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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Davis just turned a year old. They kept the poor dog there for the whole parade.


I suppose they thought they were desensitizing the dog.


While we were onboard the Crown, this past September, some of the crew were blowing up balloons and placing them into a huge net, so they could drop them later at the Captains Champagne waterfall. Horton and I were sitting in the area, near the International Café, while this was all going on above and around us. Some of the balloons would miss the net and come crashing to the floor, near us. When they started to pop Horton would startle and then start to shake, while laying next to my chair. His shaking was so obvious and there were lots and lots of people around us. He had been sleeping when the popping started.


I thought it might be a good idea to just remove him from the area but I also didn't want him to think there was something to shake about! So, I thought maybe I'd just divert his attention by dropping my napkin and asking him to "get" it for me. He responded by looking at me [while quivering, I mean really quivering from head to toe!] I've NEVER seen him react like this to anything before. He got up, retrieved the napkin, sat and gave it to me [quivering the whole time!]


Usually, if I were home, I might call the trainers at CCI and ask for advice but here I was, in the middle of the Mexican Riviera.....what to do?


Again, I dropped something, hoping to divert him and he responded by getting it for me but continuing to quiver. I then decided to act very nonchalant and get up and go for a walk outside on the Promenade Deck. It worked, he stopped shaking [it's hard to shake and walk at the same time!]


I came back into the area and asked one of the crew for some balloons and I thought I'd try a "set-up" later on. With the help of another passenger we went into a deserted lounge and proceeded to do the "set-up." We just sat and talked waiting for him to fall asleep and she popped a balloon, we continued to chit-chat as if nothing happened. Horton, glanced around the room, stared at us and she popped another balloon, he shaked a bit but not as much and eventually stopped shaking, as she repeated it again.


I went to the Champagne reception later that evening where balloons were popping all over the place. At first Horton acted as if he was "spooked" and I kept moving him around the room, nothing, he stopped shaking all together. Hopefully, he's cured.......I haven't tried it again since we've been home but we are going to a few parties this holiday season, we'll see.


He has until next April to get over his balloon popping fetish because we'll be onboard the Golden and I know they do the balloon thing too!


I haven't encountered this response again from him, what do you think?

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Did I write too much? Or, you guys have no suggestions. Okay, I'll move on.


Fairbourne, how are you? And, how's Aruba doing?


Is everyone okay with the cold weather creeping up on us? My daughter said they're having ice storms in Eugene, Oregon. What's an ice storm? Thank God for boring L.A. weather! :rolleyes:

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Did I write too much? Or, you guys have no suggestions. Okay, I'll move on.


Fairbourne, how are you? And, how's Aruba doing?


Is everyone okay with the cold weather creeping up on us? My daughter said they're having ice storms in Eugene, Oregon. What's an ice storm? Thank God for boring L.A. weather! :rolleyes:


Roz, I think you did just the right thing to calm Horton and get him accustomed to the sound of popping balloons. Gibson has never had that sound to deal with. His particular problem is the doorbell ringing or the sound of knocking. It doesn't matter what we try to acclimate him to these sounds; he just goes nuts barking his big, scary Labrador Retriever deep voice. Even just one of us tapping our hand on a table sets off the bark. Diana has season tickets for the KC Symphony family concert series. Each time we go I hope there won't be a doorbell or door knock sound in the program.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier. We are getting ready for an ugly winter weather weekend. It 24 degrees at this moment. Brrr!


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Roz, I think you did just the right thing to calm Horton and get him accustomed to the sound of popping balloons. Gibson has never had that sound to deal with. His particular problem is the doorbell ringing or the sound of knocking. It doesn't matter what we try to acclimate him to these sounds; he just goes nuts barking his big, scary Labrador Retriever deep voice. Even just one of us tapping our hand on a table sets off the bark. Diana has season tickets for the KC Symphony family concert series. Each time we go I hope there won't be a doorbell or door knock sound in the program.



That's so funny. Raylene's trained to alert me to doorbells and knocks with a nose tap on the thigh or arm/hand, as a Hearing Dog. She'd probably be alerting in a concert or play with that sound.


I know what you mean about the big, scary Lab bark. My girl has done that a few times (just one deep Woof) and the first time, it was so loud, even I could hear and/or maybe feel the couch shake. I asked my husband what the sound was - there had been a grey wolf on TV in a dogfood commercial.


I love that all our service dogs have their behavioral quirks.

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Poor Horton, envisioning him quivering! Roz, I have a lot less experience with how to work with a partner, but it sure sounds right to me that you gave him a command (the napkin) to focus on, and then casually removed him without making a big deal of it. And then later to set up a de-sensitizing situation.


We live near military bases, and they sometimes fire artillery miles away that literally shakes the windows. The Dogs for the Deaf trainer heard it and commented that it was good it didn't seem to bother Raylene.


Last summer, we were in numerous places like Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Fort Niagara, etc with movies featuring a lot of cannons and gunfire. She did pretty well, even when a reenactor shot a musket standing near us.


But in one visitor center movie about the Johnstown Flood, she kept standing up and shaking off to calm herself (lots of tag-rattling!) so I finally took her out. My husband told me afterward that there was a lot of rumbling noise as the flood was simulated, so I guess she had had it! Poor girl.

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I think you did the right thing with Horton and the balloons. But I only have a regular dog not a special/service dog. Although she's special (read spoiled) to me. ;)


Thanks Marcia. Horton is a very sensitive boy. The balloons popping would have NEVER even made Brenda flinch. They're all very different.


Have a warm and lovely weekend. My daughter is coming in from Oregon to spend the weekend with me!

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Roz, I think you did just the right thing to calm Horton and get him accustomed to the sound of popping balloons. Gibson has never had that sound to deal with. His particular problem is the doorbell ringing or the sound of knocking. It doesn't matter what we try to acclimate him to these sounds; he just goes nuts barking his big, scary Labrador Retriever deep voice. Even just one of us tapping our hand on a table sets off the bark. Diana has season tickets for the KC Symphony family concert series. Each time we go I hope there won't be a doorbell or door knock sound in the program.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier. We are getting ready for an ugly winter weather weekend. It 24 degrees at this moment. Brrr!



Beckie, they're all so different but yet the same! Horton will bark if someone just walks by my front door. When Brenda was around he NEVER did this. And, sometimes it really scares me. He's responding to me quicker than he used to. I just say "stop" and he comes over to me, lays by my chair and stops. I think he's scared! Such a baby! :o


Brrrrrrrrr. Too cold for this So. Cal. girl!!!!........stay warm and have a good weekend!

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That's so funny. Raylene's trained to alert me to doorbells and knocks with a nose tap on the thigh or arm/hand, as a Hearing Dog. She'd probably be alerting in a concert or play with that sound.


I know what you mean about the big, scary Lab bark. My girl has done that a few times (just one deep Woof) and the first time, it was so loud, even I could hear and/or maybe feel the couch shake. I asked my husband what the sound was - there had been a grey wolf on TV in a dogfood commercial.


I love that all our service dogs have their behavioral quirks.


I love the picture in your avatar.......such a pretty girl ♥ !!!!!


"Quirks" is a good word! Horton is very "quirky!"

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Poor Horton, envisioning him quivering! Roz, I have a lot less experience with how to work with a partner, but it sure sounds right to me that you gave him a command (the napkin) to focus on, and then casually removed him without making a big deal of it. And then later to set up a de-sensitizing situation.


We live near military bases, and they sometimes fire artillery miles away that literally shakes the windows. The Dogs for the Deaf trainer heard it and commented that it was good it didn't seem to bother Raylene.


Last summer, we were in numerous places like Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Fort Niagara, etc with movies featuring a lot of cannons and gunfire. She did pretty well, even when a reenactor shot a musket standing near us.


But in one visitor center movie about the Johnstown Flood, she kept standing up and shaking off to calm herself (lots of tag-rattling!) so I finally took her out. My husband told me afterward that there was a lot of rumbling noise as the flood was simulated, so I guess she had had it! Poor girl.


I bet Horton would have "quirked" himself into a tithy had he been with you!!!!!:rolleyes:

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Roz you can never write too much...sounds like you handled the situation just right.


Thank you so much! It's so nice having all of you to share my "Moments With Horton" with!


We haven't been subjected to any weird noises so he's having plenty of time to recoup his senses!


I hate to see him stressed he's such a wonderful boy in every other way and such a great team player. He's quite a comfort when I need him to be!

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We are good, Sis. Just work is so mentally and physically taxing right now. I am worn out when I get home and then still have to take care of Travis' needs. We are now down to just Boy Scouts. His homework is getting more intense, but his teacher is awesome. She has been giving them projects to to do, that she gives them a month to get done. Of course we are all procrastinators, so last minute scrambles are the norm.

He is learning a lot from them.


Hope everyone else is doing good. I read all the posts. Some of the videos I can't watch. My computer tells me I need this or that plug-in, but when I download them, sometimes I end up with a virus. Pop-up galores. So I am shy of downloading anything. That is from Java and Adobe, you would think I wouldn't get that kind of stuff from them. Anyway, I did see the lab doing the snow slide. Very cute.


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Hi everyone - we are back, ok I'm very naughty I didn't let on to you that we snuck off on a last minute cruise! ;):p:D.


Aruba went to her Aunty cuddles and has just come home this afternoon, much taller and looking all grown up!


Anyway, just catching my breath and catching up, so more news from Aruba towers when I've done the unpacking - hers and ours!!! LOL!


Hope everyone doing well and loved the daft boy sliding in the snow ..... What fun he had!

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We are good, Sis. Just work is so mentally and physically taxing right now. I am worn out when I get home and then still have to take care of Travis' needs. We are now down to just Boy Scouts. His homework is getting more intense, but his teacher is awesome. She has been giving them projects to to do, that she gives them a month to get done. Of course we are all procrastinators, so last minute scrambles are the norm.

He is learning a lot from them.


Hope everyone else is doing good. I read all the posts. Some of the videos I can't watch. My computer tells me I need this or that plug-in, but when I download them, sometimes I end up with a virus. Pop-up galores. So I am shy of downloading anything. That is from Java and Adobe, you would think I wouldn't get that kind of stuff from them. Anyway, I did see the lab doing the snow slide. Very cute.



I'm glad that you're busy with the normal "living" stuff and that Travis is doing well.


It's good to hear from you.

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Hi everyone - we are back, ok I'm very naughty I didn't let on to you that we snuck off on a last minute cruise! ;):p:D.


Aruba went to her Aunty cuddles and has just come home this afternoon, much taller and looking all grown up!


Anyway, just catching my breath and catching up, so more news from Aruba towers when I've done the unpacking - hers and ours!!! LOL!


Hope everyone doing well and loved the daft boy sliding in the snow ..... What fun he had!


Fairbourne, I hope that your cruise was fun and relaxing.


I bet your girl looks different. Pups change so much in a week. I know she missed her Mum and is glad to be home with her fur-buds!

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Fairbourne, I hope that your cruise was fun and relaxing.


I bet your girl looks different. Pups change so much in a week. I know she missed her Mum and is glad to be home with her fur-buds!



Our cruise was fabulous - we had the most relaxing few days we've had in a while! The weather was mixed but the Mediterranean was kind to us and we had good seas .... And one night we had an electrical storm, the likes of which I have never, ever seem before! It was a true symphony of lightening which went on for hours! We met a lovely couple and met them again for drinks and would you believe it they were puppy walkers and now are boarders, so high 5's all round!


Aruba has grown so much, I just couldn't believe it when I saw her! She is now as tall as Max and long, oh boy this girl is long! She had a great time with her Aunty cuddles and did all sorts of outings. She is just so adaptable which is a great trait for her to have for the future. Max yesterday was a total limpet, attached to me and followed me everywhere I went in the house - I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him busting in! He's such a special boy, this bug chocolate lump of ours, and him and Poppy are firm favourites with the girls at their kennels. They had a very young puppy in there and Max was the only dog they felt they could take with them for company for the pup when they took the pup for a walk. They told us Max put up with the pup jumping on him, biting his ears, his tail and just generally being an annoying little pup - does all this sound familiar! LOL!


I've been watching the black lab sliding in the snow again - it's just so funny!

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Our cruise was fabulous - we had the most relaxing few days we've had in a while! The weather was mixed but the Mediterranean was kind to us and we had good seas .... And one night we had an electrical storm, the likes of which I have never, ever seem before! It was a true symphony of lightening which went on for hours! We met a lovely couple and met them again for drinks and would you believe it they were puppy walkers and now are boarders, so high 5's all round!


Aruba has grown so much, I just couldn't believe it when I saw her! She is now as tall as Max and long, oh boy this girl is long! She had a great time with her Aunty cuddles and did all sorts of outings. She is just so adaptable which is a great trait for her to have for the future. Max yesterday was a total limpet, attached to me and followed me everywhere I went in the house - I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him busting in! He's such a special boy, this bug chocolate lump of ours, and him and Poppy are firm favourites with the girls at their kennels. They had a very young puppy in there and Max was the only dog they felt they could take with them for company for the pup when they took the pup for a walk. They told us Max put up with the pup jumping on him, biting his ears, his tail and just generally being an annoying little pup - does all this sound familiar! LOL!


I've been watching the black lab sliding in the snow again - it's just so funny!


I know that Max and Poppy would love Horton, they'd have so much fun together, for that matter so would Miss. Aruba, I'll be right over! ;) I wish!


Aruba's a big girl now.....do you believe how fast they change!


I'm so glad that your time away was a good one. I love when I meet special people onboard and we become friends forever! And, then to meet them again on another cruise is really the best! Doesn't this sound familiar Marcia!


Good luck getting back into the groove of life!

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A couple days ago, I called my vet's office to make an appointment for my girl's international health certificate and I stated it as so, along with the date I needed to do it on. The lady goes about making the appointment and then asks, "Are you getting the certificate because of travel?" :confused: No, I'm just putting out the money for and taking the time to get an international health certificate for the fun of it! :rolleyes: Obviously, I just said yes and stated where I am going, but I was laughing inside! :p


Okay, now the rest of you need to post something funny that happened lately!

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