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What is the worst behaivor you have seen by a passenger on an NCL ship


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There is great thread on the view of the passengers from the crew side. In an effort not to hijack that thread I thought this would be interesting and offer some insight into what not to do onboard.


I am not sure what the worst behavior I have seen but the following is in the top ten.


I first cruised the Dawn from Miami in Feb 2003, loved the ship and booked July from NYC onboard. I had forgotten the difference between the summer crowd and the off season crowd. I witnessed a lot on that cruise.


The one that sticks in my mind since I ended up in the middle of it was the woman who had a diapered infant in the hot tub :eek: One of the bar staff nicely asked her if she understood babies should not be in the hot tub. I was sitting a chair 2 feet from this woman when she jumped from the tub grabbed the girl by the shirt and started a four letter word beating.


C words F words - I paid for this * vacation. She reduced the girl to tears telling her to go back to the third world hole she climbed out of. Without a doubt the meanest person I have ever seen.


I final got in the middle when the woman demanded the girls pen to write down "her silly * name and report her for ruining the woman's vacation. At this point the girl ran off in tears. I asked the woman if I could use the pen she took. She gave it to me and then asked why as I copied her name from the key card hanging around her neck " so I can report you for ruining my vacation" and I did just that to make sure the abused crew member was not subjected to a false report.


And we wonder why crew members do not always enforce the rules :rolleyes:

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Sadly,and very embarassed) *I* demonstrated the worst behavior I have seen.


My partner always wakes very early, has coffee and takes a book and his I-pod to the pool area to get our chairs and I arrive when I wake and shower.

I arrived and he was hurrying off to go to the cabin to do some morning things and pointed to where the chairs were...I zeroed in on the WRONG chairs where a nice man from Germany was getting ready to sit and waiting for his wife to come up.


I pointed a finger, started in that my partner came early and that those chairs are OURS!


He told me he just came from the bathroom and was there for quite awhile..of course I thought it was a lie and went on


He replied "Had I thought by any means that this was your chair I would have let you have it."


Just then an newfound friend from the cruise pointed to 2 chairs close by and said he thought he saw my partner get up from there..sure enough he was right and I was Mortified!!


I couldn't apologize enough, everytime I went to get coffee or anything I asked the man and his wife if they needed anything. He was kind enough to let me get them tea once. He was studying a book to learn English and I tried to help him for awhile..If I apologized once I apologized 20 times.


Throughout the cruise whenever I saw them they were gracious enough to say hello and ask how I was


I REALLY needed that cruise as I was taking care of my roomate who had extensive surgery a month before I left and I was strung tighter than a banjo string when I got onboard (he passed away while I was on the cruise)...that being said...that or anything else is STILL NO EXCUSE for my bad behavior.


I hope to NEVER see that behavior from me again

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Interesting topic Shoreguy. I just wanted to post a reminder for other members that this shouldn't turn into a debate about behavior of other passengers or a fight about smoking or bringing booze or what people wear. OK? :D

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I guess about the worst behaviour I have seen on an NCL ship was someone making a fuss at the dining room because their group (of about TWENTY) would have to wait a few minutes to be seated. I mean - does anyone think that setting up a large table can be done instantly? Out of curiosity I watched for them and they only had to wait about 15 minutes to be seated and were still complaining as the hostess led them to their table.

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I guess about the worst behaviour I have seen on an NCL ship was someone making a fuss at the dining room because their group (of about TWENTY) would have to wait a few minutes to be seated. I mean - does anyone think that setting up a large table can be done instantly? Out of curiosity I watched for them and they only had to wait about 15 minutes to be seated and were still complaining as the hostess led them to their table.


Interesting you mention that - the only time I saw the woman from the pool again was while waiting to get on the list for Impressions. She was about 4 parties ahead of me and being told to have a seat and she would be called. Tried the same bullying technique and the young lady at the desk just smiled and when given a chance said she would do her best but please be seated. Everyone in line was rolling their eyes. The woman finally gave up and went off cursing to wait.


Long story short - the party behind her was seated, the next party seated, and in fact when we were seated that woman was still waiting:D I loved it.

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I watched two older passangers practically knock over a blind man as they rushed past him to get to the buffet line. I was there & helped him regain his balance. He & his wife had been speaking to my traveling companion & I before. He was having a hard time b/c he usually had a seeing eye dog but decided to leave the dog home & just rely on his wife & cane on the ship. I was shocked that the other passangers were so oblivious.

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Interesting thread Shoreguy!


I'll throw in my two cents worth. During our Bahama's cruise this last Feb. I saw one of the most pathetic incidents ever. I have a hard time believing anyone could act so horribly to another human being.


So, first night out on a 4 day Bahamas cruise, we retired late, but I tend to have a bit of insomnia on occasion, so I got back up around 3am to walk around the ship and enjoy some quiet after the "sail away day" wild party. I took my book and went up on the pool deck. Now usually this is the time they spray down the deck, empty the pool, etc. so two crewman were putting nets up and going about moving chairs to wash. They were making a bit of noise (not that they could help it) and I sat back out of the way and started reading when a few moments later a sharp curse word came floating past my head. Apparently a drunken couple had decided they couldn't possibly find thier stateroom and passed out on the pool chairs. The noise of the crew cleaning and moving chairs had gotten the man's attention, and still drunk, he apparently took the crewman for a threat to his wife and his person. He jumped up, cursed like a madman about the noise, being woken up, not having anyone bring him a blankie, and then convinced himself that the crewman, who was standing there looking at him in astonishment, was after the man's wife. He made a few choice comments about the poor crewman's personal lineage and then began to shove him backwards towards the roped off pool. He threated to choke him to death, drown him for good measure..etc, etc. Fortunatly, the second crewman had noticed the progress towards a significant altercation and had called security sometime during the whining about the blankie. They showed up just prior to the poor pool guy getting dunked or otherwise injured. I don't recall seeing the couple for the remainder of the cruise, and I'm sure glad I didn't have insomnia for the rest of the trip. It's amazing what behaviour you can see at 3am on a ship.

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actually 3 come to my mind: 1-this was an crew member who chewed out another in front of us: He was a bar tender, maybe the head one, I really don't know, but our very nice wait person who didn't speak English too well apparently mis-understood an order and delivered the wrong drink to the people next to us. When the young waiter went to replace the drink with a corrected one, the bar tender let him have it: told him if he couldn't get the orders straight and learn the language he would lose his job and at this point the bar tender handed the young man an English dictionary and told him to go practice. this was in front of all of us: I was appalled!!!!!


2-while on the Jewel last year a few of us were sitting in the back row of the showroom when a lady asked us to move as the row was reserved for care givers of those who were in wheel chairs sitting behind us. I don't remember any of the group (about 8 of us) saying much except we didn't realize this: At that point the man from another country, in a wheelchair infomed me, that the reason he was in the chair was because during the second world war our army shot him. He said a few other things as well. WOW


3-actually wasn't a rude situation, but a scarey one: last April while on the Sun there was a little boy about 3, at the oldest with no life jacket and he wasn't a swimmer; he was playing on the steps of the pool area, his head was barely above water and his parents were enjoying the sun. Someone did mention to his mom, that it was getting pretty crowded in the pool, maybe someone should be with the little guy. The father poped up and said, oh his big brother will watch him.


thankfully, most cruisers and crew bring pleasure to our trips, that is why the bad ones stick in our minds.


thanks Shoreguy, interesting thread.



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Shoreguy glad you asked. We were on the Dawn last week, we had made all our reservations at the speciality restruants the first afternoon as per instructions on CC. Anyway we dined at the Chinese restruant at the Habachi part, where there are places for 20 guests at a time and the chef puts on a show as well as feeds you. We arrived at the proper time and found that the other 18 people were all related, this would have been fine if 4 of them had not been under 6 YRS. OLD. They did not belong here at all. They spilled their water, threw food on the floor and behaved horribly. I do not blame the kids, the parents had no control at all. They ruined what should have been a great time for us. We didn't even stay for dessert it was so bad. So you find problems everywhere, you just go with the flow. We had a ball anyway in spite of this bad meal. Vicki

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I must say, that I find NCLpassengers very pleasant and very laid back. We cruise in the summer, and we never had a problem with unruly teenagers on NCL. Nobody pushes, or rushes, or shows up at 7 a.m. to reserve pool chairs.


Here's my story -- We were in the Seven Seas Dining Room, eatting breakfast, at the adjoining table was a couple, who didn't even look up to say "good morningt" (I have a theory that one of the reasons some people cruise NCL is that they are introverts and don't like talking to strangers, but I digress) Well, the lady takes out her nail clipper and CLIPS HER FINGERNAILS. right at the breakfast table. :eek: While we were eatting.

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Interesting topic Shoreguy. I just wanted to post a reminder for other members that this shouldn't turn into a debate about behavior of other passengers or a fight about smoking or bringing booze or what people wear. OK? :D


You forgot kids ;) By the way the boy of yours is growing up. :)

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Interesting thread Shoreguy!


I'll throw in my two cents worth. During our Bahama's cruise this last Feb. I saw one of the most pathetic incidents ever. I have a hard time believing anyone could act so horribly to another human being.


So, first night out on a 4 day Bahamas cruise, we retired late, but I tend to have a bit of insomnia on occasion, so I got back up around 3am to walk around the ship and enjoy some quiet after the "sail away day" wild party. I took my book and went up on the pool deck. Now usually this is the time they spray down the deck, empty the pool, etc. so two crewman were putting nets up and going about moving chairs to wash. They were making a bit of noise (not that they could help it) and I sat back out of the way and started reading when a few moments later a sharp curse word came floating past my head. Apparently a drunken couple had decided they couldn't possibly find thier stateroom and passed out on the pool chairs. The noise of the crew cleaning and moving chairs had gotten the man's attention, and still drunk, he apparently took the crewman for a threat to his wife and his person. He jumped up, cursed like a madman about the noise, being woken up, not having anyone bring him a blankie, and then convinced himself that the crewman, who was standing there looking at him in astonishment, was after the man's wife. He made a few choice comments about the poor crewman's personal lineage and then began to shove him backwards towards the roped off pool. He threated to choke him to death, drown him for good measure..etc, etc. Fortunatly, the second crewman had noticed the progress towards a significant altercation and had called security sometime during the whining about the blankie. They showed up just prior to the poor pool guy getting dunked or otherwise injured. I don't recall seeing the couple for the remainder of the cruise, and I'm sure glad I didn't have insomnia for the rest of the trip. It's amazing what behaviour you can see at 3am on a ship.


This went beyond just being rude. When it comes to some b***ch complaining about getting 20 people seated in 15 minutes without a reservation, the crew just has to grin and bear it or do what they did, sit others down before her till she learned to behave!

In this case however the drunk guy's behavior got to the point that could have resulted in an arrest if on land.

The passengers are not immune from punishment for being abusive to others. Look at this link on the passengers terms and conditions:http://www.ncl.com/more/contract.htm

Rather than wade through it here is what it says on #3:


3. Each passenger agrees to abide by all rules of the Carrier and its officers at all times and failure to do so may subject the passenger to disembarkation without any liability on the part of the Carrier for a refund or any other related expenses or losses to the passenger or any accompanying passenger whatsoever.

It's a strong possability these people were "let off" at the next port.

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Aboard the POH in early July, a lady at a nearby table at Le Bistro chewed out the waitress right in the middle of the restaurant because service was too slow, saying it was taking 15+ minutes between courses, and proceeded to storm out of the restaurant because she had "to be somewhere". OK, so service was slow that night, but you're on vacation trapped inside a ship in the middle of the ocean. Where do you need to be so badly? We laughed...

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I must be either oblivious or else very lucky, since, after racking my brain I can't remember any very bad behaviour by my fellow passengers. I did once run into three kids who had decided they were the elevator operators and would ask you what floor you wanted and push the buttons for you. Not terrible behavour but it did seem odd that these fairly young kids had been left, by their parents, to entertain themselves on the elevator and I've seen people in the theatre saving a number of seats ( like 5 or 6) which seems excessive to me when the theatre is filling up but I've not witnessed any abuse of staff like described here.


Some people do seem more forthcoming with the pleases and thank-yous than other people, but after several cruises on different lines I just don't have any real horror stories.

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You forgot kids ;) By the way the boy of yours is growing up. :)
That's right...kids too. :) Yes, mine is growing up. He's 9 1/2 months old and yesterday he pulled himself to his feet for the first time by himself. Then he tried to walk. It's amazing!
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That's right...kids too. :) Yes, mine is growing up. He's 9 1/2 months old and yesterday he pulled himself to his feet for the first time by himself. Then he tried to walk. It's amazing!

yesterday pulled himself up, tried to walk; tomorrow he will. Well maybe not that soon, but your days of confining him to anyplace are over: it soon will be chase, chase, chase: as soon as he walks he will learn to run. have fun!!!

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That's right...kids too. :) Yes, mine is growing up. He's 9 1/2 months old and yesterday he pulled himself to his feet for the first time by himself. Then he tried to walk. It's amazing!

yesterday pulled himself up, tried to walk; tomorrow he will. Well maybe not that soon, but your days of confining him to anyplace are over: it soon will be chase, chase, chase: as soon as he walks he will learn to run. have fun!!!

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Last year on the Dawn, there was a lady riding around in a scooter. All I can say is you better get out of her way because she would practically run you over. What was amazing was that she got around pretty well in the casino without it (she left it outside).


Another time, we were had a very nice table by the window. There was a group of about 6 a few tables down with a screaming (at the top of it's lungs screaming) baby. Now I know it's not the baby's fault but no one did anything. We finally asked to be moved (a great view of the kitchen area). About 5 minutes later (baby still screaming) the mother took it out.

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Nothing other than being seated at a table by the Maitre d' himself and then a cruiser come running behind him saying "that's my table". Happened on the Wind a few years back. We did ask the Maitre d' what about freestyle and he replied "I know but apparently some cruisers do not understand the concept". We did eat at a different table but kept running into the guy and his wife all over the ship with that same attitude.


PS Cecilia, he looks so grown up. We have our grandson here this week and he is 2. Seems like yesterday he was 10 months.:)

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Around 7 or 8 years ago on the Carnival Ecstacy week-end cruise we were sitting by the pool listening to the Soca band. A very drunk woman probably in her 40's was the only one on the dance floor. She kept sitting on the bandmembers laps and hugging them. They looked really bewildered and didn't know what to do. After a few minutes of this the top of her bathing suit fell down and she didn't even know it she was so drunk! The last we saw of her she dove into a jacuzzi. After that she got out of the jacuzzi and went and sat on a chair and passed out .

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Very happy to say that we did not experience rudeness of any great magnitude on our first cruise.


One young boy almost knocked me over while chasing a friend of his around the pool - but this seemed like youthful exuberance rather than rudeness.


Perhaps some perceived me as rude:o while going through the Chocoholic feast.

My daughter in law had slightly sprained her ankle this day, and didn't want to stand in the line.

I offered to bring back a few treats for her. My son, said OK, just pick up enough for me too, and I will stay with her at the buffet, and we can have coffee with our treats.

That seemed reasonable to me, but looking back on it, I'm sure there were comments made about the rude lady heaping her plate up with more goodies than she could possibly eat!:o

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I was on the Dawn and patiently waiting at the waffle station when the woman (who was in front of me) started to order 20 waffles! Well the next thing her children and her friends children and heaven knows who else promptly came running over, pushing me and the lady standing behind aside! :mad: There was no apology or acknowledgement - the waffle lady did mumble (loud enough for us to hear) "people should move out of the way of children." I looked at the woman standing behind me and just shook my head and we both agreed that we're here to enjoy our vacations and we weren't going to sweat the small stuff.


BTW, one of the kids promptly dropped her plate and they had to stand on the line again - ;)

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On our first cruise (not NCL) there was a large number of seniors aboard.

You had to move real quick to get out of the way of their electric wheelchairs, as they thought nothing of barreling through.

At the buffets, their plates were piled high, one man insisted on getting the whole chicken from the carving station....THE WHOLE CHICKEN...and the server gave it to him, making everyone eles wait for a new batch.

One lady went over to the cookie display, and proceeded to take ALL the chocolate chip cookies......no, wait, I'm sorry, when my mother(who is 82) called her on it, she did graciously offer my mom ONE cookie.

I do not understand this type of behavior......did they think the food would end, and there would be no more?????????

Personally, I thought it was disgusting!

Since then I have not sailed aboard that line, and much prefer NCL and its more causual family atmosphere...believe me I will take children over rude seniors anyday.


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I don't remember any rude behaviror on the Star to Alaska June 18-25 but when we rode the train from Skagway to Frasier, Canada we had a Canadian official checking our passports and he was VERY condescending and RUDE to a Chinese couple and their three cute kids. The mom was trying to explain in broken English they were on the cruise and just turning around and going back to Skagway, this guy would repeat what she was saying copying her broken English. I badly wanted to defend them but was afraid I'd get detained in Canada. Cowardly I know. When he got to my family he just glanced at our passports and didn't compare them to our faces. I was so mad!!! Wish I would have gotten his badge number to report him.

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