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As very few of you know, I sailed just a few weeks ago and I did some interviews with two crew members as a part of school [it's really complicated to explain the whole project and such, but you follow, yeah?]. It was really informative and a unique experience in my opinion. When I get a chance, I would like to do it again.


My interest: cruise directing!


So hence, I interviewed the cruise director on the Explorer of the Seas; the very awesome Mr. Dave Chapman. I sailed with him in August, and it was a big shock to see him again, since I heard that he wouldn't be on the Explorer now in December. I also interviewed the also-awesome Activities Manager, Tim Connor. They were both a delight to talk to.


So, my next cruise [maybe Spring break if my family is feeling generous?] might be based on who I'd like to interview next for my project. Afterall, my Explorer cruise was for project purposes, not destination...this was my third time in the Eastern Caribbean...seventh in the Caribbean all together. Let me say that I'm probably going to cruise somewhere that sails out of Florida, California, or New Jersey [coughunitedstatescough] but I would like to know, who do you think is a good cruise director to interview and learn from and why?


I know many of you have sailed wayyyy more than me, so I value each of your opinions. I've looked at those threads asking "Who is your favorite CD?" and all that and I get an idea of some favorites, but I would like for you to look at this in a "Who is a good teacher and great person to interview" rather than "Who is the most funny and entertaining". Well, actually, I would like the CD to be entertaining and above all, friendly, but there's some other factors that I want to be put into this.


So, if you have time, write/type away! I want to hear what you have to say!


Thanks, and Happy New Year everyone!

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Love him or hate him, there's a reason Ken Rush takes out all the new ships. He's who I would want to interview.

If you're interviewing Captains, I would recommend Captain Leif Otto Bang. He's the senior Captain of RCI and is part of the history of the line.

(Sorry Tj, I know he's not that old).

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no question. he is on the liberty right now. we also had sailed with him on the mariner 2 years ago. i have 23 cruises and a friend of mine has 40. we both agree, he's the best.:)


Oh, James! I could be very wrong, but is he from Australia? I heard that there's two Aussie CDs out there, Dave and another man...and I know that Dave's terrific :]

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Love him or hate him, there's a reason Ken Rush takes out all the new ships. He's who I would want to interview.

If you're interviewing Captains, I would recommend Captain Leif Otto Bang. He's the senior Captain of RCI and is part of the history of the line.

(Sorry Tj, I know he's not that old).


From what I've heard, Ken Rush is very experienced. I have a copy of this thing shown on RCTV and Ken is in it talking about his job.

Thanks for your input :]

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Dennis Sciortino was highly informative and very approachable (friendly - easy to talk to) I got the impression that he'd be a good teacher. Not sure what ship he is on now.


I haven't heard much about him yet, but I believe he is on the Mariner right now :]

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He may be experienced, but he won't give you the time of day. The last cruise I was on with him ( and the one before that, as well) as the CD, he just rode up and down the ship on his Segway and appeared to be purposely avoiding speaking with any passengers. He may be good at producing a good product, but I would not recommend him as a teacher.


May I suggest that the OP contact some CD's in advance and set up an arrangement to meet with the CD (if they are willing). She can base her booking decisions on their responses.


(These opinions are strictly my own and have been derived from personal experience. Others may have had different experiences).

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He may be experienced, but he won't give you the time of day. The last cruise I was on with him ( and the one before that, as well) as the CD, he just rode up and down the ship on his Segway and appeared to be purposely avoiding speaking with any passengers. He may be good at producing a good product, but I would not recommend him as a teacher.


May I suggest that the OP contact some CD's in advance and set up an arrangement to meet with the CD (if they are willing). She can base her booking decisions on their responses.


(These opinions are strictly my own and have been derived from personal experience. Others may have had different experiences).


Thank you for your input, but may I ask, which CD are you talking about? Ken? Dennis? Even Dave?


I find it odd when I see the CDs on their Segways going through the Promenade. It grabs people's attention like "OH HEYYYY. It's the Cruise Director!" but...well, I don't know...I would feel more comfortable approching the CD if he or she just walked...no?


And yeah, I'll surely contact some CDs in advance. What's the best way to go about doing that, though?

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She's talking about Ken Rush. I think if you approach him the right way, he might decide to help you and your project.

As I said, there's no inbetween with him.


James Andrews is from Australia and is very good.


If you want a lady CD, everybody seems to like "hello, luv" Becky.


You might have good luck with the CDs on the smaller/older ships without so many passengers. They have the same responsibilities, but seem to have more time to interact with the passengers.

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She's talking about Ken Rush. I think if you approach him the right way, he might decide to help you and your project.

As I said, there's no inbetween with him.


James Andrews is from Australia and is very good.


If you want a lady CD, everybody seems to like "hello, luv" Becky.


You might have good luck with the CDs on the smaller/older ships without so many passengers. They have the same responsibilities, but seem to have more time to interact with the passengers.


Ehh...so Ken is kind of iffy?

The thing is, with a lot of crew members that find out about what my plans are, they're always like "Is this for college/university?" and of course I tell the truth and say "Oh, no...actually, it's for high school. My confirmation letters are actually for colleges to look at" and then it's like, suddenly, they become less interested. I have one completed confirmation letter made and signed by Dave Chapman already and I'm out to get more from other cruise directors that help me out with this.


I heard Becky isn't a cruise director anymore...heard she works on land in Miami now or something...? I heard she's great though!


And I get what you say about smaller/older ships. I don't see myself having much luck on...oh, let's say the Freedom or Liberty. I was actually very lucky that Dave and Tim had time for my on the Explorer.


Thanks for your input :]

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James Andrews gets my vote too.

BTW- he is English, he is from Sussex, but he has lived in Australia for a while - his parents emigrated.


Oh, that's cool :]

So does his nametag say "United Kingdom" or "Australia"?


By the way, why do some crew members from England have nametags that say "United Kingdom" and others, "Great Britain"?

Just curious.

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I get the feeling that Carly Boileau would welcome you and be a good mentor, but I think that she is currently on leave. (I could be totally wrong about this, of course)


Haven't heard much about her either, but I believe she was recently on the Serenade.


Actually, I usually hear lots of stuff about CDs on Voyager and Freedom class ships, so it's nice that people still mention and consider those from smaller ships :]

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I do agree that Ken Rush has a vacant stare that looks right through you, but if you were somehow able to catch him at a time (I honestly don't know when it would be) that he could see you as a human being with legitimate questions, I am certain he would have much of value to offer you. He has a wealth of experience. I bet he could write one heck of a book!

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I do agree that Ken Rush has a vacant stare that looks right through you, but if you were somehow able to catch him at a time (I honestly don't know when it would be) that he could see you as a human being with legitimate questions, I am certain he would have much of value to offer you. He has a wealth of experience. I bet he could write one heck of a book!


Hahah...oh goshhh

"if you were to somehow able to catch him at a time (I honestly don't know when it would be) that he could see you as a human being with legitimate questions, I am certain he would have much of a value to offer you"


I don't like vacant stares either!

A good time to talk to cruise directors is during the shows featuring the singers and dancers. Most just hang out by the bar...or sit in the back waiting for their call to go backstage again.


As for legitimate questions...I can come up with some pretty profound ones! I actually asked Dave what his favorite cookie on the ship was...we actually had a nice conversation about it!


Does Ken greet people at the doors after the shows? It's a huge minus if he doesn't.

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Another one thats not a fan of Ken..:rolleyes: Allthough,thats not really what you asked....

We sailed with James on Rhapsody two years in a row...And conversed with him on a few occassions...I bet if you pre-arranged something most of them would be accomodating.Just keep in mind,things onboard can change in a blink...so it may or may not happen...But would probably be better to set something up.


I can't remember my favorites name...Peter something..I think he has retired...But he was fantastic..We were with him during hurricane Ivan and he had commented that he had been sailing for 25 years,and that was the first time he had ever gotten sea sick...I bet he would have some great insight..

Good Luck...

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Another one thats not a fan of Ken..:rolleyes: Allthough,thats not really what you asked....

We sailed with James on Rhapsody two years in a row...And conversed with him on a few occassions...I bet if you pre-arranged something most of them would be accomodating.Just keep in mind,things onboard can change in a blink...so it may or may not happen...But would probably be better to set something up.


I can't remember my favorites name...Peter something..I think he has retired...But he was fantastic..We were with him during hurricane Ivan and he had commented that he had been sailing for 25 years,and that was the first time he had ever gotten sea sick...I bet he would have some great insight..

Good Luck...


Yeah, I'll be sure to set something up prior to my sailing. That's what I did with Dave...sort of. He thought he wasn't going to be onboard for my sailing, but he apparently saved my position paper so the CD who would be there would have it on record. And I totally understand everything changing in a blink. I was very observant with Dave and the CD's staff and I could tell that they're hard workers. Some stuff went wrong during the 70's dancing in the streets thing in the promenade and Dave had to improvise on the spot. By doing this project just a few weeks ago on the Explorer, I've learned a lot about things changing quickly. In my interviews, that was one of the main points made: things change all the time.

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As very few of you know, I sailed just a few weeks ago and I did some interviews with two crew members as a part of school [it's really complicated to explain the whole project and such, but you follow, yeah?]. It was really informative and a unique experience in my opinion. When I get a chance, I would like to do it again.


My interest: cruise directing!


So hence, I interviewed the cruise director on the Explorer of the Seas; the very awesome Mr. Dave Chapman. I sailed with him in August, and it was a big shock to see him again, since I heard that he wouldn't be on the Explorer now in December. I also interviewed the also-awesome Activities Manager, Tim Connor. They were both a delight to talk to.


So, my next cruise [maybe Spring break if my family is feeling generous?] might be based on who I'd like to interview next for my project. Afterall, my Explorer cruise was for project purposes, not destination...this was my third time in the Eastern Caribbean...seventh in the Caribbean all together. Let me say that I'm probably going to cruise somewhere that sails out of Florida, California, or New Jersey [coughunitedstatescough] but I would like to know, who do you think is a good cruise director to interview and learn from and why?


I know many of you have sailed wayyyy more than me, so I value each of your opinions. I've looked at those threads asking "Who is your favorite CD?" and all that and I get an idea of some favorites, but I would like for you to look at this in a "Who is a good teacher and great person to interview" rather than "Who is the most funny and entertaining". Well, actually, I would like the CD to be entertaining and above all, friendly, but there's some other factors that I want to be put into this.


So, if you have time, write/type away! I want to hear what you have to say!


Thanks, and Happy New Year everyone!


Since the purpose of your next cruise is for the destination and not for school, there are plenty of great cruises to go on. We loved the Vision of Seas, there is a married couple who are low key and delightful. Spring break is a very expensive time to cruise since all the teachers and college kids are off. RCCL is now doing South American cruises, that would be a great cultural opportunity. Of course in the spring there are Trans Atlantic Cruises, they are usually 2 weeks long.


At your age I have a perfect summer job for you. Work as a camp counselor in train in a local camp. You will be able to use what you have learned on your vacation Interviewing cruise directors and make a difference in another person's life. A good camp director is like a good cruise director, keeping the campers happy like a CD keeping the passengers happy. A Camp Director has to oversee many activities at the same time like a Cruise Director. A camp director has to oversee the needs of many. You are the perfect age to be a counsel in training and since you like the sea, you could try for a camp on the ocean. Plus you would be earning money and have lots of access to the camp director. It would be a great tie into your project and your status as CIT would be appreciated, plus you would be able to participate in most of the activities.


As a parent who just made the last tuition payment ( Yeah!), I can assure you the extra money you earn would be appreciated and you would have a great project. My advice would be look for a real summer age appropriate internship, stay at home in the Spring and study, if you are going to be applying to schools you and your family will be doing lots of traveling looking at schools. I bet your Mom would appreciate the help if you stay home in the Spring and concentrate on school.


When you do get into college there is a program called Scholars at Sea, you may want to investigate that doing your research for colleges and a semester at sea may fufill your desire to cruise.

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Since the purpose of your next cruise is for the destination and not for school, there are plenty of great cruises to go on. We loved the Vision of Seas, there is a married couple who are low key and delightful. Spring break is a very expensive time to cruise since all the teachers and college kids are off. RCCL is now doing South American cruises, that would be a great cultural opportunity. Of course in the spring there are Trans Atlantic Cruises, they are usually 2 weeks long.


At your age I have a perfect summer job for you. Work as a camp counselor in train in a local camp. You will be able to use what you have learned on your vacation Interviewing cruise directors and make a difference in another person's life. A good camp director is like a good cruise director, keeping the campers happy like a CD keeping the passengers happy. A Camp Director has to oversee many activities at the same time like a Cruise Director. A camp director has to oversee the needs of many. You are the perfect age to be a counsel in training and since you like the sea, you could try for a camp on the ocean. Plus you would be earning money and have lots of access to the camp director. It would be a great tie into your project and your status as CIT would be appreciated, plus you would be able to participate in most of the activities.


As a parent who just made the last tuition payment ( Yeah!), I can assure you the extra money you earn would be appreciated and you would have a great project. My advice would be look for a real summer age appropriate internship, stay at home in the Spring and study, if you are going to be applying to schools you and your family will be doing lots of traveling looking at schools. I bet your Mom would appreciate the help if you stay home in the Spring and concentrate on school.


When you do get into college there is a program called Scholars at Sea, you may want to investigate that doing your research for colleges and a semester at sea may fufill your desire to cruise.


Wow. This comment is amazing. I really appreciate you taking your time out to think of all this :]


So basically about my next cruise, my whole family is planning on going and they just can't leave me at home [nor to I want to be left behind! Hahah] and actually, this is how I usually end up cruising...everyone goes, so I have to, I guess. As just added to my signature, my family is thinking of doing a Celebrity cruise to South America so yay for cultural experience :] My school looovvveeeesss stuff like that. I don't know though, the plans are still being worked out.


I love your idea of being a camp director. It's like mini-cruise director on land! It would probably have to hold off though this summer, since I'm taking extra courses for school and helping out with the school's summer theater program but I'll totally give your idea thought for the future! For things to go in my school record though, it's prefered if money isn't made off of experiences, so I'll probably just plan to volunteer and such.


Happy 2008 and thanks again :]

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Never sailed with Clo O'Conner, but she has a lot of support for the best.


Another one we liked was Dan Whitney on the Nordic Empress (pre name change to Empress of the Seas). Dan seemed to be very approachable.


Just a couple more suggestions to try to interview.

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