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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Yippie.... I lost another pound and now 3 more to go to my goal. I am very happy about this because it took at least a month for the weight to start to move again and I feel pleased that I keep on going even though I saw no results for all of my efforts. I was thinking the other day when Chi posted that she had reached her goal and then adjusted her goal for another 5 pounds to reach what her lincense read. There comes that point when you reach your goal and it is time to stop loosing weight.... This is harder than it sounds.....


It only makes common sense that you have lost weight, your clothes now look very nice on you and you want to continue to have change to look even nicer. But just because you can loose more weight does not mean you should and loosing more weight will not always make you look better, but there can be a thing as too skinny.


Also gone is the good feeling you have when you worked hard for something and see the results on the scale and in your clothes. Instead everything stays the same and you need to work to stay the same with no tangible results because you already have them. Soon I will have to start to increase my calories so I go into a no weight loss mode and remind myself that skinny is not always better or healthy for me and I am just fine the way I am...


I tell you what thought, with a week and a half left before we compete, the gown will fit and look wonderful!!(Patting myself on back)

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Great job Smooth! I hear what you're saying, but I'm not in danger of being too skinny. My license was accurate 4 years ago when I got it. 5 years ago I lost 20 pounds. My goal then was 17 pounds, but I had surgery and ended losing a couple more. I maintained that for several years until I got injured while training for a triathlon and couldn't work out (but continued eating like I was still training). So, my original goal in 08 was 5 pounds higher than what I reached in 03. There is no reason I should settle for that. The only difference between than and now is that I'm 31 and not 26. I haven't had kids, I'm not to the point where the metabolism has slowed dramatically, so there's no reason I shouldn't get back to where I was.

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Congrats Smooth!! You rock!!


Its official. I do not like steel cut oats. I tried them this morning.....finally. I ate them, because I don't have enough energy to get something else. LOL


This being sick is starting to worry me.....I don't mean health wise. I know I will get better and its just a matter of time. I mean my body wise. I can't work out. My illness is bringing on asthma symptoms which makes working out impossible. I thought I would be back to Curves by now.....so by the time I get back it will be over a week since I last worked out!:eek: I am, of course, afraid of putting weight back on. Its harder at dinner time to follow my program. I haven't had the energy to cook and DH refuses to help out. He even yelled at me the other day because I did not have dinner ready. He said he works all day, blah blah blah. I had to take the thermometer and stick it in my ear....show him that it said 101.9 and hope he understood. He didn't. So anyhow, mostly I have eaten leftover chicken soup for dinner. Last night though I ran out so I ordered takeout. I tried to pick the best thing....but I was also starving. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich (a real one....not the kind from red robin with all the addatives) with lettuce tomato and onion. The bad part was they put oil and vinegar on....wasn't expecting that.....I have to admit it tasted darn good though! The bread was another biggie. To add insult to injury the salad came with garlic knots on the top and I ate one! I can't say that I feel totally bad about it.....like I said, I was starving and I felt satisfied and stopped shaking after I ate it. I just know carbs are bad for you. I need to feel healthy again so I can get back into the groove before I do serious damage. I know I'm not gonna turn into a cow from one sandwich, but when I'm not sick I eat much better.


Newsflash. I haven't weighed myself since Monday!!! I was supposed to get weighed today at Curves....but looks like that will wait til Monday when I go again. I know how sick my body is, so I will have to wait til then. Also, tomorrow I have a dental appt. and Friday Christian is home from school.....so that puts me into Monday.


Well gonna watch Big Brother After Dark that I recorded last night. ttyl

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I think I know why I am feeling so much pressure on this thread. I am realizing that most of you are extremely active in ways I have never dreamed. I mean Lesley trained for a triathalon!....Smooth is a dancer, etc. Me....I go to Curves (lol) and its a big deal! One other thought....MAYBE when I start back at Curves on Monday I will jump start my body into losing weight again?????????? Hey, a girl can wish!!

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Brenda, there is nothing wrong with Curves! They are successful for a reason. I haven't always been active. I have pretty severe asthma. When I was a kid, the PE teachers would push me to the point of getting sick...I was a straight A student with Cs in PE...we were graded on skills tests, not effort. I had to have a dr write me a note that says I could only run 200 yards. I was able to dance, so that was my exercise. I even got out of PE altogether in high school! I first joined a gym when I was 18, and I learned what I could and couldn't do. I learned how to exercise the right way, and what my body could do. Now my asthma is under control, so I'm able to push myself more.


It's funny with men...when they're sick, the whole world stops, when "mom" is sick, she still has to keep doing everything to keep the house running. Stinks that your husband isn't more supportive.


Don't worry about your body and losing weight until you get better. I know you want it off NOW, but it will come in good time. I'm glad you're being smart and not pushing yourself to workout while you're sick. And you'll probably find that you'll lose some because of the lack of appetite, even if you did have that sandwich last night. When I had surgery 5 years ago, it killed me that I couldn't get to the gym for a week, but I lost 3 pound in that week because I didn't have an appetite. Brenda, the oil and vinegar was probably fine. Like I said before, WW "requires" 2 tsp of oil each day - you just don't want to douse things in it.


In other news, back in the fall I bought 3 bathing suits from Victoria's Secret for my Oct cruise. One was only $19, and I needed it to get over the $100 mark to save $15, so it was really only $4. Well, the $19 just didn't fit...it pinched in all the wrong areas lol. I didn't return it because it would have actually cost me to return it. I tried it on last night, and it fits great! I was going to buy a new one for my upcoming cruise (don't need one, just wanted a new one), but now I essentially have a new one!

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Chi, I did not mean at all that you should settle for less or are too skinny. Sometimes what happens is you read a post and it speaks to you based on where your head is at and often not always in a way the poster had intended. That is what your post did for me; it reminded me of something I had to start thinking about. It is hard, you have weight charts to help you decide where you should be but in the end each body and activity habits are different and each one of us has to decide for ourselves what the ideal place to be is.


Also, I have had two kids and hit an early menopause but I absolutely refused to believe that these factors would prevent me from improving on my body or being the same shape I was in earlier years… I just would not accept that, and good thing…. I am probably now in better shape than when I was in my 30’s…. So Haaa


We all did not originally think that Curves was the best choice, Brenda, but after reading your posts I think you ended up in a great environment… Good lord, we all need to start somewhere and all is relative, you are working just as hard at your level that each of us is working at ours. I think you should be extremely proud of yourself for the activity level you have achieved. And by the way when I read Chi’s gymnastic dancing and running background I too thought wow, that is some lady and felt I was meek in comparison, so don’t worry! If I was to post what I would of said to your husband it would be moderated and turned into all ****’s so I wont bother!

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My asthma only affects me now when I am sick. And, I have to be really sick. I only had it once last year and before that it was years. I am just glad that I pretty much outgrew how bad it was when I was a child. It was really bad then. I remember being in bed for weeks at a time. I had the "please excuse Brenda from gym" notes from my dr. too. My little guy has a mild case of asthma. His only bothers him when he is sick also. But, he does use a nebulizer everyday to keep it under control and it seems to have really worked for him.


Smooth......I hear ya about my DH. He seriously needs his butt kicked. I told him today to pick up a roasted chicken at the supermarket and I will make a salad and veggies for sides. I should be able to handle that. He's really complaining about spending the money on food...when ..."there is food in the house that I should be cooking!". Uggghhhh......

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Great job Smooth! I hear what you're saying, but I'm not in danger of being too skinny. My license was accurate 4 years ago when I got it. 5 years ago I lost 20 pounds. My goal then was 17 pounds, but I had surgery and ended losing a couple more. I maintained that for several years until I got injured while training for a triathlon and couldn't work out (but continued eating like I was still training). So, my original goal in 08 was 5 pounds higher than what I reached in 03. There is no reason I should settle for that. The only difference between than and now is that I'm 31 and not 26. I haven't had kids, I'm not to the point where the metabolism has slowed dramatically, so there's no reason I shouldn't get back to where I was.


You know...I HAVE had a kid...and I still see no reason to not be in good shape. I don't think anyone should ever use that as an excuse.


I am absolutely in better shape right now than I was when I got preggers - and that was 15 years ago. I weigh almost exactly the same, but I am much more fit - heart rate, muscle mass, body fat, cholesterol...all are much improved from those days. I did work out and run then, so I was not in horrible shape...but I wasn't as consistent as I am now....and my eating habits have TOTALLY changed, for the better!


Of course in those 15 years I went through a complete physical transformation - I gained 60 pounds and then lost it...so it was through that adventure that I got to where I am today...thankfully. :o

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Congrats Smooth!! You rock!!


Its official. I do not like steel cut oats. I tried them this morning.....finally. I ate them, because I don't have enough energy to get something else. LOL


This being sick is starting to worry me.....I don't mean health wise. I know I will get better and its just a matter of time. I mean my body wise. I can't work out.


Brenda, glad to hear you tried the oats. I've always suspected I would not care for them on their own. Still plan to try them one day though. ;)


Don't let yourself get to worked up about not working out right now...it really hasn't been that long, and it is important that you let your body heal before you start back. I am lucky in that I did not get hit with a fever or body aches or anything that bad...so it was much easier for me to get back. Also remember that the gym and running have been a part of my life for many many years. You have just started this program, and though you want it to have a permanent place in your life, you have to realize that it will take time for this to become as "natural" to you as it is to some others. What you don't want to do is task yourself so hard that it becomes drudgery and something you begin to dread.


So heal first...then get back on program. Okay? :)

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I hear ya about my DH. He seriously needs his butt kicked. I told him today to pick up a roasted chicken at the supermarket and I will make a salad and veggies for sides. I should be able to handle that. He's really complaining about spending the money on food...when ..."there is food in the house that I should be cooking!".



Yeah I would kick his butt all the way into the kitchen! ;) Chi is so right about men...they are SUCH babies!!! What is up with that???? Mine is the same way...though I have to say, this past weekend when I was so sick, he was very sweet and considerate...though he did tell me at one point that I should not go out in public unless I put sunglasses on. :cool: :D

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Ok..your sick and you are beating yourself up because you ate one stupid garlic knot? Oh yes Brenda..I can see that Garlic knot sticking out from your behind right now..and the chicken sandwhich on your thighs..yes, you are going to gain back every ounce. Show me the evidence why you are thinking like that ok?


Hubby..you need to really set boundaries with him (kinda the way you did with your overweight friend who called you evil). Say to him "Well, I know it's a tough siutation for you with me being sick but you'll figure out what to do. I'll be back in the groove soon"


Ok..I am being borderline cruel..but you really need an attitude adjustment. Not because you are sick, but because you are so paranoid about food. It's a shrink principle..self fulfilling prophecy..sooner or later you'll say F*** it and go on a food frenzy. Just let food be your friend.


Again I digress...listen to yourself...READ what you are telling us..what would you tell a FRIEND who was saying exactly what you are telling us? YOU need to be your OWN friend and be kind to yourself instead of being a jerk to yourself.


Enough said!


Good job on only weighing since Monday. The reality is, you're probably going to gain back any weight you lost due to being sick alone..simply because you'ren ot taking in calories due to the appetite thing. Maybe you won't, but .....





Congrats Smooth!! You rock!!


Its official. I do not like steel cut oats. I tried them this morning.....finally. I ate them, because I don't have enough energy to get something else. LOL


This being sick is starting to worry me.....I don't mean health wise. I know I will get better and its just a matter of time. I mean my body wise. I can't work out. My illness is bringing on asthma symptoms which makes working out impossible. I thought I would be back to Curves by now.....so by the time I get back it will be over a week since I last worked out!:eek: I am, of course, afraid of putting weight back on. Its harder at dinner time to follow my program. I haven't had the energy to cook and DH refuses to help out. He even yelled at me the other day because I did not have dinner ready. He said he works all day, blah blah blah. I had to take the thermometer and stick it in my ear....show him that it said 101.9 and hope he understood. He didn't. So anyhow, mostly I have eaten leftover chicken soup for dinner. Last night though I ran out so I ordered takeout. I tried to pick the best thing....but I was also starving. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich (a real one....not the kind from red robin with all the addatives) with lettuce tomato and onion. The bad part was they put oil and vinegar on....wasn't expecting that.....I have to admit it tasted darn good though! The bread was another biggie. To add insult to injury the salad came with garlic knots on the top and I ate one! I can't say that I feel totally bad about it.....like I said, I was starving and I felt satisfied and stopped shaking after I ate it. I just know carbs are bad for you. I need to feel healthy again so I can get back into the groove before I do serious damage. I know I'm not gonna turn into a cow from one sandwich, but when I'm not sick I eat much better.


Newsflash. I haven't weighed myself since Monday!!! I was supposed to get weighed today at Curves....but looks like that will wait til Monday when I go again. I know how sick my body is, so I will have to wait til then. Also, tomorrow I have a dental appt. and Friday Christian is home from school.....so that puts me into Monday.


Well gonna watch Big Brother After Dark that I recorded last night. ttyl

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The reality is, you're probably going to gain back any weight you lost due to being sick alone..simply because you'ren ot taking in calories due to the appetite thing. Maybe you won't, but .....




HUH???? I really am going to gain back a bunch of weight just from being sick and not eating enough? Although, I think I am eating just as much as always????? Is this a sarcastic joke??? I'm confused.


DH is in a world of his own. Its best to just ignore him. You have to trust me on this one. Its one of those other complicated issues I have.


Garlic Knot sticking out of my behind......UGGGHHHHH...you're funny! LOL

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What I mean is that you are probably eating even LESS than what you have been, just due to being sick alone. That's not a healthy way to lose weight as your body needs nutrients to heal itself and it comes from food.


I went to Europe for Christmas and New Years..I had the flu for almost a month , caught it there...I lost like 15 lbs as all I drank was tea and pediolight..less than 500 calories per day. When I felt well, I naturally began to eat my normal intake..about 1500 calories per day..guess what..I gained some weight back...logical reasoning


You are barely eating anything at all, from your posts. You need to stop being in such a rush losing weight. There's nothing wrong with losing a pound a week, or even less.


I think we are all just concerned for you and want you to do well.


The reality is, you're probably going to gain back any weight you lost due to being sick alone..simply because you'ren ot taking in calories due to the appetite thing. Maybe you won't, but .....




HUH???? I really am going to gain back a bunch of weight just from being sick and not eating enough? Although, I think I am eating just as much as always????? Is this a sarcastic joke??? I'm confused.


DH is in a world of his own. Its best to just ignore him. You have to trust me on this one. Its one of those other complicated issues I have.


Garlic Knot sticking out of my behind......UGGGHHHHH...you're funny! LOL

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HUH???? I really am going to gain back a bunch of weight just from being sick and not eating enough? Although, I think I am eating just as much as always????? Is this a sarcastic joke??? I'm confused.


If illness causes such a lack of appetite that you eat way below meeting your nutritional needs, then certainly that will cause a weight loss, but not a good one, (it's very little fat lost - mostly water and muscle) and most likely not a permanent one. Once you feel better and get the appetite back, you tend to regain most of what was lost. If the weight lost was not due to loss of appetite, then you probably have a "real" loss that you will not regain. :)

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Smooth and Happy, I'm so impressed that you've been able to stay in such good shape. I hope I'm able to do the same. At this point, I don't know if I'll ever have kids (to tell you my dating stories:eek:). I don't know how you have the time to work out. That's one of my fears - I love working out, but I don't know how I'd be able to maintain the schedule I have once I have kids. Of course, it's difficult to say since I don't have any. My sister is 31 weeks, and the poor thing feels like a whale. She's going to do WW after the baby is born (she's actually a lifetime member and nursing moms get 12 points off that bat...she's going to have 13 more points than I get!), and her husband agreed to get a treadmill so she'll be able to work out. I personally love going to the gym to unwind before I go home after a long day at work, and I love doing the spinning, latin dance, and kwando (tae bo) classes. Not something I have to worry about in the foreseeable future though!


Oh, and you wouldn't know I had done the dancing and gymnastics when I was younger. I was involved in so much - piano, singing, clarinet, dancing, gymnastics. The music was definitely my stronger suit, and I spent more time doing that. Dancing and gymnastics was only 1 or 2 days a week, and I stopped that at the age of 15. My sister was the really good dancer, and way more involved in competing, so she was dancing 5 days a week. As for running, I suck. Even when I could run, I was SLOW. I really struggle with my asthma and running. I only took up running because it was part of triathlon and hated every minute of it. I love the swimming and biking though. I'm actually looking into doing some endurance biking - I'm looking at doing a 100 mile ride in Michigan in Sept, Phoenix in November, of Lake Tahoe in June 09.

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You are barely eating anything at all, from your posts. You need to stop being in such a rush losing weight. There's nothing wrong with losing a pound a week, or even less.


I think we are all just concerned for you and want you to do well.


I agree 100% with Menina, but I think you already know that:). As my mom's WW leader said, if you lose a pound a week for a year, that's 52 pounds! That said, it was only 3 weeks ago that I was told I needed to eat more. So I started to eat more, and in that time I've lost 6.4 pounds. Something to think about. I know Happy said she doesn't need as many calories as the often mentioned guidelines, but based on what you've said, I don't think you're in the same boat. I truly think you're more like me.


More evidence you need to eat more...the fact that you were starving the other night when you ordered takeout. You said you were shaking, and you ate more than you normally would have. This is what Menina is talking about...you eat so little, thinking you are being disciplined and healthy, but then you get so hungry that you potentially eat too much at once. For the record, I don't think you did so bad.


Another thing, and I don't think I would have been able to do this 6 months ago, but I've had an attitude adjustment. I had a business dinner last night. I had 1 glass of wine. I skipped the bread basket when it was passed to me. Everybody ordered appetizers and soup and/or salad. I stuck to just my entree (a filet, which came with green beans...I requested they be sauteed in olive oil, not butter). I budgeted the points for this meal, and I left completely satisfied. Everybody felt bad they were eating before me, but I had no issues with it. I do think you will get to this point in due time. Like I said, I wouldn't have been able to do it several months ago.

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I think being disciplined is not about eating little..it's eating "little bits" or correct portions of everything, and saving the "big treats" for one or two times per week. Even when you have the treats you need to have the correct portion sizes.


Isn't it amazing how our culture is obsessed with food. We got trained to "save money by buying the bigger super size poritions", people eat aimlessly in waiting rooms where there are vending machines, we eat in the car, people got so busy with work they can't be bothered with cooking, nobody grows vegetable gardens anymore "too much work", and all the garbage added to foods! No wonder the obesity rate is an epidemic.


Tomorrow night a friend is flying in for a cruise and we are going to Tropical Acres in Fort Lauderdale..I looked at the menu online and I don't know if it's really that expensive or it seems that way because I rarely eat out! Somehow none of the steaks appealed to me, I'm probably going to have french onion soup (despite the sodium) and a salad.



I agree 100% with Menina, but I think you already know that:). As my mom's WW leader said, if you lose a pound a week for a year, that's 52 pounds! That said, it was only 3 weeks ago that I was told I needed to eat more. So I started to eat more, and in that time I've lost 6.4 pounds. Something to think about. I know Happy said she doesn't need as many calories as the often mentioned guidelines, but based on what you've said, I don't think you're in the same boat. I truly think you're more like me.


More evidence you need to eat more...the fact that you were starving the other night when you ordered takeout. You said you were shaking, and you ate more than you normally would have. This is what Menina is talking about...you eat so little, thinking you are being disciplined and healthy, but then you get so hungry that you potentially eat too much at once. For the record, I don't think you did so bad.


Another thing, and I don't think I would have been able to do this 6 months ago, but I've had an attitude adjustment. I had a business dinner last night. I had 1 glass of wine. I skipped the bread basket when it was passed to me. Everybody ordered appetizers and soup and/or salad. I stuck to just my entree (a filet, which came with green beans...I requested they be sauteed in olive oil, not butter). I budgeted the points for this meal, and I left completely satisfied. Everybody felt bad they were eating before me, but I had no issues with it. I do think you will get to this point in due time. Like I said, I wouldn't have been able to do it several months ago.

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Good morning...


OK, I get it....if I lose weight only because I am sick, it is likely I would gain it back....got it.


I am feeling a bit better today. I am heading out to the dentist for me and the little guy. He had a cavity filled and now is complaining that the tooth hurts. :confused: I am hoping that being out in the real world will in itself help me to feel better. Its really only my asthma that is bothering me now. It makes you feel a bit weak when you can't breathe as well as you would normally.


I tried a new cereal this morning.....Flax something or other. Its supposed to have Omega 3 in there and fiber, etc. It was tasty. (alot better than those yucky steel cut oats! lol)


I'm staying off the scale......This has got to be a new record!!!! Of course, yes, I am thinking about it.....hey, I'm not perfect! lol


I was disappointed a bit this week. I was looking forward to the measuring part at Curves. I know I'll do it next week, but I have been waiting to see how many inches I have lost. Even though the weight is going slowly, I do believe I am having success in the inches. I can see and feel that.


Good for you Menina.......being able to have just soup and a salad at a steak place. That is willpower! It is so true that prices are off the wall to eat out these days. This is one of the reasons we frequent the same restaurant every week. The prices are fantastic......of course the food is too, or I wouldn't eat there! In case you haven't noticed.....I love to eat. LOL


Alright, time to get ready. Have a great day all.

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Hmm..I mix a little applesauce and cinnamon with my steel cut oats or some splenda and cinnamon...I could never eat them bland either.


I am not much of a meat eater..mostly fish and some poultry, and I like oxtails. So steak issue no biggie. Italian to me isn't anything special..it's all the same to me, just different shaped noodles that all taste the same. I love Indian food and Japanese, and West Indian food too. Brazilian food is heavy on the beef but big on fish, rice, beans, and fruits/veggies. To me not having steak isn't about willpower. I just don't desire it. I like it, just can't justify spending 25.00 for a piece of meat. Same with drinking out..would rather spend the money on fine liquor and drink on my patio instead of blow it on some foo foo drink in a club.


Eating out..there's a CiCi's pizza here..all the kids rave about it because it's all you can eat pizza/salad for like 4.99. A friend of mine calls it "Feces Pizza"..that's enough for me to NEVER want to eat there! :)


Good work on not getting on the scale! Causes much less angst, no?


Good morning...


OK, I get it....if I lose weight only because I am sick, it is likely I would gain it back....got it.


I am feeling a bit better today. I am heading out to the dentist for me and the little guy. He had a cavity filled and now is complaining that the tooth hurts. :confused: I am hoping that being out in the real world will in itself help me to feel better. Its really only my asthma that is bothering me now. It makes you feel a bit weak when you can't breathe as well as you would normally.


I tried a new cereal this morning.....Flax something or other. Its supposed to have Omega 3 in there and fiber, etc. It was tasty. (alot better than those yucky steel cut oats! lol)


I'm staying off the scale......This has got to be a new record!!!! Of course, yes, I am thinking about it.....hey, I'm not perfect! lol


I was disappointed a bit this week. I was looking forward to the measuring part at Curves. I know I'll do it next week, but I have been waiting to see how many inches I have lost. Even though the weight is going slowly, I do believe I am having success in the inches. I can see and feel that.


Good for you Menina.......being able to have just soup and a salad at a steak place. That is willpower! It is so true that prices are off the wall to eat out these days. This is one of the reasons we frequent the same restaurant every week. The prices are fantastic......of course the food is too, or I wouldn't eat there! In case you haven't noticed.....I love to eat. LOL


Alright, time to get ready. Have a great day all.

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I put splenda and cinnamon on the steel cut oats and still didn't like them.


I guess its just a matter of taste. Just like it would be easy for me to resist anything sweet and another person would cut your arm off to get to the piece of chocolate. Me, I love Italian...............making some great lasagna for Easter!...Can't wait! LOL


One dentist down....time for the next.

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Hi. I am 43 years old. I have always been thin. Before I got pregnant with my last son (I have had 3 c-sections) I was 108 pounds. After that I averaged between 120 and 125. If I had a fat moment and got upset I was at 128!!! I am 5'3". So anyhow, since August I gained a ton of weight. I went all the way up to 143!!! KILL ME!!! My stomach is flabby and flops over the new jeans I had to buy because I couldn't even squeeze into the old ones. Anyhow, my wish is to be thin and sexy again before the summer and then to stay that way for my cruise which isn't until November. I started a diet 11 days ago and I have lost 5 pounds. Sounds good right? NOT!!...I lost those first 5 pounds by the 5th day. Now one week later and I have not lost anymore....NOTHING!! I have been eating extremely healthy. I have had 1 cup of high fiber cereal with 1/2 cup skim milk for breakfast, one cup homemade bean soup...NO FAT....for lunch, and I have either all veggies, like vegetable soup, or veggies with a piece of chicken breast for dinner. I have been riding a stationery bike for 30 minutes a day everyday except one so far! I will admit that I went out to dinner on Saturday night. I had mushrooms and chicken.....and a piece of bread and wine....BUT....it was one meal!!! Can one meal really ruin an entire diet? I mean it wasn't alfredo sauce and no dessert or anything. Ok, so I weigh 138 now. I want to get to a maximum of 125 pounds. Of course I would like to be thinner. But at this point I really just want to fit into my summer clothes. Please help....I want to look nice for my cruise!! THANKS!!!


Hey darling,

I feel your pain. I always ate whatever I wanted, and three summers ago when I was 46 I gained 30 lbs in a period of 5 months.


I realized I was no longer the buff babe I used to be. My clothes were tight, I felt bloated like a whale, I was disgusted. I had always weighed between 135-140 (I am 5'9")


I immediately took steps to curb the gain. When I found myself at 175 lbs, I could only see the scale continuing to rise so it prompted me to join WW. I do the Flex Plan because I can choose whatever food I want as long as I stick to my points.


Recently I started the Insulin Resistant Diet. If I eat the same amount amount of calories but I have those calories in steak and blueberries and shrimp and chicken and salmon...I lose weight.


I eat calories in ANY refined carb, or any food/bev that creates an insulin reaction in my body, I gain. Same 1600 or 2000 calories but different metabolic make up in the food and the results are astoundingly different.


I won't stay on it forever as I crave carbs so I am in my third week. The first week I was religious. I lost 5 lbs. The second week I had carbs occasionally and lost 3 lbs.


This past week I had carbs a few times and lost 2 lbs. If I just have one serving it isn't bad. If I have a lot of different carbs, the results are disasterous.


So I am determined that on the upcoming cruise, I will have a dinner roll, just not the 4 that I want. I will have an occasional dessert, but not every night. I always blow up on ships because the salt air makes me retain water like mad, even if eat sensibly.


I am 8 lbs from goal and can't wait to make it. I know you can do it too!

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Insulin resistant..how is this any different than most diets? All diets basically boil down to the same thing..balanced portions of all the food groups.


It sounds like it's pretty similar to wheat/gluten free diet..which doesn't allow anything with wheat, gluten, sugar, or anythign processed.


Brenda: I do like lasanga, but I think if I ate it now I'd get sick to my stomach as it's been so long plus all the stuff in the noodles. A friend of mine has a villa in Italy, from what she says the "real" Italian food is mostly grilled meats/veggies, etc. I'd love to visit there sometime.


For Easter I make greek lamb..we used to visit this greek family when I was a child and the mom made the best lamb..she basically slits the entire leg and stuffs it silly with Garlic, then she buries it in dried oregano, salt, pepper and wraps it tightly with saran wrap for a day, before roasting. But she'd roast it in a VERY low oven for hours..Then she's take the drippings from the pan, combine enough water and tomatoe sauce for however much rice you cooked, then would bake the rice in the liquid until it absorbed. My entire house smells like garlic for a day but oh my gosh! to die for!

Hey darling,

I feel your pain. I always ate whatever I wanted, and three summers ago when I was 46 I gained 30 lbs in a period of 5 months.


I realized I was no longer the buff babe I used to be. My clothes were tight, I felt bloated like a whale, I was disgusted. I had always weighed between 135-140 (I am 5'9")


I immediately took steps to curb the gain. When I found myself at 175 lbs, I could only see the scale continuing to rise so it prompted me to join WW. I do the Flex Plan because I can choose whatever food I want as long as I stick to my points.


Recently I started the Insulin Resistant Diet. If I eat the same amount amount of calories but I have those calories in steak and blueberries and shrimp and chicken and salmon...I lose weight.


I eat calories in ANY refined carb, or any food/bev that creates an insulin reaction in my body, I gain. Same 1600 or 2000 calories but different metabolic make up in the food and the results are astoundingly different.


I won't stay on it forever as I crave carbs so I am in my third week. The first week I was religious. I lost 5 lbs. The second week I had carbs occasionally and lost 3 lbs.


This past week I had carbs a few times and lost 2 lbs. If I just have one serving it isn't bad. If I have a lot of different carbs, the results are disasterous.


So I am determined that on the upcoming cruise, I will have a dinner roll, just not the 4 that I want. I will have an occasional dessert, but not every night. I always blow up on ships because the salt air makes me retain water like mad, even if eat sensibly.


I am 8 lbs from goal and can't wait to make it. I know you can do it too!

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Mybagsarepacked: Thanks for the nice words. Good luck to you too.


Menina, I watch alot of cooking shows on tv and you are right, alot of authentic Italian cooking is with meats, and actually very little sauce. Here in the US we tend to drown everything in sauce (I'm guilty), but in Italy they just coat the pasta. The sauce is not all over the place. I like lamb chops, but not so much the leg. To me it is a bit gamey. In the past for Easter we normally have ham, scalloped potatoes, veggies, etc....and the pasta course first. But, it seems like so much food goes to waste. The family took a vote and everyone wants simply Italian for the main course. So who am I go argue?


Everything I cook has garlic. I am a HUGE fan of the stuff. A favorite is to roast a whole bulb in an over and smear it on bread...yeah yeah, I know. LOL


Tonight I am cooking since I am feeling better. I am making whole grain pasta with ground turkey breast meatballs. The last time I made this it was a huge hit. It smells unbelievable in here at the moment....AND best part, even though its completely healthy, it feels like a treat!! Best part....DH can shut his mouth tonight!

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Oh that sounds so good..I like the cooking shows too..I like Barefoot Contessa although she is definately not low fat..I love her home. Paula Dean is good too but boy, she is definately not low fat. There's a show on saturday on Food Network and the gal is Cuban and lives in Miami. Her show is pretty good. I used to be big into the sauce thing but not so much now.Maybe with some comfort food. I didnt' eat much brekafast today and I was up at 5..by time 10 am rolled around I was starving so I actually ate an ear of corn and 2 sliced cucumbers!! how strange!


The lamb thing..it can be grainy..you have to know how to cook it..it doesn't taste grainy when it's roasted but it takes several hours. I saw a recipe for a greek garlic salad but I think I wont' try that until I know I'm not seeing anybody for a few days! At Whole Foods you can buy roasted Garlic in a tub and eat it like a salad..but then it comes out of yor pores for hours!!


Mybagsarepacked: Thanks for the nice words. Good luck to you too.


Menina, I watch alot of cooking shows on tv and you are right, alot of authentic Italian cooking is with meats, and actually very little sauce. Here in the US we tend to drown everything in sauce (I'm guilty), but in Italy they just coat the pasta. The sauce is not all over the place. I like lamb chops, but not so much the leg. To me it is a bit gamey. In the past for Easter we normally have ham, scalloped potatoes, veggies, etc....and the pasta course first. But, it seems like so much food goes to waste. The family took a vote and everyone wants simply Italian for the main course. So who am I go argue?


Everything I cook has garlic. I am a HUGE fan of the stuff. A favorite is to roast a whole bulb in an over and smear it on bread...yeah yeah, I know. LOL


Tonight I am cooking since I am feeling better. I am making whole grain pasta with ground turkey breast meatballs. The last time I made this it was a huge hit. It smells unbelievable in here at the moment....AND best part, even though its completely healthy, it feels like a treat!! Best part....DH can shut his mouth tonight!

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