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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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So now that we think we may want to keep doing this puppy raising thing, we got rid of the wall to wall carpet in the living room and hallway and put in the vinyl equivalent of hardwood laminate. The 80's called and wanted their kitchen linoleum back so we put the same stuff in the kitchen. Much easier for those pups that aren't quite housebroken yet. Now we are just waiting for our Alaska cruise to get here. Not rushing that because we want some summer first.

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So now that we think we may want to keep doing this puppy raising thing, we got rid of the wall to wall carpet in the living room and hallway and put in the vinyl equivalent of hardwood laminate. The 80's called and wanted their kitchen linoleum back so we put the same stuff in the kitchen. Much easier for those pups that aren't quite housebroken yet. Now we are just waiting for our Alaska cruise to get here. Not rushing that because we want some summer first.


Exactly what I want to do.....and, I'm sure I'm not alone! I'm a linoleum maven. Kitchen and front hall are definitely from the 80's and I have throw rugs on top of carpeting because my furniture is so heavy and all the shelves are attached to the walls with earthquake retrofit strapping. It's going to take a crew to undo everything and then remove it all to get to the carpeting. There's one shelf unit that is attached to the wall and then bolted to the floor.


I live in an area that sits right on the San Andreas Fault. I have no intentions of moving since you never know, in Calif., just where or when the next one will hit. I love it here and have no intentions of moving from our extraordinarily glorious climate. There's always "something" to run from, no matter where you live, anyway!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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So now that we think we may want to keep doing this puppy raising thing, we got rid of the wall to wall carpet in the living room and hallway and put in the vinyl equivalent of hardwood laminate. The 80's called and wanted their kitchen linoleum back so we put the same stuff in the kitchen. Much easier for those pups that aren't quite housebroken yet. Now we are just waiting for our Alaska cruise to get here. Not rushing that because we want some summer first.


Also, and most importantly, I'm so glad that you're going to remain a PuppyRaiser. CCI needs good people like you!


There's something wrong with the Cruise Critic site. I can't change my color to purple.......Most disturbing!

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So now that we think we may want to keep doing this puppy raising thing, we got rid of the wall to wall carpet in the living room and hallway and put in the vinyl equivalent of hardwood laminate. The 80's called and wanted their kitchen linoleum back so we put the same stuff in the kitchen. Much easier for those pups that aren't quite housebroken yet. Now we are just waiting for our Alaska cruise to get here. Not rushing that because we want some summer first.


It's so awesome that you've made such changes to help with puppy raising! Good for you!


I was foolish enough to get carpet when I had my house built. 16 years later, I've gotten rid of it all in favor of tile and fake wood, though I'm getting rid of the fake wood for more tile as soon as I can afford it.

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Holly I am so sorry to hear about Bear, its never easy losing a beloved member of your family. Congrats on getting Jagger full-time!


Cindy I am glad that you were able to find an alternate venue so quickly. I am sure that it will be a beautiful wedding.


The best thing that I ever did was rip up all of the carpeting in my house. Luckily we had hardwood floors underneath. It was a thing in the late 1960's to cover up the hardwood with carpet. So much easier to take care of especially when you have animals.


Henri celebrated her 3rd birthday on Saturday. We took her to Muir Woods for a hike. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area all of my life and have never been to Muir Woods or Alcatraz. I guess Alcatraz is next on the list.






Henri at Lake Tahoe this past week.



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So now that we think we may want to keep doing this puppy raising thing, we got rid of the wall to wall carpet in the living room and hallway and put in the vinyl equivalent of hardwood laminate. The 80's called and wanted their kitchen linoleum back so we put the same stuff in the kitchen. Much easier for those pups that aren't quite housebroken yet. Now we are just waiting for our Alaska cruise to get here. Not rushing that because we want some summer first.


I didn't know you were thinking of quitting being a puppy raiser. 😦 That would be terrible! Don't even think about it. You guys are great puppy raisers. Cci needs you, and we are gonna need a new dog eventually and we would get lucky and get it from someone we know.

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Holly I am so sorry to hear about Bear, its never easy losing a beloved member of your family. Congrats on getting Jagger full-time!


Cindy I am glad that you were able to find an alternate venue so quickly. I am sure that it will be a beautiful wedding.


The best thing that I ever did was rip up all of the carpeting in my house. Luckily we had hardwood floors underneath. It was a thing in the late 1960's to cover up the hardwood with carpet. So much easier to take care of especially when you have animals.


Henri celebrated her 3rd birthday on Saturday. We took her to Muir Woods for a hike. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area all of my life and have never been to Muir Woods or Alcatraz. I guess Alcatraz is next on the list.






Henri at Lake Tahoe this past week.




Oh so cute!!!!!! Happy Birthday Henri!!

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Henri, you are so, so cute. You look like the female version of Horton Jeffrey.


You guys who walk or wheel with a "Black" Service Dog are not going to like the following scenario.....


I went to dinner last night in a very nice restaurant in the Santa Clarita Valley of L.A. The hostess greets Horton, me and other family members with a lovely smile and sits us down. A woman walks over and says, "don't you know better than to bring a black dog into a restaurant. In my country the black dog is killed when it's a puppy, it's considered very bad luck!" "My family is sitting near you and we're going to leave if you don't!" I was so startled by her comment that I just stared at her with my mouth dropped open, as Horton was a perfect gentleman laying near my chair, against a wall.


My brother, in my defense, stood up and asked her to leave. She proceeded back to her table and soon left with the rest of her party!


In my 14 years of having a Service Dog and being with CCI I've NEVER had someone say this to me! I've had 2 Service Dogs and they've both been black.

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I keep going back to look at that beautiful close-up of Henri! You could crop it to a portrait and it would look like an oil painting. So hard to get the light right on photos of our black doggies but that one turned out really special.


We're visiting a friend who lives right on the Atlantic Ocean in Florida, and went for a long walk on the beach this morning. Raylene is usually skittish about the surf touching her tiny toes, but today she began to get into the spirit of things, walking and hopping right through the shallow waves, and biting at the sea foam. I wish I had had a camera! Now if course she is all tuckered out and sleeping beside me.

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Henri, you are so, so cute. You look like the female version of Horton Jeffrey.


You guys who walk or wheel with a "Black" Service Dog are not going to like the following scenario.....


I went to dinner last night in a very nice restaurant in the Santa Clarita Valley of L.A. The hostess greets Horton, me and other family members with a lovely smile and sits us down. A woman walks over and says, "don't you know better than to bring a black dog into a restaurant. In my country the black dog is killed when it's a puppy, it's considered very bad luck!" "My family is sitting near you and we're going to leave if you don't!" I was so startled by her comment that I just stared at her with my mouth dropped open, as Horton was a perfect gentleman laying near my chair, against a wall.


My brother, in my defense, stood up and asked her to leave. She proceeded back to her table and soon left with the rest of her party!


In my 14 years of having a Service Dog and being with CCI I've NEVER had someone say this to me! I've had 2 Service Dogs and they've both been black.


Oh my dawgness, I have never heard of the like! Firstly what a rude woman! I'm glad your brother told her to beetle off! I don't think I'd have been so polite!


Secondly, we adore our black dogs, our brown chocolate dogs, our yellow dogs and of course our wee fox red one!


What country does this rude, miserable woman come from? I know folklore tells "tails" of superstition of black dogs but never in my life have I heard of this kind of madness happening in real life.


Roz, you must have been so upset - I can't imagine how you must have felt. I'd have been furious if someone said anything like that to me about Aruba or Poppy, our beautiful black girls. And Horton is such a gent! Big wonderful handsome black boy that he is!


Some people eh! Makes you wonder doesn't it! I hope she's crawled back into the hole she crawled out of! Blooming bonkers!


Big hugs!

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Thank you all. Part of my problem is that Horton and I go EVERYWHERE! And, folks who have NEVER been subjected to a Service Dog [and, don't like dogs] can be caught off guard [as can I by their bizarre statements.]


Someone at work today told me that in some Asian and smaller territories of some middle eastern countries there is great superstition about the black dog. Who knew?


Well, we won't be cruising to any of those countries or, at least we won't be getting off the ship!

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Henri, you are so, so cute. You look like the female version of Horton Jeffrey.


You guys who walk or wheel with a "Black" Service Dog are not going to like the following scenario.....


I went to dinner last night in a very nice restaurant in the Santa Clarita Valley of L.A. The hostess greets Horton, me and other family members with a lovely smile and sits us down. A woman walks over and says, "don't you know better than to bring a black dog into a restaurant. In my country the black dog is killed when it's a puppy, it's considered very bad luck!" "My family is sitting near you and we're going to leave if you don't!" I was so startled by her comment that I just stared at her with my mouth dropped open, as Horton was a perfect gentleman laying near my chair, against a wall.


My brother, in my defense, stood up and asked her to leave. She proceeded back to her table and soon left with the rest of her party!


In my 14 years of having a Service Dog and being with CCI I've NEVER had someone say this to me! I've had 2 Service Dogs and they've both been black.


Oh my gosh, I would have been stunned. I would definitely not have left. Your brother did the right thing. Some people are truly unbelievable.



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I keep going back to look at that beautiful close-up of Henri! You could crop it to a portrait and it would look like an oil painting. So hard to get the light right on photos of our black doggies but that one turned out really special.


We're visiting a friend who lives right on the Atlantic Ocean in Florida, and went for a long walk on the beach this morning. Raylene is usually skittish about the surf touching her tiny toes, but today she began to get into the spirit of things, walking and hopping right through the shallow waves, and biting at the sea foam. I wish I had had a camera! Now if course she is all tuckered out and sleeping beside me.


Thanks Chris - these black dogs are so hard to get a good photo of! Henri gets many compliments on how beautiful she is whenever we go out, but who doesn't love black labs (except maybe that lady in the restaurant)?


She enjoyed playing in Lake Tahoe (I kept her on a long leash because this was a new situation for us). I would like to take her to the ocean, I am sure she would love it. There aren't any beaches near us that have accessible boardwalks, I am thinking that maybe on one of our trips we might find a place that has the wheelchairs that goes in the sand.



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Henri - you are such a beautiful girl and your coat is stunning shining in the sun! Your mum certainly takes you on some pretty walks. Beautiful scenery.


Fairbourne, you will have to take a cruise from the West Coast and come visit the San Francisco Bay Area!



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Thanks Chris - these black dogs are so hard to get a good photo of! Henri gets many compliments on how beautiful she is whenever we go out, but who doesn't love black labs (except maybe that lady in the restaurant)?


She enjoyed playing in Lake Tahoe (I kept her on a long leash because this was a new situation for us). I would like to take her to the ocean, I am sure she would love it. There aren't any beaches near us that have accessible boardwalks, I am thinking that maybe on one of our trips we might find a place that has the wheelchairs that goes in the sand.




So much fun to watch them play on the beach, Brenda loved it. I'm afraid Horton would take off and he'd be hitting the high seas for very far off and distant places. He has absolutely no re-call.....so there won't be much beach playing [off-leash] in his future!

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Oh boy does Ms. Princess Pony Pants have some analytical questions for "that person". 1.) Is it the fact that he is black? 2.) Is it the fact that he is a d-o-g? 3.) Is it the fact that "he" is a boy? 4.) Is it the fact that you are stupid? Oh, oh, I know the answer to #4. What a moron. I'm sure Horton Jeffrey was like "Yawnnn, go away dumb woman." Y'all know we can't make this stuff up. The things that fall out of peoples mouths......:eek:

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Hi all we just recently got back from our 1st cruise with our service dog Naini on board the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska. All went well. The crew treated her like a princess.

We were met at the gangway upon boarding and escorted to her potty box located starboard side forward in the crew passage way. The box was smaller then advertised, more like 3x3 then the advertised 4x4. The box was full of sand and grass clippings. Naini is a big girl and was having trouble with the smaller size and really didn't care for the grass clippings. There was a total of 3 dogs on board for this sailing. So the ship built 2 more boxes and placed them side by side, so this helped her with the size problem. She was still not happy about the grass clippings so the Guest relations Manager arranged for mulch to be picked up while we were in Juneau. All in all I would say our trip was a success and we cannot wait till we can afford our next cruise.

If you would like to see pictures from the cruise and other travels of Naini please like her page on FaceBook. Naini the Komondor service dog.

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Oh boy does Ms. Princess Pony Pants have some analytical questions for "that person". 1.) Is it the fact that he is black? 2.) Is it the fact that he is a d-o-g? 3.) Is it the fact that "he" is a boy? 4.) Is it the fact that you are stupid? Oh, oh, I know the answer to #4. What a moron. I'm sure Horton Jeffrey was like "Yawnnn, go away dumb woman." Y'all know we can't make this stuff up. The things that fall out of peoples mouths......:eek:


I graduated with Brenda in 2002 and since then I thought I had heard it all.


Actually, onboard one of our cruises an east Indian man had told me something about the"black dog" being looked down upon in his country. He was fascinated by how well she behaved in public.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi all we just recently got back from our 1st cruise with our service dog Naini on board the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska. All went well. The crew treated her like a princess.

We were met at the gangway upon boarding and escorted to her potty box located starboard side forward in the crew passage way. The box was smaller then advertised, more like 3x3 then the advertised 4x4. The box was full of sand and grass clippings. Naini is a big girl and was having trouble with the smaller size and really didn't care for the grass clippings. There was a total of 3 dogs on board for this sailing. So the ship built 2 more boxes and placed them side by side, so this helped her with the size problem. She was still not happy about the grass clippings so the Guest relations Manager arranged for mulch to be picked up while we were in Juneau. All in all I would say our trip was a success and we cannot wait till we can afford our next cruise.

If you would like to see pictures from the cruise and other travels of Naini please like her page on FaceBook. Naini the Komondor service dog.


The Komondor is such a handsome dog. I'm glad that your cruise left you with good memories of cruising with a Service Dog.

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Hi all we just recently got back from our 1st cruise with our service dog Naini on board the Celebrity Solstice to Alaska. All went well. The crew treated her like a princess.

We were met at the gangway upon boarding and escorted to her potty box located starboard side forward in the crew passage way. The box was smaller then advertised, more like 3x3 then the advertised 4x4. The box was full of sand and grass clippings. Naini is a big girl and was having trouble with the smaller size and really didn't care for the grass clippings. There was a total of 3 dogs on board for this sailing. So the ship built 2 more boxes and placed them side by side, so this helped her with the size problem. She was still not happy about the grass clippings so the Guest relations Manager arranged for mulch to be picked up while we were in Juneau. All in all I would say our trip was a success and we cannot wait till we can afford our next cruise.

If you would like to see pictures from the cruise and other travels of Naini please like her page on FaceBook. Naini the Komondor service dog.


Naini has a great smile! She must have had fun - spent a lot of time in the bar and casino, I noticed! She's a beauty.


So glad Celebrity treated you both well. We'll be back on board Eclipse in December.


Their relief box seems to be like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates - never know what you're going to get. The box on our December cruise on Reflection was filled with sawdust and shavings intended for rabbit or hamster cages, and it blew all over the crew area. Our room steward had mulch brought aboard half-way through.


Since they have the green grass up top on Solstice-class ships, I always wonder why they don't just grow some extra for sod. Or provide mulch, as their info says they will. Seems like their crew has to improvise to come up with filler.


Where is Naini's next adventure?

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Henri, you are so, so cute. You look like the female version of Horton Jeffrey.




I went to dinner last night in a very nice restaurant in the Santa Clarita Valley of L.A. The hostess greets Horton, me and other family members with a lovely smile and sits us down. A woman walks over and says, "don't you know better than to bring a black dog into a restaurant. In my country the black dog is killed when it's a puppy, it's considered very bad luck!" "My family is sitting near you and we're going to leave if you don't!" I was so startled by her comment that I just stared at her with my mouth dropped open, as Horton was a perfect gentleman laying near my chair, against a wall.


Sometimes I get so tired of people who come here from other countries and expect everyone here to go by their culture. If you do not like how we do things go home.

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