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Maybe live New York to Iceland on Saturn 30/08-13/09


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Oh boy did we bounce around last night - Captain this morning said it was unexpected, given the weather maps I saw I’m not entirely sure I buy that. On other lines where the ship might rock at night a pre departure announcement is made to that effect often with the suggestion to “pop a pill at bedtime”. I think some might have appreciated that warning last night


We are going to be three hours late into Akureyi they hope to extend departure by two hours. We are waiting to hear about our shore excursions retiming. This is one of those times you are so glad you’ve relied on the ship for tours, it’s their hassle right now not mine. 

Last night we had another great dinner, I had been trying to schedule in a Chairman's salmon during the cruise and went for it last night but then dived straight in so no picture (I could have given you one of a very empty plate I loved it😀😀)


The Tartare was also very fresh and “vibrant” taste 


And the Blueberry dessert had not been skimped on the fruit mmm




We did send a note to the hotel director about the issue of nuts with everything and mixed messages on the labels. At dinner the Executive Chef came and spoke with us, we were most impressed by his reactions to the issue, recognition of the labelling problem and the actions he is taking. We had held back from raising the very much minority concerns but were very happy with the outcome, shows how much Viking do care. 


The show last night was another performance by the guest guitarist. The first had not worked for us so we didn’t go. We didn’t hear very positive comments later on. We just enjoyed a lovely time in the atrium listening to the piano playing of Sasha. She is so talented. Again a strength of Viking, there is entertainment elsewhere during the show, on some other smaller ship lines it show or nothing 

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3 hours ago, uktog said:

Oh boy did we bounce around last night - Captain this morning said it was unexpected, given the weather maps I saw I’m not entirely sure I buy that. On other lines where the ship might rock at night a pre departure announcement is made to that effect often with the suggestion to “pop a pill at bedtime”. I think some might have appreciated that warning last night


We are going to be three hours late into Akureyi they hope to extend departure by two hours. We are waiting to hear about our shore excursions retiming. This is one of those times you are so glad you’ve relied on the ship for tours, it’s their hassle right now not mine. 

Last night we had another great dinner, I had been trying to schedule in a Chairman's salmon during the cruise and went for it last night but then dived straight in so no picture (I could have given you one of a very empty plate I loved it😀😀)


The Tartare was also very fresh and “vibrant” taste 


And the Blueberry dessert had not been skimped on the fruit mmm




We did send a note to the hotel director about the issue of nuts with everything and mixed messages on the labels. At dinner the Executive Chef came and spoke with us, we were most impressed by his reactions to the issue, recognition of the labelling problem and the actions he is taking. We had held back from raising the very much minority concerns but were very happy with the outcome, shows how much Viking do care. 


The show last night was another performance by the guest guitarist. The first had not worked for us so we didn’t go. We didn’t hear very positive comments later on. We just enjoyed a lovely time in the atrium listening to the piano playing of Sasha. She is so talented. Again a strength of Viking, there is entertainment elsewhere during the show, on some other smaller ship lines it show or nothing 

From OP: We did send a note to the hotel director about the issue of nuts with everything and mixed messages on the labels. At dinner the Executive Chef came and spoke with us, we were most impressed by his reactions to the issue, recognition of the labelling problem and the actions he is taking. We had held back from raising the very much minority concerns but were very happy with the outcome, shows how much Viking do care. 


This is NOT a minority concern. This is not marketing labelling-It is a health and safety issue.  Labelling food items with nuts and other allergens in a recipe (including garnish) should be straightforward.  Cross contamination risk is a risk that comes with the territory and that is not what I am referring to- I don't believe OP is referring to this either.

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Today absolutely everything was labelled as containing nuts in the World Cafe including the fruit tarts which used to be available to DH. The solution we have is once DH enters the cafe the chef is advised to prep a dessert. Today that involved a 30 minute delay and then some cookies appeared. They were nice but the process is still work in progress. Can’t believe every single dessert on the buffet has nuts or has to have nuts

Oh well 

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23 minutes ago, uktog said:

Today absolutely everything was labelled as containing nuts in the World Cafe including the fruit tarts which used to be available to DH. The solution we have is once DH enters the cafe the chef is advised to prep a dessert. Today that involved a 30 minute delay and then some cookies appeared. They were nice but the process is still work in progress. Can’t believe every single dessert on the buffet has nuts or has to have nuts

Oh well 

I suspect they are worried about cross contamination. I know my nut allergy friend who is a chef won't eat in any restaurant that serves anything with nuts. 

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1 hour ago, uktog said:

Today absolutely everything was labelled as containing nuts in the World Cafe including the fruit tarts which used to be available to DH. The solution we have is once DH enters the cafe the chef is advised to prep a dessert. Today that involved a 30 minute delay and then some cookies appeared. They were nice but the process is still work in progress. Can’t believe every single dessert on the buffet has nuts or has to have nuts

Oh well 

This is the age old problem uktog, what's needed is a label that says no nut ingredients or made in a kitchen where nuts are used. May contain nuts is used in blanket form across the UK for food manufacturers and restaurants to safe guard themselves.


All depends on the allergy and all allergic folk are different. My daughter is allergic to pine nuts, cashews and pistachios but will only react if they are an ingredient not if they are prepped for other dishes in a kitchen. She carries an Epipen so her reaction is serious enough. In France, where she lives, every boulangerie or patisserie will tell her that everything contains nuts, much like Viking are suggesting, obviously that's not the case.


It's such a tricky one.



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I agree. There’s a difference between contains nuts (he cannot have and has an epicentre) and may contain aka cross contamination risk. (Probably can have. At home we certainly risk M and S may contain products). 
The labels are not making sense. Savoury products with nuts are served beside non nut products with no “warning” but if I follow what Clay says the bakery items would because of cross contamination risk. 
Anyway it’s no massive issue just trying to have DH given the opportunity to taste a range of the excellent products 

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23 minutes ago, Hockeyump said:

I have been on a couple of flights where an announcement has been made that due to a passenger with a severe nut allergy none will be served. I can see their point but I still felt deprived!


Fine with me. I hate nuts.

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Well we arrived 3 hours late but they did very well and the majority of tours still happened albeit 3-4 hours after planned so our lunchtime start became a 4pm tour

In each port, because we have been before we are just doing the included tour. 

The tour today included a visit to the Botanic Gardens (beautiful) even though we were told it was past it’s best 









A challenging walk to the cathedral- actually it was the back that was challenging (and then the cathedral was closed)


and a lovely up to the ski area where we were lucky the mist lifted for a few minutes so we saw the view. 

As we had time we had previously walked into town to see the Rainbow Streets


and the traffic lights (all the lights in town share the love). 

The ship told us it was a 10 minute walk into town - double that! But at least it’s got. 

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1 minute ago, uktog said:

Well we arrived 3 hours late but they did very well and the majority of tours still happened albeit 3-4 hours after planned so our lunchtime start became a 4pm tour

In each port, because we have been before we are just doing the included tour. 

The tour today included a visit to the Botanic Gardens (beautiful) even though we were told it was past it’s best 









A challenging walk to the cathedral- actually it was the back that was challenging (and then the cathedral was closed)


and a lovely up to the ski area where we were lucky the mist lifted for a few minutes so we saw the view. 

As we had time we had previously walked into town to see the Rainbow Streets


and the traffic lights (all the lights in town share the love). 

The ship told us it was a 10 minute walk into town - double that! But at least it’s got. 

Thank you for all your posts and photos and “sharing the love” 😊

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We have arrived in Seydifyordhur. It is very wet and the temperature is 0c. Unfortunately the roads out of town have been deemed unsafe for coaches by the tour operators so all tours other than the included local walking tour are cancelled. I know some people are very unhappy. 
I think it highlights the challenges of this route in finding the sweet spot travel time. Up to early August the melting glaciers can impede access to Greenland by late August north Iceland is starting to get more freezing weather. That’s nature for you. Personally I was prepared to sacrifice Iceland for Greenland. 

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11 minutes ago, uktog said:

We have arrived in Seydifyordhur. It is very wet and the temperature is 0c. Unfortunately the roads out of town have been deemed unsafe for coaches by the tour operators so all tours other than the included local walking tour are cancelled. I know some people are very unhappy. 
I think it highlights the challenges of this route in finding the sweet spot travel time. Up to early August the melting glaciers can impede access to Greenland by late August north Iceland is starting to get more freezing weather. That’s nature for you. Personally I was prepared to sacrifice Iceland for Greenland. 

I remember the walk around Seydifyordhur as being wonderful.  We were there in July, 2021, on the day all Covid restrictions were lifted.  Everyone was out and about, greeting each other, and even us.  One woman even said it had been so long since she had spoken English with visitors that she was glad to be practicing again.  It’s just a happy memory for us.  Sorry you missed the other tours.

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20 hours ago, uktog said:


and the traffic lights (all the lights in town share the love). 


We were in Akureyri in August and our tour guide said they changed all their traffic lights to the hearts during Covid. They wanted to give everyone something to smile about and to remind us all to be kind to one another

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Sedifjordhur gave us such a warm welcome in the heavy rain. Our guide who taught a combined class of 3 years in the 56 children school and whose sister was the parish minister was excellent and kept our spirits up. 
Of course there is the church and rainbow road









But also the “naughty house”. Evidently originally painted as nudes there were complaints the artist covered them up and there were even more complaints 😀


We ended up in the Village Hall for a lovely tea and entertainment put on by the villagers. They made us so welcome. 









Where Viking let us down was on the tour assembly which despite the torrential rain they did not sort the groups onboard but on the pier. They wouldn’t let the groups set off until they thought they had everyone for all the groups. We stood in 0c driving rain for 15 minutes. Why not do this indoors and/ or set the first group off when it has your target number. Our group, the first one eventually released had 45 on a walking tour. We lost half before we got to the village hall. (A walk that took us 15 minutes on the return)


To end on some humour. It’s windy here in the winter. This guy is taking no chances for his shed 😂


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We arrived to no rain (phew) and clear blue skies at Djubivogur. There was a breeze and this was to prove to be an issue later. It’s a port that although Viking is scheduled to call at regularly it’s cancelled a lot. 

So we were lucky to make the tricky tender transfer from the ship (crew are fantastic four on the platform helping you on. Guests less so what bit of stay seated for everyone’s safety don’t some understand??). 

Our guide was a young 21 year old who had grown up in the town (population 655) and so she shared what life was like summer and winter. The town has adopted being a “slow place” part of a global network to encourage a less frenetic life style in the world. Given the beauty it’s easy to see how this can be achieved. 

They repainted their rainbow road to show support for Ukrainian refugees 


The first stop on our included tour walk was a mineralogist shop where the gentleman introduced us to the beauty of rocks and told stories of hiking and discovering rocks, the pain of carrying them back down, the thrill and anticipation when cutting them open and the patience needed to polish them. 

Our walk was c2 hours distance about 2.3 miles. Mostly on roads and rough gravel. 

We made the obligatory visit to Guomundssonns Eggs of Merry Bay, 34 eggs polished stone representing the eggs laid in the area. 

We also stopped inside a redundant cod liver oil tank (it is ok it did not smell!). It was beautiful in pitch dark apart from a few candles a young local girl sang for It was spine tingling the acoustics were amazing- a memorable rendition of Pie Jesus will certainly not be forgotten. 

We had a bumpy ride back to the ship hoping to go over again in the afternoon but discovered all tender operating was cancelled for the rest of the day save for bringing back those on tours. 

Viking are very risk averse compared to other lines. I would always select a morning over an afternoon tour based on what we’ve seen here with cancellations 


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1 hour ago, millybess said:

@uktog your photos are really excellent.  Could I ask what you are using for a camera?  Thank you.  🙂

Thank you for your lovely comments - the honest answer is an IPhone 14. I used to drag a Canon plus changeable lenses with me but now I do not 

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Just now, uktog said:

Thank you for your lovely comments - the honest answer is an IPhone 14. I used to drag a Canon plus changeable lenses with me but now I do not 

I was hoping you would say an iPhone 14.  The Apple event is in a few days and I'm optimistic   the price will go down, as that is what I would like to use.  I also have a Canon which I really like.


On our last cruise I met a woman who was using an iPhone 14 and the night photos were fabulous.


We are doing the photography tour in Barbados in January and I really hope the accomplished photographer will not be upset I'm using an iPhone. Probably DH will make up for it with all the equipment he carries around. 🙂  Thanks!

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On the Viking Northern Lights cruise last year James Fraser the press photographer who gave tips and talks always split his time 50% DSR big camera and 50% smartphone and highlighted how in many situations smartphones took better photos. I find the speed I can take the photos without falling behind the walking tour to be a huge bonus. It also gives true colour results 

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1 hour ago, millybess said:

I was hoping you would say an iPhone 14.  The Apple event is in a few days and I'm optimistic   the price will go down, as that is what I would like to use.  I also have a Canon which I really like.


On our last cruise I met a woman who was using an iPhone 14 and the night photos were fabulous.


We are doing the photography tour in Barbados in January and I really hope the accomplished photographer will not be upset I'm using an iPhone. Probably DH will make up for it with all the equipment he carries around. 🙂  Thanks!

I used an iPhone 14 Pro for these night shots of Venice.IMG_0690.thumb.jpeg.035f0e4c57fdaf72fe80d17c3d383c71.jpeg








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7 minutes ago, OneSixtyToOne said:

I used an iPhone 14 Pro for these night shots of Venice.IMG_0690.thumb.jpeg.035f0e4c57fdaf72fe80d17c3d383c71.jpeg








Stunning!  Thanks so much for sharing. The quality of your night shots is exactly what I’m looking for. I’ve never been able to capture good night photos even with a tripod and a decent camera.  Thanks again. 

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10 hours ago, uktog said:

We arrived to no rain (phew) and clear blue skies at Djubivogur. There was a breeze and this was to prove to be an issue later. It’s a port that although Viking is scheduled to call at regularly it’s cancelled a lot. 

So we were lucky to make the tricky tender transfer from the ship (crew are fantastic four on the platform helping you on. Guests less so what bit of stay seated for everyone’s safety don’t some understand??). 

Our guide was a young 21 year old who had grown up in the town (population 655) and so she shared what life was like summer and winter. The town has adopted being a “slow place” part of a global network to encourage a less frenetic life style in the world. Given the beauty it’s easy to see how this can be achieved. 

They repainted their rainbow road to show support for Ukrainian refugees 


The first stop on our included tour walk was a mineralogist shop where the gentleman introduced us to the beauty of rocks and told stories of hiking and discovering rocks, the pain of carrying them back down, the thrill and anticipation when cutting them open and the patience needed to polish them. 

Our walk was c2 hours distance about 2.3 miles. Mostly on roads and rough gravel. 

We made the obligatory visit to Guomundssonns Eggs of Merry Bay, 34 eggs polished stone representing the eggs laid in the area. 

We also stopped inside a redundant cod liver oil tank (it is ok it did not smell!). It was beautiful in pitch dark apart from a few candles a young local girl sang for It was spine tingling the acoustics were amazing- a memorable rendition of Pie Jesus will certainly not be forgotten. 

We had a bumpy ride back to the ship hoping to go over again in the afternoon but discovered all tender operating was cancelled for the rest of the day save for bringing back those on tours. 

Viking are very risk averse compared to other lines. I would always select a morning over an afternoon tour based on what we’ve seen here with cancellations 



Fun fact: I stayed in a hostel on the other side of this bay/fjord during my first trip to Iceland (in 2011). I loved the town of Djupivogur and the remoteness of the surrounding area.

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