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Perfect Lives ~~~~ Perfect Cruises.....


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:) Okay, we don't live in a perfect world. Just to prove HAL is trying, on a recent cruise we were invited to attend a small meeting and give our opinion on the ship. What were they doing right and was there anything we felt should be corrected.

This indicated to me and dh that someone was really putting forth some effort.

Been on many cruised(8 lines) and have discovered no one is perfect. Just try to enjoy the moment.:)

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I assume (hate to do that) there must be other issues. I'm sure you aren't spending all that energy over Mariners Numbers.


I do recall you mentioned about your pre-payment for Pinnacle not being reflected.....that you had to show them your credit card statement.


I guess we've been overly fortunate.

We've had no issues of any sort that needed that kind of attention.

Better be careful and not jinx us. ;)

I hope your next cruise(s) go more smoothly, KK.




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Well I think with some people its a case of they work hard for their money and thus are out to hope for a few days of better-than-average living. At least that's me who works far too hard and have been told by many that I overdo it. The few days I am off I want a good, relaxing and pampered vacation. That being said though, I do agree that some people are just expecting things to be too perfect and thus are setting themselves up for a fall of their own making.


Sometimes there are real problems. Sometimes a cruise line does bad in terms of customer service and its okay to vent one's frustration. People found that getting frustrations off their chests is rather cathartic.


However, I agree that there are certain people who are just always out to look for the negatives in life. I see that everyday in the condo complex I live in. We have a mixed lot and there is always that certain group of people who are just never happy and complain about the cost of every repair and this or that activity and thus would be the same type to complain about every smell, noise and activity on board a cruise ship.


The reality for some is that they just have nothing major in life to focus on anymore and thus they focus on the really insignificant things in life that means nothing to others around them. As I told my partner I fear the day I retire!


With the OP, the negativity of some does get tiring and we do tend to get our backs up more than once. Try at least once or twice to bring the topic back to reason and show them that it could be worse but if they continue then the best you can only do is walk away. If they are born to be negative then you are never going to turn them around.



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[quote=Copper10-8 When on a ship, you're dealing among other things with machinery (the ship itself and everything on it), individuals (crew), product (primarily food), the environment (weather), and I'm probably leaving out a bunch. Any one of these can fall apart and cause problems (big and small) and, consequently, expectations are not met. Disappointing, aggravating? Sure, it is - no doubt, but try to deal with it! There are bigger problems in the world and you're still on one of best places you can be to enjoy some time off. Even though cruising is not for the "priviledged few" anymore (and that's a good thing), think of all the billions of folks who, unlike us here, will never see the inside of a cruise ship. Don't sweat the small stuff.


You are my kinda guy and I liked the machinery alalogy.

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Sail, this has been an interesting thread. Thanks for starting it.:)

Not to throw a wrench in here but in a way the CC board is to blame for people who come back being negative and or saying it was all right but I doubt I will ever cruise again. We spent a lot of hard earned money and it was just OK...... I think the problem is they read so many threads about those of us that have cruised so much, we talk about how great the Pinnacle was, how wonderful Shy on the Maasdam or Hunkey Dory on the Zuiderdam was. We talk about the Black and White Balls and we talk about all the new amenities in our suites. But the true first time cruiser who has never set foot on a cruise ship may be in for a rude awakening. First off it is a ship, the rooms are smaller including the bathrooms. The ship moves and the ocean has motion. The ship is mechanical and can have problems just like our automobiles. To be honest we did not find the CC boards till after our very first cruise and in many ways I am glad. We went into cruising positive we would hate it. Yes, I said hate it. I won the cruise, we enjoy going to Hawaii several times a year and I was sure I would get motion sick every day(I take Bonine daily and my body has become acustom to the motion). Had we found the boards prior I am sure we would have gone on the first cruise with much high expectations and would have come home complaining never to return. But because we had no expectations just bare minimum information given to us we had a wonderful time. Then we found the CC board prior to our our second cruise and first with HAL on the Zuiderdam. I have to admit we were just a bit more disappointed. We were able to upgrade to a Verandah Suite and we made reservations for the Pinnacle. All were not as perfect as I had read on the boards. I expected a bigger cabin, I expected far more from the Pinnacle. Now we still loved the cruise and returned to HAL (again and again:D ) but I just think reading and learning here on the boards can be a bit dangerous.

Now I am not putting down CC, there is a wealth of information here and it should continue. I can honestly say I get at least 3 to 6 emails a week from many CC readers and members asking me questions. I like answering these questions and try to be as honest as possible. We did not always travel in Suites and only a very small percentage do. Many of the readers that have emailed me are just so excited about going on their first cruise and by some I can tell they are expecting the Red Carpet treatment. Many think they are getting a glamerous suite because they we upgraded from a Cat. D to a VD. I have tried to explain to some and have even sent pictures.

I guess what I am saying is I can see why some come back upset. Yet another thing, NOT EVERYONE wil like cruising no matter how perfect it was. Just like not everyone will like mountain climbing, back packing, or a week at Disneyland. We are all different which is what makes the world a bit fun.

Tom and I like to be positive and looking back we really have enjoyed all our cruises some more than others. We also found we really like to cruise and for right now it is our hobby so to speak.

I guess what I am saying is we need to be more sensitive to those that come back and complain because maybe us as the HAL board and the Internet are just a little bit to blame. We live in such a fast pace high speed all knowing world. Perhaps before the Internet we enjoyed cruising because we didn't know what to expect. Unfortunately now what we have read to expect is not our interpretation of what we recieve.


My word for all First time cruisers is, Go have a great time, don't worry about anything and do not expect perfection.:)


You will come back a Happy Cruiser:D

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Lisa, I agree with you. I have said before that I am happy that we didn't find CC until AFTER our first cruise. We had no idea what to expect, did it on the spur of the moment, and were thrilled with almost every aspect of the cruise. There were some surprises, but most of them were pleasant and we didn't have any preconceived notions about the cruise experience itself.

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I think people's vacations fall short of their expectations ... especially cruise vacations ... because we set ourselves up for disappointment in many cases. We set our expectations too high and when they are not met, we've had a lousy experience.


Frankly, I've yet to have a bad cruise. Have things gone wrong? Why, certainly. Nobody's perfect. But, the difference with me is that I don't go into the cruise expecting perfection. I go into it expecting a good time, decent food, a reasonably attentive service staff, and the facilities with which I can avail myself to make my vacation experience a good one.


This set of expectations is not hard to meet. HAL meets them fine. Other cruise lines have also met them. Hence, I come home bubbling over about what a great cruise I had.


Of course, in all fairness to others on this board, I do have to say that if I were spending the money required for first class accommodations, I would probably have much higher expectations, and thus may very well set myself up for disappointment at some point in time. But, since I travel in the "cheap seats," I don't spend top dollar, and thus my expectations merely revolve around comfort, not luxury, and HAL (as well as probably many other cruise lines) can easily meet them. The reason I choose HAL to meet them is more a matter of the specific ambience of the line's ships ... and not necessarily because their food, service, facilities, etc. ... are any better than on other similar lines.


Blue skies ...



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the cruise I've gotten the most mileage out of because it's so funny in

hindsight was the small ship, storm at sea, my friend and I were laid out on

our beds sick as dogs....especially me, in spite of my Bonine. Knock knock...

a maintenance man came in with a step ladder and proceeded to take off the

cover of the air conditioning vent. Soot all over me, my bed, my nightgown, and the floor. He called for someone to vacuum, and that steward knocked over the ice bucket. Our steward came in to pick up the ice while the man still had his head in the vent and the other guy still vacuuming. Knock knock...in comes a waiter with a tray with champagne, strawberries and two glasses. We were green, sweaty, sooty, gasping and had 4 crew members bustling around in the cabin...........I laugh every time I think of it, because they all pretended they couldn't see us......even though we were lying on top of the bedspreads.

No cruise experience is really a bad experience for me.........Mimi

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The ship is mechanical and can have problems just like our automobiles.


Whoaa Lisa! You guys sell automobiles, no let me refrase that...you guys sell new automobiles that have problems??:eek: Not good Ma'am - bad advertising - I knew there was someting wrong with those 2006 Yugo's

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Excellent post, Lisa.


I didn't find CC until we had been on at least 20+ cruises.....probably more than that as we had already done about 10+ on cruiselines other than HAL.


DH and I went almost kicking and screaming on our first cruise. We didn't want to cruise and were sure we'd hate it. We had to idea what to expect but it didn't take us long to figure out how much we liked this 'cruising stuff'. :)


In many ways, it is unfortunate that people going on their first cruise get so very much information here. There are few surprises left for them to be 'wowed' with. But aside from that, Lisa, your points are so well made.


They often get an unrealistic expectation. They look forward to more than any mass market cruise line can possibly deliver.


We didn't know what to expect and were 'wowed' many times during that first cruise (on Royal Princess).

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The last thing I am going to complain about is if the food was bad a night or 2 in the dining room. Or I had to wait an extra 30 minutes for an embarkation process etc. Unless something seriously goes wrong ie a fire or a missed night of cruising because of something that the cruiselines could have prevented then I am happy as a clam. To many people let to many of the small things effect the way they enjoy any vacation onboard a ship or staying at a hotel. Just let the small things slide.

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We have had one bad cruise and that was way back in 1980 on the old Oriana out of Sydney with our children. Never again was what my DH said after they cruise.


It took many years to get my DH back onto a ship but since then we have enjoyed all our cruises. I am a very positive person and can truthfully say I have not had any complaints with any of our recent cruises. If something goes wrong, we immediately get in touch with whoever is responsible and get it fixed. We do not demand but always ask in a cordial manner and we find that we do get attention to the problem.


After very long airflights to our port of embarkation, nothing is going to take away from us our enjoyment of our time on board. We realize that the food will not be as tasty as we have here at home, how can it be when there are over 1000 passenger on board, but it is still enjoyable and at least I am not doing the cooking. As long as our bed is comfortable and our cabin is clean we are happy. We have each other and we are away from the stresses of everyday living.


We do look forward to every cruise, seeing lots of new ports and meeting new friends from far and wide.



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So many times I have said here that I have never been on a cruise I didn't like. If I had, we probably wouldn't be cruising anymore. Are some better than others? Absolutely. But they're all wonderful.


And I think most people (not on CC) feel like that. Much as I enjoy it here I take so many comments with a grain of salt because when I get on a ship, most of it just doesn't ring true. So in some ways I think CC is not a good thing ... it makes people pick at stuff they wouldn't otherwise.


So as many said, much of it is in the expectation. If you go into any day thinking it will be perfection all the way through you're going to be disappointed.


Sure I'll post that food on one line doesn't measure up to food on another, but I've never said it was inedible or anything close. I've never had a "horrific" cruise;) or a cruise from H***:) .


For me the glass is always at least half full because I've lived through some of the worst of times. I'm lucky we can cruise ... I'm so lucky just to be alive. Just put me in anything that floats and a calm blue sea and I'm happy.

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Whoaa Lisa! You guys sell automobiles, no let me refrase that...you guys sell new automobiles that have problems??:eek: Not good Ma'am - bad advertising - I knew there was someting wrong with those 2006 Yugo's


:D ;) Oh John, I work in the finance department where we sell those 50 year million mile warranties that you need to make sure you read the fine print:rolleyes: If you buy one of those you never will have problems. But of course that is only for our Fine Well maintained USED cars. Of course everyone know that New Toyotas are perfect;)

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DH and I are fortunate to have cruised 7 times counting our first cruise in 2002 on NCL. We had no expectations and didn't know what to do or how things operated on a cruise ship. When we walked into our balcony cabin we were amazed and truly excited. We took advantage of every moment and decided this was something we wanted to do again!


Yes, we've had a few minor problems - toilet that wouldn't flush, sprinkler over the bed started leaking after a cleaning of the lines, some not so tasty food items and observed some really obnoxious behavior by some really rude people. I've been seasick a couple of days but learned never have too much alcohol the first night on board:o ! However, as I've said on other threads, a cruise is what we as individuals make of it and a bad day cruising beats a good day at work!


DH and I have decided to give up spending our money on material things in order to enjoy one or two cruises a year as long as we can. Once we book the cruise we have something to look forward to, something to get us through the difficult, dark days that happen now and then. Some days knowing that a cruise was down the road was a lifesaver.


We are not as experienced as many cruisers but we feel like we "know the ropes" much better now, and yes I've learned some tips here on CC. We know that having a balcony is important to us, but realistically we can't afford the suites. We are more fortunate than most. What matters most is that we enjoy every minute on a cruise and don't dwell on things we can't control.


December 16 - Oosterdam to Mexico --Yipee!:D

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:D ;) Oh John, I work in the finance department where we sell those 50 year million mile warranties that you need to make sure you read the fine print:rolleyes: If you buy one of those you never will have problems. But of course that is only for our Fine Well maintained USED cars. Of course everyone know that New Toyotas are perfect;)




they are not USED CARS ......




I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed and agreed with your post. I too didn't come here to CC til I had 3 cruises under my belt, so I knew there were many different categories of cabin, and not every passenger would have a butler following them to the bathroom with champagne and caviar *LOL* and not everyone gets a balcony that seats 50.


What I do enjoy from coming here are the different view points of so many people ,who have been to so many places, on so many different ships and their experiences. Learning and laughing along the way.


But you are so right, I can see a total "Newbie" coming here , reading all about the "suite life" and then being dissappointed because they didn't get any of these things in a lower category.

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they are not USED CARS ......




I also wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed and agreed with your post. I too didn't come here to CC til I had 3 cruises under my belt, so I knew there were many different categories of cabin, and not every passenger would have a butler following them to the bathroom with champagne and caviar *LOL* and not everyone gets a balcony that seats 50.


What I do enjoy from coming here are the different view points of so many people ,who have been to so many places, on so many different ships and their experiences. Learning and laughing along the way.


But you are so right, I can see a total "Newbie" coming here , reading all about the "suite life" and then being dissappointed because they didn't get any of these things in a lower category.


Yes, you are correct they are Previously Owned :D


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I agree with your post. We can expect too much after reading CC boards.


ALL vacations have blips. I try to not dwell on them. Many minor inconveniences/irritations can be soothed when you step onto your balcony at sunset. There's something so wonderful about being at sea. I tend to put things in perspective when I watch the sea. I feel so privileged to be able to cruise. My computer wallpaper always has a picture of the ship for our next cruise!

However....there can be horrible cruise experiences. (We had one and didn't sail again for years.) So glad my DH said let's try it again.


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