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Why do people still sunbathe?

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I just want to get a little base tan before I head to Orlando and look like the whitest person there.



Hey, I am in Orlando and I could have a competition with you for who is whitest. We are JUST NOW starting to get hot here enough to lay out.

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I am just curious to know how come some people use just an spf 8 or 10 on their skin? I am black, I live in the Caribbean and I use spf 15 on my face every day,even though I get to work by 9 and leave after 5 every day, I am hardly out in the sun during the week.


When I go to the beach or I am out in the sun all day (like for cricket) I use an spf 35 so I won't get a sunburn and I still get a "tan".I am amazed that some of you don'tget sunburn sunbathing using such a low spf, I get really bad sunburn if I do not use a high spf sunblock.

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Because tan fat looks better than white fat!



As soon as I get a chance I will be in the sun for just that reason, now if I could only keep those Greenpeace people from throwing me back in the water :eek:

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OK, I know this might get me in trouble, but I'm going to ask anyway. With all the warnings about the evils of skin cancer, why do so many people still like to lie out in the sun? I know this isn't unique to cruises, but I figured that a lot of people that read this forum probably like to do this. When I or my family spend significant time in the sun, we always put on sunscreen. We never just go lay in the sun. I'm not trying to start an argument...I'm just trying to understand. Please be kind.:o


Why....because we are adults, we want to, and we can-

Some of us go to-oh my god, the horror-TANNING SALONS too!! I am going after work today!!!:D

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OK, I know this might get me in trouble, but I'm going to ask anyway. With all the warnings about the evils of skin cancer, why do so many people still like to lie out in the sun? I know this isn't unique to cruises, but I figured that a lot of people that read this forum probably like to do this. When I or my family spend significant time in the sun, we always put on sunscreen. We never just go lay in the sun. I'm not trying to start an argument...I'm just trying to understand. Please be kind.:o


Growing up with red hair and pure white skin, I always got a really bad sun burn whenever we went to a beach. That was an almost every day occurrence as a child because I lived near the water. Who knew in those days about sunscreen or skin cancer. I know now because I have had cancer removed and my husband has had several removed also. The doctor said it was from the years of being in the sun that caused the cancers for both of us. We never sit in the sun now. We avoid it as much as possible.

Do I care if I do not have a tan on my cruises? No!

My red hair has darken over the years, but I am still pure white skinned and healthier.


PS. I must add.

My 4 children range from 37 to 47 years of age. While they were growing up they also got burned. Again, no sun screen, no cancer warnings. My children have had many cancers removed from themselves over the years. Each and every one of them. On my younger daughters face was a tiny mark that bothered her. Doctor looked at it, cut it and had to leave a really large 2+ inch scar. I had a tiny black mark no bigger than the tip of a pen on my arm. Doctor saw it, operated on it and I had a hole like a golf ball that sunk into my arm when it was over. That is just two of the 6 of us. We are all lucky to be able to say that they were removed. But, we do not know on many others will appear in our futures.

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Because some people like doing things that may not be good for them. How do you answer why do people smoke, why do people drink, etc. I don't know the ages of your kids, my oldest is in his 30s. But that answer is probably as good as any you're going to find and it is universal with any age from 1 to 99. But maybe a rational explanation with some kids will do the trick. GLTY. If you find one and if it works, you may want to write a book. ;)

I was looking for less "deep" answers, and more to-the-point answers. For example, I can now tell them "many of the people live in cold climates and just enjoy the warmth of the sun" or "some people like the way it makes them look" or "it may not be noticeable, but a lot of them are wearing sunscreen".

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Thanks everyone for the ongoing answers! One of the reasons I asked this was because we have tried to teach our kids about the risks of prolonged sun exposure, but when we are around sunbathers (certainly a popular activity on cruises) they often ask us why people do it. I now have several good answers for them. Thanks again!:)


A line from my favorite TV show the very young don't always do as they are told. With that said, try to make them understand the dangers of prolonged sun exposure. But you must tell them the positives and negatives of sun exposure. Explain that moderation along with sun block is the best way to go. If you must, point out that person with the skin that looks like leather and ask them if that is what they want to look like? I am sure most kids will say YUK no way. I must say that I do enjoy the sun. I feel as if my batteries are recharged.

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A line from my favorite TV show the very young don't always do as they are told. With that said, try to make them understand the dangers of prolonged sun exposure. But you must tell them the positives and negatives of sun exposure. Explain that moderation along with sun block is the best way to go. If you must, point out that person with the skin that looks like leather and ask them if that is what they want to look like? I am sure most kids will say YUK no way. I must say that I do enjoy the sun. I feel as if my batteries are recharged.


Well said. This is pretty much what we have done, pointed out the positives and negatives. That along with the fact that I periodically have to go have little things frozen off my face at the dermatologist has pretty much scared them into not wanting to stay in the sun without protection!;)

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I think many things are good in moderation, but can be very harmful in excess. Tanning is one of them. I have a tanning bed that I use all year long. I don't ever get really dark, just a little color. Before I bought it I discussed it with a friend of mine who is a P.A. for a dermatologist, and she agreed that it could actually be good for me if used in moderation.

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Why don't you know the answer to this? Haven't you EVER done anything bad for you? Why or why not? This question puts people that do it on the defensive.


I don't see why this question should put anyone on the defensive.


OP, I've wondered this many times, mainly with respect to my husband. He is fair, blue-eyed and very freckled. He loves to bake full faced in the son with no sunscreen. He's had precancerous lesions removed multiple times and he continues to do this whenever we go on vacation. We live on the soccer field in the Texas sun and he never wears sunscreen. I don't get it, but I've given up trying to change it. I think he truly believes nothing bad could ever happen to him, so he doesn't need to worry about it. :rolleyes: Plus, I think he really enjoys the sensation.


I'm of Hispanic origin, wear 50 sunscreen, a baseball cap, and still get brown as a nut, even if I try to stay in the shade. I HATE lying in the sun - I get overheated and it's boring as Hell from my perspective.


But to each his own. I have a few vices of my own. I think it's called DENIAL!:D

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I don't see why this question should put anyone on the defensive.


OP, I've wondered this many times, mainly with respect to my husband. He is fair, blue-eyed and very freckled. He loves to bake full faced in the son with no sunscreen. He's had precancerous lesions removed multiple times and he continues to do this whenever we go on vacation. We live on the soccer field in the Texas sun and he never wears sunscreen. I don't get it, but I've given up trying to change it. I think he truly believes nothing bad could ever happen to him, so he doesn't need to worry about it. :rolleyes: Plus, I think he really enjoys the sensation.


I'm of Hispanic origin, wear 50 sunscreen, a baseball cap, and still get brown as a nut, even if I try to stay in the shade. I HATE lying in the sun - I get overheated and it's boring as Hell from my perspective.


But to each his own. I have a few vices of my own. I think it's called DENIAL!:D


I think the idea of "it won't be a problem for me" or "it will be a problem, but I'll deal with it later" is how a lot of people feel about it. It is a problem for me, it was for my mother, so I want to make sure it won't be for my kids!

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not a sun worshiper here!


when I was 15 I was diagnosed with level 4 malignant melanoma and was told if I didn't have surgery immediatly I would be dead before my 16th birthday.


I have 7 inch long, 2 in wide, deep scar across my back. looks like a shark bite!


I deffinatly don't sun bathe, I love cruising, and have been asked why I cruise if I can't go in the sun. Like being in the sun is a requirement.


I have successfuly gone on 4 cruise and come back just as pastey if not more so than when I left and still had the time of my life!!!!

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not a sun worshiper here!


when I was 15 I was diagnosed with and was told if I didn't have surgery immediatly I would be dead before my 16th birthday.


I have 7 inch long, 2 in wide deep scar across my back. looks like a shark bite!


I deffinatly don't sun bathe, I love cruising, and have ben asked why I cruise if I can;t go in the sun. Like being in the sun is a requirement.


I have successfuly gone on 4 cruise and come back just as pastey if not more so than when I left and still had the time of my life!!!!


Congratulations on your expected little bundle of joy.

To tell us of your survival for level 4 malignant melanoma is an eye opener that I hope others read and realize it can happen to anyone, at any age.

Thank you for sharing this.

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not a sun worshiper here!


when I was 15 I was diagnosed with level 4 malignant melanoma and was told if I didn't have surgery immediatly I would be dead before my 16th birthday.


I have 7 inch long, 2 in wide, deep scar across my back. looks like a shark bite!


I deffinatly don't sun bathe, I love cruising, and have been asked why I cruise if I can't go in the sun. Like being in the sun is a requirement.


I have successfuly gone on 4 cruise and come back just as pastey if not more so than when I left and still had the time of my life!!!!


That must have been scary! I'm glad it all worked out in the end. I haven't had anything like that happen, but I do have to watch for things that pop up on my face occasionally, and I have to make sure I put on the sunscreen whenever I am out in the sun for a while.

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My cats love to sunbathe. Of course, they seek out all sources of warmth, including freshly dried laundry, a heating pad and sleeping humans, so I think the warmth theory probably applies to humans.


I don't like to overheat, and I do it quickly if I'm just sitting in the sun. Most of my time in the sun is spent doing stuff, mainly gardening at home (we live by the coast where it never gets too hot). On a cruise I like to read in the fresh air, but I'm like Goldilocks - too hot, too breezy, too noisy - so I move around a lot. I love water sports, and that's where I'll have to be careful - you get twice (or is it more?) the exposure because of the reflection off the water. But we never go out without applying sunscreen. I use at least 15, and DH (an Irishman who spent too many years in the Navy getting fried on deck) uses 30+.

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I'm not yelling at anyone. I just asked a question. Why are so many people so sensitive about this?


You are probably new to these boards. A good rule of thumb is to never criticize anything on these boards expecially anything having to do with RCCL on this board. Limit your posts to questions like "Should I bring towels with me?", or "Are you from Any City, USA, too?

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This thread caught my eye as I was looking for info on RCCL cruises. I did the baby oil, tanning bed thing in my 20s too, but I just thought that I'd mention that if you get melanoma, even if you catch it early, the surgery can scar you and the treatments are absolute torture. My husband fought melanoma for four years (and we cruised many times on the Rhapsody during his battle), and now I am a 40 year old widow. I also feel better with a tan, but it's just not worth it. I hate to be a bummer on a vacation board, but he would have kicked my butt if I didn't weigh in on this subject. He was a lot of fun, but when he saw sunburned people on board he would tell them what the sun had done to him. He thought it was his responsibility because we never knew before how deadly sun cancer could be.


Ok - back to looking for fun vacation info...


All my best to everyone

- Mia

Remembering Kerry, who I lost six weeks after our last cruise,

and at his funeral were many of the friends we'd made on our dozen cruises.

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You are probably new to these boards. A good rule of thumb is to never criticize anything on these boards expecially anything having to do with RCCL on this board. Limit your posts to questions like "Should I bring towels with me?", or "Are you from Any City, USA, too?

I've been posting since June 2005...does that make me new? And I didn't criticize anything or anybody! Go back and ready my original post.

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I think many things are good in moderation, but can be very harmful in excess. Tanning is one of them. I have a tanning bed that I use all year long. I don't ever get really dark, just a little color. Before I bought it I discussed it with a friend of mine who is a P.A. for a dermatologist, and she agreed that it could actually be good for me if used in moderation.

I agree with that. My PA told me year ago if I wanted to tan because it helped my depression,go ahead just use common sense. Alot healthier than all the meds for depression.



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You are probably new to these boards. A good rule of thumb is to never criticize anything on these boards expecially anything having to do with RCCL on this board. Limit your posts to questions like "Should I bring towels with me?", or "Are you from Any City, USA, too?


Please tell me you are kidding. :confused:

This board would be the most boring place in the world with nobody reading it. This question is mild compared to what has been posted and asked on here.

And, the OP never criticized RCCL in any way, shape or form. Just asked why?

Just my opinion, and I'm not new on here.

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Please tell me you are kidding. :confused:

This board would be the most boring place in the world with nobody reading it. This question is mild compared to what has been posted and asked on here.

And, the OP never criticized RCCL in any way, shape or form. Just asked why?

Just my opinion, and I'm not new on here.


Thank you, Alexis! Nice to hear it from a "veteran".

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