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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. You keep equating seeing multiple NFL games on a cruise with Sunday Ticket. There are other mechanisms besides Sunday Ticket that cruise lines use to show those games.
  2. Maybe it's just me, but that does NOT look appetizing.
  3. He kind of answered. Basically said they would take a look at how to prevent it in the future. But he said that they obviously have to fill the ship however possible.
  4. Basically the same reasons for me. Also I wouldn't want to be away from family (including pets) for that long.
  5. Interesting final question about keeping non full world cruisers off of the next world cruise.
  6. Sunday Ticket is not the only way for them to do this.
  7. I was pointing out that this time of year, there is no EST. It is EDT.
  8. I agree with this. And if you happen to walk near an outside door as it opens, you'll definitely get a blast of cold (well, very cool) air.
  9. The sofa bed is anything but a king or queen bed.
  10. They are filling and cheap to make - a win/win for the cruise line.
  11. Same here. I'm careful about skin cancer so the promenade deck is great.
  12. Ohhh THAT promenade! I agree. I love being close to the water and that's the best place for it.
  13. Last time I checked, wine contains alcohol also.
  14. What port will you be disembarking from? What airport will you be flying out of?
  15. Maybe they had to pay royalties for the music and they decided to eliminate that cost.😁
  16. Fair point. I wasn't sure which one the op was asking about.
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