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Swelling Feet


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DOn't you just hate it when a Dr asks you what YOU think your problem is caused by? My 75 pound dog jumped on my foot...I'm pretty sure he might have broken a small bone in it, The Dr wanted to send me to a vascular surgeon because my toe had turned color a bit. he didn't seem at all interested in the bone part of my problem.


Vascular problems can be problems with your veins... sometimes caused by blockages in the veins. There are screening tests to confirm if this is a problem for you. Where most of us only seem to have this on a ship or flying, but don't suffer from it at any other time, it would seem to rule out a blockage problem...then again I'm no Doctor.


But I sure wish we'd find the solution...keep looking folks!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


What is a vascular surgeon? Is that the same as a cardiovascular surgeon or is it something entirely separate?

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Dear Penny,

Hello! I have not been trolling the Cunard boards lately-so good to hear from you:) I am sure you have your hands full counseling those QE2 souls who are shipless now. Maybe they will come over to our side now on the QM2! lol. Anyway, to answer your question yes! I eat parsley anytime I am retaining water at home or at sea and it really works. You can ask the waiteperson to bring some on your plate every meal on board.:D

All the best


Ahhh, the almost shipless QE2 diehards...actually even won one of them over!! He took a TA on QM2 and actually came back raving about her. And he'd been her biggest detractor (of course never having sailed on her!!:rolleyes: ) This will be the year of the big wake for QE2 I fear...sad to see her go so soon even tho I am firmly commited to the QM2.


Many thanks for the parsley endorsement...I'll try anything to not go through that again!! Good to hear from you!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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What is a vascular surgeon? Is that the same as a cardiovascular surgeon or is it something entirely separate?


Not sure if this is the correct answer as I make it a practise to avoid Drs as much as possible. My understanding is that a vascular surgeon deals with veins and arteries. Anything with "cardio' in it relates to the heart. Please understand that is strictly a layman's interpretation.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


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I asked my husband (an Internist) about the difference between a vascular vs. cardiovascular surgeon.


Patwell is correct :) . A vascular surgeon deals with arteries and veins in all parts of the body. A cardiovascular surgeon deals exclusively with the heart and lungs.

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If you have a high blood sodium level then you will retain fluid. Sodium is in many packaged foods and especially in cheese. If you become dehydrated your blood will show a higher sodium level. Think of the concentration of a substance in a smaller amount of fluid which would happen if you're dehydrated.

The answer is to stay hydrated and restrict added salt as well as foods that contain high sodium levels like ketchup, pickles, smoked meats and smoked fish, cheese, lunch meat, salted peanuts, chips, pretzels etc.


Here's a secret: Add foods that are high in potassium like green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, baked potatoes, bananas, and oranges. Unless you take medications for high blood pressure that conserve potassium like ACE Inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics like Aldactone and triamterene, or take potassium supplements (prescription), adding potassium to your diet is safe and will help to counteract the sodium level or just help to balance it.

Look for a website that lists foods that are high in sodium and potassium.


I always had puffy eyes and swollen feet when I flew and/or cruised. Now I don't have any problem with it at all. I taught this subject as part of my job as a university nursing professor.

Hope this explanation helps,


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Thank you so much GN...a very informative post. I have to schedule some blood work and I'll definitely ask about getting a potassium count too. I didn't know that and will google for more info. At least now I have something constructive to ask the Dr about.


I didn't eat many of the things you mentioned as being bad and I did eat most of the good things...this time I'll ask room service for a daily banana at the least.


Thanks for the help....


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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You will be amazed at the amount of sodium contained in most foods. The frozen dinners that brag about being healthy are some of the worst culprits. Pop, diet pr otherwise are high on the list too. I once had an endocrine test which had a 3 day prep of ingesting 0 sodium. There was almost nothing I could eat. Sodium and potassium are never high together. A high of one usually results in a low of the other.


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You will be amazed at the amount of sodium contained in most foods. The frozen dinners that brag about being healthy are some of the worst culprits. Pop, diet pr otherwise are high on the list too. I once had an endocrine test which had a 3 day prep of ingesting 0 sodium. There was almost nothing I could eat. Sodium and potassium are never high together. A high of one usually results in a low of the other.



GN....I know what you mean. I look at labels all the time for too much sodium etc. I'm of the generation who actually still cooks meals from scratch...no frozen goodies in this house 95% of the time! But I was a notoriously bad water drinker last time. I have since given up any soft drinks and now drink only water and a good bit of it each day so maybe this time it will make a difference.


You have been most helpful and I'm sure that everyone who has this problem will pay close attention to your good advice. Thanks again...


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure if this is the correct answer as I make it a practise to avoid Drs as much as possible. My understanding is that a vascular surgeon deals with veins and arteries. Anything with "cardio' in it relates to the heart. Please understand that is strictly a layman's interpretation.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


I think that is right.



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GN....I know what you mean. I look at labels all the time for too much sodium etc. I'm of the generation who actually still cooks meals from scratch...no frozen goodies in this house 95% of the time! But I was a notoriously bad water drinker last time. I have since given up any soft drinks and now drink only water and a good bit of it each day so maybe this time it will make a difference.


You have been most helpful and I'm sure that everyone who has this problem will pay close attention to your good advice. Thanks again...


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

Us too, very rarely frozen or canned unless I can them myself. I am not going to claim we never eat canned foods or frozen veggies, but it is rare. i too read labels, I too have fluid retention problems on ships, in very hot weather, planes and riding in the car too much. Sometimes even at home when I spend too much time at the computer. I think I will try the parsley thing as well as celantro which I would think would be very similar. Nita
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I have only read the first page until now, so maybe what I am going to say is already said.


Part of it is the heat/ sun. It makes your veins (is that the right word??) "enlarge", and thus, they can't pump your blood + water back up your legs to the rest of your body as well as they should => water stays in your feet/ ankles.


What to do about? Avoid the sun/ heat. Put your legs up. A lot. Wear those "pressure stockings" (but not the ones that just reach until your knee, those are dangerous!)


How I know all this? When I was not even 25 (3 yeras ago), I had a thrombosis in my leg => blood cloth. This damaged my vein and now I constantly have a swollen foot/ ankle. So I know in the meanwhile how to avoid this as much as possible :)

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Sandravb....Truly sorry to read of your thrombosis...and at such a young age too. Must have been a frightening event. I'm am aways concerned about thrombosis as I lost my only sister to the aftereffects of a clot...she was much too young (48) for this to happen but she had other medical things that came into play with this. Do be cautious...


As to the heat. I'm not so sure as I live in the deep south (US) where the words steamy hot were coined...this is a very hot humid climate. Lois also lives in Florida which is hot, hot, hot, and neither of us has this problem at home.


I did find this interesting information on another site...can't remember if I posted it but someone earlier had mentioned this product as being very helpful, and here is another endorsement for it. Scroll down to the last paragraph before her "tips". I do think I'll order this for November.



Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Oooops...guess that site reference was a no-no. OK, what was mentioned was the Elemis Instant Refreshing Gel as doing wonders for swollen ankles and also helpful for sinus problems and headache when applied to the temples. I am willing to try anything not to have this again!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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thought I was the only one with this problem. I have it when we tour Europe too. There I figure we walk too much and eat the local cuisine. I try to drink a lot of water (didnt know the ships water has salt) -I'll try the lemon and potassium foods next cruise. I think part of it is the heat caused my legs to swell. I've had to wear sandles with my gown since the dress shoes didnt fit on formal nite

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thought I was the only one with this problem. I have it when we tour Europe too. There I figure we walk too much and eat the local cuisine. I try to drink a lot of water (didnt know the ships water has salt) -I'll try the lemon and potassium foods next cruise. I think part of it is the heat caused my legs to swell. I've had to wear sandles with my gown since the dress shoes didnt fit on formal nite


Hi rdr525,

looks that neither I, ..... or you are the only ones, seems many people got the problem.


But it is not the water on the ship causing it .... maybe you have missed some of the posts explaining the water 'making' process on the ships .... the ship's water does not have any salt in it.



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[quote name=sandravb79;10993891

What to do about? Avoid the sun/ heat. Put your legs up. A lot. Wear those "pressure stockings" (but not the ones that just reach until your knee' date=' those are dangerous!)





Just curious why would they be dangerous?

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Yes, Sabrina, your post DID make me feel better. Thank you! :) I'm sorry you went through all that too.


Thank you to everyone who commented so far. Please keep your posts coming... it's interesting to read about everyone else's experiences.


I'm beginning to become convinced that it was the food on board. I eat very healthy at home-- mostly organic. My one big vice is chocolate. But, other than that, I don't normally salt my food.


Yes, I ate a lot on the cruise... much more than normal. I even ate things I NEVER would touch at home (like bacon!).


I wonder the cruise lines are even aware that this is such a big problem? After this incident, I'm reluctant to take another cruise.


I am 51. I've never had a problem with swollen ankles, either on cruises, or flights. However, I eat no differently on the ship than I do at home. In fact I am so anal about it that I take my protein bars with me :rolleyes:. But I never restrict salt ; I love salty foods. The difference is that I have a hard cardio workout every day, and sweat out much of the salt, honestly I think sometimes my body craves the stuff. My heart rate is very low, as is my BP, so I've never had to worry about sodium.


So many people talk about how much they ate or how many pounds they gained while on a cruise. It seems natural that the body would have a negative reaction to such a change. Obviously there are probably medical conditions that can affect this too, but I bet if people would refuse to belly up to the "all-you-can-eat" bar, there might be a few less swollen ankles. :o

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One strange thing I have noticed when we are traveling in Europe during the summer is that my feet tend to swell when they normally don't but the weird thing is I drink beer. I never drink beer at home and that is all I want to drink when I am there! I wonder what's up with that.

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About the heat...someone mentioned living in the south..

Pat maybe?

Me too.....I live in the humidity capital of the world..(or so it seems):eek:

North Florida, it is HOT and HUMID here.

My feet never swell here at home.


I need to buy the cream that was mentioned early on in this

thread. I keep forgetting to do it.:confused:

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Saylorgirl: the problem you have with beer may be why they refer to those pooches men seem to get in front as a "beer belly." The hops or malt in the beer probably is causing fluid retention.


When I was 25 or so, I started to develop swelling under my knees when drinking beer, so I avoided it and was fine. I also go to Europe often and it's hard to resist the wonderful beer but I will drink very little of it just for that reason. The last time I was in Germany, the government had just categorized beer as a "food" and pregnant women were drinking it.

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  • 4 years later...

OMG ! this is my 9th Cruise and I am the ONLY one in our group that this happens to! I am sooo tired of not being able to wear my cute sandals and have to figure out what to wear with Flip Flops etc :-(


It has happened to me since day one of my cruising History !

I just attributed it to being now 60 plus,overweight, on BP meds but not yet diabetic ! It was such a concern for me WHY I only did this on a cruise and not at home ! I made a special to trip to my DR and had Liver & Kidney Functions tested before I boarded the Ship! All Neg. In fact ALL my Numbers were great accross the board .......OK except my weight !!


We stayed 3 days in Puerto Rico, I Drank ,I ate etc. and I even pointed out to my Cruise Family to take a look at these feet because I bet once I get on the ship they will become HUGE and sure enough after the first night I was well on my way and they just got worse by the day !

I used to take Lasix as needed but on this cruise with my dr's direction I took 40 mgs daily and also potassium and it did not touch my feet ?? But I was upall night peeing Sorry TMI


This time I got home and I was so disgusted I decided to go on line NOW convinced it was huge amounts of MSG and Salt that was the culprit !!!


I like many of you eat 100% differently at home !However, I love to try new things on Cruises etc ! I want to enjoy life a little. Now after reading that even you young ,thin girls are getting the swelling it makes me feel validated in blaming the MSG and huge amounts of salt in their Food .....Shame on them .....They put extra Salt in the food to make us thirsty and want to drink more :-( kind of like movie theatre popcorn Gasp !!


Are there any men out there that has trouble with this kind of swelling ?? Why is it always us females that take the hit ?


I wonder IF we ALL begin asking at dinner for something with NO MSG and Less salt what we will get ??

Maybe we need to ban together and write letters, otherwise we are doomed to eat dry chicken breast and steamed vegetables :-(

It may be the sacrafice I must make to wear decent shoes on any cruise and not feel I have been drug through a "Knot Hole" !!

Thanks for starting this thread ..... It is soooo good to know I am not alone !!

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Food .....Shame on them .....They put extra Salt in the food to make us thirsty and want to drink more :-( kind of like movie theatre popcorn Gasp !!


Are there any men out there that has trouble with this kind of swelling ?? Why is it always us females that take the hit ?


Thanks for starting this thread ..... It is soooo good to know I am not alone !!



how did you find this very old thread ?

Old or not, the problem is not new and still exists ..... and there are a number of other threads on the same subject

I am a male and did have the same problem ...........the shoes shrank and I could not put them on for the formal night.

So, .......sorry, .......you not alone, ....... and that is not only for females.

And yes, you might be right about the food. I do think it makes us swell ...... not only my feet and ankles ...... but my belly did swell as well .......or was it the shirnkage in my pants ?


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