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Semi live Iona Fjords April


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On 4/19/2023 at 9:01 PM, Durie1989 said:

Brilliant review and looks like you have had great weather up to now 😀
We are doing the same itinerary as you in June and was a bit stuck about what to do when we dock at Stavanger, if we can book a Uber then we will do that. Is it a local app that’s required to download?

We are also going to do the sky lift at Olden, what time in the morning did you go as we want to avoid the queues ? 


I would recommend the nearby petroleum museum. Went on a recommend and it was surprisingly very good. 

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48 minutes ago, SquishTheWhale said:

I second this! My husband wanted to go and I thought it sounded deathly boring but it was great

We enjoyed it as well. It’s a useful diversion for those of us who have done Stavanger to death!

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19th April. Ålesund


Up, ready and dressed quick this morning as we wanted to be off early in case of crowds, means we can be back early. Steve had said he wanted to go on a boat, think it was to look at the Seven Sisters but we hadn’t booked anything. Walking to the buffet at 7.40 and nanan is in the hot tub waiting for the kids. She had assumed we would be going in but we hadn’t this morning. We went to the buffet for breakfast and they joined us in there. Wouldn’t say it was brilliant choice. Scott got the kids muffins but didn’t realise till they ate them that it was the black cherry ones he wanted and there was no more of them now. All you could see out the window was a mountain with steps all the way up. I said there is no way I’m doing that.


After breakfast we got off the ship and had a wander. We went to look at the train I said I wanted to go on. We walked past the harbour and through some high street that was closed as it was still early.




Then we got to a little park and would you know, those steps I’ve said I wouldn’t do. There is no way, me at my size can get up those steps. I walked a little way up with the kids and then stopped on a bench and decided I wasn’t going any further. I took the bag and Scott took my credit card and him and the kids went to the top. I tried to get a little further up, definitely this is going to be what kills me. I got half way and thought I couldn’t do any more. Had a good sit down on the bench and after 10mins I decided to try again since I was half way. Walked up with a couple that were as slow as me so we kept stopping and finally managed to get to the top.


And oh my god it was the best thing ever, worth nearly dying to get there.
Oh wait no it wasn’t.

But there was my little family sat having ice creams in the sun not fazed by the steps at all. Kids had probably ran up.






We spent a good 30 odd minutes until my heart rate had got back to normal before we set off back down. Worries me when Scott doesn’t hold the kids hands. I had Georgia and she slipped but luckily I had hold of her and I had a railing. There were so many people coming up at this point. Everyone passing and only one side has a railing. It didn’t feel very safe at all. We walked past a park and stopped for a swing.

Then we went into a little shop for some crisps and sweets.


We got back on the ship and got changed for the swimming pool. We went to the hot tub on the deck 17 and it was too full so we went back down inside and sat in a hot tub for 20mins.




We were getting a bit peckish so we went to the buffet for lunch. We had biriani chicken and some pork. It wasn’t brilliant.





The kids wanted to go to the club but there was another hour to wait. We went back to the cabin and Scott and Georgia had a little sunbathe. Scott fell asleep on the balcony, I had to call Georgia in as she would burn.



Scarlett was  I took them to the club and came back. I was shattered so we both had a nap after Scott had come in from the sun. It’s lovely napping with the balcony open.


We had set the alarm to get the kids from the club at 4.45 and Georgia decided that Anderson would be a good idea so we got a gin each. Just because I wanted to try it from last time. I wish I hadn’t. I felt drunk all night it wasn’t a nice feeling but the drink was quite nice. The kids read their Harry potter books whilst we had those.

The menu didn’t look good for tonight and we couldn’t decide if to go to the theatre to watch that festival or to go to the comedian in the club house. We ended up cancelling the theatre and rescheduling for tomorrow and planning on the club house.


We got changed. Went to the buffet. It was egg fried rice and sticky pork with chicken tikka and rice. It wasn’t brilliant. Nor were the puddings.

We went to the club house just before 8 and got a table. I had fetched my own drink for me and the kids. Scott got some beer and we watched the show. It wasn’t actually that funny and we were all a little fed up tonight so we decided that we were just going to go back to the room and chill for a little.

The kids put the tv on and watched some Disney channel Jessie and we did a little packing. Then sleep for 10.30.



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On 4/19/2023 at 9:01 PM, Durie1989 said:

Brilliant review and looks like you have had great weather up to now 😀
We are doing the same itinerary as you in June and was a bit stuck about what to do when we dock at Stavanger, if we can book a Uber then we will do that. Is it a local app that’s required to download?

We are also going to do the sky lift at Olden, what time in the morning did you go as we want to avoid the queues ? 

We were off the ship first thing. Hadnt booked to had to queue for the tickets when we realised what we wanted to do. We had a 30mins queue to get on the shuttle bus and was on the lift by 10am. It was packed when we came back down so next time I’m going to pre book tickets so we can be straight there. 

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If there was a way to vote for the best cruise reviews, Vamps gets my vote. I just love the real world descriptions of everything, and those two girls are adorable. The weather on this cruise looks sensational. 

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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

If there was a way to vote for the best cruise reviews, Vamps gets my vote. I just love the real world descriptions of everything, and those two girls are adorable. The weather on this cruise looks sensational. 

Totally agree


I love the fact we get to know about the conversations going on inside her head as well as what she actually does!


Great storyteller and I dont think she's even trying to be


I bet she's absolutely brilliant company as well!!


Good job she doesn't show her own picture as she would become too famous and have people approaching asking for autographs at this rate



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There used to be a little road train in Alesund that took you up to that viewpoint, a bit more heart friendly! We also visited the aquarium when we went there a few years ago, not the biggest but the view from the outside part where the penguins are was breathtaking. 

Great review and your girls are adorable.

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We are on this cruise in May


What are the must do port excursions if any?


I've heard some are really expensive? 


Or do we just get to see great scenery from the ship as it is anyway


Is there anything that we must do no matter what the cost?


Don't mind paying if it's incredible


If not will just walk around the port areas etc 

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4 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

That's a great update. Very entertaining.


So do you recommend going up those steps or not now that you've recovered?

Definitely recommend doing the steps, but only if you have good, clear weather.

We have done them for a few cruises/years now.

Gets a little tougher each time, but well worth it! Just go at your own pace. 

From reading your posts you seem pretty fit, so it'll be a breeze for you.

Plenty of places to rest and take pictures on the way up. 

There are some nice trails at the top too and a cafe. 


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6 hours ago, Selbourne said:

If there was a way to vote for the best cruise reviews, Vamps gets my vote. I just love the real world descriptions of everything, and those two girls are adorable. The weather on this cruise looks sensational. 

My thought was how Vamps and Scott are giving those little girls happy memories that will last for all of their lives.

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20th April. Haugesund


The phone went at 6.30. It was nanan and I was grumpy from then on. They had planned to meet for swimming at 7 so no clue why she rung and woke everyone. So Scott and the kids went there while I had a relaxing shower without people annoying me. I’d just finished getting ready and they were back with banana chips xxx. I dried their wet hair and they got dressed. We went to the buffet for breakfast and then met nanan and grandad outside after getting off the ship.


I was sure there was a shuttle included but they kept saying they wanted to charge us 90nok so we walked it. Wasn’t a brilliant walk but we managed. Nanan was in flip flops though. We looked in a few shops and had a good walk around the town centre. The kids bought some cool tweezers and a cupcake. Chose Oreo though rather than a different Norwegian flavour. Scott was getting annoyed at his mother as she was spending ages in tat shops, telling me this used to happen on holidays as kids. We had a walk around and down near the marina and since there wasn’t much there we had a walk back to the ship.





We went to the quays for lunch. Georgia had chicken. I had a burger and Scott and Scarlett had fish and chips. The burger wasn’t great. The kids were booked into the kids club and they had already decided they wanted to go. We wanted to go and book some 2025 cruises for school holidays. The first one was the Mediterranean in April for £2662 which we’d though was good. Then fjords in May for £1888 and look at Greece in July for £4912. Seemed to be a glitch online that the prices kept changing though so we went down the the loyalty desk. We got the first one orders and got onboard £100 credit. The second and third were wrong pricing so we didn’t end up booking.


Disappointed we went to get cocktails at the emerald bar. We were just sitting down and we saw Tracy and Steve. Scott bought a fairground and sorbetto. Tracey got the s’mores and fairground. I’d already said we were buying rounds but Scott wanted to get them a drink so got the La Laguna, rock that smoked, treasure island and espresso martini. Didn’t seems like his dad enjoyed the drink at all and his mum wanted to take the glass home.


Nanan had promised the kids to take them to the circus workshop so we collected them at 4, Steve went for a smoke and Scott went to get the menu and all met at the club house. We then all tried our hand at the spinning plates. No one could do it at all the kids were better than us but all the adults were getting quite competitive. Really stressed us that we couldn’t do it.


The plan for tonight was the sit down meal and then floor fillers at the club house. Tracey and Steve wanted a nap then we’re going to watch the person from ELO and then go to the buffet. We went back to get ready for the night, have a quick shower and to the coral restaurant for 6ish.

Scarlett had steak, egg and chips. Georgia had fish gingers and chips. Me and Scott has Indonesian chicken salad then chicken Milanese. Pudding was cheese cake and chocolate sponge. We enjoyed the main just like we did last time.












After we had dinner we couldn’t be bothered to go to the club house, instead we went back to the cabin and watched a film. All in bed by 10.30 as we were all really tired at that point, and I was mardy after Scott had stole my pillow.


Edited by Host Sharon
Disguised foul language
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21st April. At Sea.


Woke up this morning at 6.30 with no alarm. Georgia was being mardy and Scarlett was in our bed for snuggles. Georgia wanted to go swimming but the rest of us couldn’t be bothered. We wanted to go to the sit down breakfast so we got showered and dressed and down there for 8.20. I’m not sure why we bothered. I didn’t rate much to the breakfast but then again I don’t really like breakfast much. We had Greek yogurt and honey then eggs Benedict and the kids had pancakes. I promised them proper ones when we get to Florida.





They were booked in at the kids club at 10am so we took them there and we chilled in the room. I might have had a nap. I was really sleepy today. We were trying to make a plan for today and Tracey called on the cabin phone. She asked where the kids were etc. We told her they were at the club and we were picking them up at 11.45. We were going to go to the buffet for lunch at 12 as they wanted to go back to the club at 2.


We got to the buffer. It was meatball and spaghetti with some noodles for me and Scarlett. Georgia just had spaghetti and salad. Scott decided he didn’t like the looks of mine so went to the quays for fish and chips to fetch back up. Rolly polly pudding was nice but needed more jam. Nanan took the kids to look at the sweet shop but didn’t buy anything. I might have fallen asleep for half hour again.


They went back to the kids club at 2 and we went to see about another cruise but the queue was massive. We got the menu for tonight and sat in the emerald bar with a drink. We needed to make a plan for tonight. The kids want to go with Steve and Tracey to see a magic show at 6.30. We have olive grove booked at the same time but I don’t think we are fussed to go there at all. Just means either an early dinner for the kids and a table for 2 or a late dinner for all of us.



We got the kids from the club and chilled out in the cabin before getting ready for the last night.


All dressed and ready to go to meet Tracey and Steve in the club house at 6. They were watching the magician at 6.30 and we were going to the beach house. I didn’t manage to take any photos of the food, I forgot. We had chicken and pizza then lemon tart.

This is the olive grove fully booked. 



don’t know why the photo keeps being upside down. 



We went up to the buffet for second pudding (hence the reason I cannot make it up those stairs fast) and a coffee from the room. After we had dropped off the coffee we met back at the club house to watch the comedian and met the girls and the in laws there. Georgia had run up to the stage to get a sock, Scarlett went with her and the comedian said they were like the shinning twins. We didn’t stay long as we needed to pack.



All showered and in bed for 9.30. We set the clocks to uk time again and tried to get the kids to sleep. I didn’t have my blanket so was going to be freezing so getting a towel, as Scott has to have the stupid air con on.


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22nd April.


Alarm set for 6am. We were up and showered and Scott when and got pastries for breakfast. We chilled in the room till 8am then went to sit in the club house for the 8.30am call to leave. It was around 8.50 when they called then took ages to get let out of the club house. We found our bags and queued again. Worst disembarkation from p&o yet. We are going to do the self one next time and leave at 7.30. Then I can keep my blanket and toiletries too.


We were on the road for about 9.45. Later than we usually are. Nanan and grandad had got off at the same time and they needed to book a coach back. Scott drove back, I offered but as I am apparently a bad driver the offer was declined. We had two stops for the toilet (with hubby cursing under his breath as usual)

We managed to get back, top up petrol, go to Asda for milk and all important beer and cooplands for cheese straws for lunch by 1.30.

One load of washing out and we unpacked the rest of the cases. We got the house all tidy, ordered a Chinese and watched the new power ranger film. Couldn’t wait for 9pm when it was acceptable to go to bed.


I enjoyed the fjords cruise. We especially liked olden for the sky lift and would do it again. Glad we made the decision to go even though I don’t like heights. I didn’t think the fjords sights on this one was as good as we last did. I think the way into Hellesylt might be the one I was thinking of that we enjoyed.

We didn’t spend as much money as I thought and I came in under budget. I have lots of Nok left as didn’t spend that much cash which is a little annoying.


Off to the next holiday. Countdown for Florida 36 days!!! Then I have 6 whole months to wait for the next holiday. I’ve been born into the wrong life, I needed to be rich.


£300.05 Nok

£200 Deposit for next cruise

£160.42 on iona spends.






















































Club house
























Emerald bar




















Olive grove












Club house




Club house
































The club house








The club house









Ice cream




Ice cream




Ice cream




Ice cream




















Doom bar








Doom bar








Doom bar




Doom bar




































Doom bar








Doom bar












































Doom bar








Doom bar
















Doom bar








Doom bar








Doom bar








Doom bar













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Vamps. You must post some stuff from florida. Nothing to do with cruising, I know, but a few on the" what are things like where you are" thread ?. Would be great. Happy smiley little faces would cheer us up.

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27 minutes ago, zap99 said:

Vamps. You must post some stuff from florida. Nothing to do with cruising, I know, but a few on the" what are things like where you are" thread ?. Would be great. Happy smiley little faces would cheer us up.

yes I will do zap

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Loved your live thread vamps and your lovely girls smiling faces to cheer us all up . We’re off to Iceland & Norway in June and going up Loen sky lift again for much longer walks this time and so much want some of that snow to remain for us , probably not but it’s just so beautiful views up there worth every penny. 

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