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GRRRR...more fallout from the sick child on RCCL


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Now USA Today is running a blog asking readers what the minimum age to cruise should be and everyone is jumping on the kid hater bandwagon saying 20 :rolleyes:




Some of these people need a serious reality check The family cruisers aren't going anywhere.

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Which reminds me, I need to do my daily check on RCCL.com to see if they have changed the wording of the infant policy to make it totally clear that there is a grandfather clause in the new policy....

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Which reminds me, I need to do my daily check on RCCL.com to see if they have changed the wording of the infant policy to make it totally clear that there is a grandfather clause in the new policy....


Nope, no change

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Did you read the bunch of garbage I linked?


They have quotes from RCCL that explains the policy more. Have you seen that explanation?



They are saying that cruise critic is reporting that the policy wont be strictly enforced until October of 2008. I wouldn't put any stock in that until I hear it directly from RCCL or see it posted on their website. There is still no mention of a grandfather clause or anything of the sort.


It's sad tho, that RCCL has decided not to trust that parents can make sound decisions in regards to their childrens health situations. Then again, I am sure that some parents would decide to take the vacation instead of putting their kids health first - these are the people whom have created this situaion!

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I can't read any more - the ignorance of most of those people - unbelievable! They won't remember it, so why bring them...it's no vacation for Mom, so why bring them...leave them at home...stay at home until they're at least 5...leave them and their germs at home...ughhhhhhh...


I really can't stand any of those pointless arguments. I do agree parents need to be parents & if a child is disruptive, remove them from the situation - that is the ONLY thing I read on there that I agree with.

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Now USA Today is running a blog asking readers what the minimum age to cruise should be and everyone is jumping on the kid hater bandwagon saying 20 :rolleyes:


....kid hater.......:rolleyes: ...... a little brutal I say........;)


Most of us like kids.......I have 5 grandkids I love dearly......:)


......it is just that we "kid haters"........want to go on vacation without infants and babies at our tables, in our pools and crying / yelling next door......all of which we have experienced and didn't appreciate.


So I will book cruises which have fewer kids and will book late traditional dining to avoid them where possible.

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.....................Then again, I am sure that some parents would decide to take the vacation instead of putting their kids health first - these are the people whom have created this situaion!

That is almost always the case..... A few ruin it for the many............unfortunately. :(

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Now USA Today is running a blog asking readers what the minimum age to cruise should be and everyone is jumping on the kid hater bandwagon saying 20 :rolleyes:




Some of these people need a serious reality check The family cruisers aren't going anywhere.

I am with you! The cruise lines should really be careful with this type of discrimination! You know, we take 2 cruises a year with our 2 kids and spend a lot of money on these trips- the cruise lines cannot afford to lose us (general term for all families that travel). The people out there that complain about children shoudl really get a grip- I am so sick and tired of hearing that "kids shoudl not be swimming in OUR pools" give me a break! I say, if you do not like families, then you stay home:) I know I am ranting, I am just really sick of hearing about this-

My kids are very well behaved and cultured due to all the travel they get to expierence and I for one will not stop cruising. If they have a melt down, we go out so that no one is bothered- The world is becoming a very cold place for children - this is just not right!

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....kid hater.......:rolleyes: ...... a little brutal I say........;)


Most of us like kids.......I have 5 grandkids I love dearly......:)


......it is just that we "kid haters"........want to go on vacation without infants and babies at our tables, in our pools and crying / yelling next door......all of which we have experienced and didn't appreciate.


So I will book cruises which have fewer kids and will book late traditional dining to avoid them where possible.


Oh there is NO DOUBT there are seriously kid haters. You personally may not be. But many are.


I don't have a problem with you not wanting to sail with kids. That's your choice. But RCCL markets to kids. And I see you don't cruise with RCCL. But that is what this argument is over. RCCL design ships for families. So for the people at USA Tday to say to raise the minimum cruise age on RCCL to 20. :rolleyes:


So if your grandchildren, whom you love dearly, wanted to go on a cruise with you...you would say "No, absolutly not. I don't want you in MY pool and sitting at my table?" ;)

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I don't understant the kid hate either. This will be my daughter's first cruise (she's 8) and she is so excited. We've been traveling with her since she was 6 months old. She now really loves to travel. Does she remember many of her earlier trips? Of course not, but we sure do!


We enjoy traveling with and without our daughter. There are so many options out there for travel, why would you pick one that you know you won't like (if children "ruin" your vacation)? Plus, I think people must be so incredibly picky to have the presence of children "ruin" their vacation. Our last cruise was taken during February vacation, so lots of kids on the ship, and I never noticed them. Or should I say, I never noticed disruptive behavior. I saw kids of course, doing kid things, but never misbehaving.

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What I don't understand is why people feel kids and families don't deserve vacations, especially cruise vacations??? That makes no sense at all!!!! Kids vacation all around the world...not just on cruise ships so does that mean people aren't going to vacation anymore because they want to avoid children...of course not! All children misbehave at some point in time...granted there are many parents who are way too permissive and let their kids do whatever they want but that's life.

People need to find better things to complain about...children are our future and need to be treated like the precious little ones that they are!!!

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I'm not sure, and this is just an observation, why anyone is getting so emotionally caught up in this "drama". USA Today is just trying to sell newspapers, and controversy sells. By participating, you are contributing to their success and you will never change anyone's mind.


It is not discrimination to limit passengers to those six months and above. It's really for the safety of of these children. There are still emergency rooms in the US that can't handle problems with very young children, because they don't have the correct equipment. Certainly, a cruise line can't handle them either.


This family is just looking for publicity and money, and seem to have gotten an ambulance chasing attorney. Ignore this story and it will die, as most do.


I can't agree that all children are precious little ones; some of them are truly awful, but then, so are some adults; usually the parents of these brats.

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Sweetest Sin said it the best: "Does she remember many of her earlier trips? Of course not, but we sure do!"


I am taking my family on a Carnival cruise later this summer, which includes my 3 grown sons (24,25,and 29)...their wives, AND my 2 grandchildren - who will be 10 months and 20 months.


They will not remember being on the ship, but oh! I cannot wait to preserve this trip in pictures. A family vacation to me means all of us. Yes, I understand that we will not be able to stay in the casino until 2am, won't lay out by the pool all day, may not even make through all of the courses at dinner. But in exhange, I will be creating memories and reinforcing family ties with no outside interruptions for 7 wonderful days.


In todays world with people living all over the place, and families splitting up left and right...it is nice for everyone to be able to come together and vacation as a family. I am blessed that we all live withing an hour of each other, so we are together often.


For those who do not want to be "bothered" with kids on a ship....I say that you are welcome to your opinion. Just don't condemn me (and those of us who do cruise with kids) for wanting to share time with those we love. The ship is big enough for us all.

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Which reminds me, I need to do my daily check on RCCL.com to see if they have changed the wording of the infant policy to make it totally clear that there is a grandfather clause in the new policy....


I'm not trying to stir the pot, but I find it a little strange that the smoking rule changes won't take place for 6 months but those with babies were given an 'effective immediately' notice.

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I couldnt imagine not taking DS on vacation with us!


He's an absolute JOY to have around!


Especially when he pops up in his little pack n play in the dark at 2 am and says "HI!" with (what sounds like) the biggest smile and cheeriest disposition! Of course DH and I lay as still as possible so he wont know we heard him and try like heck to stifle our giggles.....

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I really don't have an issue with cruise lines having a six month old policy, but I was disgusted by the comments that children should be banned all together or that the age limit should be 5. Ridiculous! What about the adults who have no manners and misbehave?


Why should families not be allowed to cruise? I go on a cruise to relax with my family, not to go to the casino or anything like that. I just want to be with my family and enjoy our time together! Will my 10 month old remember it? Nope, but the rest of us will and that's what it's all about.


Oh, and those people on USA today who commented on breastfeeding moms need to get over it. How horrible of that mother to breastfeed in public! Never mind that when you breastfeed your child has your immunity and is, therefore, better protected from those illnesses one might catch on ship. Most states now have laws protecting the right of moms to breastfeed in public - those should be extended to cruise lines! (Sorry, that was a little off topic, but that comment really made me mad. As long as a woman isn't flashing everyone, it's no ones business.)


Long live the family cruisers and cruise lines! ;)

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I couldnt imagine not taking DS on vacation with us!


He's an absolute JOY to have around!


Especially when he pops up in his little pack n play in the dark at 2 am and says "HI!" with (what sounds like) the biggest smile and cheeriest disposition! Of course DH and I lay as still as possible so he wont know we heard him and try like heck to stifle our giggles.....



I'm sorry, but that's just toooo flipping precious. I can just see/hear that myself. "hi" !!!



I'm wondering if this change in policy wasn't prompted by what I reported, and was castigated for by many, when the infant on our cruise, who was brought on board while sick, had to be resusitated by the on board medical staff? While I know that most won't bring young infants in board who are sick with a serious respiratory infection, there are some who do. It just seems to me to be such a huge change in policy for a line that had virtually no minimum age requirement. Add to that the case of the pregnant woman who had to be evacuated off a ship because of a serious problem with her pregnancy, may have also been a catalyst for these policy changes. I'm surprised by the 24 weeks rule, as most other cruise lines have a 26 to 28 week policy. And the fact that women must submit a letter from her ob/gyn is also a new thing. I wonder how they will enforce that policy? Will the person's who check you in have to run a check on the computer that you have sent the letter, and if you haven't, will they deny you boarding?

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Now USA Today is running a blog asking readers what the minimum age to cruise should be and everyone is jumping on the kid hater bandwagon saying 20 :rolleyes:




Some of these people need a serious reality check The family cruisers aren't going anywhere.


I'm shocked by the negativity. Where are all the cruising parents on that board? It seems that more than 90% are anti baby.

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I really don't have an issue with cruise lines having a six month old policy, but I was disgusted by the comments that children should be banned all together or that the age limit should be 5. Ridiculous! What about the adults who have no manners and misbehave?


Why should families not be allowed to cruise? I go on a cruise to relax with my family, not to go to the casino or anything like that. I just want to be with my family and enjoy our time together! Will my 10 month old remember it? Nope, but the rest of us will and that's what it's all about.


Oh, and those people on USA today who commented on breastfeeding moms need to get over it. How horrible of that mother to breastfeed in public! Never mind that when you breastfeed your child has your immunity and is, therefore, better protected from those illnesses one might catch on ship. Most states now have laws protecting the right of moms to breastfeed in public - those should be extended to cruise lines! (Sorry, that was a little off topic, but that comment really made me mad. As long as a woman isn't flashing everyone, it's no ones business.)


Long live the family cruisers and cruise lines! ;)



The breastfeeding thing caught me eye too....when a baby wants to eat, he/she wants to eat- not wait 10-15 minutes til the mom gets back to the cabin! I've nursed all 3 of my kids and I don't care where I am...as long as I'm not hanging out giving everyone a peek, I feed them. I even feed them when I'm in the 2nd pew at church...like I just did this past Sunday at church. I do agree that some infants may not be old enough to handle all the germs when traveling...but it's up to the parents. They know their child and should ultimately be reponsible for their little one.

However I do feel that cruise lines have the right to limit an infant's age if they feel they do not have the facilities to help an infant who could be very sick while onboard.

I also agree that I've had more obnoxious, loud, drunk adults annoy me while on vacation then I have had kids! Kids are kids where as adults should know better!

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Add to that the case of the pregnant woman who had to be evacuated off a ship because of a serious problem with her pregnancy, may have also been a catalyst for these policy changes. I'm surprised by the 24 weeks rule, as most other cruise lines have a 26 to 28 week policy. And the fact that women must submit a letter from her ob/gyn is also a new thing. I wonder how they will enforce that policy? Will the person's who check you in have to run a check on the computer that you have sent the letter, and if you haven't, will they deny you boarding?


I'm curious about this to. Is Celebrity sending a letter out to every cruiser stating the new rules? If you're not on the computer checking new rules/laws on these boards and the cruiseline website almost daily then 1/2 of the ship will be denied boarding for something: young babies, overly pregnant without a note, smoking, etc.


And, if you're not showing much, how can they even tell you're pregnant? Are they going to risk going up to all large women asking how pregnant they are? In this sue happy country we live in I see a fat-discrimination lawsuit coming.

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I'm shocked by the negativity. Where are all the cruising parents on that board? It seems that more than 90% are anti baby.


They are too afraid to post...lol. ;)


Come on over, I'll back everyone up...lol!!!! :D


BTW, I am going to be the USA Today next cruiser of the week. Can you imagine the hits I am going to take for daring to cruise with my {gasp} children. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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I do so love your blogs and links for family cruising. We are going on the Diamond next January out of Sydney. 13 of us from 2 years to 86 years(4 generations. Ok the little ones won't remember it but won't the Mums have lovely memories and photo opportunities. The dads work really hard and this is a real opportunity for us all to get together. I agree there is a small minority( and I know some !!!) that think that just because they are old and retired they are the only ones allowed to cruise

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Unfortunately stuff like this happens all the time.


A few bad people, ruin it for the rest of us! One family causes an uproar because of their sick child, and BAM no more infants allowed.


My daughter travels with us around the world. When she cries or is misbehaving, we take her somewhere private so she doesn't ruin it for the rest of the people.


Children are blamed for a lot, when in fact most of the time it's the parents at fault. I say we ban more parents from cruising! =)

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I'm curious about this to. Is Celebrity sending a letter out to every cruiser stating the new rules? If you're not on the computer checking new rules/laws on these boards and the cruiseline website almost daily then 1/2 of the ship will be denied boarding for something: young babies, overly pregnant without a note, smoking, etc.


And, if you're not showing much, how can they even tell you're pregnant? Are they going to risk going up to all large women asking how pregnant they are? In this sue happy country we live in I see a fat-discrimination lawsuit coming.


The pregnancy rule is justified. The 24th week of pregnancy is considered the point of viability for the baby, meaning that should you go into early labor or something, the baby can be delivered and have a good chance of survival, but only if you are near a facility with the proper equipment. No cruise ship would be able to handle this kind of situation. This rule really is for the protection of a pregnant woman and her child.

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