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Greetings from Queen Mary 2 - Westbound Trans Atlantic


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Ship's Position: 50 deg 03.18' N 009 deg 29.93' W

Sea Conditions: Slight

Speed: 22.5 knots


Greetings from onboard Queen Mary 2 - so far the trip is going very well - sad news about the boat train (discussed on another thread) excepted.


Yesterday's travels started in the time honored fashion:

  • 'We need to leave by 10'
  • 'I'll be ready'.
  • 'Its 10.00'
  • 'I'll be ready in a few minutes'.
  • 'Its 10.15'
  • 'Stop nagging'

And it basically spiralled downhill from there. Taxi boarded at 10.45 - only to be told that Hyde Park Corner and Park Lane were grid-locked - as were the streets round Victoria (which is why one of us likes to leave plenty of time.....) where we were due to board the Orient Express for the train down to Southampton. Dumped by the taxi at 11.20 (for an 11.40 departure) in a side street we then had to drag the cases across Victoria to find the check in for the Orient Express on the far side of the station. So it was not quite the elegant sophisticated arrival of ones plans - more the slightly dishevelled and somewhat out of breath 'are we in time?' of those about to miss the train....and the boat.....so no pressure.......


Breath recovered, and a glass of champagne quaffed (well, I was the one dragging two suitcases.....) we settled down for a lovely leisurely lunch - and were told the reasons for the discontinuation of the Boat Train. Cunard must be bonkers - possibly it does not make much money for them - but surely this should be part of the 'whole experience' - on every Cunard sailing - not just the Trans Atlantics - these trains should be selling out months in advance - not having fewer than 1% of the ships passenger load on them. So possibly for the last time we pulled into Southampton quayside and saw the QM2 - pointing upriver - which was a first for me.....Check in was a breeze and we were on the ship a little after 3.00


General Impressions

This is my third trip on the QM2 - the first in 2005, the second in June this year - and my much more favourable impression from the second trip is so far being reinforced by this one. Overall appearance continues to be very good with carpets clean and walls pristine. The crew are friendly and greet you in the corridors. I also learned from several of the bar staff that they have just carried out a general rotation among the bar staff, with people moving to different bars - but if they had not told me I would not have known this was their first day in a new position. In 2005 the QM2 did not have the same 'well oiled machine' feel of the QE2 - now she has.


Boat Drill & Sail Away

Boat drill took a while as some passengers were late boarding - and once completed it was back to the cabin to unpack - so we were not on deck as we cast off - but made it to the Observation Deck on deck 11 to watch us pivot - the ship pulled forward then turned on a sixpence - very impressive. As it was cold we quickly retired to the


Commodore Club

Where Paul will be handing over the reins to Julie - after four and a half years onboard he's off to the Queen Victoria Commodore Club - and head offices being head offices, he's going to Venice from Southampton .....via New York......A couple of Dry Martinis saw the voyages stressful start fade away.....and Stephen Payne QM2's achitect was spotted....hope he'll be giving a talk....then after a glass of the widow's unction it was on to dinner.


Britannia Dining Room

Despite having requested a particular table on the June crossing we have been assigned a different one - so that will get sorted tomorrow - but service was pretty good and that rarest of creatures a Britannia Restaurant wine Sommellier - was present and efficient.


So, as I wrote, so far so good - actually a little unfair - so far, very good!

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Lovely to her you are having a lovely time. Keep us informed. Hearing about other people's trips, though a poor second, is the next best thing to being on board.:)


I imagine S. Payne must glow with pride whenever he steps aboard his creation.

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Britannia Dining Room

Despite having requested a particular table on the June crossing we have been assigned a different one - so that will get sorted tomorrow


Intrigued..... what if someone else is already on that table???!!!


Are you in Britannia Club?

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saw vic off after we had dinner together in london. its great that you are doing posts onboard. iam so jeleous as its my birthday tomorrow it would have been great to celebrate onboard. great hearing that you did the last trip on the boat train, shame they are not doing one next year. the tandem crossing would have been great on the train.

not done the qm2 for 2 years but maybe in 2009.


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Well then, belated Bon Voyage Peter....and thanks for reporting in. You know what voyeurs we all are, so please have a fantastic time and tell us all about it!!;) So glad to hear all is spiffy onboard as my own not-so-private "Affair" continues in 15 days!!!:D Do take good care of her please and let her know I'll be there shortly!:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Hello Peter,


Glad that you are having such a nice time - always enjoy your "live" reports!


Sorry to hear that Paul will not be in his usual spot in the Commodore Club for our upcoming sailing. We wish him all the best with his new position.


Please let us know if Mr Nitpicker or Mr Grumpy is heard from.


Also, if you run into Babette, say "Hello" for us!


Alan and Anne

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Ship's Position: 50 deg 03.18' N 009 deg 29.93' W

Sea Conditions: Slight

Speed: 22.5 knots


Thanks for that! I always begin my journal entry for the day with the morning's position and sea conditions. I can almost imagine I'm sailing, too!


Greetings from onboard Queen Mary 2 - so far the trip is going very well - sad news about the boat train (discussed on another thread) excepted.


Yesterday's travels started in the time honored fashion:

  • 'We need to leave by 10'
  • 'I'll be ready'.
  • 'Its 10.00'
  • 'I'll be ready in a few minutes'.
  • 'Its 10.15'
  • 'Stop nagging'

Hmmm, now why does that sound so familiar????? Although, in my case, the fourth line would be "My nails are almost dry, hang on a minute!"


And all things considered, you were entitled to AT LEAST one glass of champagne!




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Peter, thanks for your delightful posts from the ship. We look forward to the next segment. After your hectic start, I hope you can relax and enjoy every minute of your crossing. Great to hear things are in such good shape on the ship. Thanks again.



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So glad you are on board. It would be awful to "miss the boat" so to speak.

However, here is where my selfishness kicks in. I wish Paul all the best (And I still have not seen his banana dolphin! He was on holiday last time we were on board) I assume you are saying that Paul is disembarking when you arrive in New York, then flying to Southampton? One thing I was really looking forward to next week was seeing Paul again! He is the best! Vicky's gain, our loss. Please tell me that Amanda Reid is not also going over to the Vicky. I suppose, if they want to start out with the best, we will lose her, too. I think I will call Cunard tomorrow and tell them we are cancelling our trip. NOT! Just got home from a day of shopping (and I DO NOT like to shop!) Got another new outfit- probably will wear it on embarkation- a "smart" pantsuit which will be comfortable for the long drive down from Connecticut, stay unwrinkled and heveled (that would be the opposite of DISheveled! <G>) and yet look decent for the embarkation photo. the rest was pretty boring, socks and underwear, mostly~ (Sounds like Christmas for grandkids and fathers <LOL> Or is it ties and sweaters that most people get dads?) at least if she gets in a bad accident, I will be found in fresh new underwear! <LOL> Well, at least they will have started out fresh!

Though I was in shirtsleeves (STILL) today, so I am guessing we won't be likely to hit any icebergs on our way to Tortola!


I went was in the Drug store, and lo and behold. they had a bunch of summer sale items. What do I see before me, but a gleaming (Well, maybe not so gleaming) CORONA BEER BUCKET! So should we have one for the QM and one for the QE? I have paints! I can always make it say POL ACKER!


Peter, whatever you do, do not forget to get the cc log book from the librarian. It is under the counter for safe keeping. Peruse the famous names in there! Sylvia (Cusyl) would want me to remind you! I will try to remember to bring a picture from our Labor day 06 cc get together with me to put in the book next week. We meant to put it in before we left, but the library was already closed! (We bring a small photo printer with us)


If you can, speak to the onboard social staff to see if it is okay for us to have our CC meet and mingle next Thursday November 1st at 2:00 in the Commodore Club. And you can let Amanda, or Julie or whoever needs to know that it will be me, Karie Parker who will be in charge (if one can be in charge of total anarchy!) Or Vic can, since he is on board now, and will be next week. We'd like it in the daily program if possible. I will be in Cabin ...um....8076. I had to look it up. Too lazy to pull the tickets, I went to the voyage personalizer. oops to late for that. Went to the Res system for agents. Wanted me to update my profile and change my password and sign a new agreement. Put me into Princess AGGH! Not there! Oh yeah, Went back into Cunard. Nah, I haven't been upgraded. The upgrade fairy did NOT smile on me! So tell whoever will be setting this up for us that I will be in cabin 8095 nest Wednesday October 31st.

Oh well. I guess I will sand my oar, so as to not get any splinters while rowing in steerage next week! Although, as far aft as my cabin is, I may actually get to man the rudder!


Well, have a marvelous rest of trip,. and leave some caviar for us. Tell Vic Hi for me and that I left a message on his cell phone. We'll see him next week!


Thanks for the report!



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Ship's position: 50 deg 37.21' N, 022 deg 10.94' W

Speed : 21.8 knots (I think he's trying to keep his claim for 'uses least fuel on a crossing' - at this rate the QV could make it across in 6 nights....)

Sea State: Rough (7.5 - 12')


I know no report would be complete without a word from Mr Nitpicker - so we'll hear from him later on - but overall the voyage continues to go very well.



One of the highlights of the day were two lectures - the first a 'standing room only' and very amusing ramble by Lynne Truss about modern manners (or the lack thereof) and how the British will go to almost any length to avoid a confrontation - I think I'll get her book 'Talk to the Hand'. Then in the afternoon Stephen Payne did his presentation on the building of the Queen Mary - which I had not seen before. He will later have a recorded Q&A session with the Cruise Director to whom questions should be submitted - and probably vetted. 'Is Queen Victoria a liner or a cruise ship with a paint job?'......



Rock at the Opera soldiers on - its still fun, especially for the sly British jokes half the cousins don't get - but one would have thought that after nearly 4 years they would have come up with something else......there was also a good Classical Pianist in the afternoon - but this clashed with the talk on the new CWC benefits....Mr Nitpicker has a point of view on this.....



Dinner was had on a table adjacent to the one I'd requested - but still in the central area and with two interesting British couples - and excellent service. The Captain was at his table - but Mrs Warner does not appear to be onboard as opposite him was one of the Social Hostesses.


Captain's Cocktail Party

After last voyage's faux pas of 'why's the funnel the wrong colour?' (it still is) I decided to stick to something non-controversial - I'd read in the potted biography on the Daily Programme yesterday that Commodore Warner had served onboard the Uganda - the first ship I'd ever sailed upon - in true 'steerage' with 20 of us in a dormitory - so I mentioned this - and he leaned back, peered through his glasses like I was some form of pond life and said 'glad to have you onboard' through a somewhat fixed grin....so who knows how or whether I've put my foot in it again.....it was all a long time ago......The party itself appears to have dropped the option of ordering proper drinks - its red or white wine, juice or Pol Pot - the white wine (when it was cold enough) was ok.....and from the comfort of a seat to one side we could watch the pary progress - I'd estimate 95%+ in black tie, with a few suits.


Cruise Critic Get Together

Took place - unfortunately I only found it as I was leaving the Commodore club en route to lunch - I'd missed it when I came in......I think 8 or so were present.


Cabin Steward

Ronald keeps the place spotless - and today went above & beyond when I asked if I could borrow some polish for my less than lusterous evening shoes - so he brought the polish and then polished them (and another pair I had meant to do) himself. Ronald is getting a big tip at voyages end - though they don't seem to have the 'you have been a star' cards around any more - but if they do he'll get one of those too.


Mr Nitpicker Reports:


Afternoon Tea

There are certain eternal verities - the moon orbits the earth, the earth orbits the sun, the best Martinis are in the Commodore Club....and afternoon tea is at 4.00. Heck the British built an empire and managed to pause for afternoon tea at 4.00. On the QM2 - first sea day it was at 3.00 - second sea day it is at 3.30. There is to be a new daily competition 'The Nitpicker Afternoon Tea Sweepstake' to guess the time of when afternoon tea will be served in the Queen's room. I know they will probably say 'but we need to get the room ready for the B&W Ball or the Captain's cocktail party' - frankly - not my problem. Afternoon tea is at 4.00 - and the other activities should be rearranged to accomodate that. Works on the QE2 - why not on the QM2?


Breakfast in Britannia

Was sloooooow. We were warned by a steward as we sat down - and I heard one of them telling another table about the delights of the KIngs Court - but really, if on first day at sea they get a lot of people, why not plan for that.....?


Welcome to the Kasbah

They never tire of reminding us that we are sailing on the 'grandest ocean liner on earth' - so why do they insist on putting up tressle tables selling 'yards of junk' and 'inches of dross' in the great hallways near the 'Grand Lobby' I wander past muttering at the hordes scrabbling through the drek 'don't buy stuff - you'll only encourage them'........


Motormouth Matrons

The cousins will be able to advise, as I have not observed this species on my side of the pond (possibly they are there - just quieter) but there appears to be a certain genus of late-middle age North American female who appears to believe if she stops talking she will die. All empty conversational space is filled with a stream of consciousness monologue that would leave Ionesco gasping at its banality - not that one wants to listen, but the tone and pitch of delivery is such that one has no option. They are usually accompanied by a mute male who lost the power of speach decades ago. The presence of this genus had led me to completely overestimate the number of cousins onboard - I had thought they were in a comfortable majority - while in fact the Brits out number them 1100 : 800 - with the Germans third - and surprisingly few French.


All for now - breakfast beckons!

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Thanks for your kind words - doing the diary is a good reminder for me of my voyage - and it fills in the gap between me getting up and the 'just another 5 minutes' for one for whom timekeeping ius not a forte!


Mathew - yes the a/c is working fine - though there was the usual cabin tussle over how high or low it should go - at least its better than with Miriam who set it so low I had to go out onto the balcony - in the North Atlantic- to warm up!


Penny - overall she's in fine shape - and I think the crew prefer the Caribbean run - days when they can get off the ship - and no (or few) time changes, unlike the TAs.


Kathy - the 10.30 and 10.35 conversations were unprintable!


Beth - thanks - getting into the swing of things now......


Karie - Im not sure if I can go up to Paul and ask to see his banana dolphin!



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Many thanks for your wonderfully informative and amusing report Peter.


You seem to have picked up on a number of points that formed my main gripes after our first voyage on QM2. Why oh why do they have that awful 'flea market' around the Grand Lobby, which they would like one to believe is Harrods - but is actually worse than Woolworths?


You also seem to have discovered the "Cousins' Law", which states that 'The volume and pitch of delivery is inversely proportional to the intellectual content of the sentence'


It does seem somewhat of a pity that the character, ambiance and organization of the vessel appears to be occasionally let down by relatively small matters that should be easy to remedy.


Keep up the good work!




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Two things.

The White Star Cards were "hidden" under the bathroom sink last time we were on. Or ask the purser. They can give you extras (As can, I am sure, you room steward)


As for your last paragraph, I am insulted! I am not on board your trip. I cannot understand how you could possibly describe me thus! And of course, everything I say is scintillating and succinct! But I have occasionally heard complaints such as yours (all 53 years of my life- At least since I became sentient!) I am quite certain it must be the fault of the listener. It couldn't POSSIBLY be anything to do with MOI! <G>

Well, I've gotten better. And I have a friend who is very much like that. Stream of consciousness, any and everything that comes into her mind non-sequitors, all! Through much intense work, I have ameliorated that quite a bit in myself. In fact, there are now many, many times, where I just want quiet. I want to be introspective, and find it an effort to engage in conversation. I want to be alone with my thoughts, and just observe. That sort of speech, I learned, over years of therapy , was designed to keep people at arm's length. It does its function much too well, to the complete perplexion of its perpetrator! But I do feel quite certain they exist in Britain, also! It is universal!


Thanks for the update.



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Ship's position: 48 deg 19.43' N, 035 deg 54.40' W

Speed : 23.1 knots

Sea State: Rough (7.5 - 12') - the queasy one is feeling the effects and was distictly woosy after taking the sea sickness pills they sell in the pursers office.


Cunard World Club

Representatives onboard were very helpful & got the queasy one's journey history updated to include two previous crossings - so now their card carries a gold band, not the red stripe of a newbie......and they confirmed that the UK & US systems will now recognise sailings booked in the other country - you just have to call them to get them entered manually. Also checked availability for the winter crossings - basically Q4s on QE2 or Suites & up on the QV - so looks like I will not be tagging along this year.



Continues to be rough, with movement noticeable in the cabin and in particular forward - I enjoy all this, but not all do - and I know it would be a lot less pleasant on a lesser ship - when the Golden Princess slammed into the mildest of swells it sent a shudder through the ship - on the QM2 there is but a gentle pitch and occasional roll.


Breakfast & Dining

Braved the Kings Court - which was fast at least - then had lunch in the Britannia - unfortunately our waiter had quite strong BO - so the queasy one was even more queasy.....its difficult to put your finger on it - but the food does not seem quite as good as on the June crossing - the service (barring day 1 breakfast in Britannia) is still as efficient - but somehow the food is not quite as good - change of executive chef? I don't know - but one couple at our dinner table reckoned that a recent cruise they had on Carnival had better food than currently on the QM2 - and the other couple thought it was better last year. Its all so terribly subjective - but in June I would look at the menu and think I'd enjoy three items from each section - now its usually just one or two and the decision is easier to make....and rarely accompanied with as much anticipation.....Mr Nitpicker would point out that last night's (usually reliable) Grand Marnier Souffle tasted a lot like Souffle and not at all of Grand Marnier.....


Above & Beyond

Enquiring in one of the bars today whether the shops would sell those stoppers to re-seal a champagne bottle - (much as I enjoy a challenge - with the queasy one's consumption down to half a glass the prospect of five and a half glasses before dinner gives even me pause...) I was told no - but then promptly given one to use - I shall make sure to return it - and we can now enjoy our pre-prandial shampoo without any fear of the bottle going flat or me making an unneccessarily dramatic entrance into the Britannia restaurant.



Today we had an interesting, if slightly under-presented talk on John Geilgud - which included some of the infamous 'Geilgoodies' - gloriously tactless remarks he made - but was much loved for. One he did not mention - and may be apocryphal - was to Elizabeth Taylor - 'Whatever happened to Richard Burton - didn't he marry some dreadful actress and have to go and live in America?'


Mr Nitpicker Reports


Perhaps this has happened in the past and I never noticed it - but there are now multiple overlaps in events. IIRC events used to start on the hour and last 45 minutes enabling you to get from one to the other - now they are overlapping - so for example, two 'must dos' today - Whisky Tasting in the Commodore Club (which clashes directly with the compilmentary World Club Wine Tasting) starts at 3.00 and Stephen Payne's talk on Cunarders starts at 3.30 - so I'll miss the first 15 minutes at least - so out of 3 events I wanted to go to I'll only get to one properly, one partially and one not at all. Does not sound like great coordination to me......


Deck 8 Laundry

Is clearly the designated 'left handed' laundry as the ironing board is bolted to the floor the 'wrong' (for right handed users) way round - which makes trying to iron a shirt on a gently pitching liner all the more complicated.


Senior Officer's Party

In June this was scheduled for pre-dinner on the last formal night - so we were all dressed up and it was a pleasantly convivial occassion. This voyage? 11.30 am on a Sunday. Some of us might be in church - or at our devotions. Some of us may suspect the old Cunard wheeze of 'have it early in the day so they won't drink so much' (more fool them). When I mentioned this change in timing to one of the bar staff he replied that it had proved very popular - with whom? The crew? The Officers whose evening is now not interrupted? The accountants? Well, I shall canvas opinion among the passengers and see what they think. This one is not impressed - having seen the range in day wear (when did crushed velour come back?) - I doubt it will look as elegant as one held on a Formal night.


The Queen's Room Afternoon Tea Time Time Sweep

Tea this afternoon will be the same as yesterday - 3.30 - so we'll see if this remains consistent. Service in this is now almost as good as the QE2 but the sandwiches are not as good - feels like a cost-accountant has been over them.......


All for now....got to start juggling schedules......

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Hi Peter, I'm enjoying your live reports...


the waiter with BO :eek:


Kirsten asked if you complained?


And (anticipating her next question) if you didn't, why not?


I hereby absolve myself from these questions asked.



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Hi Peter,


Thanks for the reports. Will you be going to the martini class again? Also, please let me know how close the ship will be passing to the site of the Titanic. Captain Warner usually announces it ahead of time.


Except for the first full day out (Captain's Ball that evening), I have always witnessed tea starting at 3:30 on QM2. It will be interesting if it deviates from that. Also, even though it has been popular sometimes, I and my traveling companions have never had trouble getting a seat at tea, but I have read other reports to the contrary. Any difficulty in getting a seat at tea in the Queens Room?


Glad you are having interesting seas/weather, but I guess your traveling companion, "the queasy one" may think otherwise. I read that your cabin is on Deck 8, but is it forward on that deck? As you already observed, the movement is more noticeable forward. I can testify to that, having shared an outisde cabin twice up in the bow area. It only bothered me once, but my wife got ill a number of times because of the location.


One other thing, is it walking weather out on the deck, or rainy?



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Hi Peter...hope the "queasy one" is improving!! And please do mention the concept of a shower to the waiter? With my luck, that's the one we'll get!!


Do I remember you saying you were in a B6 guarantee for this trip? I'm just curious how the movement is to you there as I'll be in one of them in LESS than 2 weeks!!!


Keep enjoying and keep feeding our various obsessions for onboard news and views....always a pleasure. Hope Mr Nitpicker gets a break!!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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