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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hey All, I finally got 5 mimutes on the laptop. Hate this thing. I wish this site had a phone app so I could check in once in a while. Everything is good here. Just trying to get through the holidays so we can get on this cruise. Im trying to get the kids to do their online checkin so we can print their express docs. Its like pulling teeth. I usually do Lees but he has his own reservation with the gf so they both have to do it.


Going down to moms for xmas with john, then to his sisters after dinner. Going to be a busy day. once thats over i can concentrate on the cruise. Lee is all freaked out cuz he actually has to do his own packing. lol Life is tough when you turn 30 and have a gf.


Wex and john are good. looking forward to their holiday week off.


Hope everyone has a great holiday and a happy new year!!


Love you all


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Hey All, I finally got 5 mimutes on the laptop. Hate this thing. I wish this site had a phone app so I could check in once in a while. Everything is good here. Just trying to get through the holidays so we can get on this cruise. Im trying to get the kids to do their online checkin so we can print their express docs. Its like pulling teeth. I usually do Lees but he has his own reservation with the gf so they both have to do it.


Going down to moms for xmas with john, then to his sisters after dinner. Going to be a busy day. once thats over i can concentrate on the cruise. Lee is all freaked out cuz he actually has to do his own packing. lol Life is tough when you turn 30 and have a gf.


Wex and john are good. looking forward to their holiday week off.


Hope everyone has a great holiday and a happy new year!!


Love you all



Search your phone's app store for the "Tapatalk" app.

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Davis says Happy Holidays to everyone!!





Happy Christmas Davis - you are such a handsome grown up pup these days. Aruba would quite like you methinks!!! HO! HO! HO! :p:D


DKD .... Thanks for the words of encouragement ... Aruba is truly a great dog to work with but we are having those "no, I'll get back to you" moments - apparently it's a stage they go through around 10 months? I hope it doesn't last too long! Refused to go for a walk yesterday and I mean all four paws were superglued to the pavement! Quite happy to chase around the garden but go out, not happening! She has been watching me in amusement today as I've put up our tree l... We will see how many decorations stay on the tree! I've put the most precious and glass ornaments high up .... !


Chris - can't wait to hear of your adventures on the high seas with your girl! :)

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It seems like alot of these dogs go through that "I'm NOT going for a walk today" stage. We've had that with both our pups so far. We have found that the trick is to make them walk. Even if you have to start dragging them. We have found that after a few seconds they get the hint and start walking. For a while, Ocho would put on the brakes as soon as he lost sight of our house. It's the teen age time. We also have all the unbreakable ornaments within tail reach on our tree.

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Hi! Princess Pony Pants Cindy! Missed you. Sorry you are having computer issues (sharing can be so over rated). Glad everyone is doing good and best yet YOU ARE GOING ON A CRUISE! Poor Lee, has to be all growed up and pack for himself? What a bad mom you are! :D


Fairbourne: Very proud of Ms. Aruba. I can't believe that little darling is being defiant! I can just visualize it, though!


Tvaud: So proud of Pedro. I am glad he is there for his dad and of course his mom. That must be a very "helpless" feeling until Pedro takes over and does his thing!


Chris: Can't wait for details, details, details!


DKD: Thanks for the Christmas wishes! You are such a handsome "grown-up" boy!


Roz: ♥


Quam: So glad your girl is doing better, warms my ♥.


Hope I didn't miss anyone. Happy, Happy to everyone. I don't go back to school until January 5th! (Sorry if I already said that.) Have been sleeping in everyday! I needed it!

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Hey All, I finally got 5 mimutes on the laptop. Hate this thing. I wish this site had a phone app so I could check in once in a while. Everything is good here. Just trying to get through the holidays so we can get on this cruise. Im trying to get the kids to do their online checkin so we can print their express docs. Its like pulling teeth. I usually do Lees but he has his own reservation with the gf so they both have to do it.


Going down to moms for xmas with john, then to his sisters after dinner. Going to be a busy day. once thats over i can concentrate on the cruise. Lee is all freaked out cuz he actually has to do his own packing. lol Life is tough when you turn 30 and have a gf.


Wex and john are good. looking forward to their holiday week off.


Hope everyone has a great holiday and a happy new year!!

Love you all




Cindy, it's so good to hear from you, thank you for checking-in!


Have a wonderful holiday with your family.


I miss hearing from you more often! ♥

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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We get off the Celebrity Constellation tomorrow, and have had a truly wonderful time the past nine days. Raylene so greatly exceeded my expectations with her good on-board behavior that it will take a much longer email once we're back home to tell you all about it!


Chris, I'm so glad to hear this. It's you! You did it and Raylene just followed. Good Job!

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Hi! Princess Pony Pants Cindy! Missed you. Sorry you are having computer issues (sharing can be so over rated). Glad everyone is doing good and best yet YOU ARE GOING ON A CRUISE! Poor Lee, has to be all growed up and pack for himself? What a bad mom you are! :D


Fairbourne: Very proud of Ms. Aruba. I can't believe that little darling is being defiant! I can just visualize it, though!


Tvaud: So proud of Pedro. I am glad he is there for his dad and of course his mom. That must be a very "helpless" feeling until Pedro takes over and does his thing!


Chris: Can't wait for details, details, details!


DKD: Thanks for the Christmas wishes! You are such a handsome "grown-up" boy!


Roz: ♥


Quam: So glad your girl is doing better, warms my ♥.


Hope I didn't miss anyone. Happy, Happy to everyone. I don't go back to school until January 5th! (Sorry if I already said that.) Have been sleeping in everyday! I needed it!


Nancy, you must be loving these days off. I love sleeping in! Always did, even as a kid and probably always will! And, I got really lucky because Horty loves to sleep in too!!!!


Happy Holidays, to you and yours! May the New Year bring you much good health and laughter!

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I want to wish everyone a joyous, happy and healthy Christmas ♥


My kids are staying with me, I'm at work until Wednesday at 4:00pm. Then I plan on spending every moment with them!


Oh! Sure! I could quit my job but that would mean the gifts would be smaller, the cruises less and not so much shopping!!!!! Who wants to live like that?


Be happy everyone!!! ♥ I think 2015 is going to be a great year for all of us! ♥


Thank you, all of you [even you lurkers] for being "there" for each other! ♥

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I want to wish everyone a joyous, happy and healthy Christmas ♥


My kids are staying with me, I'm at work until Wednesday at 4:00pm. Then I plan on spending every moment with them!


Oh! Sure! I could quit my job but that would mean the gifts would be smaller, the cruises less and not so much shopping!!!!! Who wants to live like that?


Be happy everyone!!! ♥ I think 2015 is going to be a great year for all of us! ♥


Thank you, all of you [even you lurkers] for being "there" for each other! ♥


I would also like to say Happy Holidays to everyone on the best forum on Cruise Critic...thanks for letting us lurkers share in you and your wonderful dogs' lives!



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Happy happy Christmas to everyone!


So that's the day almost over, I'm sitting in front of the log fire, stuffed full of Christmas goodies, relaxing after a lovely day with friends - my best friend and her partner's parents - her mum-in-law is 97 and her husband is her "toy boy" of 92!


Dogs sleeping in front of the fire, they've eaten their pressies from Santa, so full bellies all round! LOL!


Lots of Woofs to all our cyber doggy pals from Aruba, Max and Poppy! :D


(I did wonder today where Aruba might be next Christmas, but I didn't dwell on it, but the DH did say if she did happen to be with us she would get some turkey!)

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Cindra, I wish I was going with you so I could show you how easy it all really is.


1. I HATE mornings and they hate me. I come down in my pj's because it will be very early. Of course, it seems they always pick an area that's at the complete opposite of your cabin. So, you're walking past a lot of earlybirds with your charming self. And, I must say, I'm not a pretty picture but they've asked for it and they're getting it. Keep a smile on your face and don't over think or over talk! Make sure you've pottied him before your meeting.


2. If Pedro has a Service Vest make sure he's wearing it the morning of your meeting with Immigration. Make sure he's on his best behavior. Put him in a "down/stay" position. No sniffing around.


3. Bring ALL Pedro's paperwork and your Passport.


4. Sometimes they want to interact with the dog, sometimes not. I had it both ways. Some agents will examine your dog, some could care less.


5. There will be an agent from the ship who will act as interpreter so don't worry about any language barriers.


6. I have NEVER, in over 19 cruises with my dogs, been denied entry into any country and except for the following: One over zealous Immigration official, who wanted to examine Brenda's paws, and one who had to get permission to allow her on the train to Zermatt, Switzerland, and a guard in Canada who wouldn't let us into the gardens and then into a restaurant. It's all pretty normal stuff for a dog traveling with you.


In New York, a cab driver swore at me in some language about Brenda getting into his cab and not being allowed to sit on the seat but rather she had to stay on the floor, as he pointed angrily at me and yelled; I made him pullover to the curb and pull the dang passenger seat forward so there was more room for her.


In Paris there were dogs everywhere. I had to watch that she didn't get nipped or attacked more than I had to excuse her in the restaurants, where there was dog poop on the floor [not from Brenda], it all seemed quite normal to all the patrons, who just stepped very lightly around the stuff!


Go, take Pedro, enjoy! You'll sense when it just doesn't feel right to take him off the ship. Take a walk down the gangplank and look around, if the hair on the back of your neck stands up......shop at the little kiosks near the ship, take a walk on terra-firma for a bit and walk right back onto the ship. Use your own good sense.


When in doubt DON'T! ;)[b]


We have cruised 4 times now with our dog and he's only been denied entry once. Understandably it was when the ship diverted due to weather and we couldn't get the paperwork submitted to the officials the day prior (Grand Cayman). We did have some problems in Roatan with one official who was very proud of his uniform and didn't like our paperwork but the Carnival Cruise Line staff "helped" him see past his epaulets and we were granted access. I've been extremely impressed with all of the Carnival staff each time we've cruised with our service dog, it sure makes my wife feel much more at ease.

Edited by fasteagle1
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Hello Friends!!! It has been forever since I have been on line. I have only read back a few pages...sounds like things are going well with cruises planned and help offered.

Have a great cruise Cindy....and Roz...hope to repeat our cruise someday. Need to meet Mr Horton.

My husband Rich continues to do very well after his lung transplants. We are both happy and healthy. Bruce or last service dog in training graduated last fall. He is now a seizure response dog and has his very own college student. I love that he has this opportunity to make someone's life more independent.

I don't have another puppy in training yet. Rich and I decided to take a break. And you know what happens when you have an opening in your life...something fills it. We are now fostering a 9 month old golden retriever. She is not a service dog. Her owner is waiting for a double lung transplant and it became to difficult to care for her. So she is living with us for now. She has brought new life back to my Sandy. Those two romp and gnaw on each other for hours at a time. So much fun to watch.

I will keep you posted when our next puppy in service training begins again.:rolleyes:

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Hip, Hip, Hooray, a Sunshine siting! So glad to hear from you Ms. Sunshine. I occasionally see you on Face Book. Glad Rich is doing so well. Happy for the family. Glad Sandy is getting some entertainment out of the pup.


Everyone have a nice weekend. Being off work makes me forget what day of the week it is! That is a good thing, I guess. :D

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Keith, you're words are very welcoming.


Marcia, Nancy, Sunshine, Fairbourne, DKD, Quam, Cindy, Chris and everyone I didn't mention thank you for all the support this past year. See you next year!



Roz & Horton


Thanks to you, Roz, and to all the new friends we made here in 2014 as Raylene and I began our partnership. I've learned many things, large and small, that have helped us. I'm positive we would not have made our first cruise together without your support. (And I promise a report SOON.)


Today Hearing Dog Raylene and I will practice "Name Call" with my husband, who will have hip replacement surgery tomorrow morning. I am so glad she'll be here to come running and alert me any time he needs me once he is home recovering. Busy times!


Happy 2015 to all!

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Awww, Queenie Roz! None of us would be here if it wasn't for you and our beautiful Brenda Elizabeth! I truly come here for comfort. If I am having a tough day, bam! go to Cruise Critic and "Cruising with a Service Dog!" We have been dragged through the mud, placed on a pedistal and everything in between.


:D Everyone have a wonderful week. :)

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Thanks to you, Roz, and to all the new friends we made here in 2014 as Raylene and I began our partnership. I've learned many things, large and small, that have helped us. I'm positive we would not have made our first cruise together without your support. (And I promise a report SOON.)


Today Hearing Dog Raylene and I will practice "Name Call" with my husband, who will have hip replacement surgery tomorrow morning. I am so glad she'll be here to come running and alert me any time he needs me once he is home recovering. Busy times!


Good luck to your DH and to you and Raylene. May he heal and be better than new very soon!

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