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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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DKD, Our group is hosting the puppy raiser workshop in April. You should think about taking a ride up. We would love to see you! :D


Are you talking about the one on April 5 in New Hampshire? That would require an overnight. Even if we brought Orson and Davis, we would still have the Yorkie to board somewhere. Doesn't sound doable but you never know. We're not even sure if we are going to be able to do the one at CCI in March being that we have Ocho up there in advanced training. All things to keep in the back of my somewhat limited mind. :rolleyes:

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Are you talking about the one on April 5 in New Hampshire? That would require an overnight. Even if we brought Orson and Davis, we would still have the Yorkie to board somewhere. Doesn't sound doable but you never know. We're not even sure if we are going to be able to do the one at CCI in March being that we have Ocho up there in advanced training. All things to keep in the back of my somewhat limited mind. :rolleyes:


It's in Sudbury mass not NH.

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It's in Sudbury mass not NH.


That's strange because below is what we got from Katrina who is the NER Puppy Program Manager. Either way, I don't see us being able to make it. :(


Important Dates to Mark on your Calendars for 2014

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, it's time to open those freshly purchased 2014 CCI Calendars and make note of these upcoming events so you don't miss out on anything:


Upcoming Puppy Raiser Workshops


  • February 22nd- Richmond,Virginia
  • March 8th- Columbia, Maryland
  • March 22nd- Northeast Region Campus
  • April 5th- Exeter, New Hampshire

Stay tuned for more information regarding exact locations, times, deadlines to RSVP, etc.

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Yes Roz...Davis loves the snow. He loves just being outside too.

He is starting to settle in a bit more. He may not be the terror

we thought he would be.


Awwww! Didn't take him long to know his new home [for about a year or so!] These dogs just amaze me. How they can move from home to home, people to people and maintain the calm, attentive demeanor that they do, it's a true miracle.

Of course, there are the few that just can't do it and they become the most wonderful pets.

When we were at CCI Oceanside for testing, there was a Golden Retriever being groomed ["Simba"] and the trainers were telling me a bit about him and his journey. He didn't pass-off well from person to person, trainer to trainer, home to home. He was going to be "released" back to his Puppyraisers. Lucky them and him!!!!! He was stunningly handsome but terribly shy and so submissive, not a bad trait to have but not particularly helpful when he's needed to assist someone!

It's always so fabulous when these dogs can go through advanced training and become a partner to someone and make their life more rich and full.

If any of you who are reading this ever have the opportunity to attend a "Graduation" ceremony through CCI.......do it, you won't be sorry! It will inspire and delight you!

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That's strange because below is what we got from Katrina who is the NER Puppy Program Manager. Either way, I don't see us being able to make it. :(


Important Dates to Mark on your Calendars for 2014

With the end of the year rapidly approaching, it's time to open those freshly purchased 2014 CCI Calendars and make note of these upcoming events so you don't miss out on anything:


Upcoming Puppy Raiser Workshops


  • February 22nd- Richmond,Virginia
  • March 8th- Columbia, Maryland
  • March 22nd- Northeast Region Campus
  • April 5th- Exeter, New Hampshire

Stay tuned for more information regarding exact locations, times, deadlines to RSVP, etc.


geez I thought I was going crazy :eek: The NH info is wrong. It's in MA. Too bad you couldn't make it but I understand.

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Have any of you read/heard about the guide dog that jumped from the platform to protect his handler after he fainted and fell on the subway tracks in NYC? I've read links from the New York Post.


Yes! And, he may lose his dog. What that dog did was far and beyond what should have been expected of him. I think the dog org. is saying that the man took a terrible risk and put his dog in unecessary danger and harms way.

It's a very touchy situation, no Org. wants to remove a dog from its handler, however the dogs safety is the most important part of the working/handler/ Service Dog equation.

If the gentleman was in an area he should not have been or if he took a risk in insisting the dog walk with him when he wasn't feeling well, he used poor judgement and it's important that we think of the dog's safety first and ALWAYS!

These dogs will kill themselves to take care of their handler, they'll be fearless to get the job done.

I hope the dog and the man can be made whole again as a team.

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OK Folks...here is a Christmas poem us puppy raisers just got from CCI. Not sure is you should read it without a tissue. Enjoy!!


CCI Christmas in the Kennels

Twas the night before Christmas and the kennels were still,

With most dogs now asleep having eaten their fill.

The Labradors sprawled out, quite snug in their beds,

While visions of ANYTHING edible danced in their heads.

And the Lab/Golden crosses curled up on the floor,

The Goldens twitched in their sleep and some even did snore.

The dog food was stacked in the feed room with care,

In hopes that the kennel staff soon would be there.

On the training room window ledge, the kennel cat lay,

Surveying the lawn at the end of this day.

Something was different, that fluffy orange cat knew.

Tonight something would happen, it had to be true.

For that day as the workers had left to go home,

They’d wished “Merry Christmas!” before starting to roam.

The dogs had noticed it too during this past week’s walks,

The trainers seemed just that much happier and eager to talk.

In the mall where they worked through the maze of people and stores,

There were decorations and music and distractions galore!

Most dogs pranced along without worry or fear,

But some balked at the man on the sleigh and those fake looking deer.

The cat was almost asleep too when he first heard the sound,

A whoosh through the air and a jingle around.

It reminded him of a dog’s collar when the animal shook,

But this sound kept on growing- He’d better go look.

From the ceiling there came a faint sort of thunk,

As the cat climbed to the highest pile of junk.

Once before people had worked on the roof,

And come down through the trap door to a chorus of “Woooof!”

But the dogs still were quiet, all sleeping so sound,

As this man dressed in red made his way right on down.

He patted the cat as he climbed past his spot,

Then made his way right to the coffee pot.

A Labrador sat up, not fully awake,

Then a Golden followed her with a mighty loud shake.

That did it! All the dogs sprang to life with a loud noise.

In spite of the din, the old man kept his poise.

He filled the pot full and it started to brew,

Then he pulled up a chair and took in the view.

Dogs all around him, so carefully bred,

He knew well their jobs, the tasks that lay ahead.

Some had stopped barking and looked at him now,

While others delighted in their own deafening howl.

Laying a finger in front of his lips,

The jolly old man silenced the excitable yips.

“You all may not know me, but I’m Santa Claus,”

The old man smiled and took a short pause,

While he filled up his mug with hot liquid and creams,

“I’ve always wanted to stop here. It’s been one of my dreams.”

As this point the cat had climbed down and was exploring Santa’s sack.

“Yes, little kitty, that’s an empty pack.”

Santa smiled as he drank and looked at those eyes,

Deep brown ones and gold ones held wide in surprise.

Some of these dogs, he’d seen just last year,

In the puppy raiser homes, cute and full of holiday cheer.

He’d seen the effects of a pup on a tree,

But now they were here at the school, just waiting to be.

“I didn’t bring you presents or bones just to chew.

I’ll tell you something better, what you are going to do.

You all will work hard and the trainers will share,

Both praise and correction, gentle and fair.

You’ll go lots of places and face big scary things.

You’ll ride buses and subways and hear fire sirens ring.

Cars will drive at you but your path you will stay,

Not moving into danger, let your handler lead the way.

And then just when you think that this trainer’s the best,

The kindest most fun person, toss away the rest,

That trainer will begin to ignore you and give you away,

Handing your leash over despite your dismay.

Now the person who pets you and feed you may ask,

For your expert help in many a task.

This man, woman or child, whose heart you will snatch,

Thanks to CCI you will make a great match.

So, you well-trained dogs it is no big surprise,

You will work as a team and discover the size

Of this great world we live in, because you will go

A million new places with this person, you know.”

Santa sipped at his coffee and looked over the brood,

Knowing what he had to say next might sound kind of rude.

“Not all of you will make it and become a working pair

Your time here isn’t wasted though, please don’t despair.

Some of you will be drug dogs and some will find bombs.

Some of you will become pets in a home with a dad and/or a mom.

All of these things are important. People wait on long lists

To receive such good dogs as you, the CCI folks insist.”

The last drop of coffee had gone into his cup

As Santa turned, smiling at each wide-eyed pup.

“The best gift of all is to give something back.

That’s why there’s nothing for you all inside of my pack.”

Draining his mug, Santa went to each pen,

And petted and scratched each dog again and again.

“Now next year and many more years after that,

You all will give gifts wherever you’re at.

You might lick a hand that’s had a bad day,

Or retrieve and object that’s fallen out of the way.

You might help catch a crook or discover some loot,

Or just bring some joy to a tired old man in a funny red suit.

Your handler will love you and treat you with care.

In return, your training and trust will always be there.”

After the last dog had been petted and soothed,

Santa put away the coffee pot and made ready to move.

Up the ladder he rose to the door high above,

With a smile and a wave as he slipped on his glove.

And all the dogs’ ears were pricked as he disappeared out of sight.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!”

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He's so adorably handsome, what a sweet face! I'm in love. I know, I know, I can't help it. Those Yellow Lab faces make me crazy.

Come on Ocho, you can do it. Graduate, so we can watch the gloriously happy face of someone who will be lucky enough to have you in their life!

Thank you so much for sharing the great picture with us!

I love how CCI keeps you in the loop and allows you to follow his adult life!

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Yes! And, he may lose his dog. What that dog did was far and beyond what should have been expected of him. I think the dog org. is saying that the man took a terrible risk and put his dog in unecessary danger and harms way.


It's a very touchy situation, no Org. wants to remove a dog from its handler, however the dogs safety is the most important part of the working/handler/ Service Dog equation.


If the gentleman was in an area he should not have been or if he took a risk in insisting the dog walk with him when he wasn't feeling well, he used poor judgement and it's important that we think of the dog's safety first and ALWAYS!


These dogs will kill themselves to take care of their handler, they'll be fearless to get the job done.


I hope the dog and the man can be made whole again as a team.


Here's the scoop: Orlando, the Seeing Eye Dog is 11 years old and is supposed to retire but Cecil, the dogs handler, can not afford to pay for Vet bills, etc. And, unless the dog is actually working he will be considered a pet and not covered by the Org. for med. ins. Some good samaritans got together and collected over $50,000 to help defray any costs for Orlando. So, Cecil can get a new pup and Orlando can live a life of leisure.

What a wonderful dog. He wouldn't leave Cecil's side.

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OK Folks...here is a Christmas poem us puppy raisers just got from CCI. Not sure is you should read it without a tissue. Enjoy!!


CCI Christmas in the Kennels

Twas the night before Christmas and the kennels were still,

With most dogs now asleep having eaten their fill.

The Labradors sprawled out, quite snug in their beds,

While visions of ANYTHING edible danced in their heads.

And the Lab/Golden crosses curled up on the floor,

The Goldens twitched in their sleep and some even did snore.

The dog food was stacked in the feed room with care,

In hopes that the kennel staff soon would be there.

On the training room window ledge, the kennel cat lay,

Surveying the lawn at the end of this day.

Something was different, that fluffy orange cat knew.

Tonight something would happen, it had to be true.

For that day as the workers had left to go home,

They’d wished “Merry Christmas!” before starting to roam.

The dogs had noticed it too during this past week’s walks,

The trainers seemed just that much happier and eager to talk.

In the mall where they worked through the maze of people and stores,

There were decorations and music and distractions galore!

Most dogs pranced along without worry or fear,

But some balked at the man on the sleigh and those fake looking deer.

The cat was almost asleep too when he first heard the sound,

A whoosh through the air and a jingle around.

It reminded him of a dog’s collar when the animal shook,

But this sound kept on growing- He’d better go look.

From the ceiling there came a faint sort of thunk,

As the cat climbed to the highest pile of junk.

Once before people had worked on the roof,

And come down through the trap door to a chorus of “Woooof!”

But the dogs still were quiet, all sleeping so sound,

As this man dressed in red made his way right on down.

He patted the cat as he climbed past his spot,

Then made his way right to the coffee pot.

A Labrador sat up, not fully awake,

Then a Golden followed her with a mighty loud shake.

That did it! All the dogs sprang to life with a loud noise.

In spite of the din, the old man kept his poise.

He filled the pot full and it started to brew,

Then he pulled up a chair and took in the view.

Dogs all around him, so carefully bred,

He knew well their jobs, the tasks that lay ahead.

Some had stopped barking and looked at him now,

While others delighted in their own deafening howl.

Laying a finger in front of his lips,

The jolly old man silenced the excitable yips.

“You all may not know me, but I’m Santa Claus,”

The old man smiled and took a short pause,

While he filled up his mug with hot liquid and creams,

“I’ve always wanted to stop here. It’s been one of my dreams.”

As this point the cat had climbed down and was exploring Santa’s sack.

“Yes, little kitty, that’s an empty pack.”

Santa smiled as he drank and looked at those eyes,

Deep brown ones and gold ones held wide in surprise.

Some of these dogs, he’d seen just last year,

In the puppy raiser homes, cute and full of holiday cheer.

He’d seen the effects of a pup on a tree,

But now they were here at the school, just waiting to be.

“I didn’t bring you presents or bones just to chew.

I’ll tell you something better, what you are going to do.

You all will work hard and the trainers will share,

Both praise and correction, gentle and fair.

You’ll go lots of places and face big scary things.

You’ll ride buses and subways and hear fire sirens ring.

Cars will drive at you but your path you will stay,

Not moving into danger, let your handler lead the way.

And then just when you think that this trainer’s the best,

The kindest most fun person, toss away the rest,

That trainer will begin to ignore you and give you away,

Handing your leash over despite your dismay.

Now the person who pets you and feed you may ask,

For your expert help in many a task.

This man, woman or child, whose heart you will snatch,

Thanks to CCI you will make a great match.

So, you well-trained dogs it is no big surprise,

You will work as a team and discover the size

Of this great world we live in, because you will go

A million new places with this person, you know.”

Santa sipped at his coffee and looked over the brood,

Knowing what he had to say next might sound kind of rude.

“Not all of you will make it and become a working pair

Your time here isn’t wasted though, please don’t despair.

Some of you will be drug dogs and some will find bombs.

Some of you will become pets in a home with a dad and/or a mom.

All of these things are important. People wait on long lists

To receive such good dogs as you, the CCI folks insist.”

The last drop of coffee had gone into his cup

As Santa turned, smiling at each wide-eyed pup.

“The best gift of all is to give something back.

That’s why there’s nothing for you all inside of my pack.”

Draining his mug, Santa went to each pen,

And petted and scratched each dog again and again.

“Now next year and many more years after that,

You all will give gifts wherever you’re at.

You might lick a hand that’s had a bad day,

Or retrieve and object that’s fallen out of the way.

You might help catch a crook or discover some loot,

Or just bring some joy to a tired old man in a funny red suit.

Your handler will love you and treat you with care.

In return, your training and trust will always be there.”

After the last dog had been petted and soothed,

Santa put away the coffee pot and made ready to move.

Up the ladder he rose to the door high above,

With a smile and a wave as he slipped on his glove.

And all the dogs’ ears were pricked as he disappeared out of sight.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!”



Absolutey lovely DKD, I'm so glad a cat was "protector of the dogs!" And got a pat from Santa! :)

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Just got our CCI puppy raiser Christmas card. Ocho is in the back row, just to the right of the black dog. He has a green bow on his head.



So glad I'm not the only one sticking these bows on a lab's head at Christmas! :D


What a grand and handsome group of dogs - they all look so proud and noble. I wonder what they would think if they knew they were now famous all over the world? I wish them all the luck in the world for their future.


Is that usual to have so many yellows, and only one black? Or is that just the way it was this time?


Making me broody for a small yellow person, but standing firm as our two have such a special relationship!


Just looking at that photo, just makes me want to have one gigantic doggy group hug. I wonder if they all fell around the floor "laughing" after the shot was taken - I bet they had some fun! :D

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It's so funny to watch the different trainers out in the yard with their dogs. When Horty was being trained there were more Black Labs than Yellow. And, unless you looked very carefully you couldn't tell them apart.

I'm so partial to the Yellow's but, as you know, I've only been matched with a Black.

When you're in training, you work with all the dogs and you have no idea which dog the trainers have already "pre-selected" for you. Of course this can change during the two-week process because matching a human with a dog can be a very delicate thing! In the back of your mind, you've already picked the dog that you love the most.......and, it's not always the same as the dog you go home with! ;)

The trainers are so smart and after interviewing you and watching you work with various dogs they have a pretty good idea of who should go with who!

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It's so funny to watch the different trainers out in the yard with their dogs. When Horty was being trained there were more Black Labs than Yellow. And, unless you looked very carefully you couldn't tell them apart.


I'm so partial to the Yellow's but, as you know, I've only been matched with a Black.


When you're in training, you work with all the dogs and you have no idea which dog the trainers have already "pre-selected" for you. Of course this can change during the two-week process because matching a human with a dog can be a very delicate thing! In the back of your mind, you've already picked the dog that you love the most.......and, it's not always the same as the dog you go home with! ;)


The trainers are so smart and after interviewing you and watching you work with various dogs they have a pretty good idea of who should go with who!


I had a chocolate lab years ago and then Bailee, my black beauty. Of course John had Rangeley, a yellow. He wanted another yellow and had written it on his application. I wanted a black of course. There were 3 yellows in our class and the rest blacks. Well when they brought those black labs in the room, John gasped! He loved them!! He went to the trainers and told them he didn't have to have a yellow that he now wanted a black. Of course they had already picked Wex for him so it didn't matter. But he was so cute running up to them like a little kid. Anyway I got my black! ;) And John is thrilled with his beautiful black boy.


Here's a few pics of my Rangeley. He was a very sweet boy and he loved the water as much as the snow.




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Just got our CCI puppy raiser Christmas card. Ocho is in the back row, just to the right of the black dog. He has a green bow on his head.



Aren't they just beautiful!!!! The one in the front middle with the red bow looks like such a dufus!!! I bet he/she is alot of fun. LOL

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I had a chocolate lab years ago and then Bailee, my black beauty. Of course John had Rangeley, a yellow. He wanted another yellow and had written it on his application. I wanted a black of course. There were 3 yellows in our class and the rest blacks. Well when they brought those black labs in the room, John gasped! He loved them!! He went to the trainers and told them he didn't have to have a yellow that he now wanted a black. Of course they had already picked Wex for him so it didn't matter. But he was so cute running up to them like a little kid. Anyway I got my black! ;) And John is thrilled with his beautiful black boy.


Here's a few pics of my Rangeley. He was a very sweet boy and he loved the water as much as the snow.


Cindy, I didn't know Rangeley, but I'm in love. He's exactly what I wanted, initially. What a handsome dog. How old was he when he passed. You must miss him so!

I swear, I was thinking exactly the same thing about that dog in the front, what a "goof-ball" face. But, I love it! They all have their very own look, don't they?

Ocho is sure a cutie! Really, really cute!

I love Labs, they're such handsome and fabulous looking dogs. Now, if I could just get used to their hair! I know it's not supposed to be a big deal but it's EVERYWHERE!

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Hi Roz and all!


I am waiting to hear if we are confirmed for the wait list. We had our home visit interview about six weeks ago. Sure would be a nice Christmas present to know. Then the real waiting (a year or longer) will begin.


Meanwhile, we decided to plan a Europe trip for next October, returning on a Celebrity transatlantic, since we will be less inclined to do another one when we have our dog.


Thanks so much for asking.


Happy Christmas to all,



Hey Chris, are you returning from Rome on your TA with Celebrity? I am too and I will have my Canadian guide dog for the deaf(HED). We graduated last month and it will be her second cruise. The first is a TA to Europe in April.






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Hey Chris, are you returning from Rome on your TA with Celebrity? I am too and I will have my Canadian guide dog for the deaf(HED). We graduated last month and it will be her second cruise. The first is a TA to Europe in April.






Hi, Colleen, yes I am going to be on that Reflection cruise from Rome to Miami. Really excited to hear you and your guide dog for the deaf will also be on board!! I am looking forward to meeting you both in person. We love transatlantics so will be very interested to hear about your experiences traveling with your canine partner on board.


There were three service dogs on our Celebrity Century Hawaii cruise in April. A young man in a wheelchair explained to us about the potty arrangements for his golden. On the last day, we sat next to a woman at breakfast with a seizure dog who told us the Honolulu authorities would not allow the dogs ashore, which seemed so odd for a US port.


I've learned some already from reading this thread about cruising with a service dog, which has been very encouraging. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences.

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