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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. There is also the anomaly that it was fine on one Vista but not the other.
  2. I couldn’t agree more. The QE approach seems very sensible. And given the difficulties so many are experiencing with and without Covid, it is hard to see that wearing a mask for a few days can constitute a nightmare, or even a slightly weird dream.
  3. Also, I might possibly employ a different TA the next time.
  4. Well, the flight to get you there to pick up your ship is pretty essential, so I think daily polite pressure is required. Almost make a joke of it, but make sure you are at the front of her mind. 😀
  5. Firstly, please remember it is just a holiday. Out of the iceberg season, at any rate, it should not be causing you anxiety. 1. Not from personal experience, but I would chase up the flights, just to encourage them. But it will be fine. 2. I would pursue your TA over this. I’m sure it will be fine, but I would want to be sure before I step on board. Incidentally, why isn’t s/he chasing up your flights for you? Isn’t that what TAs are for? 3. Prime rib might get lost in translation. Is it rib eye, sirloin? They have both of those. If in doubt, ask. 4. I only really know about tonic, but have had Schweppes, Britvic, and Fevertree in my cabin randomly on the same trip. None of them were the low sugar version. 5. I suspect artificial sweeteners, but I don’t know. 6. Both fencing, and particularly watercolour classes are,highly spoken of. Remember you are going to have a great time, so stop worrying. If worrying is required, your TA is paid to do it.
  6. This sounds such an excellent new innovation that I’m sorry to think it may possibly be a misprint. 😀😀😀
  7. And I’ve not so far had it happen to me on Cunard, so it is not necessarily their standard practice, so much as yet another cockup. An even greater one is them not remedying it at once.
  8. I don’t know which is more surprising, considering that Bergen gets about 80 ins of rain a year!
  9. This is not from personal experience, but I thought I had read on here of passengers, who, once on board, had managed to persuade them to allow just one person in a cabin to have a drinks package. It might at least be worth asking.
  10. I completely agree that the Vista PGs are very disappointing, but the other Grills facilities on those ships are great.
  11. Yes, indeed. It much too tantalising to say simply that lunch was very good, without giving any details.
  12. We’ll just have to hope for the best. I think some of the interiors look very nice?
  13. The Cunard fleet, I assume, not HAL. Good, but don’t quite see how that will work.
  14. Well, despite having been on many Cunard voyages, I must be the only passenger who has never seen Appassionata. On the other hand I don’t go to many shows - nearly always too loud for me. But I would happily see Top Hat again. After a few months off, the food may seem less repetitive. And now you can enjoy a few weeks languishing, as spring approaches. Just one more question, if you had to pick one of the places you visited to return to, where would it be?
  15. Thank you for this. What a momentous trip. It must feel weird but wonderful finally being home again. As you don’t mention it, I assume all the admin for boarding ships and entering countries went fairly smoothly. So, two questions: Would you do such a long trip again? and Would you do Cunard again?
  16. The bears are adorable, but I’m afraid for me cuddly ships fall into the same category as ice carving and gingerbread villages, producing complete mystification.
  17. I’m not sure why, but this is such an evocative photo. It made me yearn more than ever to be aboard.
  18. We just had another deluge with thunder and lightning. But it passed quickly, probably on its way to Southampton.
  19. The website is full of glitches. This state business has been mentioned before, and there will be those who can advise from personal experience. I suspect you will have to ring them. In passing you could mention they should get a better web designer. The main thing is don’t worry.
  20. Thank you. Yes, it is fascinating. The inside shows you the interiors of London house through the ages, and round the back outside you get period gardens to go with them.
  21. Of course, if she really wants to get there early, she can sneak in past the Needles, as has happened a couple of times when I’ve been on one of the Vistas.
  22. I think QM2 must enjoy these chances to go a bit quicker than she is usually allowed.
  23. Yes, the winds are beginning to get up already. Very gloomy.
  24. Yes, I was very disappointed about how restricted you were, and you had to argue with them to be released even when you were, as I remember.
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