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I Got BANNED from RCCL!!!!!!

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I guess play the waiting game


1 - I have to work tomorrow,


2 - I have Finals for school Friday afternoon


3 - I work Saturday


4 - Leave Sunday for Miami.


I am waiting on a reply from my lawyer to see whats the next step on his behalf.


I have sent emails to both Mr Goldstein, and Mr Fain, as well as Mr Bald, the Security Director for RCCL - So waiting on any replies there.


I have also filed a greviance with the BBB, I doubt that will go anywhere, but its a resource!




Good luck on your finals! I know the feeling! I have a Bio/ Gen AP Practical tomorrow!

I hope you can get this all straightened out! Although, honestly, I wouldnt want to sail with a company that didnt want my business....it would take some major lips to hinnie... :p


AND I cannot believe how many hits this thread has gotten! I checked earlier and it was just under 25,000...now 42,700's thats just NUTS!

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I called DHS, And TSA, and it is NOT a government thing, they said that would only effect airline travel and NOT cruise travel. They looked in some files and said they are 95% sure this did NOT come from the Govt.



DHS is not just for airline travel. The DHS TRIP I mentioned before helps when you have problems with security at any US entry or exit point including airports, rail stations and ship ports.

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I am absolutely flabbergasted and appalled that they can ban you from their cruiseline without telling you why. It's the not telling you why part that really gets my goat. And the fact they seem to be changing their story? Weird and fishy.

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Well there you go an update , let me refill my popcorn:D


And grab a beer or 2. This is not in anyway meant to diminish the OP's problem here, but it is a bit like a mystery novel. :confused:


I just hope it ends well for him.

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I am absolutely flabbergasted and appalled that they can ban you from their cruiseline without telling you why. It's the not telling you why part that really gets my goat. And the fact they seem to be changing their story? Weird and fishy.


Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.

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I called DHS, And TSA, and it is NOT a government thing, they said that would only effect airline travel and NOT cruise travel. They looked in some files and said they are 95% sure this did NOT come from the Govt.

Well, that is good news I guess. Glad you are not a suspected terrorist, and are apparently not a DHS risk. Would have been surprised if that had been the case, anyway, since you don't seem to have any problems with your booked air travel or impending cruises reserved with OTHER lines.


Since you booked it so early, did you have a really good cabin on the Liberty before they cancelled it, banned you from their company, and declared you a 'risk?' ;)

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Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.


I agree that all of us 'lookieloos' are not owed anything, but really it would be more analogous in the OP's situation to compare it to police tape around HIS house, and then him not being allowed entry or told why...:(

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Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.


Asking questions as to why your neighbors house has yellow police tape around it is not the same thing as wanting to know why you have been banned from a cruiseline. I bet the neighbors know why the yellow tape is around their house. Of course, when the information does not pertain to you, it is priviledged but when it does pertain to you, you have every right to know what it is.

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Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.


The person who's affected by the situation certainly has a right to know why!

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Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.


The 'yellow tape' was put around Scott's house and, IMO, he is owed a reason why.

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I don't get this at all:eek:


Something is just not right here! There should have at least been a formal written letter! I hope you return here and let us know what the reason were.


When we were on a Carnival cruise in 2001, there was an incident in one of the nightclubs one evening, and the next morning when we were leaving the ship to visit New Orleans, there were about 3 young men waiting on the ship as you exit in handcuffs, with police guarding them. I was told later that day, the incident in the nightclub was so out of control it lead to their arrest and dismissal from the ship.


Carnival handled it in such a way that many people never knew about it, but whatever happened, it got them arrested, and I am sure they will never sail carnival again.

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Asking questions as to why your neighbors house has yellow police tape around it is not the same thing as wanting to know why you have been banned from a cruiseline. I bet the neighbors know why the yellow tape is around their house. When the information pertains to you, you have every right to know what it is.


I agree you have a right to know when it involves you....that other post was way off base.

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The more I follow this thread, the more it scares me. My husband works for a company in the gas & oil industry located here in Detroit. Their property is located right along the Detroit River has had to conform to all sorts of Homeland Security Measures since 9/11 including extensive background checks on all employees. They need to be done every 4 years, so the next time my husband has to have one done, and if they call RCCL, are they gonna' ban us from cruising? Scary!


I certainly hope they get this all straightened out for the OP. I would hate to be in his situation. Hopefully he'll have a great time on his Carnival cruises and RCCL will give him some answers soon.

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Why do we think we are owed an explanation for everything?

If the Police put yellow tape around you neighbors house and you ask them what's going on, are they obligated to tell you?

should Mcdonailds tell Burger king it's business?


Information is a priviledge and sometimes a responsibility.



I'm Not asking why the people in the cabin next to me were banned from RCCL I am asking why I was.

Picture if you will, You live in an appartment (Not saying you do, but lets just say you do), you come home one night, and all of a sudden all your stuff is on your lawn, and the only note said "you can't live here anymore" with NO explination and no one to tell you why. That would be your comparison.


BY THE WAY - It honestly seems to me that if you were suddenly banned, you would probabally want to know why...

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Gosh what an amazing story! Hoop, I really hope you get to the bottom of this and hope you can get it sorted!


Once you've got it sorted, then jeez you can take them to the cleaners. I am thinking free unlimited travel for 12 months!

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To be honest, that would be cool, but even if they have "reasons" for banning me, I just want to know what the heck they are.


I'm not here trying to get a free cruise, to sue them, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of things and figure out what is going on!

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Okay Police tape anology is somewhat extreme. You are all correct that the OP deserves to know and should be told but.... what law binds them to do that?


Good corporate governship may say you should be accountable to your customers, shareholders etc, but a shareholder that has 100 RCI shares so they can get a cabin credit would be drowned by the voices of the mega shareowners who see value in protecting corp secrets, the passengers, and the fleet, even at the expense of losing a few loyal customers.


For the Record As a cabin credit shareholder I am pulling for Scott as I also believe he deserves to know.


Scott knows there are other ships on the sea ( personally I would be choked, livid, and spend my $ elsewhere after that treatment )and so does everyone else who wants to teach RCI a lesson.

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you said you had a confrontation on the brilliance cruise. Now if they are saying it was something that happened on another cruise, can you think of anything, like cabin steward problems that happened on any other cruise? Dining room? Bar service?


I still think that an employee made up a good story about you to save his or her &** after you complained about there service.

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I JUST got off the phone with the Executive Office Supervisor. He confirmed that I was no longer allowed to sail with RCCL or Celebrity.


I asked him to go into what I had done on the Brilliance, and HE SAID THERE WAS NO INCIDENT on the Brilliance! I advised him that I was told yesterday by the origional agent that I was told that this was over an Incident on the Brilliance of the Seas 1/2007, and he said that was INCORRECT INFORMATION.


He said their security department had identified me as a "risk", and therefore, I was "blackballed" by their company. I asked him if this was over a sailing or if I ended up on a list by the govt. He said he could not comment!


I said if this was brought up before 1/2007, and an alleged incident occured on another ship (That I am still not aware of) why was I allowed on the Brilliance? Why was I allowed to book new reservations? There is something quite fishy going on here, and now that it may not have been something I was aware of at all!!

Firefighterhoop - I apologize if the following subject has been brought up already, but I am just now seeing this thread and have not had time to read it all. However, being the wife of a banker, I have some questions for you:


When did you make your final payment for this cruise? Could it be that after making that payment, a check is done on your credit?


When is the last time you checked your credit history? Your identity could have been stolen (this sounds like a classic case where something odd comes up and the individual finds that his identity has been compromised...a story right out of Readers Digest!) and the person that has stolen your identity has done things to break the law?


I sure hope the above is not the case and that you get this straightened out. I would definitely get a lawyer involved!


BTW - I agree that is is probably something as simple as mentioned in the above post...the purser has BLACK BALLED YOU!!!

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It's really scary to think that, as someone suggested earlier, this may be a result of extensive foreign travel by a person not normally able to take trips like that. That makes me think that my husband and I might be flagged next! :eek: We are lucky enough to be able to do a lot of free travel and average anywhere from 3-6 trips per year, mostly to foreign countries (although we are Canadian, not American).


The last thing I'd want to hear is that we aren't allowed to cruise anymore!


I really hope the OP is able to sort out this situation and gets compensation for all this hassle from the cruiseline.

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Well if the OP is not a " Homeland Security " risk and I really didn't think he would be because if RCCL felt that way, I'm sure he would have been paid a visit by SOME branch of the Homeland Security Dept. by now. In my opinion it sounds like RCCL considers him to be a risk to them meaning ships,crew, passengers in some way. Or possibly even a risk to himself if he got caught standing on a balcony or something dangerous like that. I think the OP was correct in his first idea that it has something to do with the steward or the purser but there would have to be more witnesses or something to back up a claim from a crew member that would be so serious to ban the OP from the cruiseline forever or it would be a he said she said type of thing. I also agree with the OP, that whatever this thing he is accused of had to happen on the Brilliance as they let him sail a few months ago. He's a loyal customer, it's not like he's never cruised RCCL before. They are banning a loyal customer who had future cruises booked and a long history of cruising with RCCL. It just doesn't make sense. :o

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Yes, In the back of my mind I still think that this could just still be something that DID happen on the brilliance too, now this guy today was trying to create confusion, to distort the whole thing further, knowing that a subpeona would be hard to get.


Again not sure. The 3 people I have talked to in the department have ALL told me different stories - 2 said brilliance, one said not brilliance. And different supervisor names, and blah blah blah. I am still waiting to hear from their security supervisor, as today he is the one they put the blame on for doing this.



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To be honest, that would be cool, but even if they have "reasons" for banning me, I just want to know what the heck they are.


I'm not here trying to get a free cruise, to sue them, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of things and figure out what is going on!


Of course your not Scott, ;) but thats the least they could do is offer a free cruise after all this worry, frustration and everything else this has caused you.

The main thing is to clear this up and move on......:D



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Firefighterhoop - I apologize if the following subject has been brought up already, but I am just now seeing this thread and have not had time to read it all. However, being the wife of a banker, I have some questions for you:


When did you make your final payment for this cruise? Could it be that after making that payment, a check is done on your credit?


When is the last time you checked your credit history? Your identity could have been stolen (this sounds like a classic case where something odd comes up and the individual finds that his identity has been compromised...a story right out of Readers Digest!) and the person that has stolen your identity has done things to break the law?


I sure hope the above is not the case and that you get this straightened out. I would definitely get a lawyer involved!


BTW - I agree that is is probably something as simple as mentioned in the above post...the purser has BLACK BALLED YOU!!!


This is a very good point and the answer may be found here. Check your credit history.

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Firefighterhoop - I apologize if the following subject has been brought up already, but I am just now seeing this thread and have not had time to read it all. However, being the wife of a banker, I have some questions for you:


When did you make your final payment for this cruise? Could it be that after making that payment, a check is done on your credit?


When is the last time you checked your credit history? Your identity could have been stolen (this sounds like a classic case where something odd comes up and the individual finds that his identity has been compromised...a story right out of Readers Digest!) and the person that has stolen your identity has done things to break the law?


I sure hope the above is not the case and that you get this straightened out. I would definitely get a lawyer involved!


BTW - I agree that is is probably something as simple as mentioned in the above post...the purser has BLACK BALLED YOU!!!


Without going into my full financial history;) , No unusual credit card activity on the card used. Final payment made in Late Feb, Haven't done a credit check in a while, but that may just be my next step just incase!

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