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New Packing Recommendations needed


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Heck' date=' if we're going to exchange toiletries, why not clothes too? We just disrobe and put them in the proper size bin before boarding, and find something we like when we arrive. But oh oh, just imagine all of us women fighting over the cute stuff! :eek:[/quote']


THAT's the spirit!!!!! :D

I like you! ;)

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Here's an idea: They could figure a way to take all the confiscated items from people going thru Security and move them to a nice little kiosk for those people getting off the planes..
I like it! What a great service idea for the airport information volunteers.
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I think grannynurse meant to offset the extra weight of putting liguids and gels in your checked luggage by leaving your formal clothes at home.


In that regard , I have another suggestion...pack all your extra shoes in your carryon to compensate somewhat for the extra weight of toiletries in your checked luggage. Keeps it under the weight limits.


By the way, I heard that if the plot had not been foiled, it is estimated 4000 could have been killed. Kind of makes our packing concerns pale in comparison,does'nt it?

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"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We will be boarding the aircraft by groups, today. Following boarding, but before we push back from the gate, a flight attendant will be by to administer your injection that will render you comatose for the duration of the flight. A listing of TSA approved in-flight dreams can be found on page 28 of the "American Way" Magazine."


I actually LIKE that idea! Prices would go up, though. The flight attendants would have to get extra training to give the injections.

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I actually LIKE that idea! Prices would go up, though. The flight attendants would have to get extra training to give the injections.


I thought it was a good idea too...until I came to the question - what to do with those who have allergies to the medication? It WOULD be nice to board a plane and sleep the whole time.

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We have been winnowing down our packed items for several years, since 9/11. I put most everything in ziplock bags, then in the suitcase. I check the airline weight and dimension limits since they differ from airline to airline, and some, especially European airlines, are very strict about enforcing those limits.


I leave expensive jewelry at home. I have been buying cubic zirconium pieces for travel and have had people stop me to admire that "huge" canary diamond ring! So those will go in the checked baggage. I can deal with putting toiletries and makeup in checked baggage, as well as medications that I don't need on the plane.


Despite the fact that we have TSA approved locks, our locks were broken by TSA. OUr suitcases are always opened and inspected, since we find little notices inside them when they are retrieved, unlocked. You really cannot "lock" or secure your belongings from TSA personnel. I am sure they are all honest, etc. However, I have grave misgivings about packing our digital camera, cell phone and even our electronic keys for our auto, which we will leave in the airport long term parking. Last time we came back from an airline flight, our luggage was missing for several days, even though we saw it delivered to TSA people in Chicago. We also experience significant damage to our luggage by baggage handlers. I would NEVER put anything breakable in the luggage.


We are cruising the inside passage from Seattle in September. If the situation doesn't clear up within a few weeks, I think we'll have to ship our camera, cell phone and other valuables that we need on the trip to our hotel via fed express or UPS. We will have to ship them back to our house the same way. That way, we can insure the items and they don't have to go through the airline security. This would work within the USA but I'm not sure what you can do if you are travelling outside the US, given that there are customs clearances needed for shipments.

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Tinknock, you are so right. When you think of what could have happened, this is a very small inconvenience. I'll happily do whatever they ask me to.


We'll all just learn to pack differently. Only stuff in my checked luggage is my clothing and my toiletries. Camera, cellphone, jewelery come with me. Domestically we can take our electronic devices, but they say smaller is easier than larger.


Just glad I wasn't at the airport early this a.m. when all this went into effect. What a mess that had to be!!

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As we are leaving for the U.S. in under 6 weeks time, I have just been reading both Qantas and the TSA circulars on what we can bring on board the planes.


On both pamphlets, nowhere does it mention that we cannot bring our cameras on board. I know it is a completely different scenario if we were flying to the U.K.


We cannot bring on board liquids and gels, which will now be packed into our normal luggage. With regard to perfumes, I always carry the minature sizes for travel and they will go into a plastic bag into my normal luggage as well.


Other than rearranging our carry on luggage (I usually put my toiletries and hair shampoos in there, instead I may put my shoes) we will still be able to carry our jewellery and books on board the aircraft.



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We've been packing cosmetics & toiletries in our checked bags ever since 9/11. (Early on some airport security wasn't allowing some of these in carry-ons or else we thought they weren't.)

We use a fold-up cosmetic case which unfolds to hang on the bathroom door. We place the folded case in a plastic bag and then put it in one of our checked bags. We've never had any problems with this.

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If you can still bring a purse, limit your jewelry to what fits in there. Don't bring a brand new camera. If you can leave electronics at home, then make do. This is not being imposed to inconvenience travellers, it is in response to the possiblity of dangerous activity. These are measures being taken to protect your life, the lives of people you know, and others you do not know. Unfortunately, we all need to bear the burden for a little while. Let the TSA work out a balance. Maybe that means buying shampoo after you get off an airplane. Maybe it just means using supplies that are already onboard a ship.


This is fine for vacation travel. Theives dont care if a camera is new, I had a 3MP compact camera taken form a bag. Forgot I put it in the checked bag, and got a surprise when i got home. For that reason I rarely take my DSLR because of bulk and its value. I have in the past and I'd never put it in checked baggage as it far exceeds the limits they would cover on insurance.

Work travel is another matter entirely. I have to carry atleast my IBM laptop and occasionally my macbook as well. There is no way I would trust either of them to be checked, to much of a chance of theft there too.

I dont care if they ask me to turn it on and prove that its a functioning computer, they are doing their job. As for leaving liquid at home, or in checked luggage thats fine with me. The main thing is to cooperate with TSA, be patient, and not lose one's temper at the delays

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You beat me to that punch line by just 5 minutes!!!!! :(


I fully expect that, by 2010, they will be running US through the hand-luggage scanners, not just our bags. I can see it now, we come up to security and they have us take out our lap tops, etc, and run them through. They then have us lay down and they run US through, too!


"Congratulations, Rev. Neal. You are cleared to fly on American Airlines. Nice underwear, by the way, but don't you think that pokadotted elephants are something of a fashion no-no?????"


"Please step into the next line, remove your clothing, submit to full body-cavity search, and then proceed to dress in disposable paper clothing which we will provide you for the duration of your flight."


"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We will be boarding the aircraft by groups, today. Following boarding, but before we push back from the gate, a flight attendant will be by to administer your injection that will render you comatose for the duration of the flight. A listing of TSA approved in-flight dreams can be found on page 28 of the "American Way" Magazine."


Greg, you have a great sense of humor, a little twisted, I like that :)

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Hey Greg,

Sean is right, I was trying to offset weight. I should have said so.

I do like the idea of putting shoes in the carryon, great suggestion!


I also think that the cruiselines should add to their onboard stock of small necessary items, especially now.


I had no idea this thread would take on a life of its' own but I'm pleased to see all the really good suggestions.

Thanks everyone,


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This is fine for vacation travel...

Work travel is another matter entirely. I have to carry atleast my IBM laptop and occasionally my macbook as well. There is no way I would trust either of them to be checked, to much of a chance of theft there too.

I dont care if they ask me to turn it on and prove that its a functioning computer, they are doing their job...


In anticipation of the rules tightening even further, I am going to start researching for a hard-sided laptop case that could be locked using a TSA lock - just in case. Our Plan B at the moment is a very slightly larger than carry-on size suitcase that would hold the laptop and his clothes. It can be locked and checked in. DH's work is almost 100% travel and he would be lost without his laptop. Everything is backed up here at home, but if he were to turn up at the opposite end of a flight without his computer, it would not be good.

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I have heard nothing about putting cameras or laptops in checked baggage.


They are only talking about toiletries in checked luggage. No big deal.


As long as we find a way to seal it properly, should work fine.


Barely an incovenience.

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About laptops, cameras, etc., in carry-on luggage, it hasn't happened here. No, not here. Not yet. But, at the moment on flights between the UK and the US, you can't have any electronics. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to be prepared. At the moment, people are merely brain-storming about how to cope with current and perhaps future changes. It is more challenging for some of us than for others to give up certain items - regardless of monetary value. There are a few choice items that some of us do not ever like to let out of our sight - for whatever personal reason and regardless of whether anyone else shares our feelings. Whether we have to give those up will likely impact the amount of unnecessary air travel we undertake. As much as I take this seriously, I also have personal preferences and reservations, some strong enough to make me re-evaluate future voluntary travel plans. In the meantime, DH has no choice but to travel and I don't want any last-minute changes to make his life more difficult.

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so far i don't have a huge problem with the restricitons i'll just pack more of my clothing in my carry on bag and pack restricted items in my checked luggage. THe only thing that i have a problem with is not being able to have a bottle of water with you. Thats the only way i can get thru a flight is having my bottle of water to sip on during take off before they start bringing you around drinks. I have anxity to begin with and being in a closed in space doesn't help so that water is somthing that calms me believe it or not. I hope that the restrictions will be a little bit better in the coming weeks. For now i'm just glad they caught them.

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RevNeal you have made me laugh so hard during some of these posts you have enlightened us with today.:p I got some really bad news today and was told that my cancer has spread into my liver. I also have it in my bones. I was sad:( until I read your posts that made be burst out laughing. :D So thank you for that. Not letting this cancer monster ruin my life. Leaving on the 19th for disneyworld. September we are taking the RV on a journey. In October we are sailing on Ms. Westerdam (first HAL cruise) Last but not least we are sailing on the Grand Princess in November. I sure appreciate all the humor I read on this board. Makes life worth stickin around and livin life like theres no tomorrow !!;)



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We are flying from England to Chicago on Sunday - vacation - no cruise involved this time! British Airways have said that they will provide water bottles for all passengers. We're pleased about all the security measures and are sure we'll feel safer flying. It has always amazed me what people manage to walk onto planes carrying. The only thing that hasn't been mentioned in all the guidelines issued here is cameras. I have bought an expensive new digital camera (my first one) and was looking forward to trying it out this year ready for our Alaskan adventure next summer - HAL cruise and three weeks independent driving - can't wait. DH says that it is insured and if we lose it then I can buy another but not sure I can bring myself to pack it in a case for the hold, especially after reading the experiences of others. It will be strange getting on a plane without my handbag/book/water bottle etc but we have checked the list of movies onboard and I guess we will all be watching our screens to pass the time. Just glad that we aren't going to California this year!



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We leave in 2 weeks from the UK to Canada and are very worried as we've bought brand new digital camera and camcorder specially for our 3 week trip. How can we possibly go on our holiday of a lifetime and not bring back copious numbers of photographs and hours of video footage? Then again, how upset will we be if we pack them along with mobile phones and they get stolen en-route? Then again, I think we would like to return in one piece and at least we would have the memories in our heads.


We just hope that sense will prevail over the next few days and we can all return to some semblance of normality. I just thank goodness that our security forces are so vigilent and these "people" are found out before they can commit their atrocities.



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We leave in 2 weeks from the UK to Canada and are very worried as we've bought brand new digital camera and camcorder specially for our 3 week trip. How can we possibly go on our holiday of a lifetime and not bring back copious numbers of photographs and hours of video footage? Then again, how upset will we be if we pack them along with mobile phones and they get stolen en-route? Then again, I think we would like to return in one piece and at least we would have the memories in our heads.


We just hope that sense will prevail over the next few days and we can all return to some semblance of normality. I just thank goodness that our security forces are so vigilent and these "people" are found out before they can commit their atrocities.





Hello Lloyd - At least I still have 11 weeks to go before flying across the water - something I do on average twice a year either for a cruise or another trip.


Despite the fact that like everyone else I am extremely grateful to the security services and want to know we can all fly safely, I will be very dissappointed if we are unable to take hand luggage in 11 weeks.


I take on every trip my laptop, dvd/video camera, digital camera, Ipod and mobile phone.


My wife and myself both have elderly parents plus our two children (gown up) and it is the most practical way of keeping in contact with them. Of course on the ship we can just go to the internet cafe but it is not so easy in our pre and post cruise hotels.


In each of my previous 10 cruises I have wonderful videos of the ships plus the ports and just everything about the holiday, to go on a cruise without my cameras would leave a large hole in our memories.


Of course I could put all the afforementioned items in my suitcases and by wrapping and packing correctly I would have no fears as regards to breakage or damage. What I would be fearful of is theft of items or indeed a whole case going missing. The items I mentioned would cost around £2000 or $3600 to replace - Insurance would not cover this sum ( together with our clothing and other items) if our cases went missing.


So if things havent changed by 28th October the laptop and cameras will be staying at home, we will have a great holiday and cruise as usual but the memories of it will not be there in the years to come for us to look at.

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