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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Quam, Now my head is spinning!


Same here!


But I'm not going to worry about it. We only plan on hanging out at the margaritaville pool there. We will just stay on the ship if it's too much of a hassle. The ship has been no problem at all. We just filled out their form and that was it. Finding out what we need to get him on the islands have been the trouble. There really is not much info out there.


I got an e-mail back today (that was quick!) and indeed they have all those requirements. So, I won't be getting off at Grand Turk since I can't fit the requirements. :( I'd been looking forward to the beach there. And I hadn't been planning on really doing anything in Nassau, but I might have to rethink that just to get off the ship another day (otherwise, with two sea days in the mix, I'd only be off for two days the whole week!).


The only requirement they said they would waive for a service dog is the $50 import permit fee. So, if you can and are willing to fit the requirements, that'll help you!


Here is the import permit application and the pages with all the requirements:






Good luck!


(And, no, they didn't even say they were sorry that their tourism ppl gave me very wrong information.)



As far as the collar goes, I'm not crafty at all!!! I could never make something up myself.


Ah well, maybe you can check around online; there are always ppl making handmade collars from fabric, decorated collars, etc. on their own Web sites as well as places like eBay.


Nancy, Wexy will sit and let you do anything to him. Yesterday we went out and tried to take a Christmas picture. We wanted a pic of them together. Wex had a santa beard and hat on. Bailee had the reindeen antlers on. She does not like to pose for a pic. She is terrified of the camera. After getting totally frustrated and John and I yelling at her and eachother, we decided to take seperate pics. We ordered our cards and heres the pics we picked. We were happy to get anything.


Aww, they are cute photos! :D

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Quam: Your girl sounds like she has the fashions under control! I hadn't even thought of clips. Reno would not have been pleased, nor would Papa if I put clips in his hair, but now Jezzy Lou, that's another story.



My girl isn't a big fan of hair clips or the ones with rubber bands - she'll shake or rub them off if she can - but I will occassionally put one on her (such as for the cruise formal nights or for one of the weddings I went to [almost lost that one at the reception, had to send somebody back inside to find it on the floor after she had shaken it off]). The things she wore on the formal nights didn't bother her as much as some of the other ones have. Maybe she knew she looked cool in them. ;)

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Here are two websites where I've purchased, very reasonable, stretch collars for Brenda.


She has every holiday/weddings and more for her party and cruising needs.

And, they're made really well and hold-up great.





Cool, I love checking out sites I haven't seen yet! :D Though it can sometimes be dangerous (to the wallet, I mean)! :o

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Quam, I looked over the form and then through Wexys medical records. I couldn't find the rabies vac done at the times they wanted. He is not vaccinated against lyme and doesn't have the lepro vac. It looks like we might be staying on the boat too. Unless someone wants to watch him.


Roz, I love one whale collar I saw but John says the dog is not gonna be a sissy.



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Quam, I looked over the form and then through Wexys medical records. I couldn't find the rabies vac done at the times they wanted. He is not vaccinated against lyme and doesn't have the lepro vac. It looks like we might be staying on the boat too. Unless someone wants to watch him.


Roz, I love one whale collar I saw but John says the dog is not gonna be a sissy.




Cindy, I'll watch him......do you need my mailing address for the cruise ticket?

All kidding aside.....my Vet says that at Brenda's advanced age there are many immunizations that she would NOT be allowed to receive [i know Wex is not near her age] and are not needed.

He will write a letter stipulating this and will mention that she is parasite-free, allowing us to get into the Islands that are demanding certain vaccines be given before entering. Maybe you can have your Vet write a letter stating that Wex is Parasite-free.

Tell John that a nice collar doesn't mean the dog is a "sissy!" And, what's wrong with "sissy's?"

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They're also very reasonably priced......Have fun!


Okay, did you see all the funny "designer dog toys" on the Trendy Puppy site?! Too funny!!!!!!! :D Oh my gosh, I want some!!!!! For the dog, I mean! ;)


Here are good ones they have for a cruising pooch:

flipflops_small.jpg ("Beach Dog" sandals)

muttgarita-dog-toy-sml.jpg ("Muttgarita")

cosmuttpolitan-dog-toy_small.jpg ("Cosmuttpolitan")



And here's a funny one:

Pink-Ipaw-for-dogs_small.jpg (pink iPod with headphones)

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Quam, I looked over the form and then through Wexys medical records. I couldn't find the rabies vac done at the times they wanted. He is not vaccinated against lyme and doesn't have the lepro vac. It looks like we might be staying on the boat too. Unless someone wants to watch him.


First off, you need the Leptospirosis vaccine to enter the Bahamas as well! So, go get it now (usually they want vaccines more than 30 days before the trip) if you want to get off the ship there. It lasts for a year and it is safe, as I do it every year for going to the Bahamas (and I'm very against over-vaccinating). You'll also have to have a fecal float (poop test) done unless you've already had one recently enough (they don't put a time range on it). When you get the import permit, it will list all the requirements on it. You won't have to do the visit-the-Bahamas-vet one when you're in port for less than 48 hours on a cruise (but for a land vacation you would need to do that).


Secondly, GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! The Turks & Caicos Islands are indeed waiving the requirements (for service dogs who are in the country for just a few hours off a cruise ship) except for int'l health certificate from a USDA-certified vet (doesn't have to be taken to the USDA office), core vaccinations (all the ones listed except Lyme), rabies certificate, and the import permit (but the $50 fee is waived).


Send an e-mail to the e-mail address listed on the Grand Turk forms I gave the links to before and let him know you are the person that I gave the information to regarding service dogs entering Grand Turk. I'm the one with the service dog going to Grand Turk in February (you can say we met on a message board so that's why you don't know my name, as I didn't say where we met but I did mention a couple times that I was passing the Grand Turk info. on to somebody I knew). He answers e-mails quickly (we went back and forth several times today). He didn't say for me to tell you to e-mail him, but I figure you should do it just so he knows who to expect the modified requirements application from. And you can ask him any questions you have.


You have to have the health certificate in order to get the import permit and getting the import permit has a 48-hour turn-around, so the Bahamas is just gonna have to deal with a health certificate that is a couple days over 48 hours before the cruise. :p I'm flying to the port the day before my cruise and scheduled my app't for the health certificate three days before I fly. Once I have the health certificate in hand, I will fax all the info. to Grand Turk (import permit form, health certificate, and rabies certificate). They will fax (or e-mail) the import certificate to me.


So, yippie!! Gorgeous beach for me!!!!!!!!! :D And should be for you, too!!!!! (Unless you choose a different excursion, LOL!)



Roz, I love one whale collar I saw but John says the dog is not gonna be a





What is sissy about whales?! I've never heard somebody say they are sissy. Dolphins maybe, but not big ol' whales!

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All kidding aside.....my Vet says that at Brenda's advanced age there are many immunizations that she would NOT be allowed to receive [i know Wex is not near her age] and are not needed.

For the core vaccines, you should titer (blood test). She will likely not need any boosters for them for the rest of her life, as they last a lot longer than the drug companies and most vets want you to know (cha-ching!). For rabies, you do have to follow the law in your area (hopefully a three-year law). Don't use the so-called one-year vaccine unless you have to by law - it is the same vaccine as the three-year, just with a different label, and they last a lot longer than three years. Also, for other vaccines, stay away from the combination shots and give one vaccine, wait a week or two, then give another, wait a week or two, etc. if your dog needs more than one vaccine.


He will write a letter stipulating this and will mention that she is parasite-free, allowing us to get into the Islands that are demanding certain vaccines be given before entering. Maybe you can have your Vet write a letter stating that Wex is Parasite-free.

Just make sure that said countries will accept that! I don't know if you could get into a really strict place like England or Ireland on such a letter. But, for cruises, the islands seem to be more lenient than for a land vacation. I'd definitely check before the cruise, though, so that you're not denied getting off the ship and get disappointed to something you were looking forward to (and maybe even lose money from a pre-paid excursion).

Leptospirosis is a water-borne disease, not a parasite, BTW. And humans can get it as well as dogs (and from their dogs, I believe)! This is why you should never let your dog drink from a puddle, stream, etc.

I wouldn't recommend the Lyme vaccine - use good tick prevention instead, such as treating your lawn with dog-safe stuff (TruGreen is a good company that comes to do it for you) and using a preventive on your dog (I recommend the Adams Plus brand of flea/tick collar).

And, of course, keep your dog on heartworm meds, especially one that also treats other internal parasites (Interceptor is what I use/recommend). Heartworm meds and flea/tick preventives should be given year-round in all areas (even those that have cold winters - the buggers can survive better than they used to think they do and dogs can get ticks in cold weather ... plus, since you travel, you won't have to do another heartworm test before travelling since you'll already have done your yearly test [you must always do a test before you start heartworm meds if your dog skipped one or more doses, plus doing it once a year is recommended - heartworms can kill, remember!]).

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Quam, Seems to me we still need the things that Wex doesn't have, the Lyme and Lepro. I just sent an email to the guy and it said it wouldn't go through, but when I checked my sent items it was there. I'll wait and see if I get a response. I know nothing about this titer test, and we don't want to have to spend hundreds of dollars having all these shots and tests. I am talking to the lady at the vet today and see what she says.



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Quam, Seems to me we still need the things that Wex doesn't have, the Lyme and Lepro. I just sent an email to the guy and it said it wouldn't go through, but when I checked my sent items it was there. I'll wait and see if I get a response. I know nothing about this titer test, and we don't want to have to spend hundreds of dollars having all these shots and tests. I am talking to the lady at the vet today and see what she says.




Cindy, good idea. Check with the Vet first. Have a wonderful cruise!

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Quam, Seems to me we still need the things that Wex doesn't have, the Lyme and Lepro. I just sent an email to the guy and it said it wouldn't go through, but when I checked my sent items it was there. I'll wait and see if I get a response. I know nothing about this titer test, and we don't want to have to spend hundreds of dollars having all these shots and tests. I am talking to the lady at the vet today and see what she says.




You don't need the Lyme, as he knows I will not give it and he said I can get off the ship.


You DO need the Lepto and you DO need it to get off in the Bahamas, too. It does not cost much - $28 yesterday at the vet's (my dog's annual exam was yesterday). It lasts for one year. It is a good vaccine to get since if the dog gets Lepto, he can pass it on to you or your children. (You or your children can also pick it up from the environment same as a dog can. It can be in water like puddles, ponds, etc. Although, hopefully your kids aren't drinking from puddles like your dog might! :p)


Did your e-mail program say it didn't go through or did you get an e-mail from MAILER-DAMON saying your message couldn't be delivered? If the former, you should be fine if it is in your Sent box. I know Yahoo! has been having issues saying the message is sent but does send it, so if you have Yahoo!, I'll bet your message was sent. If the latter (the non-deliverable e-mail came to you), check the address you sent it to, as maybe you accidentally forgot a letter or something. I've been e-mailing with the guy, so you shouldn't have an issue getting a message through to that e-mail box.


You do NOT need to do the rabies titer test for going to Grand Turk for a few hours on your cruise. You'd only have to do it if you were going there for a longer trip (like a land vacation).


All you need is an international health certificate from a USDA-certified vet (same as you'll need for the Bahamas) which will state when the vaccines were given (or tested for), rabies certificate (which I'm sure you already have), and Grand Turk import certificate (which you have to send for once you have the health certificate - fax them the health and rabies certificates as well as the application for the import certificate [you do not need to pay the $50 fee]).


If you have any questions, just ask! :) And if you don't understand something the guy from Grand Turk says to you, ask him for clarification. That is what I had to do, as at first I thought he only was waiving the $50 fee and nothing else, but he really meant he was waiving the other things, too.


Talking to your vet is good, but she will not know about this special arrangement for cruising service dogs going to Grand Turk for a few hours. She will only have information on what is normally required. That's why I suggested e-mailing the Grand Turk guy. You likely have heard back from him now anyway.

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Quam, Thanks for clarifying things. I did email him and it went through this time. I wanted to know if we had to have the form stamped by the usda? And we will get the lepto shot, I will contact the vet. I sent another email to the Turk guy and hopefully will hear from him today.



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I asked about the USDA stamp previously and he said that having it signed by a USDA-certified vet (the ones who can do international health certificates) is fine, but he still mentioned a stamp (said they would have it), which I looked on two of my previous certificates and they do not have that. So, I am going to have to ask him again to tell him the previous ones were not stamped by my vet, just signed.

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Quam, For us to get the stamp, we have to go to the USDA place which is not close to us. I don't think we will have the time to go there since it's going to be a holiday week, and they want the form to be dated a day or two before we go. Like I said we are just going with whatever forms we got and hope for the best.



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Did the Grand Turk guy say anything about the USDA office stamp? I didn't write him again - I'm going to call my state's office on Monday and ask about it. I know there is the USDA stamp their office has, but the Grand Turk guy mentioned a stamp my vet would have, so I am going to clear that up first before I ask the Grand Turk guy about it. If I do need it, it is within an hour's drive from my vet's office (I'm not sure which office they do it at, though I think the further one that is just about an hour away).


I believe you can overnight mail your stuff to the USDA and they can then overnight mail your stuff back if you live too far from their office, but check with them on that.


Who wants your health certificate within a few days? You do have to give at least 48 hours time to Grand Turk to get you the import permit before you leave, so if you fly out for your cruise on a Saturday, the latest you should get the health certificate is the Wednesday of that week as early in the day as possible (you hopefully will have the import permit by around that time Friday). (You can't get the Grand Turk import permit before you get your health certificate, as you have to send them a copy of the health certificate you are going to use for the trip in order to get the permit.) The Bahamas is just going to have to deal with a health certificate that is a few days older than what their requirements say, unless you wish to get two health certificates ($$), which might just really confuse the cruise ship every time they get into port and have to clear the ship. If you really care about getting off in Nassau, you should confirm with the Bahamas folks that a health certificate a few days older than their requirement will be fine. I've not come into the Bahamas via ship port before, just air flights, but they tend not to be all that strict.

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Quam, I never heard back from the Turk guy. I will write him again. As far as the cert goes, I thought it was Bahamas that wanted it 48 hours before. We are leaving on Friday so we need everything before then. And for the Bahamas, we are going to a private island, not Nassau. I don't even know if someone is there to check the permit. I'm not sure when we mailed our form , but we haven't heard anything from Bahamas yet.



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Mornin' all:

Cindy: That's our boy, stealing the show! I got Jezzy Lou's devil horns on, but by the time I could get the @#%^ phone to actually click the photo, she had swung her head and flung them across the room, chasing them down to "get" them. I rescued the horns and decided the picture could wait for another day.......

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and now we can look forward to Thanksgiving.


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Quam, I never heard back from the Turk guy. I will write him again. As far as the cert goes, I thought it was Bahamas that wanted it 48 hours before. We are leaving on Friday so we need everything before then. And for the Bahamas, we are going to a private island, not Nassau. I don't even know if someone is there to check the permit. I'm not sure when we mailed our form , but we haven't heard anything from Bahamas yet.






When we went to Disney's Private island in the Bahamas, the person I was e-mailing back and forth with told me to ignore the 48 hour requirement because we were on a cruise. Nobody ever checked our paperwork there.

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Quam, I never heard back from the Turk guy. I will write him again. As far as the cert goes, I thought it was Bahamas that wanted it 48 hours before. We are leaving on Friday so we need everything before then. And for the Bahamas, we are going to a private island, not Nassau. I don't even know if someone is there to check the permit. I'm not sure when we mailed our form , but we haven't heard anything from Bahamas yet.




Maybe he will write you on Monday. I know I got a response on him this past Monday morning (and several other days after that).


Yes, the Bahamas wants the health certificate 48 hours beforehand. But you can't do that and get the import permit for Grand Turk, so you'll have to get the health certificate earlier than 48 hours - which, if you're like me, will have been over 48 hours by the time you get to the Bahamas if you get it the day before you fly in anyway.


Sorry, that's right - your itinerary is the same as mine except that you're doing a private Bahamian island instead of Nassau. I forgot about that. I've not been to a private island, but if they do customs there (which I'd assume they would) to clear the passengers before anybody gets off, that's who checks the documents for the dog.


You should be getting the Bahamas import permit back soon. If you don't get it within the next couple of weeks, I'd say shoot them off an e-mail and see if they know where it is. Sometimes they sit in somebody's inbox for weeks - the first time I got the permit, I could see just how long it took between the various ppl because everything was dated, including the postmark (which was not all that close to the time the permit was stamped, LOL). It took three months that time. Now it only takes about a month, although I don't know if that is due to better management or because I have been there before.

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I'm in tears of happiness and relief!!! GOD BLESS THIS THREAD!!!!

My daughter plans to take a service dog on the CONQUEST in Jan/Feb. And this is great!!! I didn't know this thread existed and I asked the cruise director on our last CONQUEST cruise lots of questions and he kept calling someone asking for answers...

No, we won't do excursions... Or at least Mom won't. She's wheelchair bound and LOVES to stay onboard in ports... The uneven streets and lack of curb cuts in most places make it un-navigable or difficult. I've taken her off in Cozumel, but only for a short time. The crowds are a problem for her too!

DD is training the dog. I will tell her about training Takoda to use a box with pellets. Takoda is a red husky. I can just imagine how he would love an Alaskan cruise -- but this one will go to Caribbean... :confused:

I'll tell DD about this thread.... I've only read thru the first 20 posts...

GOD BLESS each of you who have taken the time to share and help!!!!


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