Chris announced that he was ready for dinner, so I checked us in using the Hub App. Have I mentioned how handy that dang app is? It was right at 5:15, and by 5:20 we had a table assigned so we headed on down. We were sat in the back by the windows, so we had a lovely view for dinner, and the waitstaff we had tonight were pretty good but I do not remember their names. I ordered the caprese as my starter and the cornmeal crusted chicken for my main, with a side of whipped potatoes. I usually love all these items, but tonight they just didn’t taste the same…my caprese was missing something, I think maybe the usual balsamic drizzle, and the cornmeal chicken was nice and tender but had that flavor that chicken gets when it has been cooked and then reheated. I am really picky about my chicken though, so maybe it was just me. I got the butter pecan ice cream for dessert, and that was really yummy, so dinner ended on a good note.














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We finished dinner right at 7:00 so we raced to the Liquid Lounge for my favorite Playlist Production show ever….EPIC ROCK. The lounge was packed, and the show was just starting, but we managed to grab some halfway decent seats at the bar. There were 2 outstanding singers in the cast, and as usual I sang along to most of the songs. I love this show!


When we left the lounge we headed to the piano bar to hear Zack play one last time. He is such a good piano bar entertainer, if you all sail with him check him out. He is funny, has a good voice, and is such a genuinely nice person! Chris bought him a shot of Fireball as a “tip” to play me some Bon Jovi (any other fans out there???) and he played “Livin’ on a Prayer.” We listened to him for a little over an hour, and I tried a Don’t Stop the Music drink…it was really good!


Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and I knew we had an early morning tomorrow. We had received a letter that for priority self-assist debarkation we were to meet at 6:30 a.m. (WHO in their right mind gets up that early???) in the Sunset MDR, deck 3 forward, so at 10:00 Chris and I headed back to the room. We did some last minute packing and called it a day.













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I had set a wake up call for us at 6:00, but it wasn’t necessary…I was up by 5:45. I never sleep good the last night of the cruise, I guess I am anticipating getting up fairly early and the trip home. At 6:20 I set the tip envelope for Oswald and his team on the nightstand (they really were an outstanding team…I don’t think I wrote it in the other days but he made up our room twice a day EVERY SINGLE day even though we had told him once a day was fine) and we walked out the door and down to the Sunset MDR. There really were not that many people in there, and by 6:40 we were told we could begin debarking. We breezed through Customs, and we were back in Red (my truck) and on the road by 7:10. I have to say, Charleston may be a mess with embarkation (I only say that due to the parking lot maze and the shuffling between multiple buildings….I guess they work really well with that resources they are given) but for debarkation they are very efficient! We were back home at 11:10. 


My final thoughts for this trip: Chris and I had an OK time, but I was left a bit underwhelmed by this sailing. I do not think we will book the Sunshine again anytime soon, unless she has some outstanding itinerary. I have now sailed on her for 30 days total, and maybe it is just that she isn’t “new” to me anymore, but I just felt…I don’t know…somewhat bored? I also realize after having sailed other ships that the pool and hot tub situation just doesn’t work for us….we love being in the water, and the lack of enough pools and hot tubs got to us a few times. There were times we were left wondering what to do, as the daily activities were just not our thing, and I told Chris that I am kind of glad we are jumping lines next year to try another cruise line…maybe we need to spice things up by venturing out of our comfort zone. I still love Carnival, and we will keep sailing them (heck I have 5 more bookings with them!) but I think we need to add other lines in just to help keep things fresh for us. It could also be that in the back of our minds we were bummed about missing Bermuda and going back to dang Nassau, so we had some unrealized negativity weighing in on our time spend onboard. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to our cruise aboard the GLORY in November…a “new” ship for us, and yes she stops in Nassau, but we also get a “new” port for us…KEY WEST! What kind of trouble can we get into? You’ll have to wait and find out in the next review I do. Until then, peace out!

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Was this just 6-days?  Mine is 7 but, as I mentioned, we go to PC first, then to Bermuda and are only there from 10 am until noon the next day.  Not really sure why I even booked this except I want to go back to Bermuda (visit #3 for me) and I need an after-2nd-tax-season cruise.


I'm not a pool person.  In fact, I think I've only ever been in the pools in maybe 3 cruises!  But loved the aft pool on MSC Divina (she's a beautiful ship)!


You've given me some ideas of things to do and try.  I have a bad tendency to do the same things and eat the same foods on every sailing, especially when I sail solo.  Love the idea of those shrimps added to the pasta dish!  I'll see if I can get that done, too!  Yummy.  Since I do love my beer, beer pong sounds like fun (although I've never played).  And, surprisingly, I don't think I've ever seen Epic Rock.  


I loved Glory.  In fact, my first sailing to Bermuda was on Glory from Norfolk.  I have never been to Key West, either.   Looking forward to your review!


You definitely should try some other lines.  I liked my TA on NCL Star enough that I bought a Cruise Next certificate that I need to use, and my 3 cruises since last December have been on MSC (which is definitely a different experience (and not one that all US cruisers appreciate, but that I've enjoyed)).  Have my first Celebrity booked but not until March 2021!  It goes to Key West, though!  Oh, and have loved my three HAL cruises.  They have some very nice 10/11 night itineraries and virtually every sailing calls at HMC.  The Caribbean sailings aren't as "old" as some of the others, so don't be put off by what you may have read about there being nothing to do.  They have some great entertainment as well as food and service.  So sorry you didn't get to visit Bermuda, though.  I know other lines sail there all summer, but I don't particularly want to sail out of NY or Boston.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts (and great photos!)! 

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Thanks for another GREAT review, and for cheering me up. I left our cruises with a head cold and it turned into full blown bronchitis. I have no energy at all and have done zero work on our review. So thanks again for putting a smile on my face. Looking forward to the day we all get to sail together! 😎

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Thanks for the review!  And we felt the same way about the Sunshine - even though it was our first time sailing on her.  We agreed that the only way we would sail her again was if it were going somewhere we really wanted to go.  Maybe the no Bermuda thing played a part in it - I’m not sure.  


You will enjoy the Glory - we did!  And Key West - I love love!  Was really hoping we would have been sent there since we were missing Bermuda!  Here’s to happy cruising in the future!



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8 hours ago, DebOinKC said:

Thanks for another great review Pirate 😮 


Thanks for reading!! That encourages me to keep doing them!


3 hours ago, NCTribeFan said:

Was this just 6-days?  Mine is 7 but, as I mentioned, we go to PC first, then to Bermuda and are only there from 10 am until noon the next day.  Not really sure why I even booked this except I want to go back to Bermuda (visit #3 for me) and I need an after-2nd-tax-season cruise.


I'm not a pool person.  In fact, I think I've only ever been in the pools in maybe 3 cruises!  But loved the aft pool on MSC Divina (she's a beautiful ship)!


You've given me some ideas of things to do and try.  I have a bad tendency to do the same things and eat the same foods on every sailing, especially when I sail solo.  Love the idea of those shrimps added to the pasta dish!  I'll see if I can get that done, too!  Yummy.  Since I do love my beer, beer pong sounds like fun (although I've never played).  And, surprisingly, I don't think I've ever seen Epic Rock.  


I loved Glory.  In fact, my first sailing to Bermuda was on Glory from Norfolk.  I have never been to Key West, either.   Looking forward to your review!


You definitely should try some other lines.  I liked my TA on NCL Star enough that I bought a Cruise Next certificate that I need to use, and my 3 cruises since last December have been on MSC (which is definitely a different experience (and not one that all US cruisers appreciate, but that I've enjoyed)).  Have my first Celebrity booked but not until March 2021!  It goes to Key West, though!  Oh, and have loved my three HAL cruises.  They have some very nice 10/11 night itineraries and virtually every sailing calls at HMC.  The Caribbean sailings aren't as "old" as some of the others, so don't be put off by what you may have read about there being nothing to do.  They have some great entertainment as well as food and service.  So sorry you didn't get to visit Bermuda, though.  I know other lines sail there all summer, but I don't particularly want to sail out of NY or Boston.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts (and great photos!)! 


Yes, this was a 6 day sailing. I am glad I gave you ideas for things to try. :)

I can't wait to try my MSC cruise next year, so I am glad to hear good things from you about them!


3 hours ago, Butterbean1000 said:

I'm really enjoying your review.   I know how you feel about Nassau,  but it looks like you made the best of it.


Thank you for reading!


2 hours ago, Jamman54 said:

Thanks for another GREAT review, and for cheering me up. I left our cruises with a head cold and it turned into full blown bronchitis. I have no energy at all and have done zero work on our review. So thanks again for putting a smile on my face. Looking forward to the day we all get to sail together! 😎


Aw Jeff, I hope you feel better! I came home and have had allergies kicking my butt since, ugh! Gotta love fall. I can't wait until you feel better and I can read your review!


1 hour ago, LUVMYGSDOG said:

Thanks for the review!  And we felt the same way about the Sunshine - even though it was our first time sailing on her.  We agreed that the only way we would sail her again was if it were going somewhere we really wanted to go.  Maybe the no Bermuda thing played a part in it - I’m not sure.  


You will enjoy the Glory - we did!  And Key West - I love love!  Was really hoping we would have been sent there since we were missing Bermuda!  Here’s to happy cruising in the future!




hi Kim! I am so excited for my Glory cruise next month....sailing from NOLA is an adventure in itself, and then getting to go to KW, a "new" ship for us....it is going to be fun. Hopefully it will be a refreshing cruise for me after this one. :)

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Hi! We were on the same cruise and also bummed about Bermuda. I somehow did see something ahead of time about the rocks at Princess Cays and took our water shoes, thankfully!


We were actually on the bridge with the Captain for the behind the fun tour when the military planes flew by, he even looked stunned, but then he did say we were off the coast of Jacksonville and they occasionally do that! We loved it, but since no cameras or phones can be taken on tour, got no pictures. I will try and find the ones you say were posted.


I do have a questions for you. Do you know how the FCC works? I emailed our PVP, but got no answer. Do we get something in writing about this or how to use it and the deadline?


Thanks for your awesome review! Much better than  mine and much more detailed! I have some of the same pictures as you!


Enjoy your next cruise. I think we are going to fly to Bermuda next year. I have run the numbers and we can rent through owners and fly, etc., for less than a cruise and get more days in Bermuda. Missing her on the cruise put a bad taste in my mouth and don't want to risk missing it again!



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On 10/4/2019 at 5:56 PM, LUVMYGSDOG said:

So I will be patiently waiting for your Glory trip report......


Booked Breeze for December 2020 out of Fort Lauderdale!  So far the Breeze and the Pride have been my favorite ships!  





I love the Breeze! She’s definitely one of my top ships, I can’t wait to sail her again. 


2 hours ago, bingo3 said:

Hi! We were on the same cruise and also bummed about Bermuda. I somehow did see something ahead of time about the rocks at Princess Cays and took our water shoes, thankfully!


We were actually on the bridge with the Captain for the behind the fun tour when the military planes flew by, he even looked stunned, but then he did say we were off the coast of Jacksonville and they occasionally do that! We loved it, but since no cameras or phones can be taken on tour, got no pictures. I will try and find the ones you say were posted.


I do have a questions for you. Do you know how the FCC works? I emailed our PVP, but got no answer. Do we get something in writing about this or how to use it and the deadline?


Thanks for your awesome review! Much better than  mine and much more detailed! I have some of the same pictures as you!


Enjoy your next cruise. I think we are going to fly to Bermuda next year. I have run the numbers and we can rent through owners and fly, etc., for less than a cruise and get more days in Bermuda. Missing her on the cruise put a bad taste in my mouth and don't want to risk missing it again!




Ohhh how was the Behind the Fun tour? We have done it once in Vista, and I think it would be fun to do it on another ship of a different class sometime in the future. 


Did you get the email sent out with our revised itinerary before the cruise? There was a link in the small print at the very bottom that takes you to the form to fill out for the FCC. I submitted last Saturday and got the response 2 days later that it had been applied. 


You will definitely appreciate the extra time in Bermuda if you fly there...there’s so much to do!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to plan a family pub crawl for our upcoming Sunshine cruise.  Does the Havana bar serve cocktails during the day?  Are there any bars that don't open until evening hours (thinking probably the piano bar)?


Thanks in advance.

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