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On my list of things to do while holding down the couch tonight is plan my menus for the week. I'm doing Phase 1 for 11 days then I will break it for 1 or two because it's my birthday.


I'm so tired right now that I can't see straight! Camp is over though! :D I'm so happy to be done. Getting back into the routine will help so much. I don't know how people who have to get up everyday, make lunches and get kids off to school make it every day. Bleh!



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Sheila - you are right the tummy tuck is a personal choice - one of my co-workers had it done about 6 wks ago after losing a lot of weight and she looks great and her self confidence has certainly changed - she is 41 and other than the typical after effects of abdominal surgery, bloated, sore, etc she has done great.

Tami - with the hectic week you have had - maybe taking the week off is exactly what you need. Your body needs some R&R - then start again. One thing I have noticed with SB is that it involves a lot of planning, prep and cooking time. It should be calmer for you now that camp is over.

Rox - I am just like you - I want ALL the weight off yesterday - but we all know that's not going to happen - we just have to be patient and stick with our WOE and it will happen over time. And I agree with PG Cruiser - after 12lbs my mid section is noticably thinner and that has alwaysbeen my problem area.

Have a great weekend everyone - rest, relax and re-charge for next week!


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Hi all,


I power shopped today! Woohoo! Haven't done that in so long. I found a really cute fall colored skirt and pumpkin colored shirt to wear to the wedding. I absolutely love the skirt. It's wild print but in very subdued rusts, pumpkin, chocolate and beige and has a floaty, uneven hem. Plus it's an extra large in misses!!!!!!! I tried on a really cute 1X skirt that was black with lavendar polkadots but it was way too big in the waist. I also bought a pair of size 16 button fly jeans, several fall-ish tops, and 4 bras. (the clearance bras were buy 2 get 2 so for $20 I got 4 really good bras.) Now I need some brown flats that aren't too dressy and I'll be ready for fall.


I'm just so unspeakably happy that I can buy bottoms in the misses department that I don't even know what to do! :D :eek: :D



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I've been playing with recipes again and thought I'd pass this one along. I tweeked it from a noodle soup recipe that used ramen noodles.


2 Cups diced protein (chicken, crab, tofu, etc.)

2 C thinly sliced bok choy

1/2 C sliced green onions

1 C sliced mushrooms

1 C sliced snow peas

1 inch piece of ginger, grated or 1/2 tsp dry

2 garlic cloves crushed

3C water

1 14 oz can of vegetable broth

2 T lite soy sauce

1 tsp asian seasoning mix.


Add the water, broth, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and seasoning mix together in a large pan. Bring to a boil. Add snow peas and boil for 1 minute. Add protein, onions, and bok choy. Cover, remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Makes 8- 1 cup servings.



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Adoptmom! The asian soup Recipe sounds great, ehat is asian spices?


Weirdeyes, if I were 40 again, I would not hesitate to do whatever. That is the prime age of life. Enjoy it!


Isn't it a common trait to want all the weight off yesterday?


Can anyone tell me what the average grams of good carb. intake should be a day, on phase 2? Would it be reasonable to consider one starch (whole grain) and one fruit(low glycemic), a reasonable choice?


I really have a problem with the book not giving any more specific weights and measures and that might be why I have a problem understanding and abiding by this unspecific portion control command. I don't like pre-set menus which Agatson has 28 days of in his book. Weights and measures are so much more specific in portion control. Agree, or disagree? Comments, suggestions, please!


later, j.

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Thanks Tami, that recipe sounds just right for me. I love soup.


Adoptamom..isn't it wonderful when we find things we like and especially when they are on sale.


Fashion bug is one of my favorites anyway but the were having a great sale yesterday. Lots of early fall clearance 20-70% off plus the rest of their fall stuff was 40% off. I saved over $100. Spent about $130. :eek: Hopefully that and some $5 tshirts from Walmart will get me through until the next big weightloss.



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J- Asian spice mix is usually available in larger grocery stores or spice stores. It varies as to what's in it. Also, I think Emeril has one and Pampered Chef has one. If you're fixing this soup for the family you could also buy a package of ramen noodles, cook them in a separate pan and use the packet of spice mix from them. Then just ladle noodles into the bowls of people who want them and put the soup over the top.



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Sheila - you are right the tummy tuck is a personal choice - one of my co-workers had it done about 6 wks ago after losing a lot of weight and she looks great and her self confidence has certainly changed - she is 41 and other than the typical after effects of abdominal surgery, bloated, sore, etc she has done great.
Kathy, thanks for the info. How long was your co-worker out of work with her tummy tuck? My boss will pay me for 3 weeks at full salary and then half salary until I return to work. We are a small company and we don't have sick leave per se.


Can anyone tell me what the average grams of good carb. intake should be a day, on phase 2? Would it be reasonable to consider one starch (whole grain) and one fruit(low glycemic), a reasonable choice?
Fighterone, on SBD, we don't count grams, etc. so I'm not sure. I think it would be reasonable to have the amount of carbs that you suggested (one whole grain and one fruit).


Tami, I hope your life gets back to normal now. :) I, for one, am glad that summer is almost over. We have our last party today so I will be able to get back on track eating properly. As I stated earlier, I am back on Phase 1 tomorrow. I figure it will be the only way to jump start my weight loss due to not being able to exercise right now.


Also, Tami, congrats on buying an XL instead of a plus size!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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Hi everyone -

I survived the chinese buffet last night with only minimal damage - overate portion wise but had proteins (chicken, steak, shrimp and crab legs - yes small portions of all of them) gr. beans. steamed veggies and a salad - no bad carbs or dessert. But I was too full and very uncomfortable - so I know I ate too much!

we went to the flea market this am and walked for over an hour - some unplanned exercise so hopefully that will help!

fighterone - what I do is I try to eat a little less portion wise that what I would have before SB. entering phase 2, I am going slow - I add one item each day and within a couple of weeks I will add 2 items per day - just trying not to stall my weightloss.

Tami - Congrats on your shopping trip - sounds like you found some great buys and I can related to the plus vs misses dilema - the styles completely change from one to the other -

Sheila - my friend had her tuck done on a Thurs and was out the whole next week - she probably should have stayed out atleast 2-2 1/2 weeks cause she was pretty sore and stiff for several days after she came back to work. she was puffy for probably 4-5 weeks total - now she looks and feels great.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend everyone.


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I have reached one month and have lost 6 lbs. I celebrated with chips and dip(bad girl) last night and now I have 27 days till cruise and am going to do 2 weeks of Phase one again and then cruise into phase 2 and then I will cruise on the boat:D I plan on eating well on the boat, but will lean more towards no and low carb choices. But I will not limit myself if I really want something. I also plan on taking the stairs where ever I go on the ship, she is huge so this should give me lots of exercise.

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Kathy, thanks for the info about your friend. That makes me feel better. You did great at the Chinese buffet. It has gotten to the point where I can't even eat Chinese anymore. It makes me feel so bloated and just plain yucky. I LOVE it though.


For those of you who are having problems with portion control, don't forget that you can drink a glass of water with sugar-free Metamucil 15 minutes before a meal to make you feel fuller. I'm going to start doing that again today and see if it helps.

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Hi everyone, I did southbeach for about 4 months, it started out pretty good, I lost 20 lbs and quite a few inches, but for the past month I have been the same weight so, I going back to square one that means week one, hopefully I can get over the plateau, I figured the main reason I was having trouble is I didn't make it a "lifestyle" but I'm determined since looking at this thread and reading all the success of others, I have the books and really think they have been a big help, will today starts day 1 and so far so good.

My cruise is in December, but I need to do this for my health not just a cruise

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Kathy- You're right about the styles changing from plus to misses. I'm 38 so I may have to find a new favorite store when I am completely into misses. :( Most of the styles are too young for me. I don't want to look matronly but I don't want to look like I'm trying to be 15 again either. :rolleyes:


Ok, Ya'll I'm back in the groove and working hard on phase 1. My goal is to not stop until I've lost 20 pounds which will probably mean I have to find another way to clebrate my birthday other than cake. Not that big of a deal since I'm not a cake fan. Maybe I'll make my low carb cheesecake. We're camping the weekend of my actual birthday so I won't need to worry about too much stuff there.


Today's plan


am-ricotta creme

noon- turkey rollups

snack- hummus and veggies

supper-blackened fish lettuce wraps

snack-cheese stick and a sugar free popsicle

Exercise- Walk 2 miles or walk 1/2 mile and run half mile if my hips aren't too sore.


I'll keep you posted!

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Hi all!

Had a great day today. Even made it through buying the kids ice cream after auditions (local children's theater) with only a caffeine free diet coke. :D Stuck to my plan and got in plenty of water. Didn't get to go for my walk but got well over 10,000 steps in so I'm ok with that. My hips are still sore for all the walking at camp last week.

Speaking of camp, I'm kind of nervous. The mother from Heck is being very nice, complimentary and buddy buddy with me. :confused: I can't help but wonder what she wants. :rolleyes:

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Tami, you think the mother from heck wants something? Probably so. Most people like that are only nice when they have an agenda. I wish you well with dealing with her.

As I stated earlier, I started back on Phase 1 yesterday and it made me sooo tired. Thankfully, my DH cooked dinner last night except he cooked a Phase 2 meal. I ate it anyway. I just ate a crepe filled with Ricotta for breakfast. My lunch menu is sliced low-fat ham with 2% cheese and broccoli. We are having grilled chicken breast on top of salad for dinner. All Phase 1 friendly. I'm very depressed right now as I've gained back half of the weight that I lost since January. I'm sooooo mad at myself. I even had to pull out some clothes last night that I haven't worn in a while because my new stuff is now too tight. :( I'll feel a lot better when I lose 10 lbs and then move on to getting 10 more off. I will be at goal then. Thanks for letting me vent here again. I feel like I sound like a broken record. I need this for therapy though. ;)
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I know how you feel. I get so frustrated sometimes with myself. If I had stuck with my original weightloss progress I'd be down another 30 pounds at least. :mad:

But I got back on yesterday and already dropped 2.5 pounds. I know it's water weight but I DON'T CARE! It's a loss and I needed it.

Today's goals:
breakfast-low carb bar
lunch- salad with turkey
Snack- sf vanilla yogurt
supper-low carb meatloaf (thanks for the recipe Carole!)
snack-sugar free popsicle, string cheese
exercise Walk a mile or at least 12000 steps.

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Hey Sheila and Tami,

Sheila...do not be so hard on youself. If is very difficult when you have only 20 or less lbs to go. Its like riding a bike/horse...just get back on again. Just think how wonderful it is to be within 20 lbs of goal...that took time and determination. Unfortunately the last 20 takes even more time and twice as much determination. Do you have time to walk 8 blks extra per day? Thats better than cutting back on more food. Eat phase 2 and just add 8 blks per day = 56 blks per week = 220 per month average and about 2300 blks per year. Now I just bet that that 20 lbs will be gone long before your cruise...well at least 15 of it anyway.

Now of course I have to practise what I preach...because I have 15 lbs to go and am sooooo tired of thinking about food everyday. I am going to add the blocks....go grocery shopping and buy foods that fit the plan, but that I love. Once a week I am going to have something sinfull. Now thats the plan and I am sticking to it:rolleyes:

Tami: I love your goals at the bottom of you're post.
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PG- somedays though my goals die even with the best of intentions :rolleyes: Today at lunchtime my DH informs me that he's ready to go :confused: Go Where? Oh Pizza Hut, Didn't I tell you that I told the kids we could go? Uh No because there's not much there I can eat! :mad:

I swear, sometimes I can't decide whether he's trying to sabotage or he is just completely oblivious! This crap is why it's going so slow.

Anyway, I ended up taking my own dressing, eating off the salad bar and scraping the toppings off of some veggie lover's pizza. Hopefully it won't throw me off too much.

Ok, Venting done. I'll let you know how the rest of the day goes. I changed my mind and decided to do the exercise bike inside though. I can't even breath outside today. I can't wait for heavy frost so the ragweed dies!

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PG, thanks for your suggestions. I can't walk blocks right now because it is just too darn hot down here in Alabama. I've been doing the 3 Mile Walk Away the Pounds until last week. My back started bothering me again so I stopped. I should be able to start back next week. Yippie!!! :D

Tami, don't you just LOVE how our husbands do those things to us? My DH is suppose to be on SB with me, but he cheats constantly and it doesn't make it easy on me. :( I'm now to the disgusted point, so I should be able to handle it!
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Ok, I'm happy! :D Despite yesterday's pizza hut drama I'm down another 3 pounds for a total of 5.5 since Monday. :D :eek: :D sure I know alot of it is water weight BUT I DON'T CARE!!!! I can actually wear my pants.

Today's plan
am- low carb bar
noon-turkey rollups
snack- hummus and veggies
pm- pork burgers and broccoli
snack -sf popsicle and string cheese
exercise- ice skating lesson
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Tami, I'm with you, girl! I'm finally seeing a loss. I weighed this AM and am down 1.5. It isn't a lot, but it is at least a start. I get my first steroid injection in my back today and I sure hope it doesn't make me gain any weight. Also, hopefully I'll be able to start back exercising after the injection. :D
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