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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Sunshine you make me tired just reading about your days. Yes I can see where it seemed you had toddleer around! Rhank you so much for all the hours you put in to those pups.


I love CC just 'met' someone that also has limited mobility and is in wheelchair that will be going on the same cruise. She has done the Panama Canal a number of times and is a great resource for my port accessibility questions. There is nothing like this group!


P.S. check out Bailiey's picture on her card we had made up. It says her name, age, that she is a whippet and that she is a medical alert dog. She also particpates in the READ program at library. I did this on the suggestion of someone (sorry, I don't remember who) before our last cruise. It helps so much when I was trying to get somewhere and people wanted to keep stopping me and ask questions about her. I try to be gracious but there are just times when I am in a hurry or have a limited about of energy and can't take a lot of time to talk.


Of course this was just for other passsengers information, all the required documentation has to be on file with the cruise line and the ship's purser.


Hope everyone had a grea day.


That is such a great idea......I am stopped constantly....especially onboard a cruise. To have a nice little card with all the tasks on it that Brenda performs would be a great idea.

It would certainly allow us to go where we're going in a more timely fashion.

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Crackers is making himself right at home. He hasn't been here for two months, but he made a bee line for the toy basket. Now he has three toys and can't decide which one to play with. Sandy has made herself scarce as usual when I bring a friend home. She was pretty comfortable with Crackers before, but I have to reintroduce them soon. She has the high grown up in the bedroom and hasn't come when I called her yet.

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Crackers is making himself right at home. He hasn't been here for two months, but he made a bee line for the toy basket. Now he has three toys and can't decide which one to play with. Sandy has made herself scarce as usual when I bring a friend home. She was pretty comfortable with Crackers before, but I have to reintroduce them soon. She has the high grown up in the bedroom and hasn't come when I called her yet.


Awww! Sandy feels like I used to feel when my mother would bring a new sibling home from the hospital; I have 5 brothers and sisters. I'd just wait and hide!

It's so dang hard to share those parental leaders with anyone else!

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P.S. check out Bailiey's picture on her card we had made up. It says her name, age, that she is a whippet and that she is a medical alert dog. She also particpates in the READ program at library. I did this on the suggestion of someone (sorry, I don't remember who) before our last cruise. It helps so much when I was trying to get somewhere and people wanted to keep stopping me and ask questions about her. I try to be gracious but there are just times when I am in a hurry or have a limited about of energy and can't take a lot of time to talk.


Are you meaning your new avatar/profile photo? I noticed it before I read your post and said, "What a great pic!" :) Very cool.


Let us know how it goes with the cards! Are they business card-sized or postcard-sized or other? Ooh, you know what would be cute, especially to give to kids? Baseball-style cards! You could even have a pawprint "autograph" printed on them. ;)

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I guess Cracker's has been reading CC. He has an upset tummy...Had an accident in the crate and now we have made about a million trips outside and it is cold....Poor Boy. I had him out on outings yesterday and was treating heavily. Probably what did it. He seems to be feeling OK. Snuggled up next to me now. I'll give it a little longer, then see if I can crate him and go to bed.

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Sorry to hear that, Sunshine. :( That certainly doesn't make for a fun night!


I'm sure you know this, but remember that when you give more than a couple treats you need to lessen the dog's food for that day by the same amount (calorie/fat-wise).


Of course, there's always the possibility that he could be allergic to something in the treats or that they went bad or something along those lines. Keep an eye on things and if he gets ill after having those treats again, you'll know something's up with that.


I hope you get some sleep tonight!

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Sorry to hear that, Sunshine. :( That certainly doesn't make for a fun night!


I'm sure you know this, but remember that when you give more than a couple treats you need to lessen the dog's food for that day by the same amount (calorie/fat-wise).


Of course, there's always the possibility that he could be allergic to something in the treats or that they went bad or something along those lines. Keep an eye on things and if he gets ill after having those treats again, you'll know something's up with that.


I hope you get some sleep tonight!


I think it was a combination of some crate stress(it was only his second night at the house, and some extra treat luring him into the crate) You have a good point on making sure the treats balance with his meals. I actually use portions of their kibble as much as possible. It's no fun having a potty accident out in public. I bake my own treats to decrease all the preservatives and artifical colors that are in commercial dog treats. He is feeling much better today. Full of spunk and enjoying having a family get together. Did a great "go in" under the table while 6 of us had brunch.

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Yesterday my daughter's and my mom came to the house for a birthday brunch. Crackers stayed by my side in the kitchen while I did food prep. He enjoyed all the attention from the family and did a great "go in" under the table as we had a lengthy meal. He slept more yesterday, I think he is just more comfortable in the house. He slept well in the crate with no potty accidents. My daughter was wondering why he wasn't house trained at his age, I reminded her that he lives in a kennel with several other dogs. He's doing great with the house training in the house. We make lot's of trips outside and I watch him constantly. Any sniffing and out we go. Still the occasional accident, but making lot's of progress.


On a side note, I finally have a face book page, so I am learning to upload photos. Maybe I'll finally be able to upload some photos to this site.

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Thank you. He is quite handsome isn't he. And yes, that is me. I look forward to the day I see him in a photo with his recepient.



You must take pride in all the work that you put into these amazing hero's and then watching them go to someone who's life will be changed.

I take pride in know you!

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Glad to hear he is feeling better!


What recipe(s) do you use for treat-making? I have the Three Dog Bakery cookbook and it has some really nice recipes in there. I've only made one, though, as I usually just buy treats (all-natural, human-grade, and/or dehydrated). Also, I'm not quite sure where that book walked off to - it is somewhere around here! ;)


My dog's current favorite treats, which can actually be found at Petco surprisingly enough, are dehydrated cheddar cheese (they're like thick Cheese-Its for dogs but nothing is added, it is 100% cheddar cheese) and dehydrated chicken treats (100% white chicken meat). Her other favorite is from The Honest Kitchen and they are called "Pecks" (as in a peck on the cheek) - buffalo and blueberry bite-sized training treats. Oh yeah, and she likes dried salmon (or is it herring? I forget) skin treats, too.


Of course, she also has her "chewies" - Z-Ridge Bones from Zuke's (both the carrot ones and the cranberry ones) and dried beef trachea from The Wholistic Pet.

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Glad to hear he is feeling better!


What recipe(s) do you use for treat-making? I have the Three Dog Bakery cookbook and it has some really nice recipes in there. I've only made one, though, as I usually just buy treats (all-natural, human-grade, and/or dehydrated). Also, I'm not quite sure where that book walked off to - it is somewhere around here! ;)


My dog's current favorite treats, which can actually be found at Petco surprisingly enough, are dehydrated cheddar cheese (they're like thick Cheese-Its for dogs but nothing is added, it is 100% cheddar cheese) and dehydrated chicken treats (100% white chicken meat). Her other favorite is from The Honest Kitchen and they are called "Pecks" (as in a peck on the cheek) - buffalo and blueberry bite-sized training treats. Oh yeah, and she likes dried salmon (or is it herring? I forget) skin treats, too.


Of course, she also has her "chewies" - Z-Ridge Bones from Zuke's (both the carrot ones and the cranberry ones) and dried beef trachea from The Wholistic Pet.


I did a tour for a sweet little girl and her mom. She had baked dog treats and sold them at the school fair and donated the profits to Canine Assistants. She gave me the recipie. I tweaked it a bit to make it healthier(at least in my opinion). I don't give my own dog too many treats as she doesn't really need them for training purposes, just makes me feel better. SD in training, you are using lot's of positive reinforcement and of course with dogs and pups, that means food as well as love and kisseses. Of course if you use too much peanut butter or cheese you can have upset tummys, which is not fun either.


My treats are like a cookie. They have whole wheat, corn meal, oatmeal,chedder cheese shreds,olive oil,skim milk and baking powder. I usually have a batch baked, and keep them in the freezer until I am ready to use a few. If you like to bake, I'll post the recepie. They break easily into small bites, which works well. I don't know what makes the dogs like these so much. I think it might be the olive oil. (The original recipie called for margerine).

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Prob'ly the cheese - dogs LOVE cheese. And, actually, ricotta is good for them in the same way yogurt is (one of the many good fresh things to add to a dog's dinner).


I don't really like to cook, LOL, but you can post the recipe on here in case anybody else does! ;)


Yeah, my girl doesn't get many treats - not even one every day. If she does get a treat, it is usually just one treat that day unless the treats are in her new doggy game, then she gets eight of them (that's what I bought the training treats for, since they're small). She always has to earn her treats, of course! I don't train with treats.

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We went to a workshop at CCI and the big issue being taught that day, was dental care in dogs, young and old alike, who are coming up with dental disease.

Cheese can leave residue on the dogs teeth that causes tartar and must be brushed away after eating. So does a lot of other doggie treats, which are filled with healthy stuff for their bodies but their teeth and gums are important too.

Apparantly, the greenies/rawhide and some doggie bisquits are causing the dogs teeth to split/crack and then deteriorate; causing a lot of pain and huge vet bills.

Nyla Bones are the worst......dogs don't give-up on chewing them and gnaw on them until their teeth break and their gums bleed.

We are now ONLY giving Brenny the C.E.T Chews and her kibble [taken from one of her meals] as treats.

Getting older has caused her tummy to not absorb peanut butter anymore. Too bad, she loved the stuff and we hated the midnight run to the potty and the throwing-up!

Some of the changes in her are very obvious and some are very subtle. I want her around a long time and I want her well/happy and pain free.

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Yes, tooth care is important! It can affect overall health. Brushing at least a couple times a week (if not every day) is important. Of course, NEVER use toothpaste that is made for humans, as it isn't meant to be swallowed and can be toxic to dogs! Use toothpaste that is made for dogs, as it is meant to be swallowed. There are also other tooth-cleaning products for dogs available.


Dogs do need to chew on stuff, you just have to be sure it is appropriate (and safe) for dogs and appropriate for the stage of life they are in.


Contrary to some dog food/treat labels, food/treats don't clean dogs' teeth any more than your teeth get cleaned by eating food/treats.


BTW, Roz, I was reading a dog magazine the other week and came across something you might be interested in - some dog foods use peanut hulls as fillers and a fungi in that can cause ear infections. So, you might want to check up on whatever you are feeding Brenda to see if it has that in there (I'm not sure what ingredient name they list it as) and/or change her food to see if that clears up her ear issues.

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Last week I worked with three different dogs in one week. Had a great homevisit with Crackers. All in all a good time. This week I need to catch up on things at the house. I agree we need to pay attention to our dogs and their treats and feeding. I just don't think that any one way is the best. If you are on facebook and want to "friend" me, I've posted some fun pictures of the dogs in training.

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I love the C.E.T. dental chewies. Both Bailey and my previous SD, Abby, loved them. We give one per day and neither one ever had dental cleaning. The vet(s) have always complimented their teeth. We get the large, cut them in half so they work out to about 15 cents per chewy.


BTW, I just found out that Princess is changing the SD forms. Allison said they are minor changes that she is working on and they will be ready soon.


I plan on taking a 3x3 square of new artifical turf (I pack it first in my suitcase) then I put that on top of their bark in the relief box. So neat and clean and always looks nice.


Hope everyone's week is going well.

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I love the C.E.T. dental chewies. Both Bailey and my previous SD, Abby, loved them. We give one per day and neither one ever had dental cleaning. The vet(s) have always complimented their teeth. We get the large, cut them in half so they work out to about 15 cents per chewy.


BTW, I just found out that Princess is changing the SD forms. Allison said they are minor changes that she is working on and they will be ready soon.


I plan on taking a 3x3 square of new artifical turf (I pack it first in my suitcase) then I put that on top of their bark in the relief box. So neat and clean and always looks nice.


Hope everyone's week is going well.


We, also went to the Vet for a teeth cleaning and he said there was nothing to clean, her teeth and gums were doing very well. He asked what I was doing and I told him about the "chews."

I also buy the larg and cut them in half [on a professional paper cutter, in my office] there's no way that I could do it with a pair of scissors. Those things are tough!

Last time we were on Princess, Sept. 5th, 2009, the potty box/its placement and how wonderfully Brenda was treated was truly class "A"!

The cruiselines are becoming absolutely "perfect" about keeping us and our dogs cruising! Carnival, last month was very good about everything [including the mulch instead of the paper pellets.]

Very smart business on their part.....

I'm curious to see the new forms that Princess will have.....we'll need them for our November cruise.

It would be hysterically funny to watch Brenda try and maneuver a 3x3 piece of turf! Although, once, on a HAL cruise the turf was 4x2 or 3 and that was pretty funny to watch......she's so neat about her potty business that she never missed the turf.

Have a wonderful cruise......

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Andar, don't forget to post the updates to the Princess SD forms when you get them! :)


Have you used the fake grass yet? Or are saying you will do that next time? If you used it before, how did it work out for ya?


I have artificial turf in my back "yard" (more like a patio area. Bailey rally likes it. There are many little holes in the backing that allows the liquid to go through and the solids are easily picked up. It is a polysynthetic faber so there is no orders. We have had it in our back for almost two years now. We saved some scraps and have even gone back to the suppplier to get smore craps to take on trips.


Yes, we have used it cruisingn with Princess. I pack an 'unused' grass square flat on the bottom of my suitcase. Princes sets up the box but they use shredded bark. Bailey doesn't like it and it can be messy and hard to pick up. I just take my little square of artificial turf and drop it over the bark (She was the only SD onboard). The box looks nice and green always neat, no cigarette butts. I left it there after the last cruise, but I know people who take a black garbage bags to re-pack it. Okay, this gets a little weird, but I think it depends on your dogs solids. If the stool it well formed easy pick up with nothing left behind and small - maybe, but............


Anyway, this is NOT the old astroturf stuff. This looks and feels like real grass. I have seen other passengers walk by bend over and feel it:eek:


Here are some pics we took of the grass two years ago. The grass looks the same, the rest of the landscaping around the Koi pond and fence and really grown. http://picasaweb.google.com/darciegore/NewGrass##

Edited by Andar
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I have artificial turf in my back "yard" (more like a patio area. Bailey rally likes it. There are many little holes in the backing that allows the liquid to go through and the solids are easily picked up. It is a polysynthetic faber so there is no orders. We have had it in our back for almost two years now. We saved some scraps and have even gone back to the suppplier to get smore craps to take on trips.


Yes, we have used it cruisingn with Princess. I pack an 'unused' grass square flat on the bottom of my suitcase. Princes sets up the box but they use shredded bark. Bailey doesn't like it and it can be messy and hard to pick up. I just take my little square of artificial turf and drop it over the bark (She was the only SD onboard). The box looks nice and green always neat, no cigarette butts. I left it there after the last cruise, but I know people who take a black garbage bags to re-pack it. Okay, this gets a little weird, but I think it depends on your dogs solids. If the stool it well formed easy pick up with nothing left behind and small - maybe, but............


Anyway, this is NOT the old astroturf stuff. This looks and feels like real grass. I have seen other passengers walk by bend over and feel it:eek:


Here are some pics we took of the grass two years ago. The grass looks the same, the rest of the landscaping around the Koi pond and fence and really grown. http://picasaweb.google.com/darciegore/NewGrass##


Absolutely lovely......It's so inviting. I want to come over and just sit and watch the KOI.

I love the artificial stuff......and, so does Brenny. It always looks nice; cleans-up so easily and nevers smells.

I found some at Kahootz Pet Shop in our area.

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Absolutely lovely......It's so inviting. I want to come over and just sit and watch the KOI.


I love the artificial stuff......and, so does Brenny. It always looks nice; cleans-up so easily and nevers smells.


I found some at Kahootz Pet Shop in our area.


Thanks Rox, I get so much enjoyment from sitting out there watching the Koi. I can't do yard work so it fits me perfectly. This the the place that did the back yard, but Lowes and Home Depot have the big rolls (various quality at each store). That would be a lot cheaper.

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Well, to all my Service Dog friends who go on cruises; airplanes; trains; buses; restaurants and SPECIAL EVENTS with their dogs, here's a new one even for me........

I attended an event last night [it's what I do for a living] I'm an event coordinator/planner/recruiter/fund raiser, etc., etc.

So, I'm at this event, I'm standing in the foyer of this beautiful venue called; The Beverly Connection [very posh, very Beverly Hills, very dressy.] I decide it's time to go to the powder room; I don't like leaving Brenda with anyone and I don't like taking her to most "public restrooms" but I know that this one is going to be very clean and will have handicap stalls.

I get to the entrance to the ladies room and this woman [dressed in a black dress, with a little white apron (obviously the restroom attendant) who is supposed to open the door for the guests] takes one look at my big, black, four-legged partner and lets out a scream, so loud that two bartenders come running along with a herd of guests, just to check out just who's being molested...............there I am, with my hand outstretched trying to calm her down and explaining that Brenda is a working dog and she doesn't have to be afraid of her..........The woman is now leaning against the wall, outside the bathroom; there are people all around her..........and, poor Brenny; people who hadn't seen her before are now seeing her; some wanting to pet her; some asking me question after question about her and what she does and, there's the folks who are fanning this poor distraught woman.

Brenda is wearing her Service Vest so for those who took the trouble to read it can see that she is a working dog and not a pet [Oh! Yeh! I always drag my 70lb Lab with me to parties!!!!]

The woman is wisked away, a bartender who knows her explains that she is deathly afraid of animals [of all kinds!]

Brenda and I have just become the talk of the "cocktail hour!" [Not something I like.] I try to be as invisible as I can.......but, when someone shrieks at me and Brenny "invisible" is not the key word here!

I thought I'd share, what has now become my most embarrassing moment with Brenda [at least, as of lately!]

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