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Snowing in the Southwest!

And it's beeautifuul!!

Hey All!

Cerabella - 'WHACK' There are ya feeling better!?!!? :D :p LOL just kidding you Girl!! Well, actually...you asked for it. hehe... Hey!! Good job on the loss!! yiippee!!

Pizza Tip - - Friends and family are begging to go to everyone's favorite Pizza place. Say Okey Dokey...Race ya to the car!! Why? Because you actually can go!

You order your favorite meat pizza, with black olives, green peppers...stuff like that. Then take your slice and scrape the toppings off of the crust! put the crust on another plate. Some side salad..Big iced tea .....and I will tell you...when you go home that night...no tummy problems! Where I run into a problem here is that the crust dipped in ranch dressing is soooo good....I have to have my control button turned up high so I don't do that! ok, that's totally enough about pizza!! LOL!:p

Kay..!! Girl your getting so close to that 180 mark - you'll get there!! Great job!

SFS...next time your crusing - I'm sneaking in your luggage!! :p

** Making the seasoned pecans & almonds tonight....boy is my kitchen going to be smelling great!

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Good chilly morn to all low carbers!!


Thanks for the smack Jean!! I really needed that! he he...sometimes it's best to get a reality bop on the head ( think V~8) before we need the large machinery to get us back on that ole wagon!! I think the main problem w/ my 'pizza demolishing' was that I absent mindedly skipped breakfast...oops, then I was ravenous:( my bad!!

(Taking any pics lately?? Finally got uploaded to Picasa but haven't sorted & named yet...I have a 'funny' to put on a certain thread:p.)


I saw an episode of Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals yesterday & she did some nuts too... they looked absolutely yummy...I'm going to go back & find Gooselace's recipe & compare. One thing about it, we buy those large bags of nuts @ Sam's & therefore, there is no shortage, just have to remind myself portion control girlfriend, portion control ~ you are NOT a squirrel!!!:eek:

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I'm back!! Sorry it took so long to check back in but it sure has been crazy since I got home. We had a wonderful cruise. Haven has decided that she has to go with me on all future cruises! :eek: Oh NO!! What have I done?? :rolleyes: I think I will go with Keith one year and then the next year we can include Haven. The cruise was great. It took about 8 hours to get to Jacksonville, we checked into the Hampton Inn and I went to bed kind of early. The next morning we took the shuttle to the Jax port and that was a trip!! The security at Jax was more intense than any other port I have been to including Miami. Since we got there so late the line was pretty long but we were onboard in about an hour I think. The Fascination is an older ship but in my opinion in great shape. The water was a little rough the first and last days but luckily neither one of us got sick. We went to the zoo in Nassau and did a little shopping. HMC was pure paradise!! We did the horseback riding by land and sea. We will do that one again real soon. I have a great picture of Haven on the horse standing on the beach that I will have to get posted on here. The drive home was very long. It was raining and we ran into bad traffic due to three seperate accidents on the way home. The drive down took 8 hours and the drive home took 11 hours. :( I sure was exhausted when I finally made it home. I didn't even start my Christmas shopping until Saturday but I am finally done!! All I have left to do is wrap 3 presents. I thought I had enough paper but I ran out with three left to wrap. We decided to go back to the Outer Banks for a long weekend. :D We will get together with his step-family tonight, tomorrow after work my Mother and Grandmother are coming over to eat and do Christmas. Christmas morning we will go to his sisters for breakfast and we will do Christmas with his family. Then we will go back home and wait for Haven's paternal Grandparents to come over and see what she got for Christmas. As soon as they leave we are getting on the road and driving back to the beach house. I am so looking forward to another long weekend at the North Carolina Outer Banks!!!! I have not even thought about getting on the scales yet. :eek: Lets hope it isnt too bad when I do. Hehe!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and a great Christmas!!


RVP- I am sure you are having a wonderful cruise!! I sure wish I was still at sea!!


It is cold, cold, cold here in North Carolina. You know how mild the weather normally is here but the high is around 35 and the low last night was 19. My father, step-mother and brothers are in Colorado right now and he said that the temperature was 9 when he called me this morning. My step-sister and her new husband live in Denver so they are celebrating Christmas with them.


Some more GREAT news!! This was a rough semester but I pulled it off with an A in all three classes. Gotta love a 4.0 average. I am cutting back my class load next semester because it is just too much between Haven and working fulltime. It will take me longer to get my degree but hopefully I will graduate with honors!! :cool:

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Hope all didn't dive off the ole low carb wagon...heehee...if soo, then Jean will give you a 'smack' that will jolt you back to your senses!!;)


I spent some time re re reading some of the oldest posts looking for inspiration & ideas & recipes ( needless to say, the weather & such had me socked in & I guess I had the 'don'ts') I made a Peanut Butter Fudge recipe mentioned by SFS from lowcarbfriends & let me tell you it is definately addictive...the sweet stuff...even tho splenda, or altern is used... just be forewarned... the rest is going to the kids...

1 stick butter

1/2 c peanutbutter

2 oz cream cheese

1 c splenda

2 scoops of designer protein whey powder

Mix , put in wax-lined cassarole, refrigerate. enjoy! ~2.2g carbs per serving (small pieces, doncha know!!)


Congrats donna on the good grades...suffice it to say that school & life makes many things difficult...congrats for persevering & succeeding!!





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oops, sorry, I realized that I replied to a very old post....

I didn't realize there were more recent posts :o


Have you been to LCF lately? Kimmer was found to be a fraud :(


Anyway, I'm doing Atkins, and will stay on it during my cruise :)

Lots of meat choices, I hope! I hope to lose about 35 pounds by march before my cruise.

Edited by Traveller20074
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Hello & welcome Traveller!! & am wondering where all the other Atkin faithful followers are?? Are we all on vacation form posting our successes ( because we know we don't have any failures, only perhaps miss steps):rolleyes:


Actually if the post you were referring to was mine, about LCF's, I was simply doing a search for some recipes, & saw where Sugar Free Sheila linked to a certain recipe from there on an old post - then I actually made it... That was just a couple of days ago. Sadly, yes I did read about the fraud by Kimmer...still isn't it funny how her name will surface from time to time...I guess she really hurt & mislead a lot of sincere people who simply wanted to lose weight & have emotional validation:mad:...fortunately for me, I never wanted to pay for a plan when Atkins worked so well for me, & the book was a nominal cost...I did originally lose some 25-30 lbs ( I quit weighing for several weeks before I actually started the plan I was so frustrated with my 'traitor' body...) & happily am still within about 8 or so...tho I really want to kick back in induction & slough off those unwelcomed returnees...be gone w/ your bad selves, lbs!!!:p


Anyhoo, I really didn't connect that the LCF's was even involved w/ that...the link was active, & there did seem to be a lot of recipes...always on the lookout for something new or even old, w/ a new twist, perhaps...


Wish you wll on the 35lbs by March!! I think that is quite doable. Feel free to post here, we are a very friendly & supportive group...ideas, thoughts, recipes, breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, snacks, exercise, eating out...whateva' ;)


Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

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Hey All! I'm not Beuller - but I'm a carb addict and I've had a great holiday season and it showed up on the scales this morning!!:eek: Ya know what just gets me, is that DH steps on the scales to - he's had way more goodies then me during the holidays and hmmmm 5 lbs - that's it!!?? :mad: And he's been on vacation since the 18th of Dec! BUT!! I can sit here and be down on myself and do the 'Well, on Jan 1 I'll start my diet' song - - instead, I told DH.... wow, have we had a great time or what - and this morning I packed my lunch for work and I have my 1 cup salad and 1 left over grilled pork chop from supper. I'll even work the stairs outside a few extra times and just get back on track! He fixed 2 strips of bacon and scrambled eggs this morning, so it's only up to me to stay with it or jump off.

On another note - I've been reading a few diet guidelines - biggest loser, ww, south beach - - - and have ya all noticed that there are all basic guidelines?

Cut out the sugar, flour & stay with lean meats and veggies - easy on the fruit - and throw in some exercise and it sure seems that it turns into healthy eating. Of course Jenny Craig and others mail food to you - and for a lot of people that's what they need to gain control (and if it works - cool!) ..... but it comes back down to this - - - No one forced fed me these last 2 months --- I stuck it all in my mouth - All by myself! So I said to myself this morning - "Self, ya got your self into your stretchy pants, and now your going to have to work to get back in your jeans!!" See I needed a good SMACK too!!! ok, more like a Whaaack!!!! :p:D

Cerabella - Bless your heart for hanging in here and posting - or we'd have to dig through the past pages to bring this back up! hehe!

Welcome Traveller!

Donna - sorry so late to post Congrats to you on your Grades - That is fantastic!!

And so glad your DD likes Crusing!! Sounds like you had a great time!

Looking forward to hearing from RVP!! Post when you get back!

Hey....are there any oldtimers coming back on board after the new year?

Jocelyn, Lisa, Annie, Tom etc..... you know who you are! Missed ya!

Ok, I really need to do some work ... I'll check back later!

Less is More!!!!! - My 2009 slogan!

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Congrats Jean on your positive attitude...you have been on this thread the absolute longest, have given the most encouragement, inspiration, & advice!! You are our dinosaur!!:D:D jk...Sadly, have a lot of Atkins peeps given up after some setbacks, be it a tragedy, holiday, event, life??? None the less, & you are proof that it has to be simply our way of life, our way of eating...'mess' up some or much, & we simply have to revive our determination that we are responsible & accountable...so no smacking the scales :eek:;):p


I also notice the thing about different 'diets' is that a lot of the times if someone doesn't know you are low carbing & you have a salad, grilled chicken breast, or whatever, they say 'good for you, you sure are eating healthy!' & then you say 'yes, I'm eating Atkins style', then everyone has a story to tell, good or some horror or blah blah blah...sadly, no matter if any WOE actually produces the results wanted, it sure won't work if ya don't stay with it...& I have to remind my DH that 'mixing' different ways or plans is most likely a weight gaining guarantee....


I like your slogan -less is more!! you go girl!!

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Happy (almost) New Year's Eve, everyone! That low-carb peanut butter fudge recipe is an excellent one, isn't it? Since finding it in 2007 on Low Carb Friends, my mom even demands it for her birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and wants it all to herself! lol It takes about 2 minutes to whip together, so the fudge is truly no bother at all. This last time, I used chocolate protein powder in lieu of the vanilla the recipe calls for, and it puts a nice spin. Something for others to try, maybe!


I hope all of you are enjoying your holidays. Christmas was so beautiful this year. :)

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Hey There Everyone!!

Happy New Year! Whewwww.... 2008 was a pretty fast year for us!


Will have to make the fudge - we have a babyshower next weekend! My DIL was so excited when I suggested hot soups for the shower. She asked for Potato Soup:eek: and my Tortillia soup :D so I'll be ok with that one....just no strips. Then some breads and cupcakes. No cupcakes for me....but they sure are easy to make!


Cerabella - Dinosaur?!!? LOL....or just persistant in posting? :p hehe My work makes it pretty easy to check out CC - which I get such a kick out of - and so posting here is good therapy for me! And your right - setbacks are part of life!

In Aug when my sister passed - it was/is tough, there are vacations, then the holidays - - but if I just give up....I don't see how that will ever help!?! And then we have such determined gals like Pink and SFS who met their goals - great examples of hard work and discipline!!


And a good Whack and a Smack on those scales are therapy for me too! ha ha


Tonight - Down comes the tred mill again - we had it up to have more room in the guest room. And I think this means I have to get the ironing board down and do DH's shirts that are coming off the tred mill too! :p


Picking up some seafood for tomorrow - our tradition for NY day - and football! yiippee!! :D Love the Bowl Games...!!


Ok, so if I get my 'stuff' done here at the office...then I get to go home early...so I'm wishing you all a Safe, Happy, Healthy and Low Carb New Years!!


{{Hugs}} to all of my CC Anyone on Atkins buddies I've met on here - even if your not LowCarbing.....stop in and tell us what you've been up to and how your doing!! :)

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First Friday of the new year...hope the new year has been successful so far for everyone!!:p I don't really bother w/ the resolution thingy, just re~examine what works & what might need a little fixin'...okay, here's what I came up with for me, YMMV (duh!!);)

*I know I don't drink enough water...prolly too much coffee, tho only 2 cups a day, 1/2 decaf...maybe that's my stall issue... I have given up coffee a few times in the past, don't know if it made much difference, but, hey, ya gotta enjoy life a little, coffee is one of my passions...

*I know I need to step up my exercise routine ...someone once said, if you're gonna do the time, might as well make it worth it...(me, looking in the mirror...:()

*Also, remember to take vitamins & supplements, which I am pretty consistent w/ ...thankfully, DH is pretty health conscious too, so that helps alot.

*& finally, cut out the 'carby crappola'...we all know what bread, crackers, chips etc. taste like, right???


Anyhoo, I know most of our low carb peeps don't post on the weekend, so, hope all stay low carb for today, tomorrow, & for the whole new year!! Woohooo!!:D:D

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Update on recipe for Peanut Butter Fudge...Jean, if you want to make this, please make a 'practice batch'...it really is delish, but I doubled the recipe...I personally thought therefore that 2 (two) sticks of butter was a little much, made the fudge a little 'greasy' because I used Smuckers Natural peanut butter, which is already a little 'oily'...soo, I subbed more cream cheese in ratio instead for my second batch I made yesterday:eek:, (& yes, I halved it w/ kids:rolleyes:)...just a heads up, wouldn't want it to be a surprise for such a special occasion!! btw, congrats!!!


Funny story on the tread mill...isn't that like an urban legend...'treadmill gets lost under mountain of clothes, story @ 11!!!'


Also update on my eating plan for 2009...ok, cut back on the alcohol...but, but, but I really don't drink that much!!! Note to self...re~read Dr A's advice on consuming alcohol...:p


Happy weekend all, newbies, lurkers whoeva'!!!;)

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Cerabella - - How funny is this....I didn't know what 'fudge' I was talking about on my last post! I thought 'Fudge?!?!'... I'm not eating that until next Christmas!!!LOL!!! Then it all comes back to me on this post...the Low Carb Peanut Butter Fudge for the shower!! Ha Ha!! I have a chocolate fudge that I make for Christmas that I get a lot of requests for and it didn't make sense to me at first! :p Oh, and by the way... I laugh at myself - A LOT!:D

Thanks for the tips on making the fudge! I'm sure I'll be laughing when I'm making it this week!


My 'Reminders' for 2009 - - Drink more Water, Now that I bought a new DVD work out - USE IT! , Drink more water, Less is more...... the Less I weigh the more comfortable I'll feel in those clothes in my closet! Drink more water!


Just a quick post - it's late and I've been working around the house for about the last 3 days...so much to give away! But, I feel great when I look in the closets and there is just the stuff that I have to have...like my luggage!!!:p


RVP- How was your Trip?

Donna - how ya doing?


Catch ya's all later!!

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ugh, argh, ugh, argh..... Monday morning back to work - all week! I just love the holiday's and the time off that goes with them! With Christmas and NY on Thursday I got to take the Fridays off too...and I have to say..I really enjoyed the time off!

Donna - when do you head back to school? And when do you start planning your wedding now that you got engaged on your Cruise?

RVP - Missed ya!

Cerabella - The mountains and foot hills are covered in snow - and it's so pretty!

So here it is - a New Year and a great time to start new habits in eating and exercising! I watched my new DVD work out last night...yeah,.. I watched it..wow..those girls have a lot of energy :eek: and look pretty darn cute in their work out clothes too!! LOL :D I have neck issues ... old whiplash injury from once upon a time.... so I had to watch it to know where the areas come up that I'll probably have to just be careful on some of the 'moves'!

How was everyone's weekend? What's your Way of Exercising for the New Year?

Breakfast: 2 strips of crispy bacon and 2 halves of deviled eggs, that I made last night.

Sipping on hot decaf tea as I post....no heat in the office this morning and it's 53 in here!:confused: Better go ask around if this is the best it's going to get up here.

Happy Monday everyone!

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Dear Jean,


It's so nice to have all this room to ourselves...not!!!:eek: Did we run everyone off??:confused: Do we need to be more encouraging, upbeat, spontaneous, skinny??:rolleyes: Do we have keto~breath??:phehehe... I kinda felt like you said a while ago, maybe some would re~join to update their WOE at the beginning of this year. I guess maybe it's not gonna happen after all...


It seems I am stuck on a peanut butter binge, what with the Peanut butter fudge, now this Saturday I finished that off, then I watched an episode of Paula Deen where she made the 'Diabetic Peanut Butter cookies'...soo easy, no flour...low carb, yummy...see, it seems I am just feeding my cravings, but what the heck am I having cravings for??? Oh yeah, TOM...so, I prolly won't weigh for a few days...:o


Oh, Jean, you have a blanket of snow ~ have you figured out your white balance to make the snow white instead of gray?? I'm sure you have... We have the craziest weather as usual in Texas...Sat it was 80, & I mean I was in shorts!! Sun morn, cold front hit ~ boom~ 30's...brrrr...me no likey cold...me likey hot!! Anyone else?? Feel free to add your 2 cents...anyone, anyone??


Less is more!!!

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Hey Cerabella!

I don't know where everyone went?!?! New Year Blues?

It's just so much more fun posting with everyone! But, we can always hope that others will pop on!

So, I can tell I'm losing the water weight already - from a 2 month feeding frenzy.... I wish it was all water...but it's not and so since I went to the 'dance'...now I have to pay the band!! ... but it's ok, more work on my part! So, I'm working out with my DVD and I have to say - I feel like I'm stumbling through most of it! :o My feet just aren't used to moving this fast and I know that I'm not getting 80% of the work out...more like 60%?!?! :o But as with anything new...I have to hang in there and just learn the routine and start to see the benefits. I am wanting to do some inside exercise in hopes that by the time it starts to warm up - I'll be looking forward to riding my bike again!

2 sausage - 1 deviled egg for breakfast. Quick bite and out the door for the morning!

Last night we had some yummy pork roast that I had slow cooking most of Sunday afternoon. And I put 3 cans of green beans and a slice of bacon on the stove to simmer about an hour before dinner. Easy and good!

Thanks for the warning about the PB fudge addiction.... I love PB! And if Paula Dean is part of it - yummm and dangerous! She's so funny! I love when her boys come on and cook with her too! Reminds me of days when my DS would come breezing through the kitchen and his help for me was my 'official taste tester'..LOL! Oh...DIL had her last ultrasound yesterday...she's 6 weeks away from due date, but baby is verrry low and they said she's at least 5 lbs...so if my DIL goes into labor from here on out...then she will just deliver!



Here is a pic of the parents to be - just last May in Edinburgh!

Ok...gotta get to work!

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Way to go Jean!! Get those yucky 'holiday' lbs off there:D. I know at 'our' age any movement is sooo much better than none...that's a 'duh' but when I exercise consistently not only do I feel better, I do look soo much better too. & don't we all agree that toned blubber looks so much better than saggy, baggy blubber...not that we have any of that!!!:eek:

BTW, your kids look adorable... thanks for posting pics...we love, love love pics, & what a pretty baby that's going to be!! You will have a new photo obsession, yay!!!:D


Isn't it also kinda funny that so much 'diet' advice is out there this time of year, & some of it is so conflicting. Plus, few would actually promote Atkins...it's almost always still low fat this, low fat that...can't most see that that is not working for the long term? I just have noticed all the talk shows, commercials. etc...( not that I watch all that!!!)


breakfast ~ three crispy pieces of bacon, one cage free brown egg one cuppa joe.

mid morn ~ small cup hot herbal tea

lunch~ getting back in the salad mode, thankfully..

supper ~ funny, I put a roast in the crock pot (beef this time) will do assorted veggies as a side


I haven't exercised today, tho..TOM is kicking my 'tail' this month...grrrrrr...:(



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Hi all

So back from the cruise and confused as I gained 6 pounds-GRRRRRR and the food was just ok.

Help me get back on track and get going again-i was doing so good. I had 2 pieces of candy today and my pants are tight! This is when I hate myself.


HELP me get back on track Cerabella and jean-I need you guys!!!



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Hey all!


Stopped in to say hi!!!! I'm about 5 lbs up on goal weight but that's alright... I overdid it this Christmas for sure ;) So much so that I didn't want the bad stuff anymore. You know you've overdone it when the thought of chocolate and sugar makes your stomach turn and you're craving veggies :)


Mr Pink and I loaded up on low carb at Costco today. I bought all the regular stuff (meats, cheeses, almonds, veggies etc) except that I'm allowing more grains in my diet, choosing lower fat cuts of meat than I previously did (which is more helpful when you shop at costco), and opening up to a wider variety of fruits. I also got some flaxseed there for less than $10 to sprinkle on my yogurt (sour cream w sugar free syrup) so I'm looking forward to trying that.


I don't know that I could have lost the weight (20 lbs) on south beach because its so liberal but I don't know that I can maintain on atkins. I enjoy "breaking" the diet for vacations and major holidays ;) I have an AMAZING black strapless dress that I've never worn and plan to wear on our cruise in 6 weeks. And DH and I are plannign a wardrobe specifically for white hot nights which we've never experienced on ncl before... so I'll post "skinny??" pics when I get home from that in the end of Feb :)


I will check in one more time before we leave on valentines (especially to see Jean's grandbaby pics- please post them, hopefully not for 4-6 weeks) just to say hi and lend low carb support (and any good recipes that can crossover!). DH and I made a chicken soup last week that turned out pretty awful. Promise to post when something decent comes along in the pantry...


Love ya guys!



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I guess I really have been MIA. :o Life has been crazy lately. We decided to go to the beach house at the Outer Banks after Haven's paternal grandparents came to see her Christmas morning. It was a great ride down with hardly any traffic. It is nice to travel on Christmas day because most people are already where they want to be!! Keith loves Ocracoke Island so we planned a day trip for Saturday. I made reservations for us on the 7:00 am ferry to Ocracoke and the 5:00 pm ferry back to Cedar Island. The ride over was nice except for the fog and it took four tries to get us into the harbor. It was a very nice day with Haven and Cody's girlfriend playing in the surf while Keith and Cody were fishing and I was sitting there listening to the waves and reading a book. Everyone was happy!! Haven kept telling me that we were on an island and I was reading a book, she just could not understand how happy I was with that. Then we decided to go to Howard's Pub to get some lunch. I don't think I will be doing that again. The food was okay but not really anything to write home about. Keith and I both got Cheeseburgers and Haven got a Reuben and the bill was $66.00!!! :eek: I guess we got pulled into the tourist trap! After we left there we had to go buy Haven some clothes because she was soaking wet. You know children will be children!! So we did a little shopping to waste a little time before it was time to catch the 5:00 ferry. Around 4:00 we went to check in at the ferry and guess what? There was no ferry there!! They cancelled the 5:00 ferry because of fog! :eek: Another shock for the system. I was all for taking the ferry to Hatteras and driving but the men thought that was crazy. So we checked into the hotel and tried desperately to find someone to go check on the dogs cause we left our chow and lab at the house!! We could not get in touch with anyone so we had to worry about the dogs being stuck in the house for 28 hours. I could not sleep that night and finally got up at 4:00 am. Keith went down to the dock at 5:00 and said that the ferry was there. We went ahead and got up and got ready so that we could be at the ferry at 6:00. By the time we got to the beach house I was just exhausted and we had to clean up, pack, load the vehicles and drive back home. I was so worn out that I really struggled with that drive home and crashed when we got home. Well, that is my adventure story for the day!!


Friday evening Haven's great-grandmother passed away so we were busy all weekend running back and forth to her paternal grandparents. Her worthless excuse for a father came to the funeral home before the wake so that he wouldn't have to see anyone. One of his cousins said something about me being his ex and I told him we could just forget that, lets just refer to me as Haven's Mama!! ;) LOL!!


I guess I better get back to work but I will check in again real soon. This is the last week before classes start back so I will check back in tomorrow or Friday!!

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Hey Everyone! So Good to 'see' everyone! You Were Missed!!

Yea!!! It's Wednesday! This first week back is going faster then I thought it would on Sunday night! Ha!

Donna - Oh My Gosh!! Wow...! That is a crazy story! I can't imagine the anxiety you had with your poor dogs being stuck in the house that long!!! :eek: The island sounds like fun, but when the rest isn't going well...it puts a damper on things!

So sorry for your loss too...at the holiday time... :(

Pink--- Looking forward to seeing you in a picture of that Amazing Black dress!:D

We have also gone for some leaner meat choices lately - but I have had a few strips of bacon this week. I'm glad you stopped by!

Hi Kay! Welcome back! Hope you had a good time on your Cruise! I think what has been a big help to get me back on track, is taking the time to exercise....I don't know if it's just the extra ingredient that is my remider to eat right and don't cheat?! And Water... You know the drill! Plan your meals so you eat right, get up and do some exercise - and start being disciplined...and you'll see that you'll be back in the losing mode ! YOU have to want it...no one else can do it for you!

And you can always plan another Cruise for that special Goal! :p

Cerabella - Toned Blubber?!?! :p LOL! Is that what they call and oxymoron!?! or something like that! Funny! This morning I did 15 min on the treadmill before I got in the shower for work - - and I have to say... that I think I enjoyed getting my heart rate up ...even for 15 min! :eek: Remember that I was trying the push - ups...yeah... well that I've had to cut out...it was killing my back/neck/shoulders! I'm going to take out my weights and use that for toning....we are 2 months from tank top weather...and it is nice when the arms are looking good! hehe

3 strips of crispy bacon - 1/2 piece of deviled egg.

Hot tea

Lunch... leftovers: Chicken with cheese from taco salad (w/o taco) last night.

Dinner...still thinking on that....maybe some BBQ pork from the roast?!

Don't know if you guys like Turkey..or not...but Wal-Mart had their Butterball Turkeys for .78 per pound - I got an 11 pounder! Lean,mean,protein!!!!! And makes a great soup!

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Thanks for the support you gals. I need the support and kick me in the pants to eat right again. I WAS DOING SO GOOD. You are right it is up to me.



Loved your story. Sorry about your puppies. Used to go to the outerbanks every year with my son. Love it there. Very theraputic. Ocracoke is very quaint but the ferry is what it is. have waited long times for it.


Well I will do low carb tomorrow and stick to it. I have to.


I have been walking an hour a day-5 times a week. Now to get at eating right again. I feel so much better on low carb.

I can do it!!!

By the way, what is Kimkins??????

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I'm not really too chunky right now, but when I put on extra weight, I usually do some form of low carb to get it off quick. A few tips...


1) If you like cheesecake it can be a lifesaver for staying on the diet. Just make a cheesecake, replacing sugar with splenda and use crushed pecans with butter for a crust. It only takes like 20 minutes to make.


2) Eggs become a staple when I'm low carb. I make a lot of poached eggs in the microwave - VERY easy! And there are always boiled eggs in my fridge.


3) Bacon is the candy bar of meats! :D

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