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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I'm so glad that I'll be off work, next week, to celebrate Thanksgiving with my children because I'm missing Brenda so much. She's only been in my life for 9 years [how the heck did I do it without her before?]

This place is so dull and lifeless without her. I'm used to going out to the backyard and watching her leap and run and chase her ball around. Then watching her go up to the kids and seniors just to get an extra pat and acknowledgement used to be so much fun to watch.

Now, she's home with Morey taking her walks and sniffing out the neighbors lawns. When I come home from work she greets me like I've been gone for years. I love it!!!!! She literally jumps in the air, I have to be careful not to put my face down to her or she'll be knocking out my teeth!!!!!

I'm just weeks away from being busy with another dog, I can't get used to this quiet time without the antics of a dog around.


I can't wait to go shopping and getting into the public venue again!!!!!

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Are you kidding me? YOU over-qualify!!!!


Is that possible? Well I finally excelled in something in life..... So this week I finalized swapping the babies from 4 Health to Taste of the Wild. This new dog food is like crack to the dogs; they love it. Slow process to swap them over so no belly issues with the pups and Blitz has way more energy.


He is my life as sad as it appears, with no family near me; I just found out what I thought was my life has been lies. I recently found out that I was adopted so my medical history that I have been told for 49 years is not true. So now I am forced to find out who my father really is since my mother and father deny the adoption even though I have the proof from Germany. My main concern is I have genetic concerns with my clotting and it can be transferred to my grand children and neither parent is willing to help. I am not looking to replace my adoptive father just find out who the sperm donor was to find out their family medical history... Yeah its been tough emotionally this past month.

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I'm so glad that I'll be off work, next week, to celebrate Thanksgiving with my children because I'm missing Brenda so much. She's only been in my life for 9 years [how the heck did I do it without her before?]

This place is so dull and lifeless without her. I'm used to going out to the backyard and watching her leap and run and chase her ball around. Then watching her go up to the kids and seniors just to get an extra pat and acknowledgement used to be so much fun to watch.

Now, she's home with Morey taking her walks and sniffing out the neighbors lawns. When I come home from work she greets me like I've been gone for years. I love it!!!!! She literally jumps in the air, I have to be careful not to put my face down to her or she'll be knocking out my teeth!!!!!

I'm just weeks away from being busy with another dog, I can't get used to this quiet time without the antics of a dog around.


I can't wait to go shopping and getting into the public venue again!!!!!


Thanks for sharing Ms. Brenny's "retirement" party with us! So in addition to her gold watch, does she now have an AARP card, want to move to Florida and eat at the early bird special? :D


Not trying to be nosey, just curious: Does Brenda "work" at home and how will that transition with "Successor?" Will you just let both of them alert for you? I can't imagine you'd start correcting Brenda for alerting. We've only had one client who's transitioned dogs and she's blind so the dogs don't really work much at home.


We're off to SoCal on Friday to tie up more loose ends and then have Thanksgiving with the family in S.F. Happy Thanksgiving to all and best of luck at CCI Roz!



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Is that possible? Well I finally excelled in something in life..... So this week I finalized swapping the babies from 4 Health to Taste of the Wild. This new dog food is like crack to the dogs; they love it. Slow process to swap them over so no belly issues with the pups and Blitz has way more energy.


He is my life as sad as it appears, with no family near me; I just found out what I thought was my life has been lies. I recently found out that I was adopted so my medical history that I have been told for 49 years is not true. So now I am forced to find out who my father really is since my mother and father deny the adoption even though I have the proof from Germany. My main concern is I have genetic concerns with my clotting and it can be transferred to my grand children and neither parent is willing to help. I am not looking to replace my adoptive father just find out who the sperm donor was to find out their family medical history... Yeah its been tough emotionally this past month.


What a shock that must be Jocko! From reading your post, I assume your mom is your biological mother and your dad adopted you as a child? Please try to give them some time to process that you now know your history. Having a child out of wedlock 50 years ago was very different than it is now and your parents probably thought they were doing the best for you at the time.


"Our" oldest son was adopted by Leo as a child and, to this day (40 years later), his mother (Leo's ex-wife) refuses to admit who his biological father is or even acknowledge that he has any father other than Leo. She even tried to pass the child off as her brother's son when he was young! But at least he has known Leo was his adoptive father from the beginning.


Do you have Tricare? They offer genetic testing and counseling so it might be good for you to talk with them about your genetic/health concerns.


All the best,


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Thanks for sharing Ms. Brenny's "retirement" party with us! So in addition to her gold watch, does she now have an AARP card, want to move to Florida and eat at the early bird special? :D


Not trying to be nosey, just curious: Does Brenda "work" at home and how will that transition with "Successor?" Will you just let both of them alert for you? I can't imagine you'd start correcting Brenda for alerting. We've only had one client who's transitioned dogs and she's blind so the dogs don't really work much at home.


We're off to SoCal on Friday to tie up more loose ends and then have Thanksgiving with the family in S.F. Happy Thanksgiving to all and best of luck at CCI Roz!




Brenda still works at home, with some "hits" and "misses".......if she's sleeping heavily [with snoring] she will sleep right through the times when she would have been working, in the past.


The transition from Brenda to Successor I'm hoping will be as smooth and "natural" as it can be. I won't "correct" Brenda for any alerting she may do. As she spends more and more time with Morey hopefully she won't feel so left out as Successor and I go off to work and into the world.


I only hope that they don't gang-up and decide that they'd rather be interested in each other and ignore Morey and me altogether!!!!! We'll see!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family. Enjoy your trip and be safe!

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Is that possible? Well I finally excelled in something in life..... So this week I finalized swapping the babies from 4 Health to Taste of the Wild. This new dog food is like crack to the dogs; they love it. Slow process to swap them over so no belly issues with the pups and Blitz has way more energy.


He is my life as sad as it appears, with no family near me; I just found out what I thought was my life has been lies. I recently found out that I was adopted so my medical history that I have been told for 49 years is not true. So now I am forced to find out who my father really is since my mother and father deny the adoption even though I have the proof from Germany. My main concern is I have genetic concerns with my clotting and it can be transferred to my grand children and neither parent is willing to help. I am not looking to replace my adoptive father just find out who the sperm donor was to find out their family medical history... Yeah its been tough emotionally this past month.


We adopted our son when he was 4 years old. He only knew his bio. father and never found his bio. mother. His medical records are very sparse. When he married and started a family of his own there were a lot of questions about his medical history that we could not answer. That can be very troubling when you're considering your children's health issues.


I know how frustrating and upsetting it is to feel as if your past is such a mystery......You're not alone.


I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with friends and/or family and your dogs.

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He is my life as sad as it appears, with no family near me; I just found out what I thought was my life has been lies. I recently found out that I was adopted so my medical history that I have been told for 49 years is not true. So now I am forced to find out who my father really is since my mother and father deny the adoption even though I have the proof from Germany. My main concern is I have genetic concerns with my clotting and it can be transferred to my grand children and neither parent is willing to help. I am not looking to replace my adoptive father just find out who the sperm donor was to find out their family medical history... Yeah its been tough emotionally this past month.



Wow what a thing to find out a 49. Somehow things always seem to work out, good luck with your search.

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I'm so glad that I'll be off work, next week, to celebrate Thanksgiving with my children because I'm missing Brenda so much. She's only been in my life for 9 years [how the heck did I do it without her before?]


This place is so dull and lifeless without her. I'm used to going out to the backyard and watching her leap and run and chase her ball around. Then watching her go up to the kids and seniors just to get an extra pat and acknowledgement used to be so much fun to watch.


Now, she's home with Morey taking her walks and sniffing out the neighbors lawns. When I come home from work she greets me like I've been gone for years. I love it!!!!! She literally jumps in the air, I have to be careful not to put my face down to her or she'll be knocking out my teeth!!!!!


I'm just weeks away from being busy with another dog, I can't get used to this quiet time without the antics of a dog around.


I can't wait to go shopping and getting into the public venue again!!!!!


Sounds like Brenny is starting to enjoy her retirement. When John leaves the dog home, he loves to come in and and greet Wex. Like you said, it's like he's been gone for years.


Looks like we will be babysitting for another dog. He's a release dog that was in Wexlers class. He is actually the first dog they gave me to handle. He's a big yellow, very laid back. It will be fun cuz Wex already knows him.


Well the swelling is finally going down on my purple foot and now it's starting to ache. UGH!!!! Hopefully one more week and it will feel better. I still can't wear shoes so it's flip-flops or slippers.


I just noticed its 1 month 3 weeks til our cruise. I can't wait!!!!! The holidays and successor will keep me busy til the trip so I hope it comes fast. I really need a vacation!!!!

Edited by rangeley
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Thanks for the support guys and gals. I always knew something was different even as a child the way my adoptive father treated me vs his real daughter. I have always respected and shall always respect him for what he did for not only me but this country; he is the original Clint Eastwood badazz that Hollywood luvs. He has 5 Silver Stars and 2 Bronze Stars and had two tours in the Korean War and three in Vietnam. From regular Artillery to Infantry to Special Forces he is a tough man and very hard to meet his standards and the main reason I joined the Military. Before his brother passed away he told me that he suspected that I was not Jacks (my father) child. I actually asked them and they denied it, and the way it was denied brought more suspicion to the issue rather than answer questions. I always knew something was up with my birth certificate since it has no mother or father on it and was issued two years after my birth date. I contacted Bamberg Germany and after getting through a language barrier I found out and have two actual birth certificates one with only my mother in 1962 and no biological father and the one issued after the adoption in 1964.


To make matters worse there is allot of what my mother refuses to tell or admit and then her real memory is failing also. Then add in a strained relationship after many years of crap I will not air here, yet I have tried so many times to reconcile with them yet its very obvious that there is a huge difference between me and my sister. My parents refuse to accept my children as their grand children and dont want to hear about my grand children or their great grand children. So its yet another slice in this thing I call my life. My children have been tested and they currently do not have the gene I carry for the blood clotting and my grand baby to be born in March has been tested and so far its negative. I would not wish this blood disorder even on my enemy. From five blocking clots in my legs to the one pulmonary embolism in my right lung that makes me a super frigging lucky guy that I am able to even type this since so many die from this clot.


I'm so glad it wasn't my time yet and this is what drives me to help others especially disabled Vets. Yes I have Tri-Care I am pretty over the shock of the adoption and the "protective" lies I just need to some how find out what really happened in winter of 1962 so I can pass my complete medical history to my children.

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Mornin' all:

Jocko: What a mess. I have some similar family matters that also were denied. I have a sister that was given up for adoption, then my next sister and I were born and kept afterwards. She is our full blooded sister and she found us after 37 years. Also a strained relationship, so I can feel your pain and frustration. Also the grandson we are raising has no father listed and is unknown as far as we know. Definately would like to have his medical background. He other grandparents pretty much have ignored him and they are raising his brother and sister. Sorry for the repeat to the ones of you that have read this disfunctional drama before. Anyway, we are hear for a sounding board, that is also what we do!..........

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Well, I have a fun story...Mackey and I went to the hospital today for some animal assited therapy and of course service dog training. We visited in a surgical area. We were asked to visit an 8 year old boy who had some urological surgery. Mackey was neutered two weeks ago and still has a shaved area on his foreleg from the IV. So as we were visiting the boy noticed the shaved area. I told him Mackey had surgery and that was where he had his IV. He asked me what was done and I stage whistpered ..."he had surgery on his private parts"...next the little boy said, I did too!. I had Mackey do an up on the stretcher and the little boy just put his arms around him and hugged him and whispered. I am sure it was some male bonding time....thought it was pretty sweet...

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Well, I have a fun story...Mackey and I went to the hospital today for some animal assited therapy and of course service dog training. We visited in a surgical area. We were asked to visit an 8 year old boy who had some urological surgery. Mackey was neutered two weeks ago and still has a shaved area on his foreleg from the IV. So as we were visiting the boy noticed the shaved area. I told him Mackey had surgery and that was where he had his IV. He asked me what was done and I stage whistpered ..."he had surgery on his private parts"...next the little boy said, I did too!. I had Mackey do an up on the stretcher and the little boy just put his arms around him and hugged him and whispered. I am sure it was some male bonding time....thought it was pretty sweet...


Ahhhh thats so sweet. My next challenge for Blitz is to be assistant dog certified (or is it Delta Certified) so we can do this at the VA.


Quick question does your animal have to be Delta Society Certified to do this? Its a 190.00 to join to take tests that Blitz can pass now with no problems. Just asking

Edited by guitarest
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Sounds like Brenny is starting to enjoy her retirement. When John leaves the dog home, he loves to come in and and greet Wex. Like you said, it's like he's been gone for years.


Looks like we will be babysitting for another dog. He's a release dog that was in Wexlers class. He is actually the first dog they gave me to handle. He's a big yellow, very laid back. It will be fun cuz Wex already knows him.


Well the swelling is finally going down on my purple foot and now it's starting to ache. UGH!!!! Hopefully one more week and it will feel better. I still can't wear shoes so it's flip-flops or slippers.


I just noticed its 1 month 3 weeks til our cruise. I can't wait!!!!! The holidays and successor will keep me busy til the trip so I hope it comes fast. I really need a vacation!!!!


My girl is finally letting "it" go and relaxing.

I don't know why I always feel so sorry for the "released dog", have a good time with him.

I'm glad your foot is healing, just in time for that much needed cruise.

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Thanks for the support guys and gals. I always knew something was different even as a child the way my adoptive father treated me vs his real daughter. I have always respected and shall always respect him for what he did for not only me but this country; he is the original Clint Eastwood badazz that Hollywood luvs. He has 5 Silver Stars and 2 Bronze Stars and had two tours in the Korean War and three in Vietnam. From regular Artillery to Infantry to Special Forces he is a tough man and very hard to meet his standards and the main reason I joined the Military. Before his brother passed away he told me that he suspected that I was not Jacks (my father) child. I actually asked them and they denied it, and the way it was denied brought more suspicion to the issue rather than answer questions. I always knew something was up with my birth certificate since it has no mother or father on it and was issued two years after my birth date. I contacted Bamberg Germany and after getting through a language barrier I found out and have two actual birth certificates one with only my mother in 1962 and no biological father and the one issued after the adoption in 1964.


To make matters worse there is allot of what my mother refuses to tell or admit and then her real memory is failing also. Then add in a strained relationship after many years of crap I will not air here, yet I have tried so many times to reconcile with them yet its very obvious that there is a huge difference between me and my sister. My parents refuse to accept my children as their grand children and dont want to hear about my grand children or their great grand children. So its yet another slice in this thing I call my life. My children have been tested and they currently do not have the gene I carry for the blood clotting and my grand baby to be born in March has been tested and so far its negative. I would not wish this blood disorder even on my enemy. From five blocking clots in my legs to the one pulmonary embolism in my right lung that makes me a super frigging lucky guy that I am able to even type this since so many die from this clot.


I'm so glad it wasn't my time yet and this is what drives me to help others especially disabled Vets. Yes I have Tri-Care I am pretty over the shock of the adoption and the "protective" lies I just need to some how find out what really happened in winter of 1962 so I can pass my complete medical history to my children.


Enjoy the holidays! Relax!

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Mornin' all:

Jocko: What a mess. I have some similar family matters that also were denied. I have a sister that was given up for adoption, then my next sister and I were born and kept afterwards. She is our full blooded sister and she found us after 37 years. Also a strained relationship, so I can feel your pain and frustration. Also the grandson we are raising has no father listed and is unknown as far as we know. Definately would like to have his medical background. He other grandparents pretty much have ignored him and they are raising his brother and sister. Sorry for the repeat to the ones of you that have read this disfunctional drama before. Anyway, we are hear for a sounding board, that is also what we do!..........


Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy your family and furbabies! We love you!!!!! :)

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Well, I have a fun story...Mackey and I went to the hospital today for some animal assited therapy and of course service dog training. We visited in a surgical area. We were asked to visit an 8 year old boy who had some urological surgery. Mackey was neutered two weeks ago and still has a shaved area on his foreleg from the IV. So as we were visiting the boy noticed the shaved area. I told him Mackey had surgery and that was where he had his IV. He asked me what was done and I stage whistpered ..."he had surgery on his private parts"...next the little boy said, I did too!. I had Mackey do an up on the stretcher and the little boy just put his arms around him and hugged him and whispered. I am sure it was some male bonding time....thought it was pretty sweet...


Awwww! That's a "once in a lifetime meeting!" Have a wonderful holiday with your family. Give a Rich a kiss from me!

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I heard from Ken Reid [trainer at CCI Santa Rosa], he wanted me to be ready for graduation on January 27, 2012. [i have the biggest smile on my face] ~ I'm so excited......I get to go with the big class and Graduate with them. I thought I would just go home without any graduation.......Of course Brenda and Morey will be with me, along with.......drum roll please......"Successor!"

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thank you and we will for sure. My daughter will be in Wisconsin and my son in California so its me and the pups. Going to cook a duck this year and we will all enjoy it.


Take it easy and be with the beings that think you're the most important and most special person in the whole world! ;) :)

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I heard from Ken Reid [trainer at CCI Santa Rosa], he wanted me to be ready for graduation on January 27, 2012. [i have the biggest smile on my face] ~ I'm so excited......I get to go with the big class and Graduate with them. I thought I would just go home without any graduation.......Of course Brenda and Morey will be with me, along with.......drum roll please......"Successor!"

Roz, that's wonderful! :D

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I heard from Ken Reid [trainer at CCI Santa Rosa], he wanted me to be ready for graduation on January 27, 2012. [i have the biggest smile on my face] ~ I'm so excited......I get to go with the big class and Graduate with them. I thought I would just go home without any graduation.......Of course Brenda and Morey will be with me, along with.......drum roll please......"Successor!"



Thats great Roz!!! Of course we all wish we could be there cheering you on.


Sunshine, What a wonderful story. Mackey must have made that kid feel so good!


Guitarest, I think every family is dysfunctional. I know mine is and so is Johns. There is no such thing as "normal". We all just do what we have to, to get by.



We have a very busy weekend. My son is coming up tomorrow and John has offered to put some new tires on his truck. My son will be here to take the new tv and camera he is getting. We had to buy a table to put the tv on, so I am going to pick that up today and my son will be putting it together and setting up the new tv (you know, the one we didn't need).



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