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A Coronation and Live From 12 Day British Isles on the Regal


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I’ve been really enjoying your live blog thank you.


I’ve been following since the beginning. During your trip I stopped reading because I had an impromptu emergency trip to see family in Nairn- near inverness


I can recommend a trip to inverness if there is a next time. And a better guide at Cawdor would make the world of difference. Brodie castle is good too. Smaller lochs are prettier than the massive Loch ness. I love LOCH AN EILEIN. And a trip out on a boat or a rib to spot dolphins is my favourite.


managed to get some time to myself. Was offered the chance to see a cruise ship out of

invergorden (grim place imo). I jumped at the opportunity because why wouldn’t you if you are a cruiser! I took some pictures for you. Feel free to do whatever you wish with them if you want to.


some info about the pictures for anyone interested. The oil rig platform you see was pulled here and likely to be dismantled and sold for scrap. Cromarty has been labeled the oil rigs graveyard & locals are understandably v upset that they keep being ‘dumped’ by the shore taking years to be moved on


While the rigs are dismantled they have set up places in the north for green energy- building the wind turbines. To the right of the Regal Princess in one picture you’ll be able to see long white poles standing up. Those are the bases for the turbines. Also had the blades lying down between the poles and the ship.


and the two hills you sail between to get into the Moray firth- they are ‘The Sutors’

Google: Cromarty The Sutors to read the interesting history & myths around those.











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1 hour ago, Steelers0854 said:

correct, I meant the sauce that came with it on the plate. Had there been more of that it would have helped with the dryness of the chicken. 


You’re not wrong, but also we had a couple hours of guided tour driving around the city, which you could argue you could get from the HO/HO side as well. The museum is also free for everyone so that doesn’t really factor in either. Princess tours will NEVER present a value vs booking on your own but the costs do add up. Taxi into the city and back, $70, lunch for 2, $65, Castle tickets $40, HO/HO $40. You can probably argue we got a better tour from a local guide than the HO/HO would offer. In addition all I had to do was show up and not organize anything. Also, we got back to the dock after 6pm which was the time of the last tender back to the ship but because we were on a Princess tour it wasn’t an issue and traffic was very bad getting to and from the ship. 

That all makes a lot of sense.  We have the Edinburgh on your own booked and while it's more expensive than getting a taxi, I like the guaranteed 'getting back to the ship' aspect.  Thanks for this thread and all the help and advice.

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Day 11 At Sea


Last night we went to our first production show onboard Bravo. The performers were exceptionally talented and had amazing voices. My only complaint was the song choices. But I’m certain there were those that very much enjoyed the selection so this is a very personal preference. Either way it was a great show!




Here is the Patter for today






We got up this morning and grabbed a small bite at the buffet. We attended the Navigational Officer presentation which I always enjoy. This third officer did a great job with his presentation at the ripe old age of 23!


We started our lunch up in the buffet. DWs favorite soup was on hand, Chicken tortilla. She had to do it sans the tortilla as they were flour tortillas. The main section of the buffet was sushi and a dessert extravaganza.









They also have this shawarma station each day and change the meat. They had chicken one day and today was beef with lamb fat, interesting. But it’s a nice option. 



We headed to Alfredo’s for lunch. DW said hers was average. GF/Vegan crust is generally like a cracker type consistency. The one at Alfredo’s is distinctively chewy. It’s unfortunate that with all the other food advancements they still don’t offer a vegan cheese. This seems like an easy thing to have and would be nice to offer those with allergies. They also were careful and wouldn’t let her do pepperoni as they didn’t have the ingredients from the manufacturer and couldn’t guarantee the safety. Much appreciated. I got the Mari Antipasta and yea before you ask that’s the best pizza topping on my pizza, pineapple. 😎.








After lunch we are headed to the Voices of the Ocean finale.


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Day 11 At Sea cont. 


as we have moved further south the internet has improved considerably. While I have never had an issue with watching YouTube videos, accessing websites etc it was noticeably the last few days. 

I neglected to comment on my Alfredo’s pizza in my last post. Both Alfredo’s and the Trident grill have disappointed me this trip and they used to be 2 of my staples on board. Granted it’s been a while, and maybe my recollection is off, but each have made compromises that I found disappointing. Starting with Alfredo’s since that was lunch today. The pizza in the center was soggy. Like to the point where you couldnt pick it up and eat it. Also, I’m not sure how but it lacked any flavor. I remember Alfredo’s being so good that todays visit left me wanting more. Maybe it’s a one off, a bad day, maybe it’s what I ordered. Unfortunately I do t have time this trip to give it another run. Maybe others can chime in on your recent experience there.


Now the Trident grill. I’ve always loved the fact that princess has this. Oasis class+ on Royal are too big and just mass produce burgers for grab and go. Disney has such limited options it can be hard to even figure out when you can get something to eat. Carnival has it figured out with Guys Burgers. It’s the only redeeming quality to Carnival IMO. But the burger themselves are where Trident fell flat. They are these hulking fused together patty. In fact I’m not even certain it was ground beef. All you get is this dense mouthfeel that resembles more of a hockey puck than a burger. It was off putting.


This is too bad too because I feel like the food in the buffet and the MDR (with the exception of the 2 dishes I discussed previously) had been so very good.


Speaking of dinner. We relaxed this afternoon, Voice of the Ocean was fun and we lounged and read in the piazza until it was time for dinner. Tonight is “Dress to impress” which I guess is Princess moving away from formal night but not really moving away from formal night. All right by me, I’m rocking my dress pants and polo either way. But tonight is my favorite menu. Yes we have the tenderloin and lobster, but you also have the show stopper, escargot!  I just realized just now one thing I haven’t seen, unless I missed it, is the twined baked goat cheese soufflé. Maybe it’s only on certain itineraries?  Tragic I haven’t seen it yet though!





DW got the cold soup which she said was delicious, the risotto (which was a starter and was a huge portion!) which she also really enjoyed and the land and sea. Having a point of comparison now the best thing appears to be to just stick to the lobster when it’s on the menu tonight but the steak from the grill menu can be worth the $19 upcharge. The lobster was basically identical both nights so not worth the extra cost.








I got the escargot which of course was excellent and the seafood deviled eggs which were very good as well. I got the land and sea and I really was intrigued by the seared tuna and asked to try that as well. The tuna was a sizable portion. The corn wasn’t really soy glazed, and the onion was more soggy then crispy but the tuna was perfectly cooked and had great flavor. The land and sea was solid as always. Steak and lobster both perfectly cooked.










DW got another panacotta type dessert. It was just ok, it’s very gritty and has a strong jello like consistency. The desserts this trip for her have been unusually bad. She had typically had some of the best desserts on cruise ships, this trip the clear winners have been from our excursions.




Here is the vegan menu for tomorrow.



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This is such a great thread.  I have never thought Trident Grill was all that.  I get the hot dog but never the hamburger.  It's frozen, pressed beef and full of preservatives and taste awful.  So this ship is still Trident Grill and hasn't switched over to Salty Dog?

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Day 12 Le Havre, France (7am-8pm): Normandy Landing Beaches


Last night we went to the show by ventriloquist Gareth Oliver. He was an excellent comedian but just an ok ventriloquist, very worth seeing though as he was very funny and touched adult themes without being crude.


It’s a beautiful morning coming into La Havre.




The QM2 stole our berth today. She is 2 meters deeper than our ship and needed that berth so we had to park further out. 



We met for our tour at 7:30 in Princess live. It’s going to be a long day but it looks like we are going to have outstanding weather. We were off the ship and on the bus by 8. We left shortly after that on our narrated drive. This bus unfortunately didn’t have USB plugs for chargers like the last few buses we had which was disappointing.


Our first stop will be the American Cemetery. It was a 2 and a half hour drive. We stopped after about an hour at a gas station for a restroom break. There was also a bathroom on the bus in case it was needed. On my travels in Europe I have always found the food at gas stations to be among the best quick eats around, unlike back in the states. This gas station was beautiful with huge clean restrooms and plenty of options from coffee to food. I picked a Nutella donut and it was amazing. Sorry I forgot to grab a photo, it didn’t last long. 😎








At the American cemetery we had just under 2 hours. Our guide provided a narrated tour for the first part but the majority of the time we had on our own. I feel like this was an appropriate amount of time to do everything and not be rushed.











We took a short drive down to Omaha Beach and spent 30 minutes here before departing for lunch. This could have easily been cut down to 15, a quick hop off type of stop.






It was a 40ish min drive to the restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was located directly across from the museum we were visiting after lunch. Lunch was at 1:45pm and we meet the bus at 4:15pm to return to the ship. So that’s 2.5 hours for lunch and the museum on your own. Lunch was at the hotel de normandie.


DWs salad was the same as mine just sans the cheese and egg. The chicken and potatoes the came out with bacon and a cream sauce was delicious. DW got a plate with just the chicken and potatoes. This was the most challenging of all the places we have eaten. Our guide did call ahead and helped initially let the staff know but then we didn’t see her again. The staff doesn’t speak English and so we did our best with preprinted cards we had to communicate the allergies. It looked ok, but the chicken could have very well been cooked in butter and we just wouldn’t know. The staff did their best to express that it was safe for her to eat based on the allergy card so we shall see.








The war museum has above Audi guided tour. We had about an hour here after lunch’s had it wasn’t enough. The other issue, this place was PACKED. so we walked through it as best we can and listened to a few of the recordings. I think you need 90+ minutes here with freedom of movement to get it done properly. To me, the highlight here was right outside.




The tide had pulled out and with it revealed some of the historical treasures from the war. It was amazing to be able to walk out and touch the literal pieces that helped facilitate the flow of goods and troops during the war.





Before we know it, it was time to meet the bus to return to the ship. It’s about 1 hour 45 minutes back. We are on our way now.


Overall I’m thankful I got the opportunity to visit these sites. It’s a sobering reminder of how horrific that war was and privilege to be able to say I saw it in person. I would recommend it for those going to La Havre.


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58 minutes ago, Steelers0854 said:

Day 12 Le Havre, France (7am-8pm): Normandy Landing Beaches


Last night we went to the show by ventriloquist Gareth Oliver. He was an excellent comedian but just an ok ventriloquist, very worth seeing though as he was very funny and touched adult themes without being crude.


It’s a beautiful morning coming into La Havre.




The QM2 stole our berth today. She is 2 meters deeper than our ship and needed that berth so we had to park further out. 



We met for our tour at 7:30 in Princess live. It’s going to be a long day but it looks like we are going to have outstanding weather. We were off the ship and on the bus by 8. We left shortly after that on our narrated drive. This bus unfortunately didn’t have USB plugs for chargers like the last few buses we had which was disappointing.


Our first stop will be the American Cemetery. It was a 2 and a half hour drive. We stopped after about an hour at a gas station for a restroom break. There was also a bathroom on the bus in case it was needed. On my travels in Europe I have always found the food at gas stations to be among the best quick eats around, unlike back in the states. This gas station was beautiful with huge clean restrooms and plenty of options from coffee to food. I picked a Nutella donut and it was amazing. Sorry I forgot to grab a photo, it didn’t last long. 😎








At the American cemetery we had just under 2 hours. Our guide provided a narrated tour for the first part but the majority of the time we had on our own. I feel like this was an appropriate amount of time to do everything and not be rushed.











We took a short drive down to Omaha Beach and spent 30 minutes here before departing for lunch. This could have easily been cut down to 15, a quick hop off type of stop.






It was a 40ish min drive to the restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was located directly across from the museum we were visiting after lunch. Lunch was at 1:45pm and we meet the bus at 4:15pm to return to the ship. So that’s 2.5 hours for lunch and the museum on your own. Lunch was at the hotel de normandie.


DWs salad was the same as mine just sans the cheese and egg. The chicken and potatoes the came out with bacon and a cream sauce was delicious. DW got a plate with just the chicken and potatoes. This was the most challenging of all the places we have eaten. Our guide did call ahead and helped initially let the staff know but then we didn’t see her again. The staff doesn’t speak English and so we did our best with preprinted cards we had to communicate the allergies. It looked ok, but the chicken could have very well been cooked in butter and we just wouldn’t know. The staff did their best to express that it was safe for her to eat based on the allergy card so we shall see.








The war museum has above Audi guided tour. We had about an hour here after lunch’s had it wasn’t enough. The other issue, this place was PACKED. so we walked through it as best we can and listened to a few of the recordings. I think you need 90+ minutes here with freedom of movement to get it done properly. To me, the highlight here was right outside.




The tide had pulled out and with it revealed some of the historical treasures from the war. It was amazing to be able to walk out and touch the literal pieces that helped facilitate the flow of goods and troops during the war.





Before we know it, it was time to meet the bus to return to the ship. It’s about 1 hour 45 minutes back. We are on our way now.


Overall I’m thankful I got the opportunity to visit these sites. It’s a sobering reminder of how horrific that war was and privilege to be able to say I saw it in person. I would recommend it for those going to La Havre.


  • I’ve been enjoying your entries (and entrees) very much. Wondered if Covid was present on the ship this cruise?
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On 5/18/2023 at 9:22 AM, Steelers0854 said:

 Nooooo! It can’t be!



I like how they have organized this disembarkation schedule.  Another good feature is the independent walk-off.  It's just open to go whenever feel like it and this is what we have been doing for sometime now anyway when we don't have over-sized luggage.

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1 hour ago, Myrtice said:
  • I’ve been enjoying your entries (and entrees) very much. Wondered if Covid was present on the ship this cruise?

no clue. Nothing has been said and nothing seems out of the ordinary. That said. I was gonna say in a post that 50% of people on board seems to be coughing up a lung. If we dont get sick I would be surprised. But then again we both have had COVID, RSV and the flu in the last several months so we may dodge this bullet. Yea, it was a fun winter. 

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1 hour ago, Steelers0854 said:

Day 12 Le Havre, France (7am-8pm): Normandy Landing Beaches




We met for our tour at 7:30 in Princess live. It’s going to be a long day but it looks like we are going to have outstanding weather. We were off the ship and on the bus by 8. We left shortly after that on our narrated drive. This bus unfortunately didn’t have USB plugs for chargers like the last few buses we had which was disappointing.


Our first stop will be the American Cemetery. It was a 2 and a half hour drive. We stopped after about an hour at a gas station for a restroom break. There was also a bathroom on the bus in case it was needed. On my travels in Europe I have always found the food at gas stations to be among the best quick eats around, unlike back in the states. This gas station was beautiful with huge clean restrooms and plenty of options from coffee to food. I picked a Nutella donut and it was amazing. Sorry I forgot to grab a photo, it didn’t last long. 😎


At the American cemetery we had just under 2 hours. Our guide provided a narrated tour for the first part but the majority of the time we had on our own. I feel like this was an appropriate amount of time to do everything and not be rushed.



We took a short drive down to Omaha Beach and spent 30 minutes here before departing for lunch. This could have easily been cut down to 15, a quick hop off type of stop.



It was a 40ish min drive to the restaurant for lunch. The restaurant was located directly across from the museum we were visiting after lunch. Lunch was at 1:45pm and we meet the bus at 4:15pm to return to the ship. So that’s 2.5 hours for lunch and the museum on your own. Lunch was at the hotel de normandie.




The war museum has above Audi guided tour. We had about an hour here after lunch’s had it wasn’t enough. The other issue, this place was PACKED. so we walked through it as best we can and listened to a few of the recordings. I think you need 90+ minutes here with freedom of movement to get it done properly. To me, the highlight here was right outside.


The tide had pulled out and with it revealed some of the historical treasures from the war. It was amazing to be able to walk out and touch the literal pieces that helped facilitate the flow of goods and troops during the war.


Before we know it, it was time to meet the bus to return to the ship. It’s about 1 hour 45 minutes back. We are on our way now.


Overall I’m thankful I got the opportunity to visit these sites. It’s a sobering reminder of how horrific that war was and privilege to be able to say I saw it in person. I would recommend it for those going to La Havre.


Glad you got to go there, but seems like you didn't get to see that much with a long day.  I went from Paris one time and we were at Pointe du Hoc, a German bunker, two beaches, Caen museum, saw a display of landing hardware and methods, US Cemetery site and a brief stop at the Canadian cemetery site.  If you want more, hope you get a chance to go again.  It is a sobering experience in all.

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3 hours ago, Steelers0854 said:

Overall I’m thankful I got the opportunity to visit these sites. It’s a sobering reminder of how horrific that war was and privilege to be able to say I saw it in person.

A good bit of my life has been spent on the pursuits of food and wine.  Some would say too much.  But as a result people often ask me what my favorite meal has been, probably thinking that I am going to regale them with stories of Three-Star Michelin restaurants.  But my answer and story is always the same. And here it is.


I had an uncle who landed at Omaha Beach on D-Day with the Infantry.  My father parachuted in to Ste. Mere-Eglise as part of the Airborne a few weeks later.  In 1976 we took a family vacation to Europe on the QE2, with a trans-Atlantic on either end of the trip.  Our return trip was delayed due to a mechanical issue with the ship, and Cunard put us up in Cherbourg for two days while we waited for the ship to make its way over from Southampton.  During those extra two days my father decided to take us over to "The Beaches" and to the American Cemetery and nearby museums, including one in Ste. Mere-Eglise.  While visiting Omaha Beach at around lunchtime (which was far less developed than it is today), we spied a lone food cart vendor nearby.  My dad walked us over and we saw that he was selling a very French version of hotdogs.  While the cart looked like one you would see anywhere in New York City, this one was a bit different.  Attached to the cart was a foot-long wooden dowel that had been sharpened at the tip.  When we ordered our hotdogs, the man took half a baguette and instead of splitting it, he impaled it on the dowel.  He then took another long stick and slathered it in the hottest mustard I had ever had at the time, (I was only 13), and dipped into the hole he had made.  He then slid a hotdog into the baguette by way of the hole he had made through the impalement.  And there we stood, on the edge of the cliff, looking down at Omaha Beach, my older brother, father and me, silently, watching the calm waters and thinking about what things had been like 31 years earlier.  A lowly hotdog, eaten in silence, with my father, in the most impactful place I have ever been in my life.  That was my favorite meal of all time.  If you have the chance to go to the beaches and the cemeteries, do not pass up that opportunity.     

Edited by JimmyVWine
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18 minutes ago, JimmyVWine said:

And there we stood, on the edge of the cliff, looking down at Omaha Beach, my older brother, father and me, silently, watching the calm waters and thinking about what things had been like 31 years earlier. 

What an incredible story and memory!  Thank you for sharing it with us. ❤️

1 hour ago, Steelers36 said:

Glad you got to go there, but seems like you didn't get to see that much with a long day.  I went from Paris one time and we were at Pointe du Hoc, a German bunker, two beaches, Caen museum, saw a display of landing hardware and methods, US Cemetery site and a brief stop at the Canadian cemetery site.  If you want more, hope you get a chance to go again.  It is a sobering experience in all.

this sounds amazing. And you’re right we really didn’t get to see much. I struggle though with time commitments how we could have done more if we did it on our own. Lunch possibly could have been shorter but it was VERY busy where we were by the museum. We could have skipped the museum. We were supposed to go to Pointe du Hoc but during the cruise they left a note in our room and said that this was removed, not sure why. I wish we could have seen a bunker, that would have been pretty remarkable. Like you said, hopefully one day we can go back and do a little more. 

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Day 12 Le Havre, France (7am-8pm):


We got back with just enough time to pack and head to dinner.






DW tonight got the strawberry soup from the vegan menu which she said was the best starter she has had all cruise. Super smooth and not gritty and ice cold and flavorful. It was a win. She got the Chicken Korma and it was so good she ordered a second helping. The dessert was a tale of 2 cities. It was the best of times with the cherry sorbet on top but the mango “custard”/jelly underneath was a pass for her. It was a texture thing. I tried it and I thought it was pretty good.








I got the salmon cake which was like a Benedict with a perfectly cooked egg on top. The seafood cocktail was also good, the entire thing was packed with seafood but the picture is deceiving. I went with the prime rib and it was an excellent choice. Cooked really well, flavorful and I love a baked potato. I ended with the apple pie, which after today I shouldn’t have but YOLO. It was good as well.










After dinner we headed to the piazza and relaxed for a while before calling it a night to prepare for an early start and long day tomorrow.


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I'm catching up on your wonderful report. It's lovely and so interesting! Thank you for taking the time and effort to give us really thorough info for our future trip planning, 😁


On 5/15/2023 at 2:13 AM, Steelers0854 said:

The burger itself was disappointing, there was no tofu steak and the quinoa just fell apart when you bit into it. It had a good flavor vomit it became a quinoa dish.


 Sorry but I did have to chuckle at your "vomit" typo as it's exactly something that would happen to me! Damn autocorrect! 🙃

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Thank you so much for your detailed reports on this cruise!  I'm booked for a 12 day sailing on the Regal at the end of October, and while it's a much different itinerary (Caribbean), I'm hoping I'm correct in guessing that the onboard experiences are similar.  I like knowing what I can (reasonably) expect, and as this will be my first cruise with Princess (having done two with Norwegian in the past few years), I'm thrilled to read anything to do with our ship!

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4 hours ago, SeaHunt said:

I'm catching up on your wonderful report. It's lovely and so interesting! Thank you for taking the time and effort to give us really thorough info for our future trip planning, 😁



 Sorry but I did have to chuckle at your "vomit" typo as it's exactly something that would happen to me! Damn autocorrect! 🙃

ugh, I really should proof read these but I just write and post. Well glad it brought a snails to your face. 


1 hour ago, Dreamscaper said:

Thank you so much for your detailed reports on this cruise!  I'm booked for a 12 day sailing on the Regal at the end of October, and while it's a much different itinerary (Caribbean), I'm hoping I'm correct in guessing that the onboard experiences are similar.  I like knowing what I can (reasonably) expect, and as this will be my first cruise with Princess (having done two with Norwegian in the past few years), I'm thrilled to read anything to do with our ship!

you’re going to love it. We really do enjoy the Royal Class ships and I think you will as well. There is a lot of new staff on the ship, but had we not learned that from a crew member you would have never known. They were all wonderful!  Enjoy your cruise!

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