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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OK another lurker here. I enjoy reading about all of your beautiful, wonderful and life changing companions. After seeing the mention of Bella and George, I wanted to also mention that George came from Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Mass. They have cameras from Explore.org on the property to show the daily lives of these amazing Great Dane service dogs. SDP raises and donates these dogs for those with balance issues.


In fact, last night, there were 5 new puppies born and you can watch them live on the nursery camera. They do all of the training and do not use puppy raisers. Carlene White is the owner and at 76 years old, does amazing work with the help of staff and volunteers. The new puppies will have someone with them and their mom 24/7 until their mom decides she has had enough. It is fun to watch them grow and start training as early as 3 weeks.


I support the work that they do and hope that each of you will go to the Explore.org site nursery cam to watch these 5 pups grow into what they are meant to be.

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OK another lurker here. I enjoy reading about all of your beautiful, wonderful and life changing companions. After seeing the mention of Bella and George, I wanted to also mention that George came from Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Mass. They have cameras from Explore.org on the property to show the daily lives of these amazing Great Dane service dogs. SDP raises and donates these dogs for those with balance issues.




Thanks for sharing - she sounds like one amazing lady!

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OK another lurker here. I enjoy reading about all of your beautiful, wonderful and life changing companions. After seeing the mention of Bella and George, I wanted to also mention that George came from Service Dog Project in Ipswich, Mass. They have cameras from Explore.org on the property to show the daily lives of these amazing Great Dane service dogs. SDP raises and donates these dogs for those with balance issues.


In fact, last night, there were 5 new puppies born and you can watch them live on the nursery camera. They do all of the training and do not use puppy raisers. Carlene White is the owner and at 76 years old, does amazing work with the help of staff and volunteers. The new puppies will have someone with them and their mom 24/7 until their mom decides she has had enough. It is fun to watch them grow and start training as early as 3 weeks.


I support the work that they do and hope that each of you will go to the Explore.org site nursery cam to watch these 5 pups grow into what they are meant to be.


Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information. Danes are the most amazing dogs. We had a Brindle Great Dane named Kelly many, many years ago. We got her from the Great Dane Society, as a rescue [because she was an avid escape artist.] I loved her, she was an amazing dog. The problem with them is their lifespans are so short. Kelly lived to be 10 years old [and, that's old for a Great Dane.]


I can see where they would be great assistance in balance and mobility work.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Sure, just Google Carnival Cruises Service Dog and you'll find a page on their website with both phone and email contact info for the Special Needs department and guests traveling with disabilities.


What reason did the agent give for his or her reluctance to add your service dog to your booking record? Even when he or she has done so, you still must contact the cruiseline yourself well in advance of sailing.


Also you'll need to obtain the permits to export the animal from the US to foreign countries on your itinerary, so talk to your vet about those requirements.



Thanks for the advice. I didn't really ask the agent since it was kind of a last minute decision to go on that particular cruise. Just the sound of her voice didn't sound like she wanted to help pursue it. But this time I have plenty of time to research & contact them directly. I did navigate on carnivals website & found a tab for service dogs.

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Thanks for the advice. I didn't really ask the agent since it was kind of a last minute decision to go on that particular cruise. Just the sound of her voice didn't sound like she wanted to help pursue it. But this time I have plenty of time to research & contact them directly. I did navigate on carnivals website & found a tab for service dogs.


Carnival is wonderful to Service Dogs. They're very accommodating. Special Needs for Carnival: 1-800-438-6744 X: 70344.

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Horton and I want to wish everyone a happy, safe Fourth of July.


Our weather here in L.A. [if you close your eyes] is just like Hawaii without all the beautiful flowers on all the trees and an occasional sprinkle of rain. So humid.


Have a great weekend!

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Oh Roz you made me laugh about your weather as I sit here and it's pouring with rain and a bit chilly for mid-summer! But thankfully it's not humid today!


Thank you everyone for the lovely stories and congratulations to Holly and Jagger! I loved the story of George the Great Dane - what a star he is and I did look at the website and what wonderful work those people do.


Well I'm sorry I haven't been writing much recently, been busy with all sorts of things and time seems to always run out!


Our Bonnie is doing very well and is about to be 11 months old, she's still quite petite and I think may be about to come into season! She's being a tad reluctant to go out, which is not like her at all and wants lots more cuddles than she normally does, which of course sends Jelly Belly Aruba into a spin as she likes to be number one Cuddler! We will see, but it's about time I suppose, she's growing up! She did very well at puppy class this week, being quite calm doing our exercises but had great fun meeting all her guide dog puppy chums. Her favourite is Michelle who is a very pale blond lab and is also a sponsored puppy. Our newest puppy was there all curled up in her cosy carry bed - all of 7 weeks old called Heidi. Oh yes I have a photo!


Last weekend we took Bonnie to St Andrews for a lovely hotel stay - you may remember we took Aruba there last year before she headed to Guide Dog training school - and once again the hotel welcomed us and gave us a beautiful room over looking the old course golf course. Bonnie loved the balcony and lay out there in the sun watching the golfers play. I was a bit anxious as one chap hit his ball and it landed right on a flat roof just underneath our balcony! Then I spotted quite a few golf balls in there, so maybe some golfers are not quite as good as they think they are! LOL! The hotel gets quite a few broken windows!


I have some lovely photos so I'm going to head over now and grab the DH's laptop and try and post them - I'm having a few issues when I log in (still!).



Have a great weekend everyone, wherever you are - please send some sunshine our way, we could do with it!

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Oh Roz you made me laugh about your weather as I sit here and it's pouring with rain and a bit chilly for mid-summer! But thankfully it's not humid today!


Thank you everyone for the lovely stories and congratulations to Holly and Jagger! I loved the story of George the Great Dane - what a star he is and I did look at the website and what wonderful work those people do.


Well I'm sorry I haven't been writing much recently, been busy with all sorts of things and time seems to always run out!


Our Bonnie is doing very well and is about to be 11 months old, she's still quite petite and I think may be about to come into season! She's being a tad reluctant to go out, which is not like her at all and wants lots more cuddles than she normally does, which of course sends Jelly Belly Aruba into a spin as she likes to be number one Cuddler! We will see, but it's about time I suppose, she's growing up! She did very well at puppy class this week, being quite calm doing our exercises but had great fun meeting all her guide dog puppy chums. Her favourite is Michelle who is a very pale blond lab and is also a sponsored puppy. Our newest puppy was there all curled up in her cosy carry bed - all of 7 weeks old called Heidi. Oh yes I have a photo!


Last weekend we took Bonnie to St Andrews for a lovely hotel stay - you may remember we took Aruba there last year before she headed to Guide Dog training school - and once again the hotel welcomed us and gave us a beautiful room over looking the old course golf course. Bonnie loved the balcony and lay out there in the sun watching the golfers play. I was a bit anxious as one chap hit his ball and it landed right on a flat roof just underneath our balcony! Then I spotted quite a few golf balls in there, so maybe some golfers are not quite as good as they think they are! LOL! The hotel gets quite a few broken windows!


I have some lovely photos so I'm going to head over now and grab the DH's laptop and try and post them - I'm having a few issues when I log in (still!).



Have a great weekend everyone, wherever you are - please send some sunshine our way, we could do with it!


Fairbourne, thanks so much for catching us up on Bonnie's life and, of course, a smattering of how our Aruba is doing. I can't wait to see the pictures.


I would love to send you some of our sunshine [i know I shouldn't be complaining because, after all, L.A. is really just a desert] but, it would be nice to have a few other weather conditions every once in a while!!!!


[sometimes my computer will allow me to be my "purply" self and sometimes it won't let me.....so forgive my switching from purple to blue....it's my multiple personality disorder!!!!]

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Bonnie enjoying her wonderful balcony! With St Andrews in the background and the sun was shining in the Kingdom of Fife. This is where Prince William and Kate went to University and met and fell in love. It's a beautiful place, we love it here.



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Our recent training visit to Aberdeen airport with the Guide Dog Puppies. We were escorted with a lovely lady from the airport security team who couldn't do enough for us all.

We got to practise going through security, vests, leads and collars off to go through the scanner (the pups that is! LOL!) and then onto this teeny aircraft which is quite a challenge as the steps are very narrow but the pups all took it in their strides or should that be paws? The aircraft was headed to Jersey and we all wished we could have stayed on board!


Looking at the screen left to right: Michelle, Bonnie, Carlo and Draco with their puppy walkers.




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A beautiful black girl called Vester



Now, there's a face I'm really used to. Horton has been so busy with my Granddaughter visiting. He adores her and she runs and plays with him much more than I do........He's so exhausted when she leaves, but in a good way.


Vester is such a cute little boy!!!!

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As you can imagine, we don't get much puppy training done at puppy workshop until we all have our cuddles with the newbies! But we reckon it's time well spent!


We did a recent fundraiser at our local supermarket and we took it in turns to take the older pups in for an hour or so and we raised just over £500 which was brilliant. Thankfully we don't have to exchange that into US $ or Euros! I shouldn't jest, it's been quite a tumultuous and tortuous week here as I'm sure you've seen on your news? Dawg knows what will happen here, we may well have another Scottish Independence referendum! I think we will emigrate to Outer Mongolia if that happens! LOL!!


Anyway, we were looking at a very nice cruise with a French company - Ponant - who have very small ships but they quote their prices in Euros! So that's not good for us right now with the falling £ and Brexit, so I think we will wait a while and see what happens! It will be interesting if this whole thing will affect cruise prices and how over the next few months. Maybe they will go up as they must be well priced for US folks now?

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As you can imagine, we don't get much puppy training done at puppy workshop until we all have our cuddles with the newbies! But we reckon it's time well spent!


We did a recent fundraiser at our local supermarket and we took it in turns to take the older pups in for an hour or so and we raised just over £500 which was brilliant. Thankfully we don't have to exchange that into US $ or Euros! I shouldn't jest, it's been quite a tumultuous and tortuous week here as I'm sure you've seen on your news? Dawg knows what will happen here, we may well have another Scottish Independence referendum! I think we will emigrate to Outer Mongolia if that happens! LOL!!


Anyway, we were looking at a very nice cruise with a French company - Ponant - who have very small ships but they quote their prices in Euros! So that's not good for us right now with the falling £ and Brexit, so I think we will wait a while and see what happens! It will be interesting if this whole thing will affect cruise prices and how over the next few months. Maybe they will go up as they must be well priced for US folks now?


The madness that we call "life" can certainly get us down if we let it. I've booked my cruises for 2017 and 2018. I'm locked in [price wise] but with the safety measures that will have to be put in place for our future travel safety will certainly have to be passed down to the consumer. It's going to be prohibitive to travel anymore.......in more ways than one!

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All - I am sure you have seen the terrible event in Dakar, Bangledesh...my daughter Jill teaches school just a few blocks away from the restaurant that was attacked and it is a place she dines at frequently. Luckily she is home for the summer but she is heading back in August; needless to say that does not make me happy but she is determined to go back. Her boyfriend is flying in to visit us tomorrow - he also lives in Dakar - and he knew one of the people who was killed.


Anyway at least she is here for the time being...

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All - I am sure you have seen the terrible event in Dakar, Bangledesh...my daughter Jill teaches school just a few blocks away from the restaurant that was attacked and it is a place she dines at frequently. Luckily she is home for the summer but she is heading back in August; needless to say that does not make me happy but she is determined to go back. Her boyfriend is flying in to visit us tomorrow - he also lives in Dakar - and he knew one of the people who was killed.


Anyway at least she is here for the time being...

:( Boy that's a hard one. They say don't bow down to them, keep going on like normal. How in the world can anyone do that? Bless their hearts for wanting to be that change and bless your hearts for supporting them. Hugs and pawrayers. I am glad she is home.

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All - I am sure you have seen the terrible event in Dakar, Bangledesh...my daughter Jill teaches school just a few blocks away from the restaurant that was attacked and it is a place she dines at frequently. Luckily she is home for the summer but she is heading back in August; needless to say that does not make me happy but she is determined to go back. Her boyfriend is flying in to visit us tomorrow - he also lives in Dakar - and he knew one of the people who was killed.


Anyway at least she is here for the time being...


Oh my!!! How awful.

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:( Boy that's a hard one. They say don't bow down to them, keep going on like normal. How in the world can anyone do that? Bless their hearts for wanting to be that change and bless your hearts for supporting them. Hugs and pawrayers. I am glad she is home.


Pawrayers? Hmm that's a new one Nancy pants!

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