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Live on the Emerald for Jan 15 to Feb 4


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Yes it is true we are not as young as we use to be, but still young at heart... but you are right this sailing has been very relaxing and we haven't hesitated to just head back to the room for some 4 R&R if necessary.


Last night we didn't feel like dressing up so we met up with our friends Larry and Amy at Vines for some wine... Mr. Deering saw us there and we enjoyed a drink with him, thanks James.


We decided to visit the Cafe Caribe and we suffered through another seafood buffet. How much lobster can one person eat :eek: we'll let you know!


We were going to go see the hypmotist but again, there was no way we could get in and find a seat. So we gave up and went back to the room ;)


Feeling much better, thanks. But I must account a great experience yesterday. AFter laying in the sun for a bit I went to the Horizon Court to get some yogurt to settle my stomach, being that it was lunch there was no yogurt, I asked someone and they quickly came out with two. I told him I had an upset stomach and he said "here take some jello that will help too". Then he offered to take the food to the table for me as my hands were full. I said I was going back to the cabin he said one minute and he check with his boss and came back and said I'll take it to your cabin and he did!! Now that is service.


Funny comment yesterday. While entering the washroom two older women were behind me and they were both commenting on how disappointed they were that there were no hand sanitizers in the washroom. I laughed to myself... what ever happened to just good old fashion soap and water, but being the overly friendly canadian I didn't say anything.


Today is our last day :( we actually feel like we could stay on longer! But we will give up our home away from home tomorrow. It truely feels like home and the people on board feel like family.


This has been a great vacation, one of the best. Each sailing has been diffferent and good in different ways.


Areas for improvement, not many, but after hanging out in the internet cafe quite a bit I have to say they need a staff person here more often, especially those first few days. So many people required help.


The smoking has been an issue, not as bad as on other ships but up on deck there is clearly not a defined non smoking area, other ships actually have signs attached to the railing saying no smoking, but not the Emerald. I don't really blame the smokers as they don't know where to smoke or not to. The back of the ship is the worse, this sailing there are actually people smoking in the Pool :mad: grosse!


Slept in this morning, then went up to the busy Horizon court, but we went to the Caribe cafe to find a seat. The staff here are so attentive. Actually say one server cleaning a passengers glasses with the linen napkin, now that is service.


Came down to the international cafe for my latte. The chef there noticed us and commented that they had peanut butter cookies later on yesterday, he tried to get our attention but we had walked away. But he had some today too, and Bernie got the first warm batch! Yum... now he is happy.


I am going to go to the Casino and donate my daily $10.... still waiting for the tax receipt.


May hit the sun deck this afternoon the weather is very nice.


Packing will be tackled later.


Will try and report back later.

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Appreciated your using your Internet time to do a "live from." It's so much more interesting to read people's thoughts on a cruise as they actually do the cruise. Rather than after when they've "thought" about it without the sea breezes influencing their comments.

Sounds like you and your DH enjoyed yourself. If you ever get back to Barbados you may want to try the Silver Moon Charters to see the turtles.

We did it last year what a wonderful day we had on that tour. We had a longer stay than they do now as that's when the Sea Princess would do two embarkations on that cruise one in FLL and one in Barbados. So we had all day. And my DH got loads of help it was his first snorkeling experience. They couldn't have been more helpful with him. It was wonderful. This is their web site. http://www.oceanadventures.bb

Again thanks for your time and pleasant comments.

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Yes it is true we are not as young as we use to be, but still young at heart... but you are right this sailing has been very relaxing and we haven't hesitated to just head back to the room for some 4 R&R if necessary.


Last night we didn't feel like dressing up so we met up with our friends Larry and Amy at Vines for some wine... Mr. Deering saw us there and we enjoyed a drink with him, thanks James.


We decided to visit the Cafe Caribe and we suffered through another seafood buffet. How much lobster can one person eat :eek: we'll let you know!


We were going to go see the hypmotist but again, there was no way we could get in and find a seat. So we gave up and went back to the room ;)


Feeling much better, thanks. But I must account a great experience yesterday. AFter laying in the sun for a bit I went to the Horizon Court to get some yogurt to settle my stomach, being that it was lunch there was no yogurt, I asked someone and they quickly came out with two. I told him I had an upset stomach and he said "here take some jello that will help too". Then he offered to take the food to the table for me as my hands were full. I said I was going back to the cabin he said one minute and he check with his boss and came back and said I'll take it to your cabin and he did!! Now that is service.


Funny comment yesterday. While entering the washroom two older women were behind me and they were both commenting on how disappointed they were that there were no hand sanitizers in the washroom. I laughed to myself... what ever happened to just good old fashion soap and water, but being the overly friendly canadian I didn't say anything.


Today is our last day :( we actually feel like we could stay on longer! But we will give up our home away from home tomorrow. It truely feels like home and the people on board feel like family.


This has been a great vacation, one of the best. Each sailing has been diffferent and good in different ways.


Areas for improvement, not many, but after hanging out in the internet cafe quite a bit I have to say they need a staff person here more often, especially those first few days. So many people required help.


The smoking has been an issue, not as bad as on other ships but up on deck there is clearly not a defined non smoking area, other ships actually have signs attached to the railing saying no smoking, but not the Emerald. I don't really blame the smokers as they don't know where to smoke or not to. The back of the ship is the worse, this sailing there are actually people smoking in the Pool :mad: grosse!


Slept in this morning, then went up to the busy Horizon court, but we went to the Caribe cafe to find a seat. The staff here are so attentive. Actually say one server cleaning a passengers glasses with the linen napkin, now that is service.


Came down to the international cafe for my latte. The chef there noticed us and commented that they had peanut butter cookies later on yesterday, he tried to get our attention but we had walked away. But he had some today too, and Bernie got the first warm batch! Yum... now he is happy.


I am going to go to the Casino and donate my daily $10.... still waiting for the tax receipt.


May hit the sun deck this afternoon the weather is very nice.


Packing will be tackled later.


Will try and report back later.

Vickie, I think your friends are the same Larry & Amy we met on the Sapphire to Alaska in May. Tell them Donna & Mike say hi......
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Vicki and Bernie...................


How the second cruise has flown by for you both and tomorrow it's back to reality and the journey home I'm afraid.


We have enjoyed reading what you have been doing for the last 10 days and can relate to where you have been on the ship and who with from the

staff point of view.


No doubt we will hear more in due course and the "Exciting times and experiences of Vancouver transit drivers"!!!!!!!


Colin and Gwenda

xx :) :)

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Vickie, I think your friends are the same Larry & Amy we met on the Sapphire to Alaska in May. Tell them Donna & Mike say hi......


I will, we've been hanging out with them all day... plus we are so close I actually put ice down Larry's swiming trunks today :D , he started it though!


Tonight we are having dinner with Al Katz, god I have to spell his name right, he gave me a hard time the other night for spelling it wrong. Did I mention how great, I mean how GREAT he is. :)


After posting today, I found out that the Emerald is getting a new computer/internet company and they will be staffing the internet cafe all the time. See they listen.


Colin we've been thinking of you and your lovely family. Today was the horse racing owner's auction. We couldn't bear to attend to see our hourse dressed in different colors :(


We are looking at the Jan 16th sailing next year on the Grand Colin, think about it! And anyone else too!


We will definately look at Silver Moon charters next time, our friends used them and only raved about how great it was.


I am now trying to figure out how to get the view of the ocean sailing by to my home computer.


Yes we are back to work soon. I am not back until the 11th driving the bus in Vancouver, so that is your warning Vancouver. I'll be the driver with the smile and the tan.


It has been great sharing our experiences with everyone, and no worries about using our internet minutes. I still have over an hour and Bernie too, love the Platinum perks.


When I get home I will put together a review and port review and Chef's Table review. I also have video from many of the ports and of the Chef's table I will post to UTube and share the link.


Off to pack now, hopefully Bernie has gotten it done by the time I get back.... ok you never know.


Your Canadian Emerald Traveller

Vickie & Bernie

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How sad for our live thread to come to an end. I have visited here every day in anticipation of our upcoming trip. We will try and post a live review while onboard but that won't happen till we sail Feb. 24. Hopefully others will keep a live thread going to keep us all entertained.


Thanks again! Safe travels home.

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Vickie thanks for the wonderful updates I have enjoyed reading thru out your trip we are boarding the ship on feb 24 and I hope to get to go to the chief's table and will be looking forward to all your reviews and pictures.

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Vickie/vicki, vicky vikky(LOL) and Bernie,

It was a pleasure meeting you two and I wish we could have had dinner together. Thanks again for the kind words of my show too. Hopefully we can hook up again in the future. Please stay in touch. Wow, my first cruise critic comment. By the way, I just got my luggage and now back to Cozumel.

Al Katz


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Welcome to the Cruise Critic world Al...Seems you made a very good impression with Vickie and Bernie. We were with them on their first cruise and I got to meet you in the elevator. I was the short good looking guy that didn't get to see your show because it was a full house.


Oh well, my loss. We will be sailing again soon and hopefully we'll catch you in the future. I just wanted to welcome you to the board. It's really nice to have more comedians posting here...Ha Ha Ha.



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Laurie.... it was great doing the tour yesterday with you too... lots of laughs! Hummingbird??? don't remember that! Maybe you were so drunk you are making things up.... plus what happens on teh cruise stays on the cruise.





Vickie I think you may of been the may of been the drunk one if you forgot Bernie's new nick nameicon12.gif. Did you have a few to many of Cosol special drink.

It was great cruising with you all EH.icon14.gif

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I will, we've been hanging out with them all day... plus we are so close I actually put ice down Larry's swiming trunks today :D , he started it though!


Actually, Vickie, I think it was Bernie who started the ice throwing! My boys are still thawing out and it really put a freeze on my library time (private joke)! :D


We really enjoyed our time with you and Bernie; thanks for helping make this one of our best cruises ever! Don't know that we will make on the cruise with you next year, but hopefully we'll do a big one with you the following year. Also, maybe we'll see you in Vancouver in May!


Hello Donna and Mike! Shoot me an email if you get a change and let us know what you're up to.


To everyone; the Emerald Princess is incredible. The cruise was as perfect as one could ever expect and I will try to post a review this weekend.



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Vickie I think you may of been the may of been the drunk one if you forgot Bernie's new nick nameicon12.gif. Did you have a few to many of Cosol special drink.

It was great cruising with you all EH.icon14.gif


yeah I was feeling good on Cosol's tour -- but definately not drunk.


Glad to hear your boys are thawing out Larry.


Al, welcome to the boards and you finally lost your CC virginity. I will email you privately later.


Disembarkation was a little behind schedule but we made it in lots of time for our 11:25 flight. Mr. Deering came to the Club Fushion lounge to say goodbye. Hope you wife makes it safetly on board in a few days. We will email you privately soon. Thanks again James.


We flew Delta and there were no problems. But boy both Atlanta anf Ft. Lauderdale airports make me really appreciate the beautiful Vancouver airport.


We just got home. We flew into Seattle last night and stayed overnight. We were up early and decided to make a run for the border. Usually the trip takes three hours door to door. Today no such thing. We got to the boarder in good time, two hours and they customs adgents just laughed and said I know you from the CC board, no really it was smooth sailing (ha ha) at the customs adgent.


Then we crossed into Canada and everything went into the toilet. I guess there was some snow, hardly any in my book, but the city was at a standstill. We spent 3 hours in traffic just trying to get over the Fraser river. Normally this is a half hour trip! Well we made it home in six hours!!!


Den looks like a bomb blew up, wash is in and I laughed when I saw a flyer in the mail from Princess with a great deal.... tempting.


We did talk about our future sailings and they will be coming together soon.


Thanks all for the lovely comments. It was truely one of the best vacations we have ever had. And the reasons are the people I met here on CC and then met on board. And most of all it was the Emerald Princess and it's staff. I miss them all as i sit at my desk, and look out at my patio that has rain drops falling on it and grey skies above. While groceries lists wander thru my head.


I will be composing some reviews and pictures in the next few days and will post shortly thereafter.


Vickie & Bernie


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Hi Vickie_bernie


Thank you for all your posts,


The Emerald and her staff are very under- rated, do not know why, nice ship with a great crew,


My first visit to Canada in 6 months time, but as I understand its a bit bigger than here so I do not think I will bump into in the local store.


yours Shogun

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Again thanks from another canuck.

Nice comments and I will be on the emerald in what 8 days.

Friends from Van are on board now for a B2B.

Yes the Grand in 09 looks great and booked it for the 2nd. of Jan. New Years in Lauderdale would be a first.


Thanks again and welcome home;)

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