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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. I love wine, but do you know, I really doubt I would appreciate this, or be able to tell it was better than, say, a $80 wine, not without training anyway. How much is Chateau Petrus?
  2. The staff will say 9 pm. Do you not like hubbub or are you worried about speed of service?
  3. I have seen people come in at about 8.57, admittedly a while ago. But I do think that is a little mean.
  4. Better still, nobody told you to respect different cultures.
  5. I think it can be the effect of sea air, which we all know makes clothes tighter, leading to discomfort and grumpiness perhaps. 😀 Perhaps the bath robe was the only thing left that wasn’t too tight.
  6. Another good chance for an empty pool is on a busy port day. I realise this isn’t a useful remark if you are on a TA.
  7. I wonder if it would. A lot of people might enjoy it.
  8. Yes, I think it is an excellent idea to book something that you can have to look forward to. That makes getting off so much easier.
  9. Are you having psychiatric care to prepare you for impending disembarkation? Or are you actually looking forward to it?
  10. Incidentally, there is a fairly negative review, saying QA is like P&O, and a man in front of me in a queue for the Purser’s told me very loudly QA was like a P&O ship, which I don’t think he meant as compliment, though I’m not sure what he did mean as I have never been on P&O. So I’m not sure where that leaves us.
  11. I have read posts during the last week describing something similar on Cunard. It seems to be the inconsistency that irks people. 8,000+ posts in 17 years doesn’t seem all that prolific, and it may imply a little knowledge, and a little perspective.
  12. I might in a Q1 or Q2, but certainly not otherwise. One thing where she did excel, and which would be so easy to emulate, if they paid attention, is in ample storage space, even in the tiny single inside cabins. And indeed provision of singles in all grades was another. But even so…
  13. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot those dangerous Bibby corridors, which have disappeared. I loved QE2 when I went on her, but I’m not sure I would now.
  14. Yes, so many things have got worse: all those balcony cabins, en suites for all, not having to share cabins with strangers, being able to choose when you dine, air conditioning, covered lifeboats…How I’d love to go back to the fifties.
  15. In what way is this clear? Which are the lines where there are more formal dress codes? How have I missed all these unhappy crew and passengers? I am unclear of the basis for many of you assertions.
  16. My sympathies to the Restaurant Manager, and I can see he would want to avoid a disruptive scene. But isn’t there a point at which he would need to call security?
  17. It amazed me how spacious QA seemed, and how empty of passengers, even on sea days.
  18. You have, as have I. But some people have items they don’t trust to the laundry and wish to wash themselves.
  19. I find people who wear the wrong clothes in the wrong place rather annoying, especially if it appears to be deliberate. But I am genuinely astonished that many people seem to find this more worrying than passengers being allowed to sit blocking the aisles in the theatre, something that could lead to death rather than aesthetic discomfort.
  20. This looks as if they may have had a near catastrophe recently.
  21. I’d rather spend the time in your cabin, or even in mine. 😀
  22. I think the QR is one of the few disappointing rooms on the ship. Its decor is a nothingness, and you are through it before you’ve noticed. Love nearly all the rest of the ship, though, except…I’ll leave others to fill in the gap.
  23. I have been only in the Grills since Covid, but so much of the experience is common to all grades: shows, most bars, most outdoor space, promenade, library, lectures, spa stuff, gym. I assume in essence it is food you are dissatisfied with, and I certainly acknowledge this is a major part of enjoyment.
  24. I do hope you are enjoying some aspects of your cruise.
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