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Hair - time to change?


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Hi Leela,

I have a terrible cowlick right in the front of my hair BUT....I got my hair cut like picture number 1 and LOVE IT. I bought a really good straightener and you would never know I had wavy hair or that nasty cowlick. I say go for it. I always change my hair but this style in particular has garnered me lots of compliments.


Good luck and let us know what you do!

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I have to agree with Jane110 on this issue. Go for it and grow it back a bit if it isn't for you.


I was a hair stylist for 15 years and cannot tell you how many women cut just a little length at a time until finally they got to where they originally wanted to go. Then, they wondered what took them so long. It will also give you more time to perfect your styling time.


There is a lot more to consider than a picture of a haircut. You have to work with a stylist to find what is best for your hair texture, density and most importantly, the shape of your face and your body type. I can't tell you how many times I see women making mistakes with their hair, keeping it long and shapeless, no matter what their age. Or women who are tall and broad shouldered or carrying extra weight and cutting their hair so short they look like pinheads.


Hair can be almost any length and work, as long as the stylist understands they have to look at the whole person and not just a glossy magazine picture. Many times a trend can be adapted to you that looks better than the photo. The best test of a great haircut is ease of management at home.


Good luck getting the prep time down, I can't imagine having to do that much work to make it out the door :) .

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There are some adorable short styles but I have always found long hair at least shoulder length is more versatile and in my case is easier to care for. On our last cruise to the Med I knew how port intensive it was going to be so I grew my hair out.Each morning I did the Audrey Hepburn ...twisted it up with a nice clip....2 minutes...On formal nights I spent a little longer and styled it out. Whatever you choose I agree get it done well before your trip!

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Re-reading the OP's posts, there is a recurring line that you are "sick to death" of your hair.


I know all of us love to get compliments, but it may be time for you to wear your hair the way you want it, not what pleases other people.


Although you love and trust your hair stylist, if he/she isn't doing what is best for you, it's time to move on. We all get into ruts in life and it is hard to change. But a positive change with your hair can also lead to even more positive changes in your life.


A great new haircut can motivate a person to work out a bit more, shop for a new outfit, change stale makeup routines, etc... We all need to take stock of our appearance from time to time and keep our look fresh and updated.

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Hi everyone,


I've tried unsuccessfully twice to repost here and something happened each time and it didn't work, hopefully this time it will.


Thank you all for your comments. I am still undecided. I looked at my hair this morning and it just confused me more as it is really nice, and my husband said so as well. It's always been my best feature. I know it will grow back, but to get it back to this length from a short cut could take over a year, maybe longer.


Even though my hair has always been long, it's changed over the years. I have not been attached to one particular style. My stylist is very current and my hair, clothes and makeup are always stylish, I spend a lot of money on looking as good as I possibly can including exercise, the best in makeup and skin care, fashion and hair.


Someone mentioned good luck on getting my prep time down, but I love it. Every day I do different makeup and hair looks. My makeup table looks like a MAC counter, and my bathroom looks like a salon. ;-) I love working on my hair and makeup, it's not a chore to me, it's fun. I'm very good at styling hair and doing makeup and all my friends turn to me when they need help, I've even done hair and makeup for relatives and friends weddings. I've been trained as a makeup artist as well. It's my passion. I love the whole fashion industry.


So, again, thanks for all the input. My next salon appt. is March 1, so I have a few more weeks to decide. My stylist is excellent, and she will not push me either way, but will help me decide.


We actually booked the cruise yesterday, so I'm very excited about that.


My next post will be what do I wear walking around Europe all day! But that will be for another post. . . . .


Thanks again, I'll let you know what I decide.

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I think the OP has the right idea. Just cut gradually and then if you decide you like a style and length somewhere between where you are now and where you think you WANT to be, stop then!


My hair is baby fine and somewhat thin as well- so I have to choose my styles very carefully. I also have natural wave in my hair, so it's a complete nightmare. I try to use very little product in my hair and minimize the heat related implements as well.


I ended up getting my best stylist ever at a Master Cuts in the mall. Who knew? I had been paying $45 for a hair cut and I hadn't had one I was happy with in two years. I was getting a cut every month just to keep shape. But I was not happy, and not so unhappy that I was willing to give someone else a shot at screwing it up.


So about a year ago I let it get pretty shaggy and one day I had just had enough. So I went to the mall, decided that even if someone screwed up I was only paying $13 and took a shot in the dark. It was the best chance I have ever taken. I have LOVED my hair for a year.


Oh, and I highly recommend asking your stylist about products to maximize the ease of styling your hair and keeping it looking like you want it to look. You can have a great style and bad products and it is a waste.


If you are not "product oriented" let her know that.

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Thank you all for your comments. I am still undecided. I looked at my hair this morning and it just confused me more as it is really nice, and my husband said so as well. It's always been my best feature. I know it will grow back, but to get it back to this length from a short cut could take over a year, maybe longer.


Thanks again, I'll let you know what I decide.


Well....from another gal with long hair....do not act on anything that you are not sure about. You either do or you don't.


I know some argue that hair is just 'hair' and it will grow out....yeah....you're right, but living with it while it is growing out is not entirely fun....especially if you are doing it specifically for a cruise. You do not want a bad haircut to ruin your vacation.


And then there are some that will say for you to stay with what feels right on you.....true...but then how many of these women (or men) are walking around with mullets or the infamous 'Rachel'-'do. There is a difference between wearing what works for you, and being stagnant.


You say you love your routine...everyone compliments your hair....you and your DH love your style.....then why change it?

I can see if your morning routine was too much, or when you looked in the mirror and something seemed 'off'....or if you just want to jump and get a change....then go for it!!!


If you want your hair shorter....just do it. Talk to your stylist and see if having shorter hair will work with your face structure and hair texture. It may look fabulous and make you feel great!

But, if you do this, and you hate it, then the growing out process is going to be a very difficult and long process.


I always had shorter hair...shoulder length and above with bangs growing up, but ever since I grew out my bangs and let my hair grow, I cannot imagine my hair short ever again. My hair is super easy, it looks great and I love it. I have had shorter hair and I know it is not for me.

Maybe you just need to try it.....you might be surprised.


Good luck with your decision.....you have gotten some great advice here.

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I meant chore in that it takes a lot of time, but I enjoy it. Not chore as in clean the house - YUCK - that's why I hired a housekeeper. Showering can be a chore too, but it has to be done! But yes, if there was a hairstyle out there that looked super-fab without spending 20 - 30 minutes styling it each day, you bet I'd consider it!! I read in a hair mag recently that said outside of going super-short (like above the ears) there really aren't any "wash and go" hairstyles.


I wouldn't have had long hair my entire life if I didn't enjoy styling it, and I'm not one to wear it the same way day in and day out. It's really only the upcoming cruise that's made me think about this, and maybe that's the wrong reason.


It's funny, all these posts have made me think about it in a different way to, so thanks to everyone for posting about my silly hair dilemma!!

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Good luck with your decision. You are the one who has to be happy with it :)


legaljen, congratulations on finding a gem for your stylist, you never know when and where you may find a good one. Don't think for a moment it's because of Hair Masters, talent is individual. They may train at this shop (I know nothing about them other than it is a chain), but it is still up to the individuals skill. People can get horrid hair cuts at expensive salons, as well as great ones.

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Leela14, I only wish I had your problem!!!! I have always had short hair, it just won't grow. I know that it will grow back, but if you (or your husband) doens't like it you have to WAIT for it to grow back. You say it's one of your best assests..Keep it!!! Why not go to a wig store and try on a short wig? I just bought my first wig, because I have the same problem with going on an excursion first thing and I have thin, really thin hair. If I don't wash it again and poof it up it looks flat by the time I get back to the ship, and in Alaska you wear a little cap and then you have hat hair:eek: I bought a wig that is my hair color (not to freak out my husband to much) and it looks great, and it feels great. I'm going to take pictures of me with it and without it and get everyone's opinon. This is an easy fix, and if your husband is of the type, take him along. You don't have to buy anything. I hope this helps, and what ever decision I hope your husband like it too!:o

Happy cruising, Pam

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I would do the 'little bit at a time' method. I got tired of spending the time on my hair and decided I needed something new. (I have never had short hair in my life.) I cut my hair from this:

http://i32.tinypic.com/2i8eq1.jpg (I'm in the black shirt)

to this:



and for a few days I liked it. Then one night I was in the shower and realized just how short it was and I started crying. It sounds stupid, but I didn't know how to fix it or anything. Plus, it just wasn't me. So my advice is to take your time and go gradual.

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I would do the 'little bit at a time' method. I got tired of spending the time on my hair and decided I needed something new. (I have never had short hair in my life.) I cut my hair from this:

http://i32.tinypic.com/2i8eq1.jpg (I'm in the black shirt)

to this:



and for a few days I liked it. Then one night I was in the shower and realized just how short it was and I started crying. It sounds stupid, but I didn't know how to fix it or anything. Plus, it just wasn't me. So my advice is to take your time and go gradual.



WOW!!! I LOVE your haircut!!! You have beautiful hair either way, but your short doo is really flattering!

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First of all, I want to tell you that you look STUNNING with short hair, ohmygod, gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I saw you at the mall I would envy you. ;) That is exactly the style that makes me want to go short. Your long hair was gorgeous too, but you are STUNNING with short hair - please reply and let me know how you are feeling about it now? I hope you love it cause you look beautiful with it. How are you doing with styling it?


But I so relate to the crying in the shower thing, and that's my big fear. It's not stupid, I completely understand and relate. I know some people may think it's silly, but I am totally with you on it. I am your hair sister. :p

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I had my hair cut a couple of years ago in a style similar to that posted by Ava after having long hair for years. Decided it was time to have a grown up hairdo as I was approaching 60. I LOVE it - have to wear bangs due to cow licks across my forehead, but the style works with or without them. My hair is fine but thick and very straight. It always looks good, even when I first get up in the morning. If it's really flat, I can just pull it behind my ears with some flashy earrings and I'm good to go.


Just this past weekend at a cat show I had someone ask if they could photograph my head to take to their hairdresser.

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OHMYGOD, how much do I hate that Rachel do!!!!!!!!!! Are you talking about the one she had like 10 or more years ago on Friends where she'd wear the little clips at the bangs sometimes? Was that DONE TO DEATH or what? It is SO over.

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I took the photos you posted to my hair stylist today and am working on the new doo....I have short hair so I will have to grow mine out some to wear like that. The good news is he was able to style it so it will not look awful while I am trying to grow out. I cruise in 6 weeks and would really like to make it by then. It will be close since my hair grows really fast. The bad news is that it will take more time to style my hair. My other style was about 5 minutes tops. I think when I get the hang of this one it will be about the same.



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  • 4 weeks later...

leela14 and Bonnie Voyager;


Sorry I haven't checked this board in a while. I am growing my hair out now. It was cute in the picture, but that's because the stylist had fixed it. I loved the cut, but since I have coarse thick hair it wasn't really suited to my hair type. It has grown out to about my shoulders and I have finally got it pretty much the same length. I am going to figure something else out, but probably won't be going that short again. That's a really flattering picture, it didn't normally look like that. Plus the upkeep was TOO expensive. I had to cut it every three weeks to keep the shape. :rolleyes:

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leela14 and Bonnie Voyager;


Sorry I haven't checked this board in a while. I am growing my hair out now. It was cute in the picture, but that's because the stylist had fixed it. I loved the cut, but since I have coarse thick hair it wasn't really suited to my hair type. It has grown out to about my shoulders and I have finally got it pretty much the same length. I am going to figure something else out, but probably won't be going that short again. That's a really flattering picture, it didn't normally look like that. Plus the upkeep was TOO expensive. I had to cut it every three weeks to keep the shape. :rolleyes:



Well, no one knows your hair better than you! You are a very pretty girl and you have great hair! I'm sure no matter how you style it, it looks terrific! ;) Good luck finding that perfect "do"! :D

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Leela, don't be afraid to cut your hair. I went short about five years ago and love having a carefree do. My hair is layered and all I do is blow it dry - I don't even have to comb it! I just use a little gel. My hairdo works great on a cruise, at the pool or at the beach. I don't have to comb my hair every 10 minutes and I have the confidence of knowing it always looks great.

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Would never tell someone to cut their hair short, but I do think as we get older, shorter hair looks better. Seems that longer hair on an older woman (not that you are old by any means) just makes them appear even older. But I can understand how it is to worry about getting your hair cut, and then it being too short.

I have been thinking of going shorter the last few weeks, and still haven't made that step yet!:) However, when I get my hair cut, I always have them cut my hair dry, never wet or damp. This way I can see exactly how long it is, as I know that once it is dry it will be shorter, or always appeared to be, so I have had them cut my hair dry for the last 10 or 12 years. I also, make sure that I get it cut about three weeks before our cruise or whatever the special occasion is.

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I'll be 42 this month and I have extremely naturally curly, thick hair ! It was just below shoulder length and has been that length or longer for years ! We are cruising in April and have cruised a few times before. On our previous cruises, unless my hair was pulled up, if I walked on deck and then walked back inside - I looked like a lion !! :D As soon as the wind hit me - it just went poof ! I didn't want to put up with that on this cruise !


My son will be 2 on Thursday and since I had him, my hair texture changed - it used to be nice, curly hair, but then it turned frizzy, too ! I had to do something ! So, last week I went for a haircut and it is just below my ears !! I love it ! I should mention that I totally trust my hair stylist !! I wish I would have done it years ago ! What a shock the first time I washed it - nothing there ! But, I really love it ! It's been fun shocking everyone who has been used to seeing my long hair for so many years ! So far, everyone loves it - even my 13 year old daughter which usually hates everything I do !


I would agree that short hair isn't for everyone - I had no clue how it would look on me, but I'm glad I tried it ! I was REALLY ready for a change though and I think that's where you need to be to make a decision like that !


Good luck with your cruise hair !

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I had waist-length (or longer) hair all my life, and then chopped it to above my ears in one go (kept the 14-in ponytail). Oh, the looks I got at work the next day! Five minutes of blow-drying and I was done. But then I got bored, and grew it out again. Once it hits your shoulders and can go into a ponytail (about 1 year of growing out), it's pretty much just "long" and looks the same from the front as it continues to grow. But that year can seem pretty dang long when it's at an awkward length and doesn't work.


A couple of years later, I chopped it again, and now I'm searching for a medium-length style that's suits a middle aged gal without looking like a cocker spaniel (that's just the type of hair I have--no slur against other middle aged women!).


re: locks of love: they do make some wigs for children with alopecia, but almost all of the hair they get from donations is actually sold to make extensions.

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I'm 47 and about two months ago, I went long (well, long for me) to short and LOVE it. It takes me five minutes to blow dry it and it's really cute. I get tons of compliments. DH wasn't so thrilled but he had to eventually get over it. I told the bald guy to grow his own if he wants long hair. :D

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